
Mammalian Antibody Heavy C知得hain Gene Expres黑不sion Vector


Recombinant antibodies have extensive 舞對applications in the fields of diagn民銀ostics and therapeutic medicine. Cu木了rrently, there are ab拍吧out 180 monoclonal antib遠劇ody products approved worldwide targe吧光ting specific proteins, such as PD-L1,見看 HER2, IL-17R, and VEGF. The算機 development of genetic engineer近時ing has facilitated successfu鄉男l production of these the裡光rapeutic antibodies, which have id她制eal tumor penetration be在靜havior, short retention ti樂業mes, and reduced immuno拿音genicity. These therapeutic re睡師combinant antibodies are 兵照mainly produced in mammalian cells in v作遠itro (e.g., CHO cells), si上船nce the post-trans一電criptional modification in this e鄉跳xpression system 懂的is closest to the in來歌 vivo processes in humans.

VectorBuilder’s mammalian an答音tibody heavy chain gene exp在腦ression vector has b費麗een designed spe說愛cifically for high-我錢yield production of monocl麗家onal antibody heavy ch錯友ains. The antigen-bi城公nding site of all antibodies con身動sists of VL+VH dimer近我s where VL and VH represe紅離nt variable fragment light chains a去要nd heavy chains, respectively. Withi門作n these fragments, most sequence variat新影ion is located in complementa長綠rity determining regions (CDRs), w制知hich influences antigen-binding日算 specificity. By customizing她低 sequences encoding the hea睡筆vy chain variable regio個會n, customers may generate vect筆學ors to satisfy their p街藍ersonalized need for anti術兒gen-binding specificit快紙ies. In addition to the variabl他黑e (V) region, the heavy and light chain近低s contain a constant唱書 (C) region, which determines the a裡舞ntibody’s isotype. Of the five immunog電區lobulin (antibody) isotypes (IgG視員, IgA, IgM, IgD and拿和 IgE), IgG is the most市線 abundant in circulation. Moreover, al微日most all backbones of the approved the術黃rapeutic antibodies 少風are IgG. In the vecto的暗r design process, 南家the heavy chain c銀短onstant region may eith兒山er be selected from our popular heavy 身歌chain constant regi湖吧on database (containing human and又友 mouse IgG1 and mouse 事場IgG2a and 2b ) or be pasted志少 by customers using their 土快own sequence. Additionally, sig離笑nal peptides (e.g., IL-2 見爸sig) can be added into th亮店e vector to increase secr雜什etion of the recombinant antibody.

For further information about this vec美放tor system, ple得科ase refer to the papers below.

MAbs. 14:2014926 (2022)Overview of antibody 火不therapeutics
Nat Protoc. 13:9開朋9 (2018)Overview of design for antibod讀物y expression vectors
Protein Expr Purif.11相男8:105-12 (2016)Description of signals which can i喝煙ncrease the secret司子ory protein production

Our expression vector is去黃 optimized for 那都high-efficiency transfectio吧窗n and high yield 答喝of monoclonal heavy chains in ma你上mmalian cells. By customizing sequence去銀s encoding the variable he慢見avy chains into the v聽可ector, customers may obtain 新放antibodies with年老 high-affinity to t文不arget antigens.


Technical simplicity: Delivering plasmid vectors into cells 請風by conventional transfection is te書我chnically straight forward, and fa訊體r easier than virus-based vectors愛樹 which require the pack習黃aging of live virus裡小es.

Reproducibility an一遠d scalability: The recombinant protei鐘年n is harvested directly from樹答 transfected host cells. Theref工厭ore, reproducibility of光自 different batches can be easily achiev說件ed. Moreover, the a去女mplification of ho說個st cells allows for腦技 large-scale antibod道白y production.


Non-integration of vector DNA: Conventional transfection of plasmid ve男對ctors is also referred to as transient南還 transfection because the vector stay紅女s mostly as episomal 靜兵DNA in cells without integration. Ho愛老wever, plasmid DNA c畫低an integrate permanently into the hos作司t genome at a very low frequency自購 (102 to 106 cells depending on 一綠cell type). If a drug resistance o聽票r fluorescence marker is incorporated 筆子into the plasmid, cells師土 stably integrating照多 the plasmid can be derived by drug s他會election or cel低家l sorting after extended culture.

Optimal expression rati南遠o of the heavy 謝有to light chain difficult to achiev海明e: All antibodies consist of 長西heavy chains and light 線雨chains. For successful ant作司ibody production, a precise exp唱們ression ratio of the heavy to 說中light chain is required. This c志暗an only be achieved by co-transf看話ecting a second pl員道asmid expressing the antibody light這火 chain. Achieving opt為房imal expression of 微兒both heavy chain 服用and light chain may be difficult to腦黃 control due to expr問爸ession driven by different p做電romoters in two distinct vectors.


Promoter: The promoter driving your gene of inter嗎長est is placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is place亮術d in front of the start codon of the OR樹綠F of interest beca如些use it is believed to facilitate 那腦translation initiation in eukary機妹otes.

IL2-sig: Signal peptide of Homo sapiens inte亮體rleukin 2. It facilitates t生化he secretion of the protein.

Heavy Chain Varia子爸ble Region (VH): heavy chain variable region for antige文湖n recognition.

Heavy Chain Constant Regi線車on (CH): heavy chain constant regio也拿n encoding isotype.

SV40 late PA: Simian virus 40 late polyadenylatio長舞n signal. It fac門謝ilitates transcrip樹問tional terminati紅木on of the upstream ORF.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such都還 as neomycin resistance), a visually算輛 detectable gene (such as EGFP), or a 呢船dual-reporter g黑站ene (such as EGFP/Neo). Th好白is allows cells 公司transduced with the vector to 好計be selected and/or vis內們ualized.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids 店間carrying this origi愛文n exist in high copy numbers in E. col姐錢i.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance謝什 gene. It allows the plasmid 水醫to be maintained by 數拍ampicillin selection in E. coli.身事