
Regular Plasmid gRNA Expression司飛 Vector


CRISPR/Cas9 vectors are among 服街several types of eme商制rging genome editing to這空ols that can quickly公算 and efficiently cre月是ate mutations at target sites 答劇of a genome (the oth遠靜er two popular 多場ones being ZFN and TALEN).

Cas9 is a member of a class 我員of RNA-guided DNA nucleases which裡村 are part of a natural pro但場karyotic immune system that confe有男rs resistance to foreign gen弟高etic elements such as plasmids an道明d bacteriophage. Within the 愛畫cell, the Cas9 會什enzyme forms a complex with a gui國計de RNA (gRNA), which provides日國 targeting specificity through筆話 direct interaction with懂哥 homologous 18-22nt t他制arget sequences in the討日 genome. Hybridizatio市我n of the gRNA to t事還he target site localizes 視海Cas9, which then cuts the t跳場arget site in the妹林 genome.

To achieve CRIS費物PR-mediated gene targeting it is esse那笑ntial for the tar一個get cells to co-ex子坐press both Cas9 as well as冷你 the target site-spec黃討ific gRNA at the same time. This 樹議can be accomplished by either 如窗expressing both Cas這作9 and the gRNA se家還quence from the same v數舞ector (a.k.a. all-in-one vec討西tor) or by using熱答 separate vector我有s for driving Cas9 and 小和gRNA expression (Cas9 onl弟學y and gRNA only 制問vectors respectively). The advantag公現e of using separate vectors o如人ver an all-in-one vect花頻or for expressing C自年as9 and gRNA is店計 that it offers the flexibility of城聽 combinatorial usage 鄉鐵of different gRNA expres家遠sion vectors in問相 conjunction with a喝謝 variety of Cas9 variants (wild typ照靜e nuclease, nickase, nuclea那林se-dead) depend場刀ing upon the user’s experimental go喝會al. Additionally, using a 道物separate gRNA only vector allow說樹s cells or organ街吃isms stably expressing high levels of服兒 Cas9 to be transfected with different 熱又gRNA sequences tar麗要geting either the sa銀北me gene or different 書場genes. This provides the opportunit美生y for comparing th喝吧e efficiencies of differ區你ent gRNA sequences in paralle錯個l at CRISPR-mediated gene targeting 身吃in cells or organisms with comparabl議月e and high levels of 廠微Cas9 expression.

The regular plasmid gRNA exp在拍ression vector is a highly efficient 上好tool for conventional transfec開湖tion-based delivery 綠聽of target site-specific gRNA sequen哥兵ces into mammalian cells. Delivering p答唱lasmid vectors into mammali什時an cells by conventional拿說 transfection is one 謝現of the most widely used爸道 procedures in 商機biomedical rese爸跳arch. While a number of more sop懂來histicated gene delivery vecto費讀r systems have been developed over t會務he years such as lentiviral v輛業ectors, adenovirus vectors, AAV vecto鄉行rs and piggyBac, conve女得ntional plasmid transfecti雪離on remains the wor科小khorse of gene delivery in m外就any labs. This is largely due to it現煙s technical simplicity as wel費風l as good efficiency in a wide 舞這range of cell types. A 店亮key feature of transfection 明風with regular plas黃劇mid vectors is t票工hat it is transient, with only a黃城 very low fraction of cells stably麗兒 integrating the plasmid in the 路務genome (typically less t又媽han 1%).

Our regular pla呢雜smid gRNA expression vector is availabl喝術e for expressing eit兵用her single-gRNA or dual-gRNA樂睡s. While the single-gRNA vector is wid匠公ely used for con錯裡ventional CRISPR genome ed兒懂iting such as gen們下erating single gene knockout, dual我報-gRNA vectors are necessary for applica機房tions requiring simultaneous targeting國子 of a pair of genomic 你水sites. Examples很地 of such applications include: 1)下飛 paired Cas9 nickase experimen和是ts where the “nickase” mut靜學ant form (hCas9-D10A) of hCas9 is used拿說 in conjunction with two gRNAs targ靜化eting the two opposite 船不strands of a single target site to g信拿enerate single strand cu文通ts one on each strand,作多 thereby leading to a 可笑DSB with increased targeti知些ng specificity than a single gRN很快A; 2) gene明公rating deletion of a fragment betwee睡快n two DSBs targeted by a pair of gR鐘些NAs; and 3) targeting 銀影two different genes si草嗎multaneously. While the 業路single gRNA vector consi生兵sts of a single human U6 pro司黑moter driving the target si行資te-specific gRNA sequence, the dual gRN南朋A vector consists 業錯of two consecutiv司區e U6 promoters吧懂 driving the expression of gRNA 林習sequences specifi歌道c to two genomic target sites of暗姐 interest.

For further infor答舊mation about this vect事靜or system, please refer to 笑紙the papers below.

Science. 339:819 (2013)Description of genome editin喝生g using the CRISPR/Cas9 system
Cell. 154:1380–9 (20小近13)Use of Cas9 D10A do厭會uble nicking for increased 飛和specificity
Science 339:823 (2013)CRISPR/Cas9 targeting using regular 分信plasmid gRNA expressing 司如vectors
Plos One. 12: e0187236 (201短輛7)CRISPR/Cas9 vectors for dual gRNA e物一xpression

Our regular plasmid gR花計NA expression vector is熱答 optimized for high copy nu哥坐mber replication in E. coli 但國and high-efficiency transfection. Cell費嗎s transfected with the vector can be 這匠selected and/or visu路筆alized based on mark門一er gene expression a的業s chosen by the user. The regul河對ar plasmid gRNA expression vector is 志門designed to drive high-level constituti信又ve transcription有用 of a user-selected gRNA sequence from體少 a human U6 promoter to 購拿achieve highly efficient CRISPR ta路資rgeting when us理還ed in conjunction with Cas9 n吃雜uclease. This vector is available用校 for expressing either singl業嗎e-gRNA or dual-gRNAs ena店這bling users to targ匠店et either one or two廠就 genomic target sites of 短廠interest depending upon thei土問r experimental goal.


Flexibity: Our regular plasmid gRNA expre請水ssion vector can 開學be used in conjun算友ction with a variety文長 of Cas9 variants (nuclease, nickase,民不 nuclease-dead) depending upo訊器n the user’s experiment校友al goal. Additionally,&nb媽藍sp;this vector is availa冷很ble for expressing either single-gR子街NA or dual-gRNAs enabling也土 users to target either on答化e or two genomic tar姐務get sites of interest.

Technical simplic視海ity: Delivering plasmid vectors into 麗嗎cells by conventional t爸筆ransfection is te放微chnically straightforward, and舊愛 far easier than virus-based vectors 很湖which require th頻通e packaging of live vi拍空rus.

High-level expression: Conventional transfection 來問of plasmids can often re明校sult in very high copy nu有國mbers in cells (up to several thousan喝刀d copies per cell). This can lead t志山o very high expression levels of th著媽e genes carried地靜 on the vector.


Non-integration of vector DNA: 呢船;Conventional transfection 費照of plasmid vectors is 笑樂also referred to as transient tran雜很sfection because the vector stays來空 mostly as episomal DNA in cel兒美ls without integration. However, plas用也mid DNA can integrate permanently i到做nto the host gen你務ome at a very low frequency (one per 藍習102 to 106 cells depending on cell type). 裡作If a drug resistance or fluorescence ma體會rker is incorporated into the路他 plasmid, cells 不見stably integrati女船ng the plasmid can be de這友rived by drug selection or cell sortin高技g after extended culture.

Limited cell ty謝日pe range: The efficiency of plasmid transfect商老ion can vary greatly fro開器m cell type to 他化cell type. Non-可讀dividing cells are o謝美ften more difficult to transf妹都ect than dividin什商g cells, and primary cells are oft報相en harder to transf志花ect than immortalized cell lines. Som喝舞e important cell types, such房裡 as neurons and pancreatic β cells, ar電笑e notoriously difficult to transfect. 城區Additionally, plasmid transf劇關ection is largely limited to in v道工itro applications an低喝d rarely used in vivo遠銀.

Non-uniformity of 中廠gene delivery:&n人商bsp;Although a successful transfe湖也ction can result in very high能木 average copy number of the transf玩聽ected plasmid vector p樹舊er cell, this can be highly n請們on-uniform. Some cells can carry 看制many copies while請廠 others carry very 北劇few or none. This is unlike tra影是nsduction by virus-based vector媽愛s which tends to result in relative個麗ly uniform gene delivery into cel對風ls.

PAM requirement:&nbs外商p;CRISPR/Cas9 based targeting is depende樂區nt on a strict requirement for a 拍嗎protospacer adjacent motif (PAM), 開鐵located on the immediat作睡e 3’ end of the gRNA recognition sequen我熱ce. The required PAM sequence var秒大ies depending on the Ca厭友s9 variant being used.

Single-gRNA regular plasmid林站 expression vector

U6 Promoter: Drives expression of the d為去ownstream gRNA sequence. This is t會器he promoter of 離路the human U6 snRNA gene, an RNA 相冷polymerase III promoter which著文 efficiently expresses short RN分農As.

gRNA: Guide RNA compatible with這筆 the Cas9 variant bein從舞g used.

Terminator: Terminates trans從身cription of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglycer錯資ate kinase 1 promoter. It drives the 我劇ubiquitous expression of the務短 downstream marker 放話gene.

Marker: A drug selection能看 gene (such as neomycin resistan員能ce), a visually detecta學姐ble gene (such as EGFP銀讀), or a dual-reporter gene輛哥 (such as EGFP/Neo). 劇司This allows cells transduced with t道人he vector to be se西海lected and/or visualized.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 文冷late polyadenylation signal. It faci要老litates transcript間房ional termination of the upstream計西 ORF.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resist坐為ance gene. It allows the plasmid 哥如to be maintained by北票 ampicillin selection in E. c理明oli.

pUC ori: pUC origin o村我f replication. Plasmids carrying thi醫微s origin exist in high co雨了py numbers in E. coli.

Dual-gRNA regular 妹火plasmid expression vector

U6 Promoter: Drives expressio樂如n of the downst錯輛ream gRNA sequence. This 的南is the promoter of the human U6 snRNA 煙街gene, an RNA poly費子merase III promoter wh近花ich efficiently expre們大sses short RNAs.

gRNA #1: The first guide R子明NA compatible with t區你he Cas9 variant being used.

gRNA #2: The second guide RNA compatible 山舞with the Cas9 variant be北雪ing used. 

Terminator: Terminates transc還制ription of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphoglycerate kinase 1 promote空他r. It drives the ubiqu麗拿itous expression of the dow費請nstream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene 購他(such as neomyc人說in resistance), a visually detectable g人得ene (such as EGFP), or a dual-re朋微porter gene (such as EGFP/Neo). This熱紙 allows cells tran雪海sduced with the vector to be selected 國電and/or visualized.

SV40 late pA: Simian viru熱校s 40 late polyadenylation signal. It f懂筆acilitates transc農聽riptional terminat熱動ion of the upstream 懂能ORF.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. 劇弟It allows the plasmi美書d to be maintained by ampi弟門cillin selection in E. c水這oli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmi風店ds carrying this or樂線igin exist in high copy 銀票numbers in E. coli.