
Tol2 Non-Coding RNA Exp關見ression Vector


The Tol2 non-coding RNA expressi到湖on vector is a highly裡謝 effective tool for 暗體transfection-based permanent integratio務友n of non-coding RNAs into 店人the host genome of mammalian c厭水ells. Non-coding RNAs includ快體e a wide variety of short 遠雪(<30 nucleotides) and long (>動技;200 nucleotides) functional RNA m理員olecules such as m靜術icro RNAs (miRNAs), small inte舞街rfering RNAs (si的長RNAs), piwi-inter商如acting RNAs (piR中動NAs), small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), 報友small nucleolar RNAs (sn就些oRNAs), large intergenic n答答on-coding RNAs (lincRNAs), 農分intronic long non-coding RNA件紅s (intronic lncRNAs), natur農區al antisense transcr東藍ipts (NATs), enhancer RNAs (eRNAs)飛開 and promoter-associated RNAs (PA綠土Rs), none of which ar近現e translated into proteins, however h森著ave been found to play兵弟 important roles in many cell熱城ular processes such as DNA replicatio計很n, epigenetic regulation,業工 transcriptional and post-transcript民現ional regulation and tr空船anslation regulation.

The Tol2 non-coding RNA expression 行問vector uses an&n雪南bsp;RNA polymerase II promoter遠答 to drive the expre玩會ssion of the user-selected no照海n-coding RNA gene. Th會懂is allows the use of tissue-specific, 紙腦inducible, or variable信弟-strength promoters, en家都abling a variety of experimental appl中這ications. For RNA polymerase II-mediat制聽ed transcription, the start site is t亮的ypically in the 答話3' region of the 分都promoter while the termination site is 木農within the polyA signal sequence.路花 As a result, the玩門 transcript generated from 間得this vector does not corres媽愛pond precisely to the se畫男lected non-coding RNA gene,&nb話著sp;but contains some additional sequ為物ences both upstream and d家木ownstream. 

The Tol2 system con歌厭tains two vectors, both engineered a舞就s E. coli plasmids. On間熱e vector, referred to as the h議議elper plasmid, encodes the transpos關嗎ase. The other vector, re時森ferred to as the transpos子地on plasmid, contains two inverte小現d terminal repeats (ITRs) 又高bracketing the reg我習ion to be transposed. 弟現The non-coding RNA o遠黑f interest to be delive放金red into host cells along with a use舞睡r-selected promoter is cloned into this遠市 region of the transposon p刀鐵lasmid.

When the transposon and helper plas電自mids are co-transfect腦暗ed into target cells, the t樂吃ransposase produced from 一短the helper plasmid 錢些would recognize the tw文答o ITRs on the transposon, and家分 inserts the flan媽好ked region including the two公輛 ITRs into the host genome. Inse友懂rtion occurs without any significant b小民ias with respect to insertion site 請市sequence. This is unli可黑ke transposon system老也s which have specific ta去民rget consensus 在到sites. For example, piggyBac trans個有posons typically inserts at s說空ites containing the sequenc畫睡e TTAA.

Tol2 is a class II transposon, m話器eaning that it moves in a cut-and-呢在paste manner, hopping from城水 place to place without做多 leaving copies近信 behind. (In contrast, 雜匠class I transposons move in a co音舞py-and-paste manner.) Tol2 i黃件ntegrates as a single copy through a c水海ut-and-paste mechanism.地但 At each insertion sit花中e, the Tol2 tra答鐘nsposase creates an 8 bp duplicati飛件on, resulting in ident廠裡ical 8 bp direct repeats flankin河道g each transposon integration site in 工年the genome.

For further information about this vect妹動or system, please refer to the papers b小資elow.

Cell. 157:77 (2014)Review on non水銀-coding RNAs
Front Genet. 6:2 (2015)Review on funct聽服ionality of non-coding RNAs
Genome Biol. 8(Suppl 1): S7 (2007要林)Review of Tol2 vectors.
Genetics 174: 639-649 (2學件006)Identification of minimal sequences for購爸 Tol2 transposable elements.鐵從
PLoS Genetics 2: e169 (2006)Large cargo-capacity tra你花nsposition with a minimal Tol2 tran作和sposon.

The Tol2 non-coding RNA expression vect秒暗or along with the helper plasmid ar們玩e optimized for high copy number空要 replication in E. coli, efficient 很玩transfection into a wide 為懂range of target cells, and hig鐘市h-level expression of t制愛he transgene carried on the vector.


Permanent integ校也ration of vector亮麗 DNA: Conventional transfection results in al暗音most entirely transient deli跳腦very of DNA into host ce樹要lls due to the loss of DNA ov文雪er time. This problem is especially和輛 prominent in rapidly dividing 拿影cells. In contrast, transfecti友風on of mammalian cells with the 日吧Tol2 transposon銀大 plasmid along with the helper plasmid舊什 (or introduction of也志 Tol2 mRNA) can del讀黑iver genes carried道兵 on the transposon perma鄉火nently into host cel還工ls due to the integration of the tr自電ansposon into the host geno媽近me.

Technical simplicity: Delivering plasmid vectors訊算 into cells by conventional t業那ransfection is tech裡朋nically straightforward, and far購市 easier than viru音姐s-based vectors which require the pac兒秒kaging of live virus.

Very large cargo s務但pace: Our Tol2 transposon姐相 vector can accommod友制ate ~11 kb of total DNA. T員很he plasmid backbone a校了nd transposon-r慢要elated sequence山服s only occupies about 3 kb, leavin光暗g plenty of room to accom森見modate the user's sequence of in時北terest.


Limited cell ty個花pe range: The delivery of 低吃Tol2 vectors into cells relies on tran體這sfection. The efficiency of 北空transfection can雜錯 vary greatly from cell type開時 to cell type. Non-dividing cel民線ls are often more diffi頻一cult to transfect做文 than dividing cells, and pr那好imary cells are 放照often harder to transfect than i那呢mmortalized cel北街l lines. Some import長雨ant cell types, such as neurons a微歌nd pancreatic β cells, a商司re notoriously difficult to trans雪河fect. These issues limit the u報們se of the Tol2 system.


5' ITR: Tol2 5' terminal repeat. 吃弟When a DNA sequence is flanked b森服y two ITRs, the Tol2 t能煙ransposase can recognize the事了m, and insert the flanked秒姐 region including the two ITRs i你朋nto the host geno可信me.

Promoter: The promoter driving you城工r non-coding RNA of int自農erest is placed here.

Non-coding RNA: The non-coding RNA of your interest 這小is placed here.

SV40 late pA:&n歌慢bsp;Simian virus 40 late p請高olyadenylation signal. It faci短制litates transcriptional terminati司金on of the upstrea大秒m non-coding RNA化房.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal微喝 repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resis作司tance gene. It 那妹allows the plasmid t但可o be maintained by ampicillin selecti船工on in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicatio花道n. Plasmids carrying this ori相年gin exist in high copy numbers i船路n E. coli.