
MMLV Retrovirus Chimeric一水 Antigen Receptor (CAR)海習 Expression Vector


Utilizing chimeric 愛門antigen receptor (CAR) vect要新ors to produce engineered身我 T cells (also known as CAR道可 T cells) that can recognize tumor-asso亮舊ciated antigens has emerged as a 山畫promising approach in the tr裡火eatment of cancer. In CAR T-cell the吧件rapy, T cells derived from either patie慢車nts (autologous)票頻 or healthy donors (allogene錢高ic) are modified t又上o express CAR, a有暗 chimeric construct whic關不h combines antigen 北哥binding with T cel放放l activation for targeting 樂唱tumor cells.

Structurally, a CAR consists of 樹件four main components: (自東1) an extracellular antigen科舞 recognition domain made城分 up of an antibody-derived single chain農放 variable fragment (scFv) of known 農問specificity. The scFv facilitat鐵化es antigen binding風很 and is composed of the variabl作弟e light chain and heavy chain region花銀s of an antigen-specific mon動那oclonal antibody connected黑農 by a flexible linker; (2) 購什an extracellular hin來身ge or spacer which日資 connects the scFv with 自樹the transmembrane doma做市in and provides flexi村街bility and stability to輛美 the CAR structure; (3) a transmembran姐做e domain which anchors the CAR to the p姐刀lasma membrane an飛月d bridges the extracel腦很lular hinge as well as a水機ntigen binding domain with the intra年計cellular signaling doma坐森in. It plays a critical role in 聽愛enhancing receptor expressio嗎化n and stability; (4) and an intra她吃cellular signaling domain which is 也行typically derived from the CD3 zeta ch林銀ain of the T cell recept現場or (TCR) and contains immu子老noreceptor tyrosine-based activation m在慢otifs (ITAMs). The ITAMs becom場家e phosphorylated and activate d師女ownstream signaling upon antigen bindin做林g, leading to the 務生subsequent acti女用vation of T cells. 市民In addition, the i呢樹ntracellular region may cont器購ain one or more costimulatory明我 domains (derived from CD28, CD13動吧7 etc.) in tandem with the CD3 zeta國相 signaling domain for impr窗了oving T cell pr月吃oliferation and persistence店也.

The structure of CAR has evolved o說好ver the past few years b光對ased on modifications 匠雜to the composition of the intracel藍校lular domains. T們大he first-generati店鄉on CARs consisted of要麗 only a single intracel內雪lular CD3 zeta-derived signa妹妹ling domain. While外裡 these CARs could activate T ce科笑lls, they exhibited poor anti-tumor ac舊拍tivity in vivo due to the low cytot一腦oxicity and proliferation of T cells 亮水expressing such CARs. This led to兵空 the advent of the se低章cond-generation CA報站Rs which included an 開暗intracellular co內讀stimulatory domain in additio多務n to the CD3 zeta sign也上aling domain leading to a s音白ignificant impr影的ovement in the in vivo pro鐵紅liferation, expansion and persist術樂ence of T cells expr老民essing second generation CAR玩姐s. To further optimize the自體 anti-tumor efficacy of CAR山爸-T cells, third gen地訊eration CARs were developed wh務她ich included two intr樂熱acellular, cis-acting costimulatory do下短mains in addition to CD3 zeta.微國 Thereafter, fourth家火 generation CARs were d路鐵erived from second-genera費地tion CARs by modifying 資亮their intracellular domain fo懂議r inducible or co坐黑nstitutive expression of cytokines. The風物 fifth and the latest generation動知 of CARs are also derived呢海 from second-genera體生tion CARs by the incorporation 船坐of intracellular domains of cytokine 微術receptors.

Our MMLV retroviru讀黃s CAR expression vector is derived章通 from the Moloney mur線和ine leukemia virus, which is a 黑聽member of the retrovirus family and 現友is highly suitable for retrovi農妹rus-mediated delivery of s房靜econd-generation CAR expression casset章嗎tes into T cells. Wi們民ldtype MMLV virus has a plus-st員輛rand linear RNA genome.

The MMLV retrovirus CAR expre哥男ssion vector is first constructed as得跳 a plasmid in E訊頻. coli where the entire CAR e短技xpression cassette including the sc子得Fv region, the hinge, the 煙亮transmembrane domain a綠師nd the intracellular CD3 zeta sign秒不aling domain as well購訊 as the costimulatory domain 林購is cloned in between the two M影新MLV long terminal repeats (LTRs). It is也那 then transfected into p市習ackaging cells along wi朋時th several help舞風er plasmids. Inside t我門he packaging cells, vec章事tor DNA located b服自etween the two LTRs is 高通transcribed into RNA, and vi就用ral proteins expre拍空ssed by the helper plasmids fur報湖ther package the RNA into v懂弟irus. Live virus is then月高 released into the supe場雨rnatant, which 還外can be used to inf報妹ect target cells directly or af現南ter concentration.

When the virus is added to 說學target cells, the RNA cargo is是現 shuttled into cells where it is re很用verse transcribed in暗還to DNA and randomly inte微月grated into the host genome. Any 山金gene(s) that were placed in-between th吧輛e two LTRs during vector cloning a都村re permanently inserted志坐 into host DNA alongside姐樂 the rest of viral genome.

By design, MMLV retr銀我oviral vectors lack the ge森數nes required for vir妹信al packaging and tran長習sduction (these genes are instead又我 carried by helper plasm作站ids used during viru議暗s packaging). As a re拿東sult, virus produced from MMLV re內問troviral vectors has t他鄉he important safety featur在門e of being replication incompeten國就t (meaning that th歌計ey can transduce target c信音ells but cannot replicate in them)和男.

For further infor放雜mation about this vector system愛體, please refer to the pap農那ers below.

Br J Cancer. 120:26 (2019)Review on next-generation CAR T cells
Mol Ther Oncolyti大現cs. 3:16014 (2016)Review on CAR models
J Immunother. 32:169 (2009)MMLV retrovirus-mediated CAR exp作書ression for autologous adoptiv為下e cell therapy
J Immunother. 32:689 (2009)Construction and pre-clinical evaluati電男on of an anti-CD19 CAR
Mol Ther. 17:1453 (2009)校時In vivo characterization 物金of chimeric receptor行姐s containing CD1物個37 signal trans河知duction domains

Our MMLV retrovirus C大風AR expression vector can be used for t木對he expression of 內能second-generation CARs. 工大It is optimized for high copy 木開number replication in E. co店子li, high-titer packaging of 麗金live virus, efficient viral tra理國nsduction of a wide range of c樹靜ells, efficient vector integration輛來 into the host genome, and h行劇igh-level transgene expres機不sion.


Permanent integration of vector DNA:市微 Conventional transfection result光我s in almost entirely tran微知sient delivery of DNA into ho快討st cells due to th花明e loss of DNA over 機老time. This problem is e紙視specially prominent校睡 in rapidly dividing cells. In contra電低st, retroviral transduction ca土音n deliver genes permanently into ho件服st cells due to 厭謝integration of the vir火答al vector into the host水書 genome, thereby enabl在行ing long-term express女分ion of CAR expression cassettes器哥.

Large cargo space: The wildtype MMLV retrovi拍話ral genome is ~8 kb城制. In our vector, the components neces生房sary for viral packaging and transducti從好on occupy ~2.5 kb, which leaves ~5.5 k木雜b to accommodate the user's D說到NA of interest. Since our vector is des計自igned for the insertion of only 作低the CAR, this carg厭匠o space is sufficient for章車 the expression of all necessary CAR樹紅 components.

High-level express可拍ion: The MMLV 5' LTR co姐自ntains a strong ubiquitous promoter th木事at drives high-level exp數西ression of the user's CAR of inte生我rest.

Relative uniformity of gene 高日delivery: Generally, viral transduction ca票兒n deliver vector歌身s into cells in a relative她地ly uniform manner.了子 In contrast, conventional transfecti書能on of plasmid vec討慢tors can be highly non-間照uniform, with some c姐民ells receiving a lot of copies whi從但le other cells r房藍eceiving few copies or嗎司 none.

Effectiveness in vit學看ro and in vivo: While our vector is mos土慢tly used for in vitro transduct科鄉ion of cultured cells, it can also他睡 be used to transduce cel刀議ls in live anima作女ls.

Safety: The safety of our vector i歌說s ensured by partitio電內ning genes required for v呢鐵iral packaging and transduction into知話 several helper plasmids or用她 integrating them into pack說草aging cells. As 一熱a result, live virus produced票很 from our vector is replica藍男tion incompetent.


Dependence on 5' LTR promote跳月r: Expression of the CAR cassette門身 in this vector is dri很畫ven by the ubiquitous promoter fun又學ction in the 5' LTR. Th師黑is is a distinct disadvantage 讀討as compared to our lentiviral舊很 vectors which a上來llow the user to p用是ut in their own promoter to d關玩rive their CAR expression cassette.&nbs跳歌p;

Moderate viral titer: Viral titer from our vector reach音可 ~107 TU/ml in the supern樂問atant of packaging ce制我lls without further c在暗oncentration. This is about an order 還些of magnitude lower than our 這房lentiviral vectors.

Risk of Insertional mutagenesis:白很 Gamma retroviral vectors 中花have an intrinsic tendency of integrati頻飛ng close to gene transcription star少老t sites and proto-oncogenes. This i關內ncreases the chances畫家 of insertional mutagenesi一高s and can be a maj亮到or concern for the clinical applicat玩老ion of retrovirus-based CAR vectors.&民高nbsp;

Technical complexity: The use of MMLV retroviral vect他玩ors requires the p地新roduction of live virus in packaging 內劇cells followed by the measurement o拍西f viral titer. These procedures are 間為technically demandin日美g and time consuming relati弟空ve to conventional plasmid trans朋裡fection.

High manufacturing costs: The cost of producing 光銀GMP-grade retrov船子iral vectors is 姐計significantly higher compar木數ed to non-viral vectors美歌 and therefore, is a major limitation a明白ssociated with the clinical dev樹鐘elopment of retrovi作師rus-based CAR T therapies.白司


5' MoMuLV LTR:&nb習店sp;MMLV retrovirus 5' long terminal 知科repeat. In wildtyp視林e MMLV retrovirus, 5' LTR and 3' LTR 器雪are essentially iden爸海tical in sequence. They reside on站謝 two ends of the viral genome and poin雜舊t in the same direc年大tion. Upon viral 分上integration, the 3' LTR sequence 還藍is copied onto the 5' LTR. The LTRs ca話笑rry both promoter and polyad農金enylation function, such that the 5空體' LTR acts as a promoter to drive the件看 transcription of the viral genome, wh雨務ile the 3' LTR acts放些 as a polyadenylation靜如 signal to terminate the upstream 時歌transcript.

Ψ plus pack森個2: MMLV retrovirus物師 packaging signal required fo廠城r the packaging of viral RNA into筆家 virus.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is你得 placed in front去自 of the start codon 時間of the ORF of interest because it is 吧小believed to facilitate tran用校slation initiation書如 in eukaryotes.

CD8-leader: Leader signal p子兵eptide of T-cell技討 surface glycop愛訊rotein CD8 alpha chain. Dir小業ects transport and localization厭紅 of the protein to the T-cell surface.答說

scFv: Single chain variabl費制e fragment derive黑文d from a monocl電南onal antibody of known specificity個上. Recognizes cells in an anti開友gen-specific manner.

Hinge: Extracellular hinge region 多時of the CAR. Conne暗西cts scFv with the tr雪畫ansmembrane region providing stabili媽是ty and flexibilty for ef為舞ficient CAR exp鐘冷ression and function; enhances線答 efficiency of tumor服金 recognition; improves ex嗎舞pansion of CAR-T cells.

Transmembrane doma就們in: Transmembrane do多器main of the CAR.草文 Anchors the CAR to the pl冷對asma membrane and bridges the extracel子日lular hinge as well as anti門雨gen recognition domains wit媽師h the intracellular signalin志明g region; enhances receptor exp白玩ression and sta化計bility.

Costimulatory domain: Intracellular costimulatory d志在omain of the CAR. Impro暗知ves overall survival, prolif房雪eration, and per公有sistence of act什草ivated CAR-T cells.

CD3zeta: Intracellular domai錯票n of the T cell receptor-CD3ζ cha對還in. Acts as a sti內志mulatory molecule for activatin動雪g T cell-mediate我裡d immune respon老作se.

3' MoMuLV LTR: MMLV retro那能virus 3' long terminal repea家身t. The polyadenylation光吃 signal contained in 3' LTR玩資 serves to termi靜林nate the transcript from the upstr自問eam CAR.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It al懂廠lows the plasmid to be m話匠aintained by ampi飛相cillin selection 錢時in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicat見票ion. Plasmids carrying this origin ex照女ist in high copy numbers i數嗎n E. coli.