
Tol2 FLEX Conditiona玩紙l Gene Expression V小鄉ector (Cre-Switch)


The Tol2 FLEX conditional Cr件黃e-Switch gene expression v鄉費ector combines Vect分拍orBuilder’s highly effi服工cient Tol2 vector system with 黑綠the Cre-responsive FLEX 近答conditional gene ex近喝pression system to h她校elp you achieve transfection-med請車iated permanent integration of北習 FLEX switch int數照o the host genome 黑歌for Cre-induced switching bet多文ween the expression of two ORFs. The錯音 FLEX Cre-Switch sy動畫stem utilizes two pairs of LoxP-va拍那riant recombination sites flankin件慢g two antiparallel ORF子知s in an arrangeme輛時nt which facilitates activa船個tion of one gene while repressing th還對e other by Cre-depen為你dent inversion of both ORFs.

The FLEX Cre-Switch system consi做還sts of two pairs of heterotypic Lo費街xP-variant recombinatio很看n sites, namely拍南 LoxP, having the wild type sequence a報朋nd Lox2272, having a mutated sequence他機 flanking a pair of ORFs. Both Lox他自P variants are r信請ecognized by Cre,刀內 but only identical pairs of LoxP sites訊鐵 can recombine with each other and not樂我 with any other 光那variant. The two ORFs are in an opposit的湖e orientation with respect to 火說one-another, such that one妹答 ORF is in its 白分proper sense orientation,低妹 while the other is in an an內訊tisense orientation. The LoxP an舊兒d Lox2272 sites are org會答anized in an altern是理ating fashion, with an 員東antiparallel orientat但線ion for each pair. In the absence of C錯錢re recombinase, while the first ORF is 厭科expressed under the control of t離金he user-selected promoter, 站村the second ORF is not expressed麗鐵 due to its antisense orientation.森影 In the presence 術音of Cre, the LoxP and Lox2272 si舊謝tes undergo recombination with the 女書other LoxP and Lox2272 sites resp業錢ectively, result購在ing in the inversion of both 你草ORFs and excision裡睡 of one from each pair of id自照entical recombinati費看on sites. Inversion of the ORFs results秒工 in silencing of the f理會irst ORF (which will now be in an訊亮 antisense orient聽土ation) and allows exp煙會ression of the second車器 ORF (which will now你討 be in a sense orientation).

The Tol2 ve雨水ctor system is technically simp房哥le, utilizing transfection (水長rather than viral transduct兒亮ion) to permanently integrate your 城亮gene(s) of interest into t裡黑he host genome. T可們he Tol2 system comprises tw謝計o components: the transposon plasmid熱開 and the transposase.站開 The transposon plasmid contains two i書說nverted terminal r票計epeats (ITRs) bracketing the region to但弟 be transposed. The FLEX Cre-Switch de科務scribed above i哥拍s cloned into this region. 書還The transposase can be delivered能店 into target cells through 雪機two methods. The helper麗錯 plasmid can be transiently tra飛人nsfected into cells土問. Alternatively, target ce嗎腦lls can be injected 匠拿with transposase mRNA generated by i秒間n vitro transcription from the helpe視暗r plasmid. When the tr男山ansposon and helper 雪站plasmids are co-transfected into tar輛快get cells, the transposase produce能新d from the helper plasmid woul多低d recognize the two ITRs on the tr司遠ansposon and insert the fl個書anked region including the two ITRs int離問o the host genome. At each insertion si朋技te, the Tol2 transpos多廠ase creates an 8 bp開費 duplication, resulting in ident志站ical 8 bp direct repeats fl如姐anking each transposon 討花integration site in the genome.家章 Insertion occurs with空兒out any significant bias for t友小he insertion site sequence. T森理his is unlike transposon system討答s which have speci外花fic target consensus sit空紅es. For example, piggyBac trans裡讀posons are typically ins吃哥erted at sites containing the seque問答nce TTAA. Expression of t音腦he second ORF in the FLEX Cre-樹但Switch can then be 件對activated while silencing the first 舊紅ORF in the presence of Cre recomb快習inase, upon Cre-media知和ted inversion of bo身醫th ORF sequences. Through both methods車火 of delivering transposase, it is expre愛又ssed for only a shor吃家t time. Upon th房東e loss of the helper p要外lasmid or degrada子不tion of transpo廠快sase mRNA, the integration of the tra嗎北nsposon into th到兵e host genome becomes permanen議得t.

Tol2 is a class II transposon,弟公 meaning that it moves in a謝歌 cut-and-paste manner, hopping樹風 from place to place without leaving co黑訊pies behind. (In contrast, class I 費電transposons move in a copy農場-and-paste manner.鐘公) If Tol2 transpos區妹ase is reintrodu日湖ced into the cells, the transposon coul有醫d get excised from the genome 風歌of some cells, resulting in either prec些吧ise or imprecise excisions 近遠with indels created.

While this vector system劇相 can be used in tissue culture cells, i低湖t is particularly suitable for t訊一he generation of transgen明見ic animals. Transgenic animals carrying懂土 such a vector originally 朋我express the first user-sel公章ected ORF, however when crossed物見 to an animal carrying 窗生a tissue-specific Cre transgene, ex開的pression of the second user-selected O飛東RF will be activated while silencing近要 the first ORF in the progeny animals 請姐carrying both types of 機亮transgenes, specifically in cells wh間開ere the tissue-specific Cre is express多船ed and the user-selected promote畫嗎r is active.

For further informa算物tion about this vector system, pl森嗎ease refer to the papers below場是.

Genome Biol. 8(Suppl 1): S7火分 (2007)Review of Tol2 vecto音妹rs
Genetics 174: 639 (2006)Identification of遠民 minimal sequences for Tol2 transp亮志osable elements
PLoS Genetics 2: 頻議e169 (2006)Large cargo-capacity tr家看ansposition with a minimal T開但ol2 transposon
Gene. 216:55 (1998)Characterization of LoxP mutants, 話爸including Lox2272
Nat Biotechnol.來謝 21:562 (2003)Development of the畫湖 FLEX switch system
J Neurosci. 28:7025們間 (2008)Application of a FLE湖場X switch system

The Tol2 FLEX c動大onditional Cre-Switch gene expres科錯sion vector is designed to achieve 章為Cre-mediated switching betw他什een expression of物到 two ORFs in mamma聽腦lian cells and anim什有als. Expression is und上湖er the control of a user-sel黑房ected promoter&綠睡nbsp;and can be permanently switched 廠錯from one user-selected ORF to another 裡動by co-expression 知日of Cre recombinase. 

This vector along with t電店he helper plasmid en人鄉coding the Tol2 鐵工transposase are optimized for high cop城舞y number replication in E. coli, e年上fficient transfection into a wide ran你謝ge of target cells, 得員and high-level expression of the tr門吃ansgene carried on the vector事年.


Switch-like regu志物lation: Opposite orientation 愛舞of the two ORFs ensures t行算hat while the ORF in th姐嗎e sense orientation 老上is expressed, the ORF in the an笑拍tisense orientation is repre街少ssed without any leaky gene expressio讀門n.

Permanent integration of vect書船or DNA: Convention好道al transfection results in alm河大ost entirely transient delivery 雪文of DNA into host cells due要腦 to the loss of DNA ov低電er time. This proble林裡m is especially prominent in rapidly d路吃ividing cells. In c作姐ontrast, transf匠也ection of mammalian cell林答s with the Tol2 transposo刀明n plasmid along with the hel文老per plasmid can deliver genes carr答男ied on the transposon permanentl計拿y into host cells due to the integrati爸少on of the transposo遠資n into the host genome.

Technical simplicity: Delivering愛熱 plasmid vectors into ce計到lls by conventional transfection 務開is technically s光司traightforward, and far easier是制 than virus-based vec報河tors which require the packagi土能ng of live virus.

Very large cargo 舞店space: Our Tol2 FLEX 子外conditional Cre-Switch gene ex理影pression vector can accom微電modate ~11 kb of total DN腦銀A. The plasmid backbone, transposon-時懂related sequences and the se聽熱quences necessary for Cre-mediated rec師道ombination only occupy about 場醫3.1 kb, leaving ple視人nty of room to accommodate the u放山ser's sequence of interest.


Limited cell type range:&nb問見sp;The delivery of Tol2 vectors into cells服明 relies on transfection. The ef但是ficiency of transfection c可關an vary greatly from cell type to ce電文ll type. Non-dividing cel唱市ls are often more difficult to 司那transfect than dividing cell舊站s, and primary cel就現ls are often harder to transfect畫票 than immortalized cell li民算nes. Some important cell types看火, such as neurons 輛南and pancreatic β cells, are notorious通你ly difficult to transfect. T友樹hese issues limit the us術南e of the Tol2 syst聽低em.


5' ITR: Tol2 5' termina畫中l repeat. When a DNA sequence i多學s flanked by two ITRs,吃笑 the Tol2 transposase can recognize t坐又hem, and insert the flanke問我d region including the two IT通上Rs into the host genome.

Promoter: The promo鐘愛ter driving your gene of int河公erest is placed here.

Lox2272: Recombination site for請麗 Cre recombinase. Mutated微女 Lox site with two base subst答匠itutions of wild type LoxP.很說 Incompatible with LoxP sites.是外 When Cre is present, the LoxP又物 and LoxP2272 sites will be cut and r遠我ecombine with compatible site坐南s.

LoxP: Recombination site for Cre re暗畫combinase. Incompatible wit大這h Lox2272 sites. When Cre is present輛身, the LoxP and Lox2272 sites will 術理be cut and recombine with compatibl坐見e sites.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is pl匠輛aced in front of t機還he start codon of the OR請木F of interest because it is believed相南 to facilitate translation initiation i去在n eukaryotes.

ORF #1: The open reading frame o樂相f a gene of intere樂間st is placed here, in a se照筆nse orientation. This gene 討慢can be expressed without刀去 Cre-mediated recombination.

ORF #2: The open reading fra兒來me of a gene of interes醫務t is placed here, in an在日 antisense orientat見章ion. This gene can only b視為e expressed after Cre-照什mediated recombin議好ation.

SV40 late pA: Simian viru在湖s 40 late polyadenyla照到tion signal. It f筆個acilitates transcriptional te通笑rmination of the upst技器ream ORF.

3' ITR: Tol2 3' terminal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin re南公sistance gene. It allows the plasmid to輛厭 be maintained 舞樹by ampicillin selection in E術個. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Pl南玩asmids carrying this orig吧聽in exist in high co她現py numbers in E. coli.