CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 聽熱
shRNA基因敲低解決方案 船男;

AAV Non-Coding RNA Exp如工ression Vector


The AAV non-coding中就 RNA expression vector is a highl女了y efficient vehicle f花暗or in vitro and in vivo delivery of non遠喝-coding RNAs of interest. N要師on-coding RNAs include a很暗 wide variety of short (<30大金 nucleotides) and long (>20又低0 nucleotides) functional RNA mo個場lecules such as 路車micro RNAs (miRNAs), small interfe都店ring RNAs (siRNAs), piw到照i-interacting RNAs (piRNAs),購火 small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), 醫了small nucleolar RNA線笑s (snoRNAs), large intergenic n間工on-coding RNAs (li文麗ncRNAs), intronic long no訊光n-coding RNAs (intronic lncRNAs妹吃), natural antisense transcripts 照間(NATs), enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) 習學and promoter-ass習舞ociated RNAs (PARs), none of which ar音問e translated into prot電草eins, however have bee作公n found to play 票得important roles in many cellular鐘用 processes such as 從跳DNA replication, epigene時機tic regulation, t化生ranscriptional and關畫 post-transcrip報大tional regulation an音爸d translation regulation.

The AAV non-coding RNA expression 綠美vector uses an RNA polymerase 上快II promoter to dr要爸ive the expression of the use雜紙r-selected non-c中輛oding RNA gene. This allow她低s the use of tissue-specific, i東林nducible, or variable-strength pro熱地moters, enabling a 又問variety of experiment中弟al applications. For RNA polyme說刀rase II-mediated transcription, t我理he start site is typically in t又大he 3' region of the promoter while文嗎 the termination 議跳site is within th會家e polyA signal sequence. A秒快s a result, the transcript g拍議enerated from this vecto做醫r does not correspond precisely金鐵 to the selected non-co多影ding RNA gene, bu城光t contains some ad術歌ditional sequences both upstream and do放小wnstream. 

The AAV non-coding RNA expression vec快自tor is first constructed as a p鐵老lasmid in E. coli如離. It is then transfected into packa們玩ging cells along 電購with helper plasmids, w舞器here the region of the vector between t拍看he two inverted terminal 請區repeats (ITRs) is packaged into live vi些妹rus. The non-coding RNA of interest pl事得aced in-between the two IT會如Rs is introduced into target 綠門cells along with the res數都t of viral genom亮地e.

The wild-type A藍動AV genome is a linear single-strand到什ed DNA (ssDNA) 綠林with two ITRs forming a hairpin str海視ucture on each end. It is t新樂herefore also known as ssAAV. I雨長n order to express知機 genes on ssAAV vectors房店 in host cells, the ssDNA ge說我nome needs to first be converted to do答樂uble-stranded DNA (dsDNA) through two 道河pathways: 1) synthesis of seco日兒nd-strand DNA by t事劇he DNA polymerase machinery o視術f host cells using the existing ssDNA 低姐genome as the templa這書te and the 3' ITR as the priming s姐好ite; 2) formation of intermolecular dsD日多NA between the pl計公us- and minus-strand ssAAV genomes. The她離 former pathway is知舊 the dominant one.

AAV genomic DNA forms episomal c東可oncatemers in the host cell nucleus.購光 In non-dividing cells, thes喝器e concatemers can remain for 黃視the life of the host cell場線s. In dividing cells, 為但AAV DNA is lost thr文短ough the dilution effect of cell divis腦但ion, because the episomal DN湖知A does not replica著著te alongside host cell DN討黃A. Random integration of AAV DNA into 爸哥the host genome can occur but 小理is extremely&nb用坐sp;rare. This is desirable i放醫n many gene therapy settings wher土兒e the potential oncogenic effect o愛司f vector integration得身 can pose a signif船什icant concern.

A major practical adva著花ntage of AAV is that in 機身most cases AAV can森金 be handled in biosafety l草去evel 1 (BSL1) facilities. This i這樹s due to AAV being也多 inherently replication-匠購deficient, producing little or no i票下nflammation, and causing著和 no known human dise熱睡ase. Due to their low immunoge照熱nicity in host organisms, AAV is the 得秒ideal viral vector for紅司 many animal studie見黑s.

Many strains of AAV have been ident弟市ified in nature. They 文得are divided into different seroty務體pes based on different antig化城enicity of the capsid prote可那in on the viral就靜 surface. Different serotypes can rend吧水er the virus with different ti到做ssue tropism (i.e. tissue specific行放ity of infection). When our AAV vec去秒tors are packaged in暗制to virus, different serotypes ca看視n be conferred 還腦to the virus by using d匠月ifferent capsid proteins for慢黃 the packaging. During cloning, ITRs f什但rom AAV2 are used, as this is commo化技n practice in the field and 黑喝does not impact specificity. Packa小報ging helper plasmids in木月clude a Rep/Cap 船放plasmid, containing the replicatio他湖n genes from AAV2 and the capsid prot分暗eins for a chosen 愛的serotype to determi快水ne tropism. The table遠時 below lists different短高 AAV serotypes and their tissue tropi坐話sm.

SerotypeTissue tropism
AAV1Smooth muscle, CNS, lung, retina, panc去什reas, heart, liver
AAV2Smooth muscle, CNS, live為黑r, kidney, retina
AAV3Smooth muscle, liver白這, lung
AAV4CNS, retina, lung, kidney
AAV5Smooth muscle, CNS, lung, retina
AAV6Smooth muscle, hea去妹rt, lung, adipose科這, liver
AAV6.2Lung, liver
AAV7Smooth muscle, re場可tina, CNS, liver
AAV8Smooth muscle, CNS, retina, liver, p裡購ancreas, heart, kidney,開光 adipose
AAV9Smooth muscle, lung, liver, heart, panc術一reas, CNS, retina, tes工西tes, kidney
AAV-rh10Smooth muscle, lung, liver, heart, panc鐘睡reas, CNS, retina,的熱 kidney
AAV-DJLiver, heart, kidney, spleen
AAV-DJ/8Liver, brain
AAV2-retroSpinal nerves 
AAV2-QuadYFEndothelial cell

For further information大什 about this vector 快工system, please refer to the papers 路購below.

Cell. 157:77 (20要老14)Review on non-coding RNAs
Front Genet. 6:2 (2015水很)Review on functionali作河ty of non-codin街務g RNAs
RNA. 18:111 (2012)AAV-mediated in vivo deliver妹高y of long non-coding RN妹件A
Methods in Enzy. 507:229-54 (2動花012)Review of AAV vi店媽rology and uses
Curr Opin Pharmacol. 24:59-67 (2015)畫紙AAV use in gene therapy, and serotype 現中differences

Our AAV non-coding 很問RNA expression v到靜ector is optimized場綠 for high copy 黑舞number replication in E. coli, high-ti車輛ter packaging of live virus,南學 efficient transduction of 章裡host cells, and high-level transgene ex見了pression. This viral vector can b黑電e packaged into virus u可通sing all known capsid serotyp個金es, is capable of ve來來ry high transduction 了慢efficiency, and presents low safety ris話關k


Safety: AAV is the safes水窗t viral vector sys民內tem available. A妹飛AV is inherently replication-defi下這cient and is not known to 市訊cause any human diseases.

Low risk of host genome disruption:樹微 Upon transduction in唱樂to host cells, AAV vectors remain書草 as episomal DNA in t刀就he nucleus. The lack of inte時分gration into the ho近拍st genome can be a desira日車ble feature for in 有風vivo human applications, as 文多it reduces the risk of hos身媽t genome disruption that might習生 lead to cancer.

High viral titer: Our AAV vector can 媽麗be packaged into hi化離gh titer virus. When AAV viru笑我s is obtained through our vir熱暗us packaging service, tite城著r can reach >1013 genome copy per ml (GC/ml).

Broad tropism: A wide range of cell and tiss金物ue types from commonly use吃機d mammalian species such as human跳不, mouse and rat can be re件間adily transduced with樹腦 our AAV vector when it 開雜is packaged into the 畫多appropriate serotype. Bu白店t some cell types ma用微y be difficult to transd們睡uce, depending on 少鐵the serotype used (see disadva生務ntages below).

Effectiveness in 劇那vitro and in vivo: Our vector is of看公ten used to transduce cells i刀要n live animals, but it can also筆輛 be used effectively in v數場itro.


Small cargo space: AAV has the smallest carg生物o capacity of any of our viral vect請身or systems. AAV can accommodate a 靜鐵maximum of 4.7 k上近b of sequence between the ITRs, which l我新eaves ~4.2 kb cargo space fo拍購r user's DNA of interest.

Difficulty transducing certa和相in cell types: Our AAV vector sy不來stem can transduce many d草到ifferent cell types including non-器著dividing cells when packaged int刀麗o the appropriate serotype. However動分, different AAV 裡民serotypes have tropism for different ce男討ll types, and certain cell 木會types may be hard to transduce by什地 any serotype.

Technical complexit呢身y: The use of viral vectors r遠刀equires the production of live virus房筆 in packaging cells followed by the喝男 measurement of viral titer. These p樹廠rocedures are te技事chnically demanding and time con靜話suming relative to 中國conventional plasmid transfectio白放n. These demands can be al大機leviated by choosing our viru自錯s packaging services 離算when ordering your 有河vector.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. I會務n wild type vir女信us, 5' ITR and 3' ITR are es就志sentially ident些我ical in sequence. They res討書ide on two ends of the viral genome poi好有nting in opposite森村 directions, where the西黑y serve as the origin of vira老國l genome replication.

Promoter: The promoter that drives your看喝 non-coding RNA of interest is p農裡laced here.

Non-coding RNA: The non-coding RNA of your inter美靜est is placed here.

Regulatory element: Allows the user to add th麗房e Woodchuck hepatitis virus pos公土ttranscriptional regulatory element (WP小事RE). WPRE enhances virus 弟路stability in packaging 睡你cells, leading to higher ti請店ter of packaged virus; en但河hances higher expression o森票f transgenes.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polya坐朋denylation sign裡頻al. It facilitates transcri金舊ptional termination of the upst大但ream non-coding RNA.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repe火下at. See description for 5’ ITR.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin r一我esistance gene. It allows the plasmi子鐵d to be maintained by ampicilli下作n selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: 雪少pUC origin of rep國路lication. Plasmids carrying this origin還說 exist in high c錢照opy numbers in E. coli.