



Cas9屬于RNA引導的DNA核酸酶,是天然原核免疫系統的一我機部分,賦予細菌對(duì)質粒和噬菌體等外源遺傳物質的抗性。在細胞内,C服好as9核酸酶與引導RNA(gRNA)形成(ché藍物ng)複合物,該複合物通過(guò)與基因組中的18謝章-22 nt的同源靶序列直接相互作用提供靶向(xiàng要花)特異性。gRNA與靶位點通過(guò)互補但司配對(duì)使Cas9定位到靶序列上,然後(hòu)切割基因山笑組中的靶位點。


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當這(zhè)三種(zhǒng)載體共轉導細胞時(shí),用戶定制的g音還RNA可能(néng)會(huì)募集MS2亮技/P65/HSF1(通過(guò)MS2結合發(fā)夾紙樹适體與gRNA連接)和dCas9/VP64(通過(guò)C少業RISPR/Cas9複合物組裝) 到gRN低喝A靶位點,從而組裝出強大的SAM複合物。 這(zhè冷飛)些SAM複合物可通過(guò)VP64,p65和HSF1激活結木醫構域之間的協同相互作用實現靶位點的強烈轉錄激活。



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圖1 基于慢病毒的CRISPRa系統的基因上調表又好達效果。(A)SAM複合物示意圖。首先向(xiàng)輛坐NIH3T3細胞共轉導兩(liǎng)種(zh友愛ǒng)分别攜帶dCas9:VP64和M中歌S2:P65:HSF1的慢病毒,進(jìn)行抗性篩選爸算。然後(hòu)使用遞送msgRNA的第三種(zhǒng)慢病會問毒轉導細胞,并用另一種(zhǒng)抗生素進(jì術身n)行篩選。(B)針對(duì)靶向(xiàng)mBrn2基因啓為個動子區域而設計的msgRNA。(C) 通過(guò)qR著唱T-PCR測量mBrn2的相對(duì)基因表廠會達,量化了使用Scramble、msgRNA以及空白對(duì)冷友照(NC)轉導的并經(jīng)過(guò)抗性篩選的NIH3T麗都3細胞中mBrn2轉錄産物表達量。Mean±SD,*P&l時能t;0.05,Turkey事(shì)後去日(hòu)檢驗。



獨立的調控手段: 使用SAM載體系統靶向(xiàng)轉媽男錄激活基因并不需要預先了解目的基因的天然調控機理,但需要知道(dào)兵兵靶位點DNA序列的準确信息。





特異性:基于SAM的基因靶向(xiàng)激活方法相對線山(duì)較新,目前還(hái)市個沒(méi)有關于使用gRNA/MS2 RNA靶向(xiàn月南g)特異性的詳細報道(dào)。


RSV promoter: Rous sarcoma vir作但us promoter. It drives t兵訊ranscription of viral RNA 文少in packaging cells. This用你 RNA is then packag雪友ed into live virus.

Δ5' LTR: A deleted version of the 校我HIV-1 5' long terminal repeat熱腦. In wildtype lentivirus, 5' LTR 裡器and 3' LTR are essentially ident新美ical in sequence. Th志通ey reside on two ends of the vira舊是l genome and point in the 的吃same direction. Upon viral integrat志你ion, the 3' LTR sequence is copi火吧ed onto the 5' LT船得R. The LTRs carry b間站oth promoter and polyadenylation fu知報nction, such that in wildtype vi藍件rus, the 5' LTR acts as a pr厭房omoter to drive the transcri年土ption of the viral genome, while 行數the 3' LTR acts as a polyadenylatio很綠n signal to terminate the upstream 匠間transcript. On our vect開厭or, Δ5' LTR is deleted for a regio動湖n that is required for the 姐靜LTR's promoter activity norm明明ally facilitated by the vi如爸ral transcription fact志制or Tat. This does not affect the從紅 production of vi通冷ral RNA during pack爸門aging because the promoter func玩小tion is supplemented by什自 the RSV promoter enginee你請red upstream of Δ5' LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packaging signal required f車中or the packaging of viral R新爸NA into virus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev response el關術ement. It allows the nuclear機民 export of viral R河唱NA by the viral Rev 書裡protein during viral packagin東小g.

cPPT: HIV-1 Central polypurine t小議ract. It creates a "DNA fla著城p" that increases nuclear imp內音ort of the viral genom河得e during target cell船跳 infection. This improves vect區湖or integration into the host geno司黑me, resulting in higher tra對務nsduction efficiency.女務

U6 promoter: This drives high leve數得l expression of the gRNA.

gRNA: Allows in vitro t和歌ranscription for RNA preparation. S土下caffold gRNA sequence is included.

MS2 scaffold: This hairpin apt麗現amer sequence binds robu都湖stly to fusion protein知唱s containing the MS業票2 bacteriophage coat protein姐窗s.

Terminator: Terminates transcrip藍話tion of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglycerate kinase 1 ge日暗ne promoter. It drives the ubiqu友些itous expression the downst服要ream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such 見場as neomycin resistance), a vis短錢ually detectable gene (such as EG吃中FP), or a dual-reporte學喝r gene (such as EGFP/N間年eo). This allows cells transduced w去吃ith the vector t開音o be selected and/or v短購isualized.

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatiti可用s virus posttranscriptional 要自regulatory element. It enhances們白 transcriptional termination in the 3' 北海LTR during viral工店 RNA transcription, which leads to拍村 higher levels of functional v件火iral RNA in pac金什kaging cells and 電月hence greater viral titer. It also e服我nhances transcriptional termination新分 during the transcription通銀 of the user's gene of interest on 南煙the vector, leadin又個g to their higher expression lev呢短els.

ΔU3/3' LTR: A truncated version of國市 the HIV-1 3' long terminal repeat t從要hat deletes the U3花醫 region. This leads to the self-inactiv和農ation of the promoter 船關activity of the 5' LTR upon vira河煙l vector integration into the host唱開 genome (due to the fact th和唱at 3' LTR is copied onto 5' LTR during 光能viral integration). The polya大樹denylation signal c慢區ontained in ΔU3/3' LTR serves to termin風用ates all upstream transcri日大pts produced bo匠花th during viral pa煙雜ckaging and aft弟習er viral integration in章場to the host genome.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early polyadenyla問工tion signal. It人地 further facilitat技了es transcriptional termination afte服高r the 3' LTR during 制跳viral RNA transcri街土ption during packaging.問光 This elevates the lev大事el of functional viral RNA in電船 packaging cells, thus improving vira我物l titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It allow男黃s the plasmid to be maintained by資員 ampicillin sel門好ection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids c是市arrying this origin exist in high co暗離py numbers in E. 間高coli.