
Mammalian Antibody Heavy and 化哥Light Chain Coexpressi討劇on Vector


Recombinant antibodies have e街場xtensive applications in the field近黑s of diagnostics and t吃件herapeutic medicine. Currently, t電鐵here are about 180 monoclonal antibod西是y products approved worl銀微dwide targeting specific protei務房ns, such as PD-L1, HER2, IL-17R, 他地and VEGF. The development of gene時雪tic engineering has黃服 facilitated success要他ful production of these therapeu也化tic antibodies, which ha間到ve ideal tumor penetrati為作on behavior, short水快 retention times, an慢時d reduced immunogenicity熱信. These therape廠到utic recombinant antibo飛視dies are mainly 志聽produced in mammalian cells i用務n vitro (e.g., CHO cells), since the那湖 post-transcriptional modification in t相雜his expression system is close白朋st to the in vivo proces討北ses in humans.

VectorBuilder’s mammalian anti報土body heavy and light chain c兒服oexpression vector has been designe聽看d specifically for 笑人high-yield production o數市f monoclonal antibody h就空eavy and light chains. All antibodi要公es contain heavy and 多得light chains, both o數通f which consist of variable (V) a器黑nd constant (C) regions. The an姐村tigen-binding site consists 些生of VH+VL dimers where VH and VL re木女present variable fragment heavy ch通場ains and light chains她妹, respectively. Within these 懂海fragments, most seque街費nce variation is located in comple拿兒mentarity deter生要mining regions (CDRs), w算拿hich influences antigen-bin有動ding specificity. In mammals, an美媽tibodies are divided into f兒業ive isotypes (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and Ig美議E) based on the he中電avy chain C region sequence. Of the作美 five immunoglobulin (an街內tibody) isotypes, IgG is the女公 most abundant in circulation. Moreov但煙er, almost all ba南放ckbones of the appro如笑ved therapeutic antibodies are IgG. An我行 antibody of a gi事公ven isotype either has lambda (λ) or ka站鐘ppa (κ) light chains, which ar聽音e encoded by the light chain C r快你egion. While the heavy chain is typica線市lly associated with target spe鐘姐cificity, the l爸金ight chain is as筆開sociated with preventing森術 self-reactivity and en光議hancing receptor activation. The ratio校個 of the two types of light chain紅街s varies from species to species.什冷

In this vector system, the村學 coding regions for heavy and l務體ight chains are included within 醫外a single plasmid separated快什 by a polyadenylation signal吃為. The transcription of the h子少eavy and light cha來間ins is respectively driven by se鐵門parate promoters. In the vector design 喝人process, by customizing sequence微男s encoding the heavy chain and l店姐ight chain varia裡站ble regions, customers may 區河generate vectors to sat火玩isfy their perso店訊nalized need for antigen-binding 森為specificities. The heavy and行話 light chain constant快公 regions may either be selected from 還劇our popular constant region dat街那abase (containing human and mouse IgG作弟1 and mouse IgG2a and 2b heavy cha國和ins; and containing human and mou能市se κ and human and 志藍mouse λ2 and mouse λ1 light cha飛大ins) or be pasted by cust看請omers using their own se我書quence. Additional煙員ly, signal peptides (e.g., IL-2 si請為g) can be added into the vector to i訊放ncrease secretion of the r多關ecombinant antibody.

For further information ab計森out this vector system有去, please refer 船刀to the papers below.

MAbs. 14:2014926 (2022)Overview of antibody therapeutics
Nat Protoc. 13:99 (2018)Overview of design for anti一相body expression vector人要s
Protein Expr Purif.118:105-12 (2016)公愛Description of signals 腦讀which can increase the媽喝 secretory protein p兒如roduction

Our expression 樹睡vector is optimized for high-efficienc線人y transfection and hi飛兵gh yield of monoclonal heavy an服能d light chain a匠技ntibodies in mammali綠市an cells. By cust化多omizing sequences encoding the聽購 variable heavy and light chains into 些開the vector, customers m老錯ay obtain antibodies 習去with high-affinity to target an男服tigens.


Technical simplicity河腦: Delivering plasmid vectors into cel說慢ls by conventio對近nal transfection is technically stra民見ight forward, and far easi算匠er than virus-based vect上知ors which require the packag坐子ing of live viruses. Moreover, pre到習senting coding r森裡egions for both 市學heavy and light chains on a single pl事小asmid further simp事西lifies the transfection procedure.費兵

Reproducibility and 窗視scalability: The recombinant protein is 月我harvested directly from transfected錯國 host cells. Therefor又好e, reproducibility of d術新ifferent batches can be easily achieve樂飛d. Moreover, the amplification of 從不host cells allows for large-scale anti呢內body production.


Non-integration of vector 司廠DNA: Conventional transfection of 離月plasmid vectors is als雜見o referred to as transient transfec森一tion because the vector stays mostl老匠y as episomal DNA in c雨長ells without integ子店ration. However, plasmid DNA can integr如靜ate permanently into the host genome at知志 a very low frequency兵弟 (102 to 106 cells dependin門船g on cell type). If a drug resista那草nce or fluorescence mar街妹ker is incorporated into the pl子文asmid, cells stably integra也笑ting the plasmid can be derived不數 by drug selection or 件身cell sorting after extend短醫ed culture.

Optimal expression rati路哥o of the heavy to light chain 美紙difficult to ac影高hieve: All antibodies consist of heavy and 相子light chains. For話兵 successful antibody produ媽內ction, a precis快能e expression ratio of拍體 the heavy to lig化北ht chain is required. 那雨Though both coding regions for 服信the heavy and ligh日嗎t chains are pr暗科esent on a single vector, it cannot be 業化guaranteed that the optimal expressi司內on of the heavy and light chain can be物藍 achieved due to mechanisms such城電 as promoter occlusion. 議愛Specifically, the coding region arra跳術nged near the downstrea票數m promoter may b飛她e transcribed at a l校日ower level than the coding region ar車體ranged near the upstream 日路promoter.


Promoter: The promoter driving your gene of熱一 interest is placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. I身來t is placed in front of the 物司start codon of the ORF of inter新鐵est because it is校話 believed to facilitate tran鐵村slation initiation in e日靜ukaryotes.

IL2-sig: Signal peptide of跳討 Homo sapiens interle慢司ukin 2. It facilitates the 有慢secretion of the 的相protein.

Heavy Chain Variable R都計egion (VH): heavy chain variable region for a北地ntigen recognition.

Heavy Chain Constant Region (CH姐謝): heavy chain constant region enco愛裡ding isotype.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone p購子olyadenylation signal. It allows 志笑transcription ter水子mination and polyadenylation of mRNA 分亮transcribed by Pol ll RNA polym信物erase.

Light Chain Variabl問頻e Region (VL): Light chain varia街件ble region for antig睡頻en recognition.

Light Chain Const志多ant Region (CL): Light chain constant region.

SV40 late PA: Simian virus 40 late pol光有yadenylation signal海文. It facilitates transcriptiona來地l termination of the upstream ORF照在.

Marker: A drug selection gene (suc場務h as neomycin resistance), 喝醫a visually detectable gene (such as 資火EGFP), or a dual-歌錢reporter gene (such as EGFP/Ne輛兵o). This allows cells 些藍transduced with the vector to be sel亮文ected and/or visualized.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids朋愛 carrying this origin exist in hig就西h copy numbers in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resista也請nce gene. It allows雪分 the plasmid to be main裡風tained by ampicill師章in selection in E. coli.