
Adenovirus CRISPR Vector


CRISPR/Cas9 vectors are among several 雨鐵types of emerging genome editing too個慢ls that can quickly and efficiently技的 create mutations at target 飛河sites of a genome (the o可秒ther two popular ones being南信 ZFN and TALEN).

Cas9 is a membe新物r of a class of林件 RNA-guided DNA nucleases which ar筆司e part of a natural proka熱喝ryotic immune system that conf國答ers resistance to foreign genetic eleme樂答nts such as plasmids and bact請店eriophage. Within the c影下ell, the Cas9 enzyme forms a媽刀 complex with a guide RN船物A (gRNA), which provides targeti請聽ng specificity through筆門 direct interaction with homolog照河ous 18-22nt target 做麗sequences in the genome. Hy文年bridization of the gRNA to the tar謝報get site localizes Cas9, wh金窗ich then cuts the target site 刀好in the genome.

To achieve CRISPR-mediated gene長作 targeting it is essential 作光for the target cells to 制月co-express Cas9 and the target si爸年te-specific gRNA at the歌上 same time. This can 美信be accomplished by either請討 expressing both Cas9 and the gRNA 店還sequence from the same vector (a.事村k.a. all-in-one vector) or by us聽她ing separate vect妹嗎ors for driving Cas9 and gRNA ex他農pression (Cas9 only and gRNA on林紅ly vectors, respectively)快妹. The advantage of using 們內an all-in-one vector f都些or expressing Cas什森9 and gRNA is that it pro那說vides the opportunity 多相to deliver all the re好姐quired components for CRISPR-mediate男海d gene editing to the cell using a姐你 single vector which is technically st劇呢raight forward. Using separate vectors老北 for expressing Cas9 and g暗房RNA requires co-transduction of th森是e target cells with tw票民o separate vectors which can be t費大echnically challenging since not all 街中cells will be transd去呢uced with both gRNA a請分nd Cas9 vectors 理影simultaneously. An alternative app金店roach for using商現 separate vectors is to transduc雪個e cells or organisms stab報拿ly expressing high-level of秒器 Cas9 with the desired gRNA sequence筆他s. However, this m影家ethod can be considerably time-consu低暗ming and labor intensive.畫線 Our all-i間學n-one adenovirus CR什請ISPR vector helps to circumvent 愛好the mentioned challenges by外知 expressing Cas9 and t子近he desired gRNA se腦技quence from a single adenovi花大ral vector.

The adenovirus CRISPR ve女拿ctor is a highly efficient viral vehic拍頻le for adenovirus-mediated introd公弟uction of both Cas9 and 技坐the target site-specific gR那科NA sequence into a va來站riety of mammalian cell types, whe們計re the vector remains as會文 episomal DNA without integration in又鐘to the host genome. It is the pr商司eferred gene delivery system in vivo,暗她 often used in gene therapy and vaccin土化ation. 

An adenovirus CRISPR vecto北玩r is first const北可ructed as a plasmid in E. coli. 師鐵The gRNA and Cas9 expr厭民ession cassette is c在農loned between the two inverted termina上時l repeats (ITRs還我) during vector c視日onstruction. A human上輛 U6 promoter drives the express機黃ion of the user-selected gRNA seq現但uence, which directs Cas9 to 煙又the DNA target site of inter女畫est. The vector is then trans做得fected into packaging cells, 哥的where the region of 訊務the vector between the ITR章錯s is packaged into live virus問廠. When the virus is 時看added to target cells, the DNA cargo都樂 is delivered in子技to cells where it enters the 林吃nucleus and remains as episoma近村l DNA without integrati森吃on into the host genome. The gR為還NA and Cas9 expression 們輛cassette placed in-between t坐習he two ITRs during vec務看tor construction is introduced int煙兵o target cells along with the rest of 訊哥viral genome.

Our adenovirus CRISPR vector is快銀 available for expressing either白鄉 single-gRNA or dual-gRNAs. W舞唱hile the single-gRNA vector is們司 widely used for 間白conventional CRISPR genome editing app爸小lications such a都長s generating single gen讀時e knockouts, dual-gRNA vectors ar個照e necessary for applications requi山兵ring simultaneous targeting of 腦議a pair of genomic sites. Examples of很水 such applications include: 輛購1) paired Cas9 nic嗎說kase experiments where the “n日話ickase” mutant 要唱form (hCas9-D10A) of hCas9 is used 現報in conjunction with two gRNAs tar遠唱geting the two opposite s術光trands of a single target site to兵小 generate single s新都trand cuts one on each strand, thereby 車中leading to a DSB wi鄉車th increased targeting specific熱器ity than a single gRNA; 2村算) generating deletion of a f喝器ragment between two DSBs target河就ed by a pair of g暗新RNAs; and 3) targeting two differe答山nt genes simultaneo年上usly. While the single g購樂RNA vector consists of a sing坐市le human U6 promoter drivi快年ng the target site-specific gRN費城A sequence in b要服etween the two ITRs, the dua說學l gRNA vector consists of two 見藍consecutive U6 pro又物moters driving the expre中謝ssion of gRNA sequences specifi吧中c to two genomic target sites o坐好f interest.

By design, adenov近讀iral vectors lack the E1A, E1B and E錯場3 genes (delta E1 + d一筆elta E3). The first two are required fo從火r the production 都身of live virus (these two g樂習enes are engineered into the哥哥 genome of packaging間事 cells). As a r筆行esult, virus produced from the vect科錢ors have the im風笑portant safety feature of 照煙being replication incompetent (m你文eaning that they can transduce t山農arget cells but cannot 用算replicate in them).

For further information about this vec術鐵tor system, please refer to 票去the papers below.

Science. 339:819 (2013)Description of genome editing using the男懂 CRISPR/Cas9 system
Cell. 154:1380–9 (2013)Use of Cas9 D10A double ni門媽cking for increased specificity
Nat. Biotech. 31:木匠827 (2013)Specificity of RNA-g好音uided Cas9 nucleases
Sci Rep. 9:277 (2019)CRISPR/Cas9 targeting us樹地ing an all-in-one adenoviral紙音 vector

Our adenovirus CRISPR vector在吧 is derived from the adenoviru書務s serotype 5 (Ad5). It is optimi鄉新zed for high-titer p空算ackaging of live virus, efficient tra窗城nsduction of host cells, and high-l煙笑evel transgene expressio微林n. The aden哥說ovirus CRISPR vector syste藍輛m is designed to deliver 筆熱Cas9 and a target sit很到e-specific gRNA sequence using a singl唱票e vector. This vector is ava書購ilable for expressing筆離 either single-g嗎秒RNA or dual-gRNAs ena不內bling users to target ei長如ther one or two genomic target sites海個 of interest depending農聽 upon their experimental goal.


Simplicity: The simple homology relationshi為舞p between the gRNA and the target 光的makes the CRISPR/Cas9 sys草報tem conceptually simple and微費 easy to design. Our友跳 adenovirus CRISPR vector system is des子問igned for delivering both Cas9 as w哥舊ell as the target鐘但 site-specific 老報gRNA sequence to 匠男mammalian cells. T地新his provides th了化e opportunity to delive土公r all the required components 務做for CRISPR-mediated gene ed但風iting to the target cells usi錢靜ng a single adenoviral vect他頻or which is tec店生hnically straight藍物 forward and less time-海行consuming than using two separate vec他體tors for Cas9 and gRNA deli樹身very.

Low risk of host genome 門冷disruption: Upon transduction into host cells呢學, adenoviral vectors remain 就樂as episomal DNA in雨區 the nucleus. The l樹科ack of integration into著音 the host genom分錯e can be a desirable feature for in viv腦愛o human applications, as it 來河reduces the risk of host genome disrup話坐tion that might lead to cance請草r.

Very high viral ti答見ter: After our adenoviral vector 會飛is transfected into packag坐有ing cells to produce 數自live virus, the virus can be 機車further amplified to very線事 high titer by re-infecting packagi呢美ng cells. This is靜習 unlike lentivirus, MMLV retrovirus,錢開 or AAV, which cannot be amplified by 冷輛re-infection. When adenovirus i你音s obtained through o畫計ur virus packaging servi裡睡ce, titer can reach >1011 infectious units per ml (IFU/ml).

Broad tropism: Cells from commonly used mammalia些樂n species such as h舞光uman, mouse and rat can be tr事章ansduced with our 輛老vector, but some cell types have pr鐘你oven difficult to transduce (se微笑e disadvantages below).

Effectiveness in vitro an綠裡d in vivo: Our vector is often used to transduce是白 cells in live animal站靜s, but it can a多制lso be used effectively in v紅地itro.

Safety: The safety of o少雪ur vector is en相藍sured by the fact that 麗開it lacks genes essential for virus pr街到oduction (these genes are engineered 照服into the genome of packaging cells). 輛多Virus made from our睡會 vector is therefore replication in為明competent except when it is花志 used to transduce pac門紙kaging cells.


Non-integration of vector上坐 DNA: The adenoviral genome do去書es not integrate into the genome of tra美睡nsduced cells. Rather, it exists 月來as episomal DNA, wh喝筆ich can be lost也吧 over time, especially in dividing ce話畫lls. 

Difficulty transducing ce銀街rtain cell types: While our adenoviral 輛制vectors can tran離分sduce many different cell t農民ypes including n暗秒on-dividing cells,南相 it is inefficient against certain生雨 cell types such as大說 endothelia, smooth muscle, differentia章玩ted airway epithelia, pe這笑ripheral blood cells, neur紅哥ons, and hematopoietic cells.計紅

Strong immunogenicity: Live virus from adenoviral vec區那tors can elicit strong要通 immune response 湖物in animals, thus limiting certain in 制劇vivo applications.

Technical complexity:&nbs木錯p;The use of adenoviral v唱海ectors requires the秒南 production of live virus in packa件們ging cells followed by the mea章河surement of viral titer. These p南他rocedures are technical demanding 西劇and time consuming.

Lower specificity:&nbs遠場p;Some off-target activity has been r來和eported for the CR西好ISPR/Cas9 system, an歌城d in general the TALEN system has l裡物ower off-target activity than CRI北紅SPR/Cas9. However, off-吃湖target effects can be signific劇件antly mitigated吧們 by using the mutant hCas很讀9-D10A nickase in conjunction 工湖with two gRNAs to target the t議上wo opposite stra吃樂nds of a single target site to gen數媽erate single strand cuts one on each 他兒strand, thereby le從業ading to a DSB with i裡飛ncreased targeting specific鐵都ity than a single gRNA used i內說n conjunction with t哥科he wild type hCas9 n黑拿uclease.

PAM requirement: CRISPR/Cas9 bas下小ed targeting is dependent 都計on a strict req一麗uirement for a protospace信會r adjacent motif (PAM),短道 located on the 什行immediate 3’ end o鐘銀f the gRNA recognition sequ弟資ence.

Single-gRNA adenovirus CRISPR vecto也筆r

5' ITR: 5' inverte自湖d terminal repeat. In wild type vir答紅us, 5' ITR and 3' ITR are essent日得ially identical in sequence. They 時湖reside on two ends of日公 the viral genome pointing in opposite 山但directions, where they serve都亮 as the origin of viral低你 genome replication.

Ψ: Adenovirus pa哥個ckaging signal required for the pack到雪aging of viral 做醫DNA into virus.

U6 Promoter: This drives hig報術h level expression of the downs光外tream gRNA. This還關 is the promoter of the human 看低U6 snRNA gene, a區舞n RNA polymerase III prom畫志oter which efficiently expresses一文 short RNAs.

gRNA: Guide RNA compatible w但開ith Cas9 derive地小d from Streptococcus p我外yogenes.

Terminator: Terminates transcription從現 of the gRNA.

CBh promoter: Chicken beta-act開畫in promoter. Drives expression of紅林 the downstream Cas9 nuclease.

Cas9 protein: The open reading frame of 姐好the Cas9 nuclease is p不錢laced here. 

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus thymi去哥dine kinase polyadenylation signal一問. It facilitates transcr輛這iptional termination of 視個the upstream ORF.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 g小媽enome between the two就民 ITRs minus the E1A, E1B and路短 E3 regions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin 拍人of replication. Plasmi短綠ds carrying this街明 origin exist in medium c商匠opy numbers in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin r火術esistance gene. It a一知llows the plasmid to be 樹路maintained by ampicillin selectio花高n in E. coli.

PacI: PacI restrict離高ion site (PacI is a rare cutter th西家at cuts at TTAATTA友近A). The two PacI 民務restriction sites on the vecto商費r can be used to linearize the vec厭了tor and remove the vector backbone 文森from the viral sequence, which is ne木哥cessary for efficient packaging.

Dual-gRNA adenovirus CRISPR vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. In wild 刀姐type virus, 5' ITR and 3' ITR紙明 are essentially iden南船tical in sequence. They reside來器 on two ends of th友志e viral genome p舞火ointing in opposite directions, where頻做 they serve as the origin of工快 viral genome repl報工ication.

Ψ: Adenovirus packa做車ging signal required for拿問 the packaging of vi爸嗎ral DNA into virus.

U6 Promoter: This drives high level 大地expression of the 林要downstream gRNA. This is th要事e promoter of the human U6 snRNA ge為又ne, an RNA polymerase III promoter whi去信ch efficiently expresses銀知 short RNAs.

gRNA #1: The first guide RNA compatible wi店行th Cas9 derived from Streptococ劇街cus pyogene靜懂s.

gRNA #2: The second guide RNA compatible 西學with Cas9 derived雨舊 from Streptococcus 知白pyogenes.

Terminator: Terminates trans明飛cription of the gRNA.

CBh promoter: Chicken beta-actin promoter. Drives ex說地pression of the d車有ownstream Cas9 nuclease.做南

Cas9 protein: The open readin民到g frame of the Ca志跳s9 nuclease is placed here.海輛 

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus th在黑ymidine kinase polyadenylat愛朋ion signal. It facilitates transcr雨放iptional termination of the ups制很tream ORF.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 genome 北海between the two I藍多TRs minus the E1A, 快師E1B and E3 regions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted 刀文terminal repeat.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin of replication. Pla文鐘smids carrying this 科舞origin exist in me來車dium copy numbers in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It 見長allows the plasmid to be maintained by 個習ampicillin selection in E. coli.

PacI: PacI restriction site 關舊(PacI is a rare cutter that cuts at TTA志看ATTAA). The two PacI restriction 化音sites on the vector can讀綠 be used to linearize the v還體ector and remove the vector backbone 個黃from the viral sequence, w木在hich is necessary for efficient pac要行kaging.