
PiggyBac FLEX Conditional G著呢ene Expression Vector (Cre-On)


The piggyBac FLE少船X conditional Cre姐好-On gene expression間請 vector combines VectorBuilder’好說s highly efficient樹著 piggyBac vector system with the C輛商re-responsive FLEX conditional gene e車知xpression system t紙老o help you achieve通我 transfection-m火地ediated permanent i放坐ntegration of Cre-res不說ponsive FLEX switch into the host和可 genome. The FLEX Cre-On swi呢見tch utilizes two pairs of LoxP-varia就章nt recombination sites flanking a船信 gene of interest in an arrangement t自城hat completely inhibits gene ex理但pression in the absence of Cr答樹e and activates ge音什ne expression upon Cre-depe也報ndent inversion of the codin見窗g sequence.

The FLEX Cre-On switch consists of tw什黑o pairs of hete放工rotypic LoxP-variant rec年少ombination sites, name熱門ly LoxP, having the wild-是長type sequence, an家唱d Lox2272, having a mutated問有 sequence, flanking an ORF whic著白h is in the reverse (anti可務sense) orientat數機ion relative to the pr不也omoter. Both LoxP variant制風s are recognized by坐銀 Cre, but only identical pairs of Lox小票P sites can recombin可從e with each other and not with any 化資other variant. The LoxP a志討nd Lox2272 sites are organize厭間d in an alternating 物睡fashion, with an antiparallel ori了相entation for each pair. In t樹議he absence of Cre recombinase, t做拍he ORF is not expressed 爸算due to its antisense 船間orientation relative to the promote就知r. In the presence of Cre, the 拍頻LoxP and Lox2272快刀 sites undergo recom藍跳bination with the other 會分LoxP and Lox2272 sites res線風pectively, resulting in the區去 inversion of the ORF to a sense orie書店ntation and excision o秒可f one from each pair of id頻紅entical recombination sites. Thi學友s allows the user-selected pro公門moter to drive the transcripti路個on of the gene of interest. Since the火報 ORF is now flanked by數和 two different LoxP-variant sites, 他她no further recombination events但公 will take place even when 個民Cre is present.

The piggyBac vector system is te鐵些chnically simple, utili吃兒zing transfection (rather tha學信n viral transduction) to pe請謝rmanently integrate your gene(s) 從鐵of interest into the host genome.&nb件子sp;The piggyBac FLEX conditio很票nal Cre-On gene expression sys自音tem comprises two componen鄉算ts: the transposon plasmid and the 慢唱transposase (helper 上藍PBase). The transposon p電物lasmid contains two termi小都nal repeats (TRs有費) bracketing the r短算egion to be transposed. The FLE路身X Cre-On switch describ這用ed above is cloned into thi些工s region. The transposase can be de體土livered into tar弟很get cells through two metho還就ds. A helper plasmid通志 encoding PBase can be transi少這ently transfecte人年d into cells. Alter媽看natively, target cells can be 南行injected with in vitro transcribed 兒匠PBase mRNA. When the helper PBase and 呢呢the piggyBac transposon vector are 很小co-introduced into target cells, th麗理e transposase produced from the helper什水 would recognize 嗎視the two TRs on the 到輛transposon and insert長雪 the flanked FLEX Cre-O討近n switch including the two他近 TRs into the host新費 genome. Insertio我紙n typically occu了通rs at host chromos森路omal sites that contain the TTAA seq關飛uence, which is duplicated 雨制on the two flanks 這坐of the integrated fra女樂gment. Gene expression can the綠光n be activated in the prese空信nce of Cre upon Cre-mediated invers新區ion of the coding sequence. 匠少Through both methods of deliverin懂議g transposase, it is e知場xpressed for onl子那y a short time.區討 Upon the loss of the h對小elper plasmid or degradation o秒我f transposase mRNA, the integr得很ation of the transpo南黃son into the host geno裡報me becomes perman睡現ent.

PiggyBac is a class II有器 transposon, meaning that it move我答s in a cut-and-paste manner, hopping作這 from place to place器員 without leaving copies behind音你. (In contrast, cl公報ass I transposons mo見信ve in a copy-and-paste manner.) If th公街e transposase is reintroduce生請d into the cells, the transposon could 呢筆get excised from the genome of some cel會通ls, footprint-free.

While this vector 笑錯system can be use廠黃d in tissue culture cells, it i舞冷s particularly suitable for the 體議generation of transgenic animals. Wh離放en a transgenic animal ca相銀rrying such a vec路廠tor system is crossed to水工 an animal carrying低腦 a tissue-specific Cre transgene, th美月e gene of interest w河飛ould be turned on in the progeny 吧外animals carrying bot見資h types of transgenes, speci作吃fically in cells where 遠市the tissue-specific Cre i那動s expressed and the知關 user-selected promoter driving the 藍很gene of interest is active.

For further information about this電一 vector system, please refer to the p雜現apers below.

Mol Cell Biochem. 354:301 輛司(2011)Review on the piggyBac system綠校
Cell. 122:473 (2005)Efficient transpo離嗎sition of the p中務iggyBac (PB) transposon i歌身n mammalian cells and mice
Gene. 216:55 (1998)Characterization of LoxP mu說少tants, including L月分ox2272
Nat Biotechnol. 21:562 (2員海003)Development of the FLE線西X switch system
J Neurosci. 28:7025 (2008)Application of a FLEX switch system遠事

The piggyBac FLEX conditi動物onal Cre-On gene expression vecto子笑r is designed to achieve Cre-mediated很劇 conditional gene expression in 議話mammalian cells and animals. 影習Expression of the g站熱ene of interest is i樹師nitially silent, h又個owever can be perm外睡anently activated by co-expression笑來 of Cre recombinase, which wil黃資l invert the gene of int知就erest to its codi就音ng orientation. In the presence of Cr刀那e, expression of the gene of inter什開est is under the cont湖員rol of the user見亮-selected promoter.

This vector along with the helper pl子到asmid encoding the piggyBac好拍 transposase are optimized fo好電r high copy number嗎資 replication in E請技. coli, efficient tr章老ansfection into a頻鐵 wide range of target c器弟ells, and high-level exp很訊ression of the transgene carried on t林物he vector.


Switch-like gen習讀e activation: Antisense orientatio亮地n of the user-selected ORF, pr制身events any leak工草y gene expression prior to Cre-me外校diated recombination. Other c木資onditional gene expressio離銀n systems, includ們了ing LoxP-Stop-L銀子oxP can have some low-計校level leaky (read-through) exp術作ression under certain circumstances.

Stable gene activation: Treatment with Cre reco間和mbinase will permanently in畫女vert the user-selected OR答司F to its sense orientation. Upo答看n inversion of the ORF to 不視its sense orient相生ation followed by excision of one from村銀 each pair of similar L去拍oxP sites by recombinatio店是n, the ORF will be flan謝上ked by two different LoxP-唱國variant sites which will空得 prevent further recombination eve們話nts even when Cre 湖些is present. This wil窗用l allow transcription of th麗水e gene of interest, dri也錢ven by the promoter chosen by the user.照章

Permanent integration of vector DN微文A: Convention讀有al transfection 很窗results in almost en不東tirely transient事年 delivery of DNA into 機見host cells due to the loss of DNA o校船ver time. This pr那樹oblem is especially prominent in rapid體子ly dividing cel制廠ls. In contrast, transfect地機ion of mammalian cells with th是就e piggyBac transposon plas拍東mid along with 見農the helper plasmid ca畫厭n deliver genes carried on the 拿筆transposon permanently into host cel東喝ls due to the integrat務弟ion of the transposon into the host也光 genome.

Technical simplici路月ty: Delivering plasmid vectors into 筆和cells by convent行頻ional transfect多放ion is technically s費費traightforward, and far easi能短er than virus-based vectors which 新體require the packaging of live viru知厭s.

Very large cargo spa信金ce: Our piggyBac FLEX conditional Cre-小弟On gene expression vector c說算an accommodate ~30 kb of total DNA. Th靜關e plasmid backbone, tr兵站ansposon-related sequences照不 and the sequen志民ces necessary for Cre-media請書ted recombination only 她報occupy about 3.1 kb, leaving plent多海y of room to ac低秒commodate the user's sequence of 麗錢interest.


Limited cell type range: The delivery of piggyBac vectors他村 into cells relies on trans的得fection. The efficiency of trans美飛fection can vary 兒河greatly from cell用一 type to cell type. Non-dividing火習 cells are often more diff票刀icult to transfect than dividing cell黑南s, and primary cells are ofte刀關n harder to transfect路如 than immortalized cell lines. 用區Some important cel雜黑l types, such as neurons and 吧綠pancreatic β cells, are no姐公toriously difficult見坐 to transfect. 唱光These issues limit the u這弟se of the piggyBac s得校ystem.


5' ITR: 5' inverted termina城白l repeat. When a D拍報NA sequence is flanked by你花 two ITRs, the piggyBa船鐘c transpose can recognize友畫 them, and insert the flanked r自歌egion including th紅照e two ITRs into the host ge綠場nome.

Promoter: The promoter driving 慢頻your gene of interes習我t is placed her厭訊e.

Lox2272: Recombination sit小高e for Cre recombinase. Mutated Lo相鐵x site with two base substitutio子黑ns of wild type LoxP. Incompatible with唱雪 LoxP sites. When Cre is pre弟人sent, the LoxP and LoxP2272 sites 書們will be cut and recombine with compati山中ble sites.

LoxP: Recombination site for Cre 的鐘recombinase. Incompatible w遠技ith Lox2272 sit我場es. When Cre is present, the Lo用家xP and Lox2272 sites will be 水筆cut and recombine with compatible si笑都tes.

ORF: The open reading frame of your gene o綠師f interest is placed here, in an anti事飛sense orientation.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It i線姐s placed in front of the sta下看rt codon of the ORF of的信 interest to facilitate translation可樹 initiation in eukaryotes.

rBG pA:  Rabbit beta-globin polyadenylation sign木熱al. It facilitates 放年transcriptional terminat匠還ion of the upstream ORF.

CMV promoter:&nbs短計p;Human cytomegalovirus immed銀醫iate early promoter. 下書It drives the ubiquitous expre河作ssion of the downstream marke女兵r gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (suc山務h as neomycin resistance), a 亮學visually detectable gene (su店那ch as EGFP), or a d暗做ual-reporter gene (suc報農h as EGFP/Neo). T請少his allows cells transduced with the v什生ector to be sele件術cted and/or visua師影lized.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polyade和懂nylation signal. It facili通報tates transcriptional te司民rmination of the upst們商ream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin res志就istance gene. It allo大煙ws the plasmid t鐘靜o be maintained by ampicillin sel開很ection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of知鐵 replication. Plasmids c件區arrying this origi林子n exist in high員歌 copy numbers in E. coli.