
The adenovirus 輛路miR30-based shRNA kn我但ockdown vector system is a highly間服 efficient viral vector for kn都費ocking down expres能微sion of target gene(s) in a&nb年木sp;variety of mammalian ce從東ll types. It utilizes ade草自novirus-mediated deli請能very of a polycis數子tronic expressio花討n cassette consistin東雜g of one or more miR30-based shRNAs 山北(shRNAmiR) targeting gen區煙e(s) of interest 美道and a user-select區朋ed ORF, where the 東也vector remains as ep船見isomal DNA without就藍 integration into the host g草放enome. The shRNAmiR 街書transcript is processed by endogen工醫ous, cellular micro-RNA pat答空hways to produce ma海章ture shRNAs, which facilitat遠木e degradation of target gene mRN說請As. It is the pref要做erred gene knoc唱能kdown system in vivo, often used in 房個gene therapy and vaccination.&在西nbsp;

An adenovirus miR30-ba頻煙sed shRNA vector is first constructed 光飛as a plasmid in E. col海國i. The polycistronic expressi秒短on cassette consisting of one or more 友站shRNAmiRs targeting gene(s) of i讀雪nterest and a user-selecte司學d ORF is cloned between t分飛he two inverted terminal 化弟repeats (ITRs). It is then transfecte廠是d into packaging cells, where the reg多少ion of the vector between the IT錢劇Rs is packaged into也和 live virus. When the virus is a作家dded to target cells, th輛男e DNA cargo is deli暗時vered into cells where it enters th議車e nucleus and remains as e看錯pisomal DNA without in但劇tegration into the host慢著 genome. Any gene(s) that were placed 人服in-between the two ITRs d畫計uring vector construction 問家are introduced into target睡會 cells along with the res理她t of viral genome.

Unlike conventio問水nal shRNA vectors, w湖民hich utilize RNA 房日polymerase III promoters 鄉能such as U6, miRNA-based 妹做shRNA systems a空機re placed under the control of standar來低d RNA polymerase II promoters. This al都風lows the use of tissue-specific, 和計inducible, or variable-分我strength promot著空ers, enabling a variety of experime動什ntal applicatio他數ns not possible with cons算北titutive U6 pro跳內moters.

The ability of RNA polymerase II pro要票moters to efficiently 月和transcribe long transcripts in話科 the miRNA-based 如門shRNA systems also provides白房 additional advantages relative t子訊o other knockdown vector厭東 systems. Multiple shRNAmiRs 家開can be transcri她事bed as a single polycistron鐵但, which is processed to form mature sh輛水RNAs within the cell. This allows弟嗎 knockdown of multiple genes or targe秒煙ting of multiple regio錢但ns within the same 海筆gene using a single transcr費視ipt. As a result, this vector 裡廠is available for expressing either 大睡single or multiple討內 shRNAmiRs. Secondly, in this vecto外個r system, a user-selecte友熱d protein coding gene is also po要都sitioned within the海友 same polycistron as t放木he shRNAmiRs. T月紅he expression of this ORF can be used 師從to directly monitor shRNA trans美男cription (if a 大化marker ORF is used) or can be used for用金 other purposes科裡 requiring co-ex又我pression of an ORF and s答睡hRNA(s).

By design, adenoviral vecto快音rs lack the E1A, E1B a照我nd E3 genes (delta E1 海女+ delta E3). The first two are requ房來ired for the produc船林tion of live virus 和跳(these two genes are eng小黃ineered into the genome of packagi制小ng cells). As a res一嗎ult, virus produced 湖文from the vectors have the impo行森rtant safety feature of be地司ing replication incompetent 務錢(meaning that they can transduce 樂不target cells but cannot rep土房licate in them).

For further information ab靜民out this vector system, please refer t木雜o the papers below.

Cell Rep. 5:1704 (2013)An Optimized microRNA Backbon從友e for Effective Single-Copy RNAi
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 91:880遠中2 (1994)The 2nd generation a姐小denovirus vectors
J Gen Virol. 36:務就59 (1977)A packaging cell line for adenovirus開空 vectors
J Virol. 79:5437 (200國什5)Replication-competent adenovirus到湖 (RCA) formation in 293 Cells
Gene Ther. 3:75 (1996)A cell line for testing RCA

Our adenovirus m技學iR30-based shRNA knockdown vector快議 incorporates an optimized 著木micro-RNA system for knockdown of體章 target gene(s)&nbs鄉喝p;and is derived from the ade外他novirus serotype 5 (Ad5). It is op下刀timized for high-titer pack紙頻aging of live virus, efficient tran綠水sduction of host cel費生ls, and high-level tr票匠ansgene express窗子ion. A user-selected promoter d男資rives expression of a po市裡lycistronic expre費白ssion cassette containing a user相裡-selected ORF and one or more shRNAmiR體朋s with optimized miR30-bas還水ed sequences to mediate efficient還舊 shRNA processing and target gene城這 knockdown.


Promoter choice:&nbs議技p;Unlike standard shRNA sys雪通tems, which utilize RNA polymeras紅個e III promoters such a看東s U6, miR30-based shRNA人務s can be transcribed by di銀書verse RNA polymerase II promoters跳們. This also enables the use of tissue-公機specific or inducible p為行romoters.

Multiple shRNA co-路兵expression: Because RNA polym樹報erase II efficient議土ly transcribes 體習long RNAs, multiple shRNAmiRs匠笑 can be expressed 你去as a polycistron from a森土 single promoter. Therefore, this v花紙ector is available for expressing eithe紅相r single or multiple shRNAmiRs.  學雜;

Co-expression of 樹冷a reporter ORF: 司志;A user-selected gene of interest or rep錢有orter gene ORF is co-ex都她pressed with the shRNAmiRs章車, as a polycistron. T冷林his facilitates direct monitoring of讀房 shRNA transcription.

Low risk of host genome disruption: Upon transduction into host我慢 cells, adenovira可購l vectors remain as 不校episomal DNA in th些得e nucleus. The lack of integration into請的 the host genome 黃請can be a desirable feature for in viv體唱o human applications, as it reduces the人了 risk of host genome disruption that 工車might lead to cancer.

Very high viral titer: After our adenoviral長通 vector is transfected 花拿into packaging c民姐ells to produce live vir街的us, the virus can be fur姐行ther amplified to ver新場y high titer by re-infecting packag黃年ing cells. This is 熱答unlike lentivirus, MMLV retrovir村關us, or AAV, which cannot be amplifi唱線ed by re-infection. When adenovirus多但 is obtained through ou報章r virus packaging service, titer can 嗎通reach >1011 infectious units per ml (IFU/紙紙ml).

Broad tropism: Cells from commonly used mamm說舞alian species such as 紅多human, mouse and 開厭rat can be trans金生duced with our vector, but some高黑 cell types have pro亮票ven difficult to transduce (兒北see disadvantag間有es below).

Effectiveness in vitro and in v見大ivo: Our vector is often used to transduce影師 cells in live animals, but it 外術can also be used effective來就ly in vitro.

Safety: The safety of our vector is通笑 ensured by the fact that it lacks gen去慢es essential for virus production (t腦校hese genes are engineered int子快o the genome of packaging c錢票ells). Virus made from our v近一ector is therefore replication incompe雜雪tent except when it 河外is used to transduce packaging cells.


Non-integration of vector DNA:&nb上農sp;The adenoviral genome does not窗廠 integrate into the genome o有會f transduced cells. Rather, it exis好計ts as episomal DNA, which can be lo光些st over time, especially in divi討店ding cells. 

Difficulty transducing certain cell 下兒types: While our adenoviral vectors 你計can transduce many differ對們ent cell types including non從吧-dividing cells, i飛男t is inefficien錯不t against certain姐車 cell types such as end好很othelia, smooth muscle, differentiate拍銀d airway epithelia, pe北拿ripheral blood cells, neu日請rons, and hematopoietic c拿亮ells.

Strong immunogenicity: Live virus fr我綠om adenoviral vectors can elicit樂厭 strong immune response in animals, t國綠hus limiting ce外學rtain in vivo applications.

Technical complexity:&n公懂bsp;The use of adenoviral vectors require雜著s the production of live virus in pac自亮kaging cells foll東子owed by the measu們亮rement of viral titer. These proc司船edures are technically 頻服demanding and time consuming.

Single miR30-shRNA a河老denovirus shRNA knockdown vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. In友志 wild type virus, 5' ITR and 3' ITR話又 are essentially identical in 理腦sequence. They reside on two e呢開nds of the viral genome point要技ing in opposite directions東麗, where they ser上小ve as the origin of viral genome re會書plication.

Ψ: Adenovirus packaging s窗好ignal required for the packaging訊南 of viral DNA i公有nto virus.

Promoter: Drives transcrip說做tion of the downstream ORF and shRNAm爸我iR polycistron. This is an RNA p拍花olymerase II promoter, rather than a姐雪n RNA polymerase III promoter s時學uch as U6.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is 員人placed in front of the start cod白視on of the ORF of interest bec話房ause it is believed to facilitate 頻暗translation initiation i哥志n eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of your gene我紙 of interest or reporter ge鄉麗ne is placed here. This can be used to 道友monitor shRNA expression.

5' miR-30E: An optimized version of the 員書human miR30 5’ context sequence. Facili車高tates maturation and processing of t自志he shRNA and separation站兵 from the tandemly transc新學ribed ORF and other shRNAs土農.

3' miR-30E: 可城;An optimized version of the 從拿human miR30 3’ context sequence. Facil紅妹itates maturation and pro費低cessing of the shRNA and separation 計車from the tandemly transcribed ORF器朋 and other shRNA來場s.

miR30-shRNA: This sequence is河通 derived from your target sequ說制ence and is 畫錢transcribed to form the stem porti人外on of the “hairpin” structure of th讀歌e shRNA.

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinas影南e polyadenylation signal. Faci慢校litates tran海舞scription termination and 制兒polyadenylation of the up湖音stream ORF and shRNAmiR polyc好笑istron.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 genome between the two可計 ITRs minus the E1A, E1B 湖身and E3 regions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repe影得at.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin of replication. 和多Plasmids carrying this origi離妹n exist in medium copy numbe信東rs in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resis的資tance gene. It a聽機llows the plasmi姐不d to be maintained by amp亮我icillin selection in E. c這道oli.

PacI: PacI restriction site (PacI is 書銀a rare cutter that cuts at T商女TAATTAA). The two PacI restriction 報體sites on the vec行件tor can be used to lin你鐘earize the vector and remove遠什 the vector backbone from the viral 事子sequence, which is 紅志necessary for effici計唱ent packaging.

Multiple miR30-shRNA adenov森腦irus shRNA knockdown vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted termina門秒l repeat. In wild type virus, 5' ITR a志件nd 3' ITR are essentially下月 identical in sequence. They reside on 近但two ends of the viral genome pointing i家不n opposite directions, where花書 they serve as the origin of vir紙服al genome replica南科tion.

Ψ: Adenovirus packaging signal requ明國ired for the packaging of v刀亮iral DNA into virus.

Promoter: Drives transcription of the downstre唱秒am ORF and shRNAmiR polycistr紙畫on. This is an RNA polyme醫城rase II promoter, r在一ather than an RNA pol坐吧ymerase III promoter such a公著s U6.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It 書中is placed in front of the start codon低湖 of the ORF of interest because it is b村年elieved to facilitate transla遠月tion initiation in eukary機放otes.

ORF: The open reading f體北rame of your gene of interest 件要or reporter gene is pl媽唱aced here. This 黃門can be used to monito畫讀r shRNA expression.

5' miR-30E: An optimized version of the秒答 human miR30 5’ context sequen會水ce. Facilitates maturation and pr木間ocessing of the shRNA a遠暗nd separation from the tandemly 輛謝transcribed ORF and other shRNAs.

3' miR-30E: An optimized version of the hu還房man miR30 3’ co但笑ntext sequence. Facilitates matur事船ation and processing of the shR為森NA and separation fr道我om the tandemly transcr離草ibed ORF and other shR友森NAs.

miR30-shRNA #1: This sequence 音暗is derived from your first target s下綠equence and is 秒秒transcribed to form the stem喝站 portion of the “城兒hairpin” structure of the shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #2: This sequence is de為關rived from your second target s南又equence and is transc拍讀ribed to form the stem portion 業來of the “hairpin” structure of the sh東雨RNA.

miR30-shRNA #3: This sequence is derived from道答 your third target seque明費nce and is transcribed to f議喝orm the stem portion of the “hairpin內飛” structure of the 少海shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #4: This sequence is derived from your fou一間rth target sequence&nb喝資sp;and is transcribed to for時身m the stem portion of the “hairpin” 員錯structure of the shRNA.

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus thym地討idine kinase polyadenyl吃錯ation signal. Facilitates transcriptio家拍n termination an路喝d polyadenylation of 報就the upstream ORF and shRNAmiR po鐵上lycistron.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 genome between th不們e two ITRs minus the E1A, E動電1B and E3 regions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted termin吃快al repeat.

pBR322 ori: 厭兒pBR322 origin of replication. Plasmids店制 carrying this origin exist in medi現紙um copy numbers in E.計來 coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. 亮很It allows the plasmid to be main了話tained by ampicillin selec喝國tion in E. coli.

PacI: PacI restriction site (PacI is a ra那長re cutter that cuts at TTAAT錯林TAA). The two PacI restrict你樹ion sites on the vector can be又厭 used to linearize the vector an放我d remove the vector backbone 我都from the viral sequence, which i土錯s necessary for efficient packagi動雨ng.