
Adenovirus Non-C答志oding RNA Expre些西ssion Vector


The adenovirus non-coding RNA express業知ion vector is a highly effic兵西ient vehicle for adenovir費又us-mediated delivery of頻知 non-coding RNAs of int東線erest in several m下快ammalian cell types. Non-coding R白愛NAs include a wide varie關市ty of short (<30 nucleot會男ides) and long (>200 n姐樂ucleotides) functional RNA 小從molecules such a兒風s micro RNAs (miRNAs), 短跳small interfering RNAs (si行信RNAs), piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs),問門 small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs),亮現 small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs),大分 large intergenic non-coding 明唱RNAs (lincRNAs), intronic long們什 non-coding RNAs (intronic lncRN志外As), natural antisense transcript爸訊s (NATs), enhancer RNAs (eR店務NAs) and promoter-聽中associated RNAs (PARs), n公少one of which are trans玩分lated into proteins, however have b朋秒een found to play important roles i車醫n many cellular proce和好sses such as DNA replication, epig答會enetic regulation, transcriptional and 年他post-transcriptional regu件高lation and tran化謝slation regulat錢商ion.

The adenovirus non-coding通謝 RNA expression vector議區 uses an RNA pol務一ymerase II promoter to drive the e站東xpression of the user-selected non-c又業oding RNA gene. This allow問人s the use of tissue-specific, ind場媽ucible, or variabl放紅e-strength promoters, enabling a variet用樂y of experimental appl林開ications. For RNA polymerase II-med子銀iated transcription, the sta木懂rt site is typica朋看lly in the 3' region of靜農 the promoter while the termination見務 site is within the polyA sig費火nal sequence. As a result, the trans我船cript generated from this vect黃票or does not correspond precisely 鐵農to the selected non-coding司子 RNA gene, but contains some additi報計onal sequences both upstrea爸著m and downstream. 

The adenovirus non-cod來鐵ing RNA expression vecto風哥r is first constructed a算雜s a plasmid in E. coli厭男. The non-coding RNA of i討到nterest along with a user算火 selected promoter 說技is cloned between the two inverted 線山terminal repeats (ITRs) during醫快 vector construction. The ve匠公ctor is then transfecte技新d into packaging cells, where the r秒員egion of the vector between t店議he ITRs is packaged into live virus水醫.

When the virus is added to target cells他北, the DNA cargo is delivered into cel花城ls where it enters the nucleu什放s and remains as episomal DNA with河這out integration into the ho上道st genome. The non-coding RNA seq間謝uence placed in-between the two ITRs金他 during vector construction is introduc內他ed into target cells along wi個風th the rest of viral genome.

By design, adenoviral vect麗少ors lack the E1A, E1B and E3 genes (del路要ta E1 + delta E3). T遠姐he first two are req得冷uired for the pro如民duction of live virus (these two gene票工s are engineere話黃d into the genome農劇 of packaging cells). As a腦事 result, virus produced from the vector多件s have the important sa船一fety feature of being replication窗問 incompetent (meaning tha喝明t they can transduce ta厭風rget cells but ca拍體nnot replicate in the林大m).

For further information about店哥 this vector system, please refer雨音 to the papers below.

Cell. 157:77 (2014)Review on n高舞on-coding RNAs
Front Genet. 6:2 (2015)Review on functionality of non-codin廠朋g RNAs
Cell Rep. 14:1867 (2016)Adenovirus-mediated e內會xpression of long non計林-coding RNA
Proc Natl Acad 坐數Sci U S A. 91:8802 (窗朋1994)The 2nd generation ad服林enovirus vectors
J Gen Virol. 36可了:59 (1977)A packaging cell line for adeno物頻virus vectors
J Virol. 79:5437 (2005)Replication-competent adenov用離irus (RCA) formation in放笑 293 Cells
Gene Ther. 3:75 (199用雪6)A cell line for 媽西testing RCA

The adenovirus non-coding討業 RNA expression vector 花作is derived from the說個 adenovirus serotype 5 (A喝道d5). It is optimi飛你zed for high copy number replicatio業靜n in E. coli, high-tite得請r packaging of live virus, efficient tr山河ansduction of h他議ost cells, and high-level tran制雨sgene expression.


Low risk of host geno志舞me disruption: Upon transduction into校校 host cells, adenoviral vect窗文ors remain as episomal DNA i人拍n the nucleus. The lack of i有討ntegration into the host genome 機吃can be a desirable feature for in viv低女o human applications, as it red請大uces the risk of host gen數人ome disruption that might lead to can林聽cer.

Very high viral titer: After our adenoviral ve金長ctor is transfected into pack慢慢aging cells to produce live virus, the票飛 virus can be further amplified to very行器 high titer by re-infecting packaging c鐵內ells. This is unlik多吃e lentivirus, MMLV retr雪老ovirus, or AAV, which canno歌生t be amplified by re-infection. Whe資到n adenovirus is obtained through our歌街 virus packaging service筆弟, titer can reach >1012 VP/ml.

Broad tropism: Cells from commonly used ma學厭mmalian species such as human, mouse an農照d rat can be transduced wit木暗h our vector. But some cell types have影懂 proven difficult to知看 transduce (see disadvantages below).

Large cargo space: The upper limit size o讀東f the adenovirus genome for 國明;efficient virus packaging is&在姐nbsp;~38.7 kb (fro樂小m 5' ITR to 3' ITR). After ex腦笑cluding the required backbone訊友 components for adenovirus gene ex笑信pression, our vect拍體or has about ~7.5 kb of cargo space 放有to accommodate the user's DNA of i作離nterest (such as promoter, the好中 non-coding RNA sequenc新我e, and fluoresc書不ence marker). This is bigger th們答an the ~6.4 kb cargo space in our l但但entiviral expression v錢頻ector and is sufficient for most 外知applications.

Effectiveness in vitro and in vivo: Our vector is often used to是謝 transduce cells in live亮多 animals, but it can also be used effe森東ctively in vitro站路.

Safety: The safety of 她唱our vector is ensured by the放也 fact that it lac家微ks genes essential for 綠山virus production (these genes商見 are engineered into the genome of p和美ackaging cells). Virus made fro道體m our vector is愛懂 therefore replication inc民子ompetent except when 街都it is used to transduce packaging事照 cells.


Non-integration of報湖 vector DNA: The adenoviral genome does n還長ot integrate into懂都 the genome of tran微路sduced cells. Rather, it exists a坐水s episomal DNA, which can be地場 lost over time, especially in divid鄉他ing cells. 

Difficulty trans他銀ducing certain cell types: While our熱藍 adenoviral vectors樹錢 can transduce many慢低 different cell討電 types including n西村on-dividing cells,坐她 it is inefficient ag內慢ainst certain cell types such a們謝s endothelia, smooth muscl友微e, differentiat兒道ed airway epithelia, peripheral從家 blood cells, neurons, and hematopoiet紙見ic cells.

Strong immunogenicity: Live virus from adenoviral ve多什ctors can elicit st醫他rong immune response 自放in animals, thus limiting certa跳雪in in vivo applic公這ations.

Technical complexity: The use of adenovi刀人ral vectors requires the producti習雪on of live virus in話白 packaging cells followe什笑d by the measurement謝問 of viral titer. These procedures are是內 technically demanding an雨數d time consuming.


 5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal跳看 repeat. In wild type virus, 5' 件分ITR and 3' ITR are essentially ident店鐘ical in sequence. They reside 家購on two ends of the viral genome poin吃快ting in opposite directions, wh線拿ere they serve as 船弟the origin of viral genome replicat快農ion.

Ψ: Adenovirus packaging signal她近 required for the packaging 北動of viral DNA into virus.

Promoter: The promoter th吃媽at drives your non-coding 制信RNA of interest is placed h民雪ere.

Non-coding RNA: The non-coding RNA of制熱 your interest is placed here.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as 對師neomycin resistance),章就 a visually detectable gene (suc雪技h as EGFP), or a dual-re站麗porter gene (such as呢近 EGFP/Neo). This allows cells trans雜什duced with the vector to be sel間銀ected and/or visualized.

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus thymidine ki區市nase polyadenylation signal. It作場 facilitates transcriptional我說 termination of the upstr到見eam ORF.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 geno森舊me between the two IT身關Rs minus the E1A, E1B and E3 re有唱gions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin of r匠喝eplication. Plasmid開銀s carrying this origin e山懂xist in medium copy numbers in E筆家. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resista海醫nce gene. It allows the費明 plasmid to be maintain間北ed by ampicilli區喝n selection in E. coli.

PacI: PacI restriction site (PacI is a rar呢章e cutter that cuts at TTAATTAA). The tw著微o PacI restriction了裡 sites on the vector玩綠 can be used to linearize the vec遠林tor and remove the vector backbo件理ne from the viral s近美equence, which is neces飛草sary for efficient packaging.