
Zebrafish Cas9 Expression Tol2熱對 Vector


The CRISPR/Cas9 (C年中lustered Regularly Intersp影身aced Short Palindr錢厭omic Repeats/CRISPR associated雨遠 protein 9) syst花時em has greatly facilitated inactivation是暗 of genes in vitro and in vivo議知 in a wide range of organisms.看讀 In this genome-editing 都懂system, the Cas9 enzyme for事理ms a complex wi亮河th a guide RNA 謝雨(gRNA), which provides targetin廠坐g specificity through direct intera長雨ction with complementary 18-22 nt北看 target sequences in the genome. H兒議ybridization of th為文e gRNA to the target site習弟 localizes Cas9, which then cut綠讀s the target site i雜玩n the genome. Cas9 screens t匠在he genome and cleaves within 藍慢sequences complementary紙美 to the gRNA, provide視山d they are immediately followed by the 工照protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) NGG. 電近Double strand breaks快子 are then repaired via homologous數員 recombination or non-可樹homologous end-joining, resulting in生靜 indels (insertion or農弟 deletion of bases in the genome)他如 of variable le煙身ngth.

Utilizing the CRISPR/Cas9工來 system in zebrafish allows for the r大東apid generation of knocko朋分ut lines by simply delivering ei技校ther an all-in-one vector (a single vec呢我tor expressing both Cas9 and gRNA)數白 or separate vectors 白小for driving Cas9 and gRNA e家道xpression. This到妹 can also be achieved能匠 by directly injecting gRNA and Cas9 i畫玩n vitro transcribe信我d (IVT) mRNA into 朋些one-cell stage embryos.

Tol2 technology ena道這bles the generation of transgen草這ic zebrafish by transposase山男-mediated insertion of targ站制et genes into the genome of zebrafish山得 embryos at random sites. Tol2 is a cl有畫ass II transposon, meaning that it m作數oves in a cut-and-p北要aste manner, hopping from place to筆船 place without leaving copies behin討坐d. (In contrast, class I transp得高osons move in a copy-and-paste mann風他er.) At each insertion si作吃te, the Tol2 transposase creates an 8 如醫bp duplication, resulting in iden草了tical direct repeats flanking each tr房低ansposon integration 務一site in the genome.

Integration of the CRISPR/Cas信銀9 system with Tol2 technology allo錯大ws permanent Cas9 and/or gRNA express吧音ion which may increase the gene員南-knockout effect. The Tol2 inte些舞grated Cas9 expr樂冷ession vector has 3 key fea員公tures: (1) two inverted terminal repe空小ats (ITRs) bracketin子麗g the region to be transposed, 要這which can be recognized by th長電e Tol2 transposase; (司看2) ubiquitous (i.e. sCMV, bactin分山2, ubi), tissue-specifi影唱c (i.e., cmlc2, zk5, 503unc) or ind河志ucible promoters (i.e用山. hsp70 and 5×UAS) from o國聽ur database; (3) the Cas9 codin很志g region (e.g. zebrafish codon-街理optimized Cas9, zCas9). Co-injection o麗到f this vector DNA with 自短the helper plasm遠資id coding Tol2 transposase (or藍低 transposase IVT mRNA) and a v師個ector coding f白報or your gRNA (or IVT-made gRNA月弟) into fertilized 煙但eggs allows generat習上ion of stable zebrafish lines with答術 ubiquitous, tissue-speci快街fic, or con公舞ditional heritable gene kno謝有ckout.

For further information about this金自 vector system, please refer to秒門 the papers bel商木ow.

Genome Biol. 8 (Suppl 1): S7 (2007)裡會Review of Tol2 vectors
Science. 339:819-23 (2013爸行)Description of genome edit討信ing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system高暗
Dev Cell. 7:133 (200理樂4)Description of using Tol2 techno服低logy to generate transgenic lines睡習 in zebrafish

Transfection of this vec近些tor with those that encode Tol2 transpo玩請sase and gRNA allows ubiquito還歌us, tissue-specif事自ic, or conditional control of gene 明作inactivation in zebraf街年ish for production of stab水懂le mutant lines.


Technical simplicity: Handling and modifying viral vector草高s is laborious, making it difficult fo笑員r some labs to establ能科ish methods for transgenesis. In cont來妹rast, injection of plasmids i女鐘nto the fertilized egg is technic員制ally simple.

Permanent integrat現裡ion of vector DNA: Tol2-mediated trans哥輛genesis may not 東還suffer from gene silencing effect i金電n zebrafish. Convention很笑al transfection or ele劇金ctroporation results in almos會對t entirely transient delivery of DNA 森船into host cells due to the loss of DN腦花A over time. In cont器花rast, through Tol2 t放司ransposition, injec我西tion of the transposo可煙n plasmid along with the helpe鐘商r plasmid (or introduction of To服問l2 mRNA) in the fertilized eggs m謝弟ay result in a perman湖音ent genomic integration du內民ring early stages of e樹信mbryonic development in many cells通他. With the transposase protein degr店請ading overtime,冷多 the Tol2 insertion becomes 行腦stable, generating heritable integratio照自n.


Potential off-target effects: Similar to standard CRISPR雪來 targeting, our vector system m學體ay have off-target effects. However,城化 this disadvantage could be b高是alanced by a greater level of biall弟答elic inactivatio能樹n by the vector, since permanent Cas高學9 and gRNA expression likely increases 技現the probability of off-ta新作rget effects.

PAM requirement: CRISPR/Cas9 based targeting is 友唱dependent on a strict requir讀懂ement for a pr裡又otospacer adjacen作暗t motif (PAM) of NGG, located on the i化朋mmediate 3’ end of the gRNA recogn南喝ition sequence.


5’ ITR: 5’ inverted terminal repeat. 技金When a DNA sequenc拿內e is flanked by two ITRs, t少文he Tol2 transpose can recognize them, a鐵女nd insert the flanked region in著南cluding the two ITRs into the host g風兵enome at random喝呢 sites.

Promoter: The promoter that drives your gene 風我of interest is placed務錢 here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is 房上placed in front 請討of the start codon of the書身 ORF of interest because it is b笑讀elieved to facilit紅嗎ate translation initia街不tion in eukaryotes.

ORF: An open reading frame (ORF) is a p跳兒ortion of DNA molecule th習女at, when translated into amino acid數文s, contains no stop 我場codons. Users can selec路冷t from Cas9 coding sequences i文吧ncluding zCas9.

SV40 late PA: Simian virus 40 late pol開就yadenylation sig聽門nal. It allows tr用微anscription termination and polyadenyla藍土tion of mRNA transcribed by問匠 Pol ll RNA polymerase.

Terminator: Pol lll transcription terminator. It a讀筆llows transcription termina在遠tion of small RNA 頻我transcribed by Pol lll RNA p裡也olymerase.

3’ ITR: 3’ inverted terminal repeat.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicatio聽厭n. Plasmids carrying this origi關要n exist in high copy numbers in 事黃E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It北農 allows the plas道雪mid to be maintained by ampici討業llin selection in長說 E. coli.