shRNA基因敲低解決方案 火熱

PiggyBac gRNA Expression Vector


CRISPR/Cas9 vectors are a體姐mong several types of emerging genome 數少editing tools tha術知t can quickly and 鄉玩efficiently create muta作謝tions at target sites of a 離有genome (the other two popular ones bei就雪ng ZFN and TALEN).

Cas9 is a member of 商南a class of RNA-gui她答ded DNA nucleases whic來唱h are part of a natural畫中 prokaryotic immun朋照e system that confers resistance他要 to foreign genetic elements such as pl對男asmids and bacteriopha見件ge. Within the cell, t謝這he Cas9 enzyme fo樂了rms a complex with a guide 術我RNA (gRNA), which provides targ員為eting specificity through 新在direct interaction w知拍ith homologous 18-2的亮2nt target sequences i地和n the genome. Hybridizati到高on of the gRNA to the target site 街水localizes Cas9, which村紅 then cuts the target site in the g懂影enome.

To achieve CRISPR-m作市ediated gene targeting it is essent師歌ial for the target cells t視風o co-express both Ca音站s9 as well as the target site-spec歌制ific gRNA at the 哥有same time. This她說 can be accomplished by either 火歌expressing both Cas9 and the gRN計村A sequence from the same行慢 vector (a.k.a. all-in-one水草 vector) or by using se懂票parate vectors for driving Cas9 and制笑 gRNA expression (Cas9 only區上 and gRNA only vectors respect技間ively). The advantage of using s地嗎eparate vectors over兒船 an all-in-one vector for expres懂飛sing Cas9 and gRNA is that i門司t offers the flexibility of&n銀計bsp;combinatorial usage of different長信 gRNA expression vect理服ors in conjunctio請船n with a variety of Cas9 vari微還ants (wild type nuclease, nickase, nu那的clease-dead) depending upon the user’s紙作 experimental goa子風l. Additionally, using a訊是 separate gRNA only vector all窗能ows cells or organ飛樹isms stably expres為錯sing high levels 舊事of Cas9 to be transf市用ected with different gRNA seque了女nces targeting either the same舊亮 gene or different 分時genes. This provides an opportunity fo來呢r comparing the e拍又fficiencies of different gRNA sequenc那大es in parallel at CRISPR-media匠靜ted gene targeting in c北空ells or organisms with compar內做able and high levels of Cas9 expres如東sion.

The piggyBac gRNA expression vect機刀or is highly effectiv器是e for achieving transfection-media妹個ted permanent introductio銀友n of target sit現東e-specific gRNA sequence into the h分飛ost genome of mammalian cells.業朋 The piggyBac system con會能tains two vectors, both engi可讀neered as E. co訊輛li plasmids. One vector日明, referred to as the help的哥er plasmid, encodes the t鄉見ransposase. The other vector紅少, referred to as物門 the transposon plas關山mid, contains two terminal repeat姐校s (TRs) bracket公花ing the region t書爸o be transposed. The 火放;gRNA expression cassette c還時onsisting of a human員花 U6 promoter driving the targe哥樹t site-spec人來ific gRNA sequence遠去 is cloned into 樹年this region during vector construction水讀. When the helper and tran外明sposon plasmids are co-t算劇ransfected into target cells, the 樹嗎transposase produced from the help報秒er would recognize the two TRs on th中兵e transposon, a放業nd insert the flanked region includ科報ing the two TRs 間我into the host genome. Inserti的計on typically occurs at作坐 host chromosomal sites that呢師 contain the TTAA sequence, which is du著南plicated on the two flanks of the in店工tegrated fragment費女.

Our piggyBac gRNA exp錢月ression vector is avai這拍lable for expres們睡sing either single化電-gRNA or dual-來微gRNAs. While the single-gRNA vecto器車r is widely used for conven睡美tional CRISPR genome 拿要editing applications such as generat報腦ing single gene kno廠市ckouts, dual-gRNA vectors are nec風門essary for applicatio如費ns requiring simultaneous t了劇argeting of a pair of genomic sites.不南 Examples of such ap術姐plications includ件地e: 1) paired Cas9 nickase exp員是eriments where the睡議 “nickase” mutant for做船m (hCas9-D10A) of hCas9 is used in con區雜junction with two gRNAs targeting the t得亮wo opposite strands of a single target 去答site to generate single議小 strand cuts one on each s文都trand, thereby leading近時 to a DSB with i照訊ncreased targeting specific光算ity than a single gRNA; 2)&nb理店sp;generating d冷呢eletion of a fragment be爸如tween two DSBs targeted by a pair of離訊 gRNAs; and 3) targetin的在g two different genes simultaneously. 舞從While the single gRNA vector cons光嗎ists of a single human U6 promot一對er driving the target site-兒家specific gRNA sequence between the習城 two TRs, the dual gRNA vector con器街sists of two consecutive U6 p生司romoters driving the expres廠短sion of gRNA sequences sp廠業ecific to two genomic target sites離技 of interest.

PiggyBac is a class II transposon,光聽 meaning that it m房舞oves in a cut-and-paste manner, h做公opping from place to place without le錢資aving copies behind. (In co海服ntrast, class I transposons mo光年ve in a copy-and-也木paste manner.) Because the helper 明國plasmid is only tran聽雜siently transfected in分山to host cells, it will get lost over 亮煙time. With the loss of the helper p這錯lasmid, the integration of 有用the transposon in the genome家街 of host cells becomes permanent. If th年得ese cells are transfected with 朋月the helper plasmid again, the 數什transposon could get ex能嗎cised from the geno暗為me of some cells, footprint 到嗎free.

For further information ab笑身out this vector弟弟 system, please refer to the pap會得ers below.

Science. 339:819 (2013)Description of genome edit都個ing using the CR低路ISPR/Cas9 system
Cell. 154:1380–9 (2013)Use of Cas9 D10A double nicking內子 for increased specificity
Proc Natl Acad Sc科劇i U S A. 114:722街不 (2017)CRISPR/Cas9 targeting using p身西iggyBac gRNA expressing ve科器ctors
Plos One. 12: e0187236 (2017)CRISPR/Cas9 vectors for dual gRNA上喝 expression

Our piggyBac gRNA expression vector alo刀章ng with the helper plas線線mid are optimized for high copy是會 number replicatio購花n in E. coli, efficient內公 transfection into a 章就wide range of target信女 cells, and high-level expression 校舞of the transgene carried學空 on the vector. The piggyBac gR好員NA expression vector is design城通ed to drive high-level麗笑 constitutive transcription 跳動of a user-selected gRNA se算東quence from a human U6 promoter to ac下女hieve highly efficient CRISPR tar為不geting when used in 路家conjunction with Cas9 nuclease. T民子his vector is availab線話le for expressing either single-gRN場紙A or dual-gRNAs enab哥藍ling users to target either on路對e or two genomic target s紙大ites of interest depending up話工on their experimental goal.


Flexibity: Our piggyBac gRNA expres道報sion vector can be used in conjunc靜大tion with a variety of Cas看校9 variants (nuclease, nic懂請kase, nuclease-dead) 著視depending upon the user’s e花書xperimental goal. Additionally對門, this vector is土見 available for expressing eith她現er single-gRNA&n街都bsp;or dual-gRNAs enabling users筆湖 to target either 匠睡one or two genomic target sites o紙他f interest.

Permanent integration of vector DNA:&nb學森sp;Conventional transfection result日信s in almost entirely transient delivery林員 of DNA into host cells due to the loss器北 of DNA over time. This problem is esp書數ecially prominent in rapidly d他訊ividing cells. In contr火樂ast, transfection of mammalian cells wi視們th the piggyBac transposon plasmid al話有ong with the helper plas鐘光mid can deliver genes carried o中間n the transposon permanently into ho視店st cells due to t報現he integration of 習木the transposon into the host 東年genome.

Technical simplicity: Delivering plasmid vectors into cel水畫ls by conventional transf地筆ection is technically stra生相ightforward, and見分 far easier than virus-based vec站藍tors which require the packa水算ging of live virus.


Limited cell typ爸能e range: The delivery of p唱鄉iggyBac vectors into cells月如 relies on transfection. Th這道e efficiency of transfection can vary 跳長greatly from cell type書歌 to cell type. N習明on-dividing cells 費區are often more diff秒著icult to transfect than dividi報物ng cells, and primary cells 照機are often harder to transfect th房懂an immortalized cel員吃l lines. Some important cell types報鐵, such as neurons and pancreatic β 輛可cells, are notoriously difficult to t光工ransfect. Additionally, plas相吧mid transfection is largely 術在limited to in vitro applicati讀匠ons and rarely us煙器ed in vivo. These 短有issues limit the us唱暗e of the piggyBac sy我能stem.

PAM requirement: CRISPR/Cas9 bas懂她ed targeting is depen現書dent on a strict requ分為irement for a protospacer ad土雨jacent motif (PAM), located on the我子 immediate 3’ end of the gRNA rec空銀ognition sequence. The required PAM seq校月uence varies depending on the Cas9 var木空iant being used.

Single-gRNA expression piggyBa空科c vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal r睡站epeat. When a DNA sequence is fla見制nked by two ITRs, the piggyBac tran事拿spose can recognize them,跳刀 and insert the flanked region i的喝ncluding the two ITRs i村從nto the host genome.

U6 Promoter: Drives expre南作ssion of the dow司視nstream gRNA sequence. This is t友中he promoter of the human U6 snRN近笑A gene, an RNA polymerase II務兵I promoter which efficiently expre話們sses short RNAs.

gRNA: Guide RNA compatible with the Cas9關腦 variant being used.

Terminator: Terminate放很s transcription of the g動花RNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglyc商房erate kinase 1 promote資去r. It drives the ubiqu書紅itous expression of th哥國e downstream mark是朋er gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as如理 neomycin resistance), a visu飛事ally detectable現我 gene (such as EGFP),慢不 or a dual-reporter gene (such a新暗s EGFP/Neo). This allows cells transdu都器ced with the vector to be selected a也農nd/or visualized.

SV40 late pA制書: Simian virus 40 late polya火中denylation signal. It facil機什itates transcriptional termination 區西of the upstream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicilli放雨n resistance gene. It allows the p業個lasmid to be maintained 作業by ampicillin selection in E. coli風問.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. P們場lasmids carrying this 慢舞origin exist in high copy numbers 大算in E. coli.

Dual-gRNA expression piggyBa了煙c vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. When a DN技短A sequence is fla醫分nked by two ITRs, the p市但iggyBac transpose can recognize them, a問兵nd insert the fl算到anked region includi票公ng the two ITRs into the host geno知大me.

U6 Promoter: Drives expression of th們媽e downstream gRNA 明錯sequence. This is th林開e promoter of the hu湖謝man U6 snRNA gene兵雪, an RNA polymerase III promoter w高票hich efficiently e知書xpresses short RNAs.

gRNA #1: The first guide RNA compatible w藍熱ith the Cas9 variant being used.

gRNA #2: The second guide RNA compatible wit上雨h the Cas9 variant being家間 used. 

Terminator: Terminates transcriptio家放n of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglycerate ki開河nase 1 promoter. It dri音工ves the ubiquitous ex土暗pression of the downstream marker gene.快好

Marker: A drug selection gene (su她舞ch as neomycin resistance), a visua美遠lly detectable gene (such as EGFP), or 用和a dual-reporter gene 醫術(such as EGFP/Neo). This al朋化lows cells transduced with th笑影e vector to be selected and/or花生 visualized.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 late polyade商內nylation signal. It facil技對itates transcriptional termination 人那of the upstream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted ter場水minal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It al內麗lows the plasmid to be maintain少來ed by ampicillin selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicati林技on. Plasmids carrying this origin e東白xist in high co東黑py numbers in E. coli.