
AAV (FLEX) Conditional Gene Expression 訊照Vector (Cre-Switch)


The AAV (FLEX) co弟討nditional Cre-Switch gene expression ve高討ctor combines VectorB藍年uilder’s highly versat西金ile AAV vector system with the Cre-resp公近onsive (FLEX) conditional gene 計也expression system to he不很lp you achieve AAV-mediated南嗎 in vitro and in vivo delivery 靜美of FLEX Cre-Switch for Cre-induced 章這switching between the expression of two開生 ORFs. The FLEX Cre個和-Switch system utiliz工問es two pairs of LoxP-variant reco鐘林mbination sites家雪 flanking two antiparallel商雨 ORFs in an arrangement which f的土acilitates acti黑費vation of one gene while repr藍少essing the other by Cre-dependent 討煙inversion of both ORFs.

The FLEX Cre-off switch c美如onsists of two pairs of快通 heterotypic LoxP-variant recombin暗但ation sites, namely LoxP大道 having the wild type sequenc船信e and Lox2272 having a muta費生ted sequence, flanki我錢ng an ORF. Both Lo笑個xP variants are recognized by Cre, but道輛 only identical pairs of LoxP 些市sites can recombine with ea呢雨ch other and not with any other varian藍資t. The LoxP and Lox2272 sites 書輛are organized in an來有 alternating fashion, with an anti那師parallel orientati醫的on for each pair. In the 遠裡absence of Cre recombina章大se, the ORF can be expr聽樹essed under the control of the上花 user-selected promoter. In the p信分resence of Cre, the LoxP and的請 Lox2272 sites undergo recombinati近樹on with the other 大你LoxP and Lox2272 sites respectively章金, resulting in the inve生黃rsion of the ORF to an an房還tisense orientation and excisio相雨n of one from each pair of identic影人al recombination si可司tes. Inversion of the ORF preven白草ts expression of the gene of interes頻區t. Since the ORF is no西可w flanked by two different LoxP-varian水男t sites, no further recombin文謝ation events will離愛 take place even when子答 Cre is present.

An AAV vector is fir麗不st constructed a北畫s a plasmid in E. coli. It is then光子 transfected into packaging ce中子lls along with helper plas從明mids, where the region of the vector be劇習tween the two i也月nverted terminal repeats (那玩ITRs) is packaged 唱錯into live virus. For the AAV (F嗎人LEX) conditional Cre-Switch gene expre老如ssion vector, th工山e FLEX Cre-Switch described above is 山拍placed in-between the two ITR你動s during vector construction, which is很農 introduced into target cell哥為s along with the rest of viral空生 genome. Expres爸關sion of the second ORF in th很章e FLEX Cre-Switch can then be ac答鐘tivated while silencing the first 月習ORF in the presence of Cre rec見頻ombinase, upon Cre-mediated in人也version of both O遠物RF sequences.

The wild-type AAV genome 家物is a linear single-stranded 關分DNA (ssDNA) with two ITRs form厭街ing a hairpin st窗志ructure on each end. It is therefore 快就also known as ssAAV. In ord知睡er to express genes南區 on ssAAV vectors in host cells, t身開he ssDNA genome needs 這子to first be converted to double-stran少用ded DNA (dsDNA) through two門一 pathways: 1) synthes路員is of second-strand DN信她A by the DNA polymerase machinery of 她低host cells using t自體he existing ssDNA genome as t公多he template and the 3' ITR as the primi大雨ng site; 2) formation of intermole但好cular dsDNA between the近體 plus- and minus-strand ssAAV 物畫genomes. The former pathway is the黃購 dominant one.

AAV genomic DNA forms episoma日大l concatemers in the host cell著媽 nucleus. In non-di低子viding cells, these co新綠ncatemers can remain for the li時水fe of the host cells. In dividing聽些 cells, AAV DNA is lost through the di內子lution effect of cell division, 科上because the episomal DNA does not rep大高licate alongside host cell DNA. 車老Random integratio快有n of AAV DNA into the host ge頻道nome can occur but is extremely業公 rare. This is desirable i紅下n many gene therapy settings where來麗 the potential oncogenic effect of 吧船vector integration ca呢請n pose a significant concern.公體A major practical advantage 弟歌of AAV is that in most case湖要s AAV can be handled in biosafety內船 level 1 (BSL1) facilitie小離s. This is due to AAV bein照窗g inherently replication-員業deficient, producing litt腦海le or no inflammation, and causing車子 no known human disease. Due to the有村ir low immunogenicity in host organi錢年sms, AAV is the ide木兒al viral vector for many animal stu章麗dies.

Many strains of AA區劇V have been identified in nature我跳. They are divided into如爸 different serotypes bas窗做ed on different antigenicity of the上鐵 capsid protein on 跳綠the viral surface. Different sero窗購types can render the virus with 可西different tissue tropism (i.e. tissu志能e specificity of infe會好ction). When our AAV vectors a暗市re packaged into virus,場花 different serotypes can be confer歌木red to the virus by using d快科ifferent capsid proteins for the pa和暗ckaging. During cloning, ITRs from A老在AV2 are used, as this is common prac說嗎tice in the field and樹靜 does not impact specif朋費icity. Packaging helper p飛相lasmids include a Rep/Cap plasmid, 站話containing the replic黑船ation genes from AAV2 and the c木器apsid proteins for a chosen s如明erotype to deter西睡mine tropism. The 電弟table below lists di自拍fferent AAV serotypes an少身d their tissue tropi師街sm.

SerotypeTissue tropism
AAV1Smooth muscle, CNS, lung筆討, retina, pancreas, heart, liver美答
AAV2Smooth muscle, 長下CNS, liver, kidne靜他y, retina
AAV3Smooth muscle, liver友說, lung
AAV4CNS, retina, lung, kidney
AAV5Smooth muscle, CNS, lung, retina
AAV6Smooth muscle, heart, lun火水g, adipose, liv師外er
AAV6.2Lung, liver
AAV7Smooth muscle, 慢喝retina, CNS, liver
AAV8Smooth muscle, CNS, r土店etina, liver, pancr高市eas, heart, kidney, adipose
AAV9Smooth muscle, lung, liver新也, heart, pancreas, CNS, reti如對na, testes, kidney
AAV-rh10Smooth muscle, lung,學綠 liver, heart, pancre短了as, CNS, retina, kidney
AAV-DJLiver, heart, kidney, and spleen
AAV-DJ/8Liver, brain
AAV2-retroSpinal nerves
AAV2-QuadYFEndothelial cell

For further informatio站坐n about this ve山家ctor system, please refer to t電都he papers below.

Methods in Enzy. 507:229-54 (20坐會12)Review of AAV virology a校跳nd uses
Curr Opin Pharmacol. 24:59-67 (化下2015)AAV use in gene therapy, an光志d serotype differences
Gene. 216:55 (1998)Characterization of LoxP mutants件吧, including Lox2272
Nat Biotechnol. 21:562 (2003)Development of the FLEX switch到相 system
J Neurosci. 28:702裡西5 (2008)Application of a FLEX switch sys區長tem

The AAV (FLEX) conditional Cre-S車月witch gene express聽土ion vector is designed to ach玩老ieve Cre-mediated switching between 劇民expression of two ORFs in mamm舊行alian cells and animal學林s. Expression is under the contro近海l of a user-selected pro風空moter and can be per紙花manently switched from one user-s唱愛elected ORF to another by co-expre他湖ssion of Cre recombinase.

This vector is optimize那呢d for high copy number repli少化cation in E. coli, hig舊子h-titer packagi離姐ng of live virus, efficient 城著transduction of host cell綠電s, and high-level trans醫謝gene expression. This 一內AAV viral vector can be packaged into 務輛virus using all known capsid serotyp睡藍es, is capable o說哥f very high transduction efficiency她家, and presents low safety risk.


Switch-like regulat鐘是ion: Opposite orientation of 光中the two ORFs ensures that wh妹工ile the ORF in the sense orient美女ation is expressed, the ORF in the ant白了isense orientation is represse子事d without any l空也eaky gene expressi頻司on.

Safety: AAV is the safest vir東化al vector system available. AA什樂V is inherently replication-deficient會討, and is not known to cause any hu章場man diseases.

Low risk of host genome di上化sruption: Upon transduction i哥也nto host cells, AA樹相V vectors remain as通說 episomal DNA in the nucleus. The l子資ack of integration into the host gen答服ome can be a desirable feature for in 工公vivo human applications, as it r費業educes the risk of hos車慢t genome disruption 技風that might lead to cancer.

High viral titer白亮: Our AAV vector can be pac生我kaged into high titer virus.通東 When AAV virus is obtained through ou街媽r virus packaging servi著關ce, titer can reach >1013 genome copy per ml 弟外(GC/ml).

Broad tropism: A wide range of cell and tissue黃刀 types from commonly used mamm刀動alian species such as human, m道街ouse and rat can be readi快鄉ly transduced with our 為高AAV vector when it is package木匠d into the appropriat匠村e serotype. But some cell types may 鐘外be difficult to transduce, dependi務行ng on the serotype used (see d麗文isadvantages below).

Effectiveness in vitro長上 and in vivo: While our vector is mostly u慢黑sed for in vitro transd家見uction of cultured cells, it can also b微文e used to transduce cells in live anim也花als. It is particularly sui有在table for the generation of transgenic線愛 animals with Cre-media家費ted conditional gene expression劇動.


Small cargo space: AAV has the smallest ca森能rgo capacity of any of也場 our viral vector system土這s. AAV can accommodate a maximum o司藍f 4.7 kb of sequence between the ITRs, 場樂which leaves ~4.1 kb cargo space f樹靜or the user's DNA of intere件妹st in the AAV (FLEX) condit樹湖ional Cre-Switch gene 花化expression vector動大.

Difficulty transducing certain c愛機ell types: Our AAV vector system can transduce 歌開many different cell types including non光業-dividing cells when packaged into 子厭the appropriate serotype. However, di如市fferent AAV serotypes have tropis習到m for different cell t鄉也ypes, and certa女對in cell types ma好子y be hard to transduce by舞鐵 any serotype.

Technical complexi得就ty: The use of viral vecto討紅rs requires the production of live viru畫近s in packaging cells followed by 門火the measurement of viral t謝房iter. These procedures are technicall市白y demanding and time consuming relat草可ive to conventional plasmid tra嗎吧nsfection. These dem費風ands can be all空理eviated by choosing our viru懂人s packaging services when ordering y玩微our vector.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat但冷. In wild type virus, 5' ITR 商男and 3' ITR are essentially identic什的al in sequence. They reside on two end音站s of the viral genome錢年 pointing in opposite direct鄉員ions, where they serve as the 長男origin of viral genome replication.

Promoter: The promoter driv站物ing your gene of interest is pl聽樂aced here.

Lox2272: Recombination sit討輛e for Cre recombinase. 著鐘Mutated Lox site 也拿with two base substitution頻從s of wild type Lo腦拿xP. Incompatible with請唱 LoxP sites. When Cre i這學s present, the LoxP暗吃 and LoxP2272 sites will be c場腦ut and recombine with compa訊放tible sites.

LoxP: Recombination site for Cre recombinase.師制 Incompatible with Lox2272 sites. 黃站When Cre is present, the 木雨LoxP and Lox2272 sites will be cut and用藍 recombine with 暗讀compatible sites.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is placed 舞樹in front of the start東商 codon of the ORF of interest because他看 it is believed to facilitate tran有路slation initiation in eukaryot吧家es.

ORF #1: The open reading frame of a gene of int喝朋erest is placed here, in a sense 麗視orientation. This gene can b短草e expressed without 在山Cre-mediated recombination.

ORF #2: The open reading 東村frame of a gene of 離也interest is placed here, in 又北an antisense orien你雜tation. This gene can 她場only be expressed after Cr不器e-mediated recombination.

Regulatory element: Allows the user雨信 to add the Woodchuck hepatitis viru如道s posttranscriptional regulatory e如刀lement (WPRE). WPRE放答 enhances transcriptional termina笑暗tion in the 3' LTR during viral 黃高RNA transcription讀友, which leads to higher levels of fu購他nctional viral RNA in腦這 packaging cells and道腦 hence greater viral 近歌titer. It also enhances tr路自anscriptional termination during章歌 the transcription of the user's是一 gene of interest on分司 the vector, leading to thei書有r higher expression le為公vels.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polyadenylat體信ion signal. It facilita電了tes transcriptional termination of the對亮 upstream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat. See desc信銀ription for 5’ ITR.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It allows t坐劇he plasmid to b日那e maintained by ampicillin selection in姐不 E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of repl場窗ication. Plasmids carrying thi畫員s origin exist in high資謝 copy numbers in E. coli機放.