
Lentivirus gRNA Ex好照pression Vector


CRISPR/Cas9 vectors are a兒生mong several types o謝我f emerging genome 間微editing tools that can輛鐘 quickly and efficiently creat答腦e mutations at target sites of亮美 a genome (the other two popul森新ar ones being ZFN and T秒空ALEN).

Cas9 is a member of a class of大什 RNA-guided DNA nucleases whi業議ch are part of a natural prokaryotic錯是 immune system that confer拿又s resistance to foreign genetic el少男ements such as plasmids 短年and bacteriophage. Within the c術員ell, the Cas9 enzy但紅me forms a complex w藍下ith a guide RNA (gRNA), w器章hich provides tar算國geting specificit離樹y through direct interaction with又銀 homologous 18-22n機影t target sequences in農白 the genome. Hybridization o光也f the gRNA to the 資術target site localizes Cas9, which th讀玩en cuts the tar農坐get site in the genome.

To achieve CRISPR-mediat媽答ed gene targeting it is e呢通ssential for the target 些術cells to co-express both Cas9 as風煙 well as the target site-speci和術fic gRNA at the same time. 姐北This can be accomplished by either ex票和pressing both Cas9 and the gRNA 對站sequence from the same人很 vector (a.k.a. 你那;all-in-one vect銀數or) or by using s和冷eparate vectors for d問舊riving Cas9 and gRNA expression (Cas9 o雨哥nly and gRNA only v長書ectors respectively). The advantage of 人來using separate vectors over 水科an all-in-one ve離亮ctor for expressing Cas9 and gRNA is 間話that it offers the flexibility of&n業章bsp;combinatorial usage of d業湖ifferent gRNA expression vectors in 舊計conjunction with a variety of Cas9 民愛variants (wild type nuclease, nic玩森kase, nuclease-dead) de刀是pending upon the user’s experimental g民購oal. Additionally, using a separa算愛te gRNA only vecto機業r allows cells or organisms stably e坐媽xpressing high levels of校章 Cas9 to be transduced with differen人用t gRNA sequences targeti錢廠ng either the sa樹請me gene or different genes. Thi煙但s provides the opportunity for購這 comparing the 湖家efficiencies of diff不訊erent gRNA sequences in parallel 有兒at CRISPR-mediat區拍ed gene targeting in cells or筆就 organisms with co這算mparable and high levels of Cas9 expre地東ssion.

The lentivirus gRNA expression vec能商tor is a highly efficient viral vehi信書cle for permanen煙雨t delivery of target site-sp村月ecific gRNA sequences into a va聽電riety of mammalian cells. A 務大lentivirus gRNA expression vector他聽 is first constructed as a 作明plasmid in E. coli. The gRN時高A expression cassette consi雨樂sting of a human U6 promot道小er driving the target site-specif場鄉ic gRNA sequence is cloned between 雜吧the two long terminal repeats中間 (LTRs) during vector construction. It 到慢is then transfected into pa算是ckaging cells along w明在ith several hel車路per plasmids. I外農nside the packaging cells, vector DNA少費 located between the LTRs is林照 transcribed into RNA, and 懂鐘viral proteins expressed by the helpe紅數r plasmids further package the 很厭RNA into virus. Live virus is then rel是土eased into the supernatant, wh妹影ich can be used to infect target cells 做著directly or after concentr我老ation. When the virus 姐唱is added to target cells, the R窗技NA cargo is shuttled into cells w城黃here it is reverse 紙呢transcribed into DNA and perma能志nently integrated into the 空了host genome, le可公ading to the expression of the us又老er-selected gRNA sequ商喝ence.

Our lentivirus gRNA expression vector少還 is available for算能 expressing either single-gRNA or&相雜nbsp;dual-gRNAs. Whi服姐le single-gRNA vectors are widely use歌女d for conventional CRISPR genome 她高editing such as著站 generating single gene kn商能ockout, dual-gRNA vectors劇飛 are necessary for applicatio林視ns requiring simultaneou嗎吃s targeting of a pair of 資司genomic sites. Examples o唱學f such application腦對s include: 1) paired Cas9生歌 nickase experiments whe黃吧re the “nickase” mutant fo事跳rm (hCas9-D10A) of hCas9 i商火s used in conjunction朋暗 with two gRNAs target匠技ing the two opposite strands of山金 a single target site to generate店為 single strand cuts one on each 民光strand, thereby le水事ading to a DSB with increased 東裡targeting specificit紙子y than a single gRNA; 2) ge章船nerating deletion of a fragment bet音校ween two DSBs ta到也rgeted by a pair of g醫離RNAs; and 3) targe議聽ting two different genes si男月multaneously. While機民 the single gRNA vector cons近些ists of a single hum數鐘an U6 promoter driving the target site動美-specific gRNA se鐘如quence between the two LTRs, the dual g空樂RNA vector consists of two consec房外utive U6 promoters&nb間兵sp;driving the ex內身pression of gRNA se飛校quences specific也生 to two genomic target site知事s of interest.

By design, our len請喝tiviral vectors lack the genes哥學 required for vira紙可l packaging and tr又信ansduction (these genes門會 are instead carried by helper pl件飛asmids used during virus packagin自媽g). As a result, virus pr行分oduced from lent們多iviral vectors has the important saf畫訊ety feature of being replicati白紙on incompetent (meaning th拍雪at they can tra下呢nsduce target cells bu路從t cannot replicate in them)是土.

For further information ab間什out this vector system, p話家lease refer to the pap術兵ers below.

Science. 339: 819 (2013)Description of genome術問 editing using the CRIS女拿PR/Cas9 system
Cell. 154: 1380 – 得章9 (2013)Use of Cas9 D10A double nicking f朋樹or increased specificity
Nat. Biotechnol. 32: 267 (看大2014)CRISPR/Cas9 targeting using 中著lentiviral gRNA ex那討pressing vectors
Plos One. 12: e0187236 (2017)CRISPR/Cas9 vectors for dual gR話木NA expression

Our lentivirus g街相RNA expression vector is derived 討了from the third-g都煙eneration lentiviral vector system. 離快This system is optimized for high co間文py number replication i東低n E. coli, high-titer p對請ackaging of live virus, e美下fficient viral tran國制sduction of a wide range of cells, and 綠女efficient vector integrat上時ion into the host genome. The 匠歌lentivirus gRNA ex秒雪pression vector店報 is designed to drive hi厭內gh-level constitutive transc金劇ription of a user-s可分elected gRNA sequence from a human 煙電U6 promoter to achieve high件議ly efficient CRISPR targeting when used國嗎 in conjunction with Cas9 nu紙她clease. This vector is available農笑 for expressing eithe物作r single-gRNA or 鄉是;dual-gRNAs enabling users to ta算北rget either one or two gen鐘什omic target sites of interest dep劇用ending upon their experim服船ental goal.


Flexibity: Our lentivirus gRNA ex議愛pression vector can be used in 要海conjunction with a variet南飛y of Cas9 variants (nuclease, n家會ickase, nuclease-dead)算去 depending upon the user’s exp黑如erimental goal. Addit銀讀ionally, this vector is availabl制舊e for expressing either single-gR務醫NA or dual-gRNA業我s enabling users to targ知電et either one or two genomic target sit好又es of interest.費這

High viral titer: Our vector can be兒煙 packaged into high-titer virus (&視技gt;109 TU/ml when virus is obtain哥章ed through our virus packagi笑能ng service). At this vir來遠al titer, transduction e但錯fficiency for cultured mammali相書an cells can approach 100% wh她劇en an adequate amount of viral supe說麗rnatant is used.

Very broad tropism: Our packaging system adds the VSV-G en是店velop protein to子河 the viral surface. T聽在his protein has broad tropism. As 飛很a result, cells from al信讀l commonly used mammalian species (a山離nd even some non-m作姐ammalian species) can be transduced. 也北Furthermore, almost any mammalian ce腦樂ll type can be transduced 紅都(e.g. dividing cel海身ls and non-dividing要新 cells, primary cells a錢師nd established cell lines, stem cell兒在s and differentiated cells, adheren業風t cells and non-adherent c暗山ells). Neurons, which are 關頻often impervious to conventional 去她transfection, can be readily transduce自相d by our lentiviral vector. Lentivira雪慢l vectors packaged哥亮 with our system hav劇照e broader tropism than 訊資adenoviral vectors (which have 美不low transduction eff聽謝iciency for some cell types) 在做or MMLV retroviral 如南vectors (which have自廠 difficulty transducing n山數on-dividing cell務一s).

Relative uniformity of ve玩對ctor delivery: Generally, vira秒來l transduction can deliver 和音vectors into cells in a relatively 師高uniform manner. In c內嗎ontrast, conventio銀什nal transfection of plasmid vectors ca小花n be highly non-uniform, with som紙場e cells receiving a lot of copies 空飛while other cells re黑土ceiving few copies or none.

Effectiveness in vitro and in vivo:&n計員bsp;Lentiviral vector system麗也s can be used ef呢男fectively in cultured cel通姐ls and in live animals.

Safety: The safety of our vector is ensu城東red by two features廠店. One is the partit公湖ion of genes required for v歌光iral packaging and tr大個ansduction into sever作都al helper plasmids; the other is self內友-inactivation of t公學he promoter activity in the 5北算' LTR upon vector integrat畫鐵ion. As a result, it is es山銀sentially impossible for rep道的lication competent virus嗎說 to emerge durin火大g packaging and transduc些了tion. The health risk of working w得煙ith our vector is therefore mini現去mal.


Technical complexity:&n友理bsp;The use of lentiviral vectors re看報quires the production of liv和章e virus in packaging cell鐘商s followed by the measurement o黃自f viral titer. These procedures are t刀內echnically demanding and tim懂個e consuming relative公樂 to conventional plasmid tran購月sfection.

PAM requirement: CRISPR/Cas9 based targeting弟紙 is dependent on a strict requi關拍rement for a proto花機spacer adjacent motif (PAM), located 書民on the immediate 3’ end of the gRNA re短城cognition sequence笑煙. The required PAM 業歌sequence varies depend唱大ing on the Cas9 variant being used.

Single-gRNA lentiviral expression vec哥離tor

RSV promoter: Rous sarcoma virus promoter. It drive山北s transcription of viral RNA 亮白in packaging cells. This RNA is t的我hen packaged into live virus.

5' LTR-ΔU3: A deleted vers亮謝ion of the HIV-1 5' lon多市g terminal repeat. In wildtype lent請上ivirus, 5' LTR and 3' LTR are 刀自essentially identical in sequence. They信窗 reside on two end購笑s of the viral genome and po慢業int in the same direction. Up照拍on viral integrat北玩ion, the 3' LTR sequence信女 is copied onto the 5城女' LTR. The LTRs carry both pr有少omoter and polyadenylation functi嗎喝on, such that in wildtype vi場要rus, the 5' LTR acts as a promote物暗r to drive the transcrip做山tion of the viral genome, whil讀兵e the 3' LTR acts as a polyadeny畫厭lation signal to就拿 terminate the upstream transcrip物懂t. On our vector,年問 Δ5' LTR is deleted for a region that 術草is required for the LTR's pro身站moter activity normally faci去物litated by the viral trans暗冷cription factor Tat. This does not affe懂兒ct the production of viral和北 RNA during packaging because the pr河數omoter function is suppleme老物nted by the RSV promot綠能er engineered upstream of Δ5' LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packaging 得女signal required for the pac到歌kaging of viral RNA into virus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev response element. It allo看說ws the nuclear ex區黑port of viral RNA by花裡 the viral Rev p公見rotein during viral p那的ackaging.

cPPT: HIV-1 Central polypurine tract. 票好It creates a "DNA flap" that incr微多eases nuclear importation of t姐器he viral genome during target cell inf亮嗎ection. This impr雨章oves vector integration into the host 區從genome, resulting in hi林靜gher transduction efficiency.

U6 Promoter: Drives expression of th秒很e downstream gRNA sequence.火下 This is the promoter of the hum飛作an U6 snRNA gene, an國北 RNA polymerase III pro也他moter which efficiently expr歌花esses short RNAs.

gRNA: Guide RNA compatible with the Cas9 間信variant being used.

Terminator: Terminates transcription o黑懂f the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglycerate kinase 1月作 promoter. It drives the ubiquit商線ous expression of the downst是答ream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection 林她gene (such as neomycin 音紅resistance), a visually detectable用生 gene (such as EGFP), or a du對校al-reporter gene (such as EGFP/Neo). T場機his allows cells transd我妹uced with the vector to be selected and南動/or visualized.

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatitis vir家不us posttranscriptional regulato還員ry element. It 票分enhances viral 微會RNA stability in 弟也packaging cells, leading to higher 吧車titer of packaged virus.

3' LTR-ΔU3: A truncated version of the HIV-1對道 3' long terminal河黃 repeat that deletes the U3 region. 鐵放This leads to the self-inactivation of場弟 the promoter activity of the 5' LTR長和 upon viral vector integration 雪照into the host g子市enome (since 3' LT資些R is copied onto 5' LTR during 問理viral integration). The po有火lyadenylation s媽友ignal contained 美很in ΔU3/3' LTR serves to terminates弟從 all upstream tr下紅anscripts produced both during地這 viral packaging and aft多著er viral integrati南見on into the host genome.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early polyadenyla對對tion signal. It further facilitates黃器 transcriptional terminatio醫日n after the 3' LTR 音從during viral RNA transcri光飛ption during packaging. This作弟 elevates the level of業報 functional viral RNA in packaging舊拿 cells, thus impro議微ving viral titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resist科資ance gene. It al劇上lows the plasmid to 火村be maintained by 頻票ampicillin selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicat拿不ion. Plasmids carrying this ori劇自gin exist in high copy numb影可ers in E. coli.

Dual-gRNA lentiviral expression ve船從ctor

RSV promoter: Rous sarcoma virus promoter. It裡學 drives transcri科章ption of viral RNA in packagi又讀ng cells. This RNA is then package什快d into live virus.

5' LTR-ΔU3: 歌懂A deleted version of the HIV-1 5照吧' long terminal r愛新epeat. In wildtype lentivi舊人rus, 5' LTR and現做 3' LTR are essentially identic體黃al in sequence. They resid自視e on two ends of the 秒玩viral genome and point i討喝n the same direction. Upon viral integr森影ation, the 3' LTR sequence is copied問人 onto the 5' LTR. The LTRs carr資兒y both promoter and polyade月弟nylation function, such that in wildty有書pe virus, the 5' LTR acts a員美s a promoter to drive the trans科動cription of the viral genome,拍綠 while the 3' LT答樂R acts as a polyadenylation短外 signal to terminate the upst司國ream transcript. On o銀藍ur vector, Δ5' L空少TR is deleted for a region that is requ樹笑ired for the LTR's 議鄉promoter activity normally facilita妹大ted by the vira光區l transcription factor Tat. This 黑計does not affect the production of vir人唱al RNA during packaging becau哥書se the promoter function is supplem行些ented by the RSV promoter en船購gineered upstream會白 of Δ5' LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packaging signa要姐l required for the pac匠上kaging of viral RNA int樹問o virus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev response el在動ement. It allows the nuclear export 冷站of viral RNA by the vir化金al Rev protein during viral放志 packaging.

cPPT: HIV-1 Cen看校tral polypurine tract. It花多 creates a "DNA flap" that increases n為樹uclear importation of the viral genome老雜 during target cell infec物資tion. This improves vector int物媽egration into the host genome, resulti一技ng in higher tran黃月sduction efficiency制是.

U6 Promoter: 城件;Drives expression of the d銀街ownstream gRNA sequence. This is t音刀he promoter of the human U6 林國snRNA gene, an RNA p喝錯olymerase III promote木間r which efficient機資ly expresses short RN土月As.

gRNA #1: The first guide RNA compatible 村用with the Cas9 variant家腦 being used.

gRNA #2: The second guide R外南NA compatible with the Cas9 va通離riant being used.&nbs拿樹p;

Terminator: Terminates transcription女師 of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglycerate kin師物ase 1 promoter. It drives the章計 ubiquitous expression o子器f the downstream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as自金 neomycin resistance), a visually de站有tectable gene (s是靜uch as EGFP), or a dual-reporter g刀商ene (such as EGFP/Neo). This請美 allows cells transduced with the vect外計or to be selected and/or visual資美ized.

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatitis virus pos算問ttranscriptional雨化 regulatory element. It enhances vira能行l RNA stability in packaging ce飛熱lls, leading to higher tite機要r of packaged virus.

3' LTR-ΔU3: A truncated version of t子要he HIV-1 3' long歌北 terminal repeat that deletes th煙媽e U3 region. This leads to the sel影數f-inactivation of the promoter act可西ivity of the 5' LTR upon viral v很月ector integration into the h房制ost genome (since 3' LTR is copied onto舊還 5' LTR during viral i很海ntegration). The polyadenylation 自志signal contained in 銀市ΔU3/3' LTR serves to ter就秒minates all upstream transcripts produc西公ed both during viral pa輛錯ckaging and after viral inte場關gration into the h如資ost genome.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early polya來來denylation signal. It furth務錢er facilitates transcrip山還tional terminati下筆on after the 3' LT拿美R during viral RNA transcription during北身 packaging. This elevates the level of 花很functional viral RNA in pac算鄉kaging cells, thus im音如proving viral titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistan水紅ce gene. It allows算聽 the plasmid to be maintained 門動by ampicillin sele小議ction in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication.影樂 Plasmids carrying this origin exi照區st in high copy numbers in E. coli雪子.