mRNA基因遞送解決方案 聽聽;
CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 問術;

CRISPR Activation (SAM-Me跳志diated) AAV Vector


CRISPR/Cas9 vec歌物tors are among several types of emergin妹弟g genome editing tools th銀機at can quickly and efficientl地微y create mutation黃河s at target sites of a genome (the行舞 other two popular ones bei計朋ng ZFN and TALEN).

Cas9 is a member of a class of RNA-g兒新uided DNA nucleases which a相少re part of a natural prokaryo南睡tic immune system that confers resista個著nce to foreign genetic elements such化紙 as plasmids and對匠 bacteriophage. Within the cell, the報藍 Cas9 enzyme forms a complex with黃村 a guide RNA (gRNA舊短), which provides targeting speci文知ficity through direct intera船討ction with homologous 18-22nt 船如target sequences in the genome. Hyb制見ridization of t美相he gRNA to the targe廠腦t site localizes房子 Cas9, which then cuts the target議日 site in the genome.

The Synergistic Activation Mediator你公 (SAM) system is a音微 powerful tool for tran理綠scriptional activation of genes with西土in their endogenous genom動還ic loci. This system個靜 is derived from CRIS服暗PR/Cas9 genome-editing systems, but朋商 rather than mediating geno好頻me editing, a mo費飛dified type of gRNA directs the assembl議近y of a multi-component transcri員多ptional activation complex (SAM comp哥通lex) at targeted sites. In g技又eneral, assembly of the SAM計北 complex is sufficient to induce very s路劇trong transcriptional 樂舞activation of the得快 target site.

The complete AA子上V-based SAM system consists of 什兒three components, SagR還很NA/MS2, MS2/P65/HSF1 and dSaCas9/VP6雨劇4 which are expressed using two s還從eparate AAV vectors. The暗市 target site-specific SagRNA seq影到uence selected by the u光熱ser is cloned into the AAV 小分msSagRNA expression vector. I習離n this vector the gRNA is modified to我制 include two 138-nt hairpin RNA apt章費amers which form binding s醫但ites for the bacteriophage MS2 c森書oat proteins. These hairpin RNA a多的ptamers linked to the S放低agRNA facilitate the eff現我icient recruitment of MS2-fusion 謝南proteins. Additionally, the AAV msSagRN黃文A vector drives the expression of a thr業信ee-domain fusio門慢n protein consisti筆懂ng of MS2, p65 (the trans-act村機ivation subunit o刀東f NF-kB), and HSF1 (the ac爸湖tivation domain of human hea理吃t shock factor 1). The 新少AAV dSaCas9/VP64 helper vector on the 什坐other hand drives the e醫這xpression of a fusion protei都生n consisting of a catalytica明暗lly inactive variant of SaCas9 an火低d the synthetic VP64 transactivatio快店n domain.

When cells are co-transduced with刀些 these two AAV vector司上s, the user-selected S校光agRNA can potentially rec醫睡ruit both MS2/P65/HSF1 (v草高ia MS2-binding ha也妹irpin aptamers attached to the gRNA對高) and dSaCas9/VP章司64 (via CRISPR/Cas9 complex a商店ssembly) to SagRNA target sites, 體都thereby assembling powerful SAM c不站omplexes. These SAM complex頻腦es can achieve robust transcripti有機onal activation of the target sites th對店rough synergistic interactions amo器舞ng the VP64, p65 and站制 HSF1 activation domains.

Our AAV msSagRNA vector i很鐵s designed to work with SaCas9 der資習ived from Staphylococcus aureus,多弟 which is >1 kb shorter in co窗門mparison to the conventional 刀村SpCas9 derived from Streptococc學問us pyogenes. SaCas9 provides a distin們司ct advantage over SpCas制對9, which has limited use in AAV vect愛船or-based applications就在 due its larger size an說兒d the restrictive cargo capacity o機影f AAV vectors. SaCas9 func新紙tionally differs from 河姐SpCas9 in two major aspects – first,森光 SaCas9 requires a differ玩兵ent gRNA scaffold sequence from the 國章one required by SpCas9. Secondly, the P煙們AM sequence for SaCas9 is NNGR微機RT, whereas the PAM for Sp但資Cas9 is NGG. 

This vector system is desi校哥gned primarily for use i快會n large-scale screens of genomic l鄉服oci, using libraries吧相 of gRNA sequences to generate個匠 gRNA/MS2 expression vecto靜章r libraries. However, this黑兵 system can also be used低坐 to activate transcript雪算ion of individual g請請enes, or small 通子sets of genes.

A major practical adva女雜ntage of AAV is訊很 that in most cases AAV can還長 be handled in biosafety lev月工el 1 (BSL1) facilities. This河草 is due to AAV being inherently re知少plication-deficient, produ跳水cing little or n睡個o inflammation,票上 and causing no known human di個生sease. Due to their 畫新low immunogenicity in host org男鄉anisms, our AAV msS開答agRNA expression vectors are the 我線perfect tools for in vi數村vo CRISPR-based applications.劇裡

Many strains of AAV 劇身have been identified in nature兒很. They are divided into differe舞醫nt serotypes based on 吧花different antigenicity 地筆of the capsid protein on the vir睡身al surface. Different serotyp答我es can render the virus with diff人請erent tissue tropism (i.e.紅紙 tissue specifici很爸ty of infection). When our AAV vecto農費rs are packaged into virus, differe商煙nt serotypes can be conferred to the vi來的rus by using different cap場我sid proteins for遠舊 the packaging. Dur上時ing cloning, ITRs fr就作om AAV2 are used, as this is北湖 common practice in the你現 field and does not impact specificity也有. Packaging helper plasmids incl輛民ude a Rep/Cap plas錢妹mid, containing the replication genes美那 from AAV2 and the capsid proteins 黃湖for a chosen serotype to de也草termine tropism. The table below lists 家睡different AAV serotypes and their 通術tissue tropism.

List by Serotype
List by Tissue Ty報睡pe

SerotypeTissue tropism
AAV1Smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, CNS, brain, lung, retina, inner ear, pancreas, heart, liver
AAV2Smooth muscle, CNS, brain, liver, pancreas, kidney, retina, inner ear, testes
AAV3Smooth muscle, liver, lung
AAV4CNS, retina, lung, kidney, heart
AAV5Smooth muscle, CNS, brain, lung, retina, heart
AAV6Smooth muscle, heart, lung, pancreas, adipose, liver
AAV6.2Lung, liver, inner ear
AAV7Smooth muscle, retina, CNS, brain, liver
AAV8Smooth muscle, CNS, brain, retina, inner ear, liver, pancreas, heart, kidney, adipose
AAV9Smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, lung, liver, heart, pancreas, CNS, retina, inner ear, testes, kidney, adipose
AAV-rh10Smooth muscle, lung, liver, heart, pancreas, CNS, retina, kidney
AAV-DJLiver, heart, kidney, spleen
AAV-DJ/8Liver, brain, spleen, kidney
AAV2-retroSpinal nerves
AAV2-QuadYFEndothelial cell, retina
AAV2.7m8Retina, inner ear

Tissue typeRecommended AAV serotypes
Smooth muscleAAV1, AAV2, AAV3, AAV5, AAV6, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10
Skeletal muscleAAV1, AAV9
BrainAAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV7, AAV8, AAV-DJ/8
RetinaAAV1, AAV2, AAV4, AAV5, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV2-QuadYF, AAV2.7m8
Inner earAAV1, AAV2, AAV6.2, AAV8, AAV9, AAV2.7m8
LungAAV1, AAV3, AAV4, AAV5, AAV6, AAV6.2, AAV9, AAV-rh10
LiverAAV1, AAV2, AAV3, AAV6, AAV6.2, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8
PancreasAAV1, AAV2, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10
HeartAAV1, AAV4, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV-DJ
KidneyAAV2, AAV4, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8
AdiposeAAV6, AAV8, AAV9
TestesAAV2, AAV9
SpleenAAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8
Spinal nervesAAV2-retro
Endothelial cellsAAV2-QuadYF

For further information about t冷從his vector system, please是從 refer to the papers belo窗媽w.

Cell. 154:442 (2013)Characterization of CRISPRa and CRI費術SPRi systems
Nature. 517:583 (2015)Description of t鄉玩he SAM system
Genome Biol. 16:257 (2015)現路Characterization of Staphylococc數大us aureus Cas9
Nature. 520:186 (2015)開讀In vivo genome editing w件暗ith SaCas9-based AAV關農 vectors


Our AAV vector system is optimized fo報司r high copy number replicati是鐵on in E. coli, high-銀舊titer packaging of liv雪家e virus, efficient tra事行nsduction of host cells, and hig業畫h-level transgene expression. This vi街樂ral vector can be packaged 人我into virus using all known ca嗎討psid serotypes, is capable of very 讀樂high transduction efficiency,章自 and presents low safety risk.跳跳


Endogenous genomic context: The SAM system can activate transcri微能ption of target site外現s within their end場綠ogenous genomic 那聽loci. This is unl照裡ike transgenic or geno懂去me-editing methods which invo章報lve alterations to the genomic cont吧少ext of the gene of in紙很terest.

Orthogonal to physiological reg見照ulation: Targeted transcr舞對iptional activation of a gene 謝身using the SAM vector笑影 system does not require prior爸為 knowledge of how the g亮明ene of interest is naturall那紅y regulated. However, accurate DNA低紅 sequence information of the 村照target site is necessa月船ry.

Strong activation: Transcriptional鐵的 activation of genes using the SAM syst可現em can often achieve very high-level習草 gene expression.呢些


Difficulty transducing certain cell ty時飛pes: Our AAV vector 湖媽system can transduce來城 many different cell types including 謝煙non-dividing cells when pac睡公kaged into the appropri雨朋ate serotype. H畫雜owever, different AAV s用通erotypes have tropism for differe書件nt cell types, and cer嗎科tain cell types may be機視 hard to be transduced by any 林我serotype.

Technical comple線技xity: The use of viral ve是白ctors requires the production of l女紅ive virus in packaging cell朋看s followed by t鐘新he measurement of viral titer. 電中These procedures are technically朋他 demanding and time cons低船uming relative t睡藍o conventional plasmid tran風電sfection. These demands can be all美工eviated by choos務睡ing our virus packaging s近白ervices when order南通ing your vector. 

PAM requirement:&n短村bsp;Our AAV msSagRNA vect明機or is designed to work with SaCas門媽9 derived from St和短aphylococcus aureus. SaCas9-mediate術什d CRISPR target上體ing is dependent on the presenc東好e of the PAM sequence, NNGRR (NNGRRT 讀廠preferred) on the immediate 3懂習’ end of the gRNA re著離cognition sequence.

Specificity:&nb海很sp;The SAM based appr化數oach for targeted activation of genes i影友s relatively new, and爸見 detailed information 山們regarding the spe外草cificity of targeting using SagRN笑劇A/MS2 RNAs is currently not availa森從ble.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. In年慢 wild type virus, 5' ITR a兵厭nd 3' ITR are essentially identi月在cal in sequence. They西算 reside on two e她慢nds of the viral genome pointing 木窗in opposite directi近森ons, where they serve a音場s the origin of v多關iral genome replication.

U6 Promoter: Drives expression of th學章e downstream Sag東術RNA sequence. This is the promo裡工ter of the huma秒藍n U6 snRNA gene, an RN票動A polymerase III近機 promoter which efficiently expresses員作 short RNAs.

SagRNA: Specifies the target sequence for SaC作站as9 nuclease. Scaffold術了 gRNA sequence is includ醫上ed.

MS2 scaffold:&nbs好雜p;This hairpin aptamer 笑兵sequence binds robustly to fusion pro信紅teins containing the MS2 bacteriophag匠紙e coat proteins.

Terminator: Terminates tran答朋scription of the S的他agRNA.

EF1A promoter:  Human eukaryotic tr學紙anslation elongation factor 1 α1 p資算romoter. It drives the ubiquitous expre如到ssion of the downs鐵線tream MS2/P65/HSF1 regulatory pr購的otein.

Regulatory protein: Allows users to add MS2/P65/HSF1 which鄉對 is a fusion protei雨我n of MS2 bacteriophage coat protein, NF報去-kappaB trans-ac家窗tivating subunit p65 and human heat-sho明坐ck factor 1 activ算答ation domain.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormo城理ne polyadenylation 睡坐signal. It facilitates 國地transcriptional term木鐘ination of the u金草pstream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal 站從repeat. See descr分快iption for 5’ ITR.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistanc大看e gene. It allows the 雨少plasmid to be maintained by ampicill得新in selection in E白靜. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin 化相of replication. P下麗lasmids carrying this origin ex弟術ist in high copy numbers in 大筆E. coli.