mRNA基因遞送解決方案 海遠;









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外源基因的穩定整合:常規質粒轉染隻能(néng)實現外源基司畫因的瞬時(shí)表達,這(zhè)種(zhǒng)外源基因會(huì)随著(月少zhe)宿主細胞的分裂而不斷丢失,在快速分裂的細胞中顯得尤爲顯著新我。相反的是,慢病毒轉導的目的基因能(néng)穩定地整合到宿主細胞的染色體中 坐靜,因而會(huì)随著(zhe)宿主細胞的長又分裂而穩定遺傳。

滴度高:我們的病毒載體可以包裝出高滴度的病毒。我們提供的病毒包裝服務服很,病毒滴度可以達到>109 TU/ml。在這(zhè)樣(科綠yàng)的病毒滴度下,如果選輛場擇合适的劑量去轉導體外培養的哺乳動物細胞,則轉導效率可接近100%。


靈活使用啓動子:我們的慢病毒載體已經(jīng)過(guò)優開玩化,其5' LTR的啓動子已進(jìn)行了自失活。因此,客戶可以靈活訊制使用啓動子來驅動目的基因的表達。這(zhè)相對雜綠(duì)于隻能(néng)依賴自身5船農' LTR啓動子的MMLV載體來說(shuō)是一個巨大的優勢。



安全性:我們的病毒載體系統具備了以下兩(liǎng)大特點,因又日而具有非常高的安全性。一、病毒包裝和轉導所必需的飛鐘基因由三個輔助質粒分開(kāi)表達。二、5' LTR的啓動子自失活。因村窗此,在進(jìn)行病毒包裝和病毒轉導的時(shí)還好候不會(huì)産生具有複制能(商如néng)力的病毒顆粒,使用我們的載體對(duì)人體的健康威慢師脅也是最低的。


載體容量受限:野生型的慢病毒基因組大小約爲9.2 kb,而在我們的慢病毒時兒載體中,病毒包裝和轉導的必要元件約爲2.8 kb,餘下6.4 kb的空間容納路南客戶的目的序列。當病毒載體超過(guò)以上大小限制,病毒的包裝滴度將(ji厭在āng)會(huì)大大降低。我們的慢病毒載體除個學了可以插入靶基因的序列外,還(hái)可以插車光入啓動子和篩選标記等載體元件。如果目的基因頻影和這(zhè)些載體元件長(cháng)度超過(guò)了6.4 黃煙kb,病毒的産量有可能(néng)會(huì從購)明顯下降。



RSV promoter: Rous sarcoma virus promoter. It d冷拍rives transcription o綠到f viral RNA in packaging cells. Th都友is RNA is then packaged into live virus冷光.

Δ5' LTR: A deleted version of the雨問 HIV-1 5' long terminal repea鄉飛t. In wildtype lentiv票這irus, 5' LTR and 3' LTR are essentially到媽 identical in sequ吃跳ence. They resi視照de on two ends of the viral gen作資ome and point in the same direct吧都ion. Upon viral int分商egration, the 3' LTR seque費服nce is copied onto the 5得那' LTR. The LTRs car多計ry both promoter 讀到and polyadenylation function, such t件體hat in wildtype virus, the 5年生' LTR acts as a還多 promoter to drive the trans雨看cription of the viral genom銀頻e, while the 3' LTR acts as a 火友polyadenylation signal to如如 terminate the upstream t風劇ranscript. On our vec開坐tor, Δ5' LTR is 兵有deleted for a region that is r錯明equired for the LTR風是's promoter activity normally fac行門ilitated by the viral tran些知scription factor Tat. This d答花oes not affect the 讀關production of vi亮一ral RNA during packaging beca火票use the promoter function i熱東s supplemented by the RSV promo玩短ter engineered upstream 廠歌of Δ5' LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packaging sig用視nal required for the p遠地ackaging of viral RNA into v樂船irus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev response element. It allow到錯s the nuclear ex工舞port of viral RNA by the viral Rev prot日兵ein during vira下長l packaging.

cPPT: HIV-1 Central polypurine tr照但act. It creates a "DNA flap" tha友物t increases nuclear i兒不mportation of the viral geno長那me during target cell infe兵家ction. This improves vector in吧光tegration into the h業路ost genome, resulting in higher transdu海笑ction efficiency音兵.

Promoter: The promoter driving your gene of int不知erest is placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It i房看s placed in front of the start codon 放報of the ORF of int制船erest because it is beli自鐵eved to facilitate translation ini子很tiation in eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of 對慢your gene of interest is placed her門他e.

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscrip玩的tional regulator紙理y element. It e飛門nhances viral RNA stabil懂愛ity in packaging 唱我cells, leading t民中o higher titer of packag信購ed virus.

mPGK promoter: Mouse phosphoglycerate kinase 1去弟 gene promoter. It drives t線業he ubiquitous exp在秒ression the downstream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as neom化現ycin resistance), a visually detectable得費 gene (such as EGFP), or a dual-reporte能玩r gene (such as EGFP/Neo). This低是 allows cells transduced with the vecto民了r to be selected and/or vis水南ualized.

ΔU3/3' LTR: A truncated version of the HIV-1 3' 金說long terminal repeat近行 that deletes th風家e U3 region. This leads t鐵書o the self-inacti服友vation of the promoter activ多嗎ity of the 5' LTR 亮信upon viral vector inte章跳gration into the host genome (due 章大to the fact that 3' LTR is copied onto 開姐5' LTR during viral integration). 老離The polyadenylation sign請些al contained in ΔU3/3' L爸水TR serves to terminates all upst好校ream transcripts produced both dur短師ing viral packaging and afte為雪r viral integration into知街 the host genome.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early po事路lyadenylation signal. It furt鐘朋her facilitates transcription微照al termination afte子件r the 3' LTR during viral RNA tr光化anscription during packa從業ging. This elevates the level of fun鄉頻ctional viral RNA in packaging cell白明s, thus improving vi從我ral titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It離愛 allows the plasmid to be maintained by文相 ampicillin sel低空ection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmi朋計ds carrying thi購行s origin exist in high copy num關綠bers in E. coli.

Representative vector desi答飛gn
VB IDVector nameDescriptions
VB010000-9298rtf是有 pLV[Exp]-EGFP:T2A:Pu光們ro-EF1A>mCherryA 3rd generation mammalian ge資火ne expression lentiviral v亮火ector encoding EGFP and a p算公uromycin resistance ge女爸ne (linked by T2A)草河 driven by a CMV問呢 promoter as well as 廠音mCherry under the control of an新商 EF1A promoter.
VB900110-2722rff pLV[Exp]-EGFP:T2A:Puro-EF1A>多微hHBB[NM_000518.5]A lentiviral gene expre爸船ssion vector encodin區好g EGFP and puromyocin resis西鄉tance (linked by T2A) under the cont體訊rol of a CMV promo們議ter as well as a human beta-globin ge頻熱ne driven by EF1A.