
Adeno-Associated Vi呢黑rus Gene Expression Vector (sc說黃AAV)


The adeno-associated v算校irus (AAV) vector system科多 is a popular and versatile 筆身tool for in vitro and in vivo gen匠機e delivery. AAV is effective in transd著廠ucing many mammalian cell types, and, 東聽unlike adenovirus, has very low作自 immunogenicity, being almost entirel快我y nonpathogenic in vivo. Th舞媽is makes AAV the ideal viral 資文vector system fo舞文r many animal studies. 

An scAAV vector 船小is first constructed as a plasmid in個著 E. coli. It is the生廠n transfected into pack筆坐aging cells along with helper plasmi影妹ds, where the region of the vector好中 between the two購通 inverted terminal repea話場ts (ITRs) is packaged into live viru身跳s. Any gene(s) placed in-between the tw車銀o ITRs are introduced into targ區器et cells along with分子 the rest of viral genome.

The wild-type AAV genome is a linear si木來ngle-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with two I靜不TRs forming a hairpin通拿 structure on each end. 區志It is therefore also 民制known as ssAAV. In 南內order to express genes on ssAAV vect習問ors in host cells, the ssDNA genome nee日國ds to first be conv請對erted to double-stranded DNA (ds綠裡DNA) through two pathways: 1) s他木ynthesis of sec好慢ond-strand DNA by the DNA 從舊polymerase machinery of h朋見ost cells using the exis坐電ting ssDNA genome as the template and 火空the 3' ITR as the priming site物唱; 2) formation of intermolecular 城服dsDNA between the plus- and子雨 minus-strand ssAAV genomes. The fo家現rmer pathway is th理黑e dominant one.

Our scAAV transfer vector is eng影嗎ineered from ssAAV w光木ith two important differences. Fi麗短rst, the trs (terminal res公冷olution site) located in the 3森到' ITR is deleted in 黑習scAAV. As a resu算開lt, scAAV has a tendency of forming a 師話single-stranded DNA molecule黑頻 during replication that is th我區e concatenation of two的吃 full single-stranded geno他好mes, one plus strand and 能讀the other minus st那少rand. This molecule can form a self-c腦子omplementary intramolecular dsDNA gen熱會ome. When scAAV viral particles enter 拍腦host cells, this self-complementary i明區ntramolecular dsDNA ge還好nome can skip second-strand synthes黃中is, which is the議司 main rate-limiting step 行刀associated with conventional ss要遠AAV transduction, 放微to quickly express genes城放 carried on the scAAV這得 vector. Therefore, scAAV has fa快司ster and increased transgene expr見服ession relative to ssAAV. Second, due 上生to fact that wildtype AAV c厭林an carry up to 裡關about 4.7 kb of single-stranded DNA照時 genome and yet 內他each scAAV DNA mol外微ecule packaged into a viral pa高劇rticle is the concat們理emer of two single-stranded ge照會nomes of opposite strands, the cargo要員 capacity of scAAV in terms of t睡年he length of the 5' ITR to 內歌3' ITR transgene that can be醫愛 properly packaged into matu也我re virus is only about half理的 that of ssAAV.

A major practical a了離dvantage of AAV is that in mo數著st cases AAV can b弟學e handled in biosafety level 1 (B電服SL1) facilities. This is due to AAV b員東eing inherently re區間plication-deficie河但nt, producing little or no i愛門nflammation, and causing no k業玩nown human disea姐身se.

Many strains of AAV have been identifi機也ed in nature. They are divided into d友聽ifferent serotypes based on d光件ifferent antigenici樂視ty of the capsid protein on the v從黑iral surface. Differ但技ent serotypes c兒房an render the virus with d業林ifferent tissue tropism (i.e. 樂這tissue specificity of infection). When 笑歌our AAV vectors 下哥are packaged into virus, different sero錯友types can be conferred to the viru相好s by using different capsid proteins對答 for the packaging. The s路算erotypes currently 我來offered by us for our ssAAV and scAA村時V vector systems include近林 - serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.2, 7內路, 8, 9, rh10, DJ, DJ/8, 為門PHP.eB, PHP.S, AAV2-空理retro and AAV2-QuadYF. During c音生loning, ITRs from AAV2 are u還坐sed, as this is common practic農會e in the field and does not impact spe要爸cificity. Packaging helper plasmids i紙老nclude a Rep/Cap plas請書mid, containing the replic影外ation genes from AAV2 and間離 the capsid proteins雨票 for a chosen serotype to det行唱ermine tropism. The 就西table below lists diffe林區rent AAV serotypes and their tissue tr靜男opism. 

SerotypeTissue tropism
AAV1Smooth muscle, CNS, lung, 那麗retina, pancreas, heart, liver
AAV2Smooth muscle, CNS, liver, kidney, ret是對ina
AAV3Smooth muscle, liver, lung
AAV4CNS, retina, lung, kidney
AAV5Smooth muscle, CNS, lung, retina
AAV6Smooth muscle, heart, lung, adi麗這pose, liver
AAV6.2Lung, liver
AAV7Smooth muscle, retina, CNS, liver
AAV8Smooth muscle, CNS, retina,學討 liver, pancreas, heart, kidney, a懂店dipose
AAV9Smooth muscle, lung, liver, heart現雜, pancreas, CNS, retina, testes有作, kidney
AAV-rh10Smooth muscle, lu知店ng, liver, heart, pancreas, CNS, 志又retina, kidney
AAV-DJLiver, heart, kidney, 多鐘spleen
AAV-DJ/8Liver, brain
AAV2-retroSpinal nerves 
AAV2-QuadYFEndothelial cell睡大

For further information about 南火this vector system, 畫金please refer to the papers b林女elow.

Expert Rev Hematol. 4:539 (2011資妹)Progress & chal厭能lenges of scAAV多黃 vectors in gene therapy
Mol Ther. 16:1648 (2008)Review on advances & a友電pplications of scAAV vectors
Gene Ther. 10:21飛公12 (2003)Generation of scAAV vectors by mu廠銀tating AAV terminal repeat
Mol Ther. 16:1648 (2008)Self-complementary AAV vectors; a頻件dvances and applicati內紅ons.


Our scAAV vector 司公system is optimized for high copy num林樂ber replication in E. coli, high-tite裡討r packaging of l錯都ive virus, efficient transduction of購來 host cells, and high-level transg弟南ene expression. This viral vect計離or can be packaged into virus using al話大l known capsid serotypes, is capable of報你 very high transduction efficien風喝cy, and presents low sa北從fety risk.


Efficiency: Unlike traditiona歌秒l ssAAV vectors, our地男 scAAV vectors are design的相ed to produce fully functional i亮不nfectious viral particles without d得日epending on the host cell DNA polymeras雜資e machinery. This can help to ac煙可hieve faster and higher levels of ge窗離ne expression comp謝關ared to ssAAV vectors.

Safety: AAV is the safest viral vector s窗玩ystem available. AAV is 分機inherently replic北去ation-deficient and is not known to月民 cause any human diseases.

Low risk of host genome disrupti為去on: Upon transduction into host ce村術lls, AAV vectors remain 到到as episomal DNA in the nucleus. The l下新ack of integration i店城nto the host geno會紅me can be a desirable feature for in訊玩 vivo human applications, as it re跳麗duces the risk 校水of host genome 件習disruption that might lead to 近歌cancer.

High viral titer: Our scAAV vector c科算an be packaged into high titer virus現視. When scAAV vir鐘少us is obtained thro劇能ugh our virus packag制說ing service, tite時舊r can reach >1013 genome copy per ml (議城GC/ml).

Broad tropism: A wide ra事物nge of cell and tissue types fr通離om commonly used mammali知小an species such as human, mouse an腦上d rat can be readily transduced with街費 our scAAV vector wh海答en it is packaged into t如很he appropriate se報是rotype. But some 我坐cell types may be 和謝difficult to tr技能ansduce, depending相暗 on the serotype used (see disadvan市又tages below).

Effectiveness in vit區子ro and in vivo: 對湖Our vector is often used to白懂 transduce cells in 很現live animals, but it can als頻愛o be used effectively in vitro.


Very limited cargo capacity: The cargo capacity of our sc制理AAV vector is half of他自 that of ssAAV vector. Therefore,風村 it can accommodate a maximum of 女飛only ~ 2.2 kb of seq山分uence between the ITRs, which學他 leaves ~1.7 kb o湖民f cargo space for the us還資er's DNA of interest.美農

Difficulty transducing certain cell醫中 types: Our scAAV vector syste可窗m can transduce many different cell長鐘 types including non-dividing cells whe用做n packaged into the appropr鐘服iate serotype. However, different妹制 AAV serotypes have tropism for di數日fferent cell types, and certain c玩火ell types may be hard to transduce 街什by any serotype.

Technical complexity:媽做 The use of viral vectors req輛城uires the production of live vi得開rus in packaging c小腦ells followed by the measurem喝光ent of viral titer. 笑月These procedures are呢藍 technically de拿西manding and time consuming relati音如ve to conventional plasm光器id transfection. These dema草路nds can be alleviated by choosi歌男ng our virus packaging services when or術朋dering your vector.


5' ITR: 5' inverted生短 terminal repeat. In w和件ild type virus, 5' ITR and 3' ITR are e長拿ssentially identical in sequence.頻到 They reside on two ends of t文志he viral genome pointing in opposi志錢te directions, where they se鐵銀rve as the origin o見我f viral genome replication.

Promoter: The promoter that drives your ge土務ne of interest is placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is銀計 placed in front of the start codon o音商f the ORF of interest bec上和ause it is believed to f會城acilitate translation initiation 們街in eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of 笑體your gene of in資站terest is placed here.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 late polyadenyla老上tion signal. It facilitates transc畫畫riptional termination of the upstre近月am ORF.

3' ITR-Δtrs: AAV 3' ITR with a deleted terminal r書錯esolution site. The pres劇紙ence of the mutated 3’ITR leads to道請 the generation of si答很ngle-stranded, invert電請ed repeat genomes with a mutated IT志輛R in the middle and a wild typ劇紙e ITR at each end. This facilitates i暗區ntramolecular base pairing within 資藍the mutant ITR 機電extending through the 間河genome resulting in the folding of t小些he viral DNA to form a doubl分見e-stranded molecule.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistan師見ce gene. It allows the plasmid to 電友be maintained by ampicillin selection 通的in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replic煙很ation. Plasmids carrying this origin ex是男ist in high copy numbers in E來朋. coli.

Representative vecto輛不r design
VB IDVector nameDescriptions
VB010000-9304audpscAAV[Exp]-CMV>EGF務道PA self-complementary (sc電妹AAV) mammalian gene exp劇船ression vector encoding CMV-driven EG家海FP.
VB231214-1690djz小現pscAAV[Exp]-CBA>hSMN2[NM_0要線17411.4]A self-complemen下長tary AAV (scAAV) vector expr你報essing a human survival motor neuro話輛n gene SMN2, which contributes to ~1化問5% of the funct冷林ional SMN protein, d服國riven by CBA.