CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 街外

Mammalian Antibody Light Chai麗些n Gene Expression Vector


Recombinant antibodies have ext數妹ensive applications in 間筆the fields of d鄉好iagnostics and therapeutic medicine. Cu們醫rrently, there are about 180 mon近城oclonal antibody products appr又市oved worldwide targeting specifi從們c proteins, such白習 as PD-L1, HER2不數, IL-17R, and VEGF. The dev就睡elopment of genet為訊ic engineering has facili低草tated successful production of 費玩these therapeutic ant短喝ibodies, which have ideal tumor pen問業etration behavior,日來 short retention times, and reduced im明你munogenicity. These 男廠therapeutic recombinant antibodies冷視 are mainly produced i他畫n mammalian cells in vitro (e.門離g., CHO cells), since the電文 post-transcriptional modification in t通購his expression system is closest to the兵跳 in vivo processe器月s in humans. 

VectorBuilder’s mamma很月lian antibody light chain gene expres林很sion vector has been designed音東 specifically for high-yield producti購相on of monoclonal antibody light跳空 chains. All antibodies明輛 contain heavy and light chain司雪s, both of which consist上地 of variable (V) an議多d constant (C) regions. In mammals, an媽信tibodies are divi這電ded into five i睡看sotypes (IgG, IgA, I熱煙gM, IgD and IgE) based on the heavy c草拍hain C region sequence. A giv報南en mammalian antibody isotype eith看呢er has lambda (λ) or kap空歌pa (κ) light chains which ar分購e encoded by the light chain C店術 region. While there紅區 is no apparent functional difference科了, the ratio of the two types of 購花light chains varies fro街筆m species to species. The light chain p業遠lays a role in preventing花事 self-reactivity, and there is g多人rowing evidence that it 日明enhances receptor activ裡吃ation through homotypic 樂我interactions.

In addition to this cons農聽tant region, th機黑e V regions in 術電heavy and light chains contribute to相購 antigen recognition. The兵明refore, by customizing s你會equences encoding 遠熱the light chain V region, customers m鐘窗ay generate vectors to satisfy thei說村r personalized need for anti紙金gen-binding specificit新你ies. In the vector de為秒sign process, the light chain C 議森region may either be selected f畫子rom our popular light chain C region廠相 database (containing human κ 報嗎and λ2 light chains, and mouse κ, λ1謝你, λ2 light chains) or be pasted 年訊by customers using their own seq木請uence. Additionally, si鄉生gnal peptides (e.g., IL-2 sig) can 你體be added into the ve冷資ctor to increase secre些畫tion of the recombinant antibody.

For further information about th樹體is vector system, please r少森efer to the pape在湖rs below.

MAbs. 14:2014926 (2022)Overview of antibody therapeutics
Nat Protoc. 13:99 (來湖2018)Overview of design for antib還月ody expression vectors
Protein Expr Purif.118:105-12 (2016)Description of 懂我signals which can increase the se劇生cretory protein pro睡哥duction
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 119: e220156木醫2119 (2022)Applications of工聽 recombinant light chain a視就ntibody

Our expression vector is 關器optimized for h白她igh-efficiency 劇場transfection and high yield of monocl樹熱onal antibody light c來業hains in mammalian cells. By cu去話stomizing sequences encoding動路 the variable light chains i讀市nto the vector, 相湖customers may obtain antibod土討ies with high-affinity to target 花得antigens.


Technical simplicity: Delivering plasmid vec老商tors into cells by conventional tran睡訊sfection is technically straight for場學ward, and far easier than virus-醫如based vectors which require th快制e packaging of live viruses.

Reproducibility a謝腦nd scalability: The recombinant protein is harvested d在吧irectly from transfected host cell了內s. Therefore, reproduci金學bility of different batches ca美外n be easily achieve件商d. Moreover, the amplification of h司匠ost cells allows for large-s上見cale antibody production.


Non-integration of vect章說or DNA: Conventional transfection of pl為遠asmid vectors is also referred黃秒 to as transient transfectio路鄉n because the vector stays mos空體tly as episomal DNA in cells without分西 integration. However, plasmid DNA綠些 can integrate permanently into the 下北host genome at a ver現數y low frequency (102 to 1姐雨06 cells depending o中得n cell type). If a drug resista畫玩nce or fluorescence marker is計上 incorporated in愛兒to the plasmid, cells stably inte靜用grating the plasmid下話 can be derived by drug 技離selection or cell sorting 友近after extended cul鄉雨ture.

Optimal expression ratio o紙國f the heavy to ligh知熱t chain difficult to ac秒睡hieve: All antibodies consist of heavy chain鐘微s and light chains讀話. For successful antibody pr市有oduction, a precise expressio店中n ratio of the heavy to light chain is 劇照required. This can only be achieved by 門購co-transfecting a second plasmid expre我民ssing the antibody light ch學間ain. Achieving optim術說al expression of both heavy chain a工書nd light chain may be 藍東difficult to control 服術due to expression driven 拍藍by different promoters in員個 two distinct vec秒知tors.


Promoter: The promoter drivi站到ng your gene of interest is 樂雜placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is plac老刀ed in front of the start co少好don of the ORF of interest be光微cause it is believed 行很to facilitate translation initiatio湖輛n in eukaryotes.信妹

IL2-sig: Signal peptide of Homo sapiens in森街terleukin 2. It facilitates th服鐵e secretion of the 見話protein.

Light Chain Variable Region (VL): light chain var工房iable region for antigen腦房 recognition

Light Chain Const子書ant Region (CL): light chain constant re問歌gion

SV40 late PA: Simian virus 40 late p人秒olyadenylation signal. It facilitat什照es transcriptional termination of the 花坐upstream ORF.

Marker: A drug selection 線笑gene (such as ne低說omycin resistance), a visua問山lly detectable gene (such as EGFP), o錢舞r a dual-reporter gene (such as E門在GFP/Neo). This allows cells分門 transduced with日多 the vector to be selected a兵得nd/or visualized.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Pla上唱smids carrying this origin exist in 友山high copy numbers in E懂拍. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance數子 gene. It allows the plasmid to b慢東e maintained by ampicilli低行n selection in E. coli.