CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 鐵知;

Tol2 FLEX Condit船制ional Gene Expression Ve唱腦ctor (Cre-On)


The Tol2 FLEX conditional&n人廠bsp;Cre-On gene expressi嗎中on vector combines煙新 VectorBuilder’s high動山ly efficient Tol2 vector sy來銀stem with the Cre-responsiv呢個e FLEX conditional gene expression s書白ystem to help you achieve transfect高議ion-mediated permane議討nt integration of化但 Cre-responsive FLE內慢X switch into the host genome村雪. The FLEX Cre-On switch utilizes two 飛能pairs of LoxP-variant recomb冷輛ination sites f資校lanking a gene of interest in an 費呢arrangement which completely inhibi林刀ts gene expression 開女in the absence of Cre and 機科activates gene expression upon Cre-煙日dependent inversion of the coding務票 sequence.

The FLEX Cre-On 身東switch consists o計草f two pairs of heterotypic Lo件算xP-variant recombinati國區on sites, namely LoxP, having the w關吃ild-type sequence, and Lox司房2272, having a mutate煙做d sequence, fla都在nking an ORF which is in the reverse (物綠antisense) orient街照ation relative to the promoter. Bot是用h LoxP variants are recognized by草飛 Cre, but only identical pairs of Lo化高xP sites can recombine with each oth暗物er and not with any other variant. T算會he LoxP and Lox2272 s低都ites are organized in an alternating 家員fashion, with an antiparallel orienta草鐵tion for each pair. I志慢n the absence of Cre recombinase, 信拍the ORF is not expressed 你作due to its antisense 民熱orientation relative t遠分o the promoter. I可快n the presence 錢雪of Cre, the LoxP and Lox2272 sites行慢 undergo recombination w間事ith the other LoxP and Lox2272 s小報ites respectively, resulting in the inv道上ersion of the ORF to a sense orient拍村ation and excision of 月嗎one from each pair of i頻美dentical recombinati來服on sites. This allows 車個the user-selecte公長d promoter to drive the tra得美nscription of the 木電gene of interest. Since the ORF is now 森明flanked by two di化微fferent LoxP-va聽看riant sites, no呢靜 further recombination events will ta多美ke place even wh計爸en Cre is present.

The Tol2 vector system 裡河is technically si很理mple, utilizing transfection (r請錯ather than viral transducti坐東on) to permanently integrate you唱知r gene(s) of interest 機鐘into the host genome.紅玩 The Tol2 syst說新em comprises two comp你也onents: the transp車嗎oson plasmid and the tran小嗎sposase. The transposon pla廠體smid contains two inv體公erted terminal repeats (ITRs這對) bracketing the 服可region to be transp購會osed. The FLEX Cre-On switch describ路短ed above is clo頻微ned into this region. Th視文e transposase can be deliver都為ed into target cells thro明腦ugh two methods. The hel照分per plasmid can be tran現爸siently transfected into cells. A子商lternatively, target 湖見cells can be injected wit在們h transposase mRNA generated 遠火by in vitro transcription 算山from the helper plasmid. When th少光e transposon and help銀快er plasmids are 畫拍co-transfected into target 又林cells, the transposase 和和produced from the helper plasmid wo都林uld recognize the two ITRs on th遠妹e transposon and insert th個湖e flanked region including th城土e two ITRs into the host genome. 爸還At each insertion site, the T報笑ol2 transposase c家技reates an 8 bp d紙雨uplication, resulting in化司 identical 8 bp direct repeats flankin河看g each transposon在樹 integration site in the genome. I還我nsertion occurs wi和習thout any significant bias for the i我藍nsertion site se家新quence. This is unlike 她花transposon systems which have sp唱銀ecific target consensus微長 sites. For exam光服ple, piggyBac transposons 說什are typically insert明紙ed at sites conta腦店ining the sequence TTAA. Gene expressi草物on can then be activated in錢舞 the presence of Cre upon Cre-mediated 習請inversion of the 做生coding sequence. Through both methods這日 of delivering transposase, i問歌t is expressed for only a s還費hort time. Upon the l湖暗oss of the helper plasmid 技區or degradation of transposase mRNA, 姐喝the integration of the trans唱笑poson into the host ge商書nome becomes permanent.

Tol2 is a class II 們的transposon, meaning that志舊 it moves in a cut-and-paste manner, ho光請pping from place to place wi微筆thout leaving copies behind. (問文In contrast, class I transpos很知ons move in a copy-and-paste ma舞舞nner.) If Tol2 t海放ransposase is rein理技troduced into the cells, the這新 transposon could get excised件照 from the genome 章外of some cells, resulting in ei師購ther precise or imprecise exci和西sions with inde業煙ls created.

While this vecto那體r system can be used in你玩 tissue culture cells, it is part又我icularly suitable光照 for the generation o內廠f transgenic animals. When畫我 a transgenic animal carrying such a v藍大ector system is crossed to 謝吧an animal carrying a tissue-specific Cr市通e transgene, th拿作e gene of intere可匠st would be turned on妹些 in the progeny anim畫化als carrying both types車不 of transgenes, specifically in cell場明s where the tissue-specific 雨討Cre is expressed and the user-se體門lected promoter driving the gene o小輛f interest is active.

For further information abou他他t this vector system, pl有吧ease refer to the papers below.

Genome Biol. 8(S厭如uppl 1): S7 (20唱光07)Review of Tol2 vectors
Genetics 174: 639 (2006)Identification of minimal sequ街唱ences for Tol2 transposable el物呢ements
PLoS Genetics 2: e169白視 (2006)Large cargo-capacity transp外熱osition with a mi玩吧nimal Tol2 transposon
Gene. 216:55 (1998)Characterization of Lox空是P mutants, including 市舊Lox2272
Nat Biotechnol. 21:562 煙章(2003)Development of the FLEX switch system遠門
J Neurosci. 28:7025 樂但(2008)Application of a FLEX switch system

The Tol2 FLEX conditional Cre-唱讀On gene express術森ion vector is designed to achieve服和 Cre-mediated conditio國草nal gene expression in mammalian cell通街s and animals. Expression of the gene 為日of interest is initially sile爸視nt, however can be微笑 permanently activated by co-e器用xpression of Cre recombinase, which wil制房l invert the gene of舞站 interest to its coding orientation員山. In the presence of Cre, expressi書答on of the gene of interest is under th道雜e control of the user-selected東算 promoter.

This vector alo費電ng with the helper pla數那smid encoding the Tol2 tra從紅nsposase are optimized for high 技姐copy number replication 大鐵in E. coli, efficient transfection國村 into a wide rang門得e of target cell謝為s, and high-level e村那xpression of the transgene car又玩ried on the vector.


Switch-like gene activation: Antisense orie森她ntation of the us紅那er-selected ORF, prevents any le高要aky gene express上花ion prior to Cre-兵坐mediated recombination. Other c有睡onditional gene expression syste光哥ms, including LoxP-Stop-Lox草開P can have some low-level leak要人y (read-through) expression under certa費房in circumstances.

Stable gene activati外公on: Treatment with Cre re白機combinase will 請上permanently invert the user selec和愛ted ORF to its sense orientation. 媽知Upon inversion of the ORF to its sense男草 orientation followed by excision of on唱飛e from each pair of similar Lox月黑P sites by recombination, 家南the ORF will be flanked by tw雜畫o different LoxP-variant sites which wi睡看ll prevent further 票術recombination events even when Cre 拿機is present. This will all鐵玩ow transcription of the 章光gene of interest, driven by the promot兒長er chosen by the 農民user.

Permanent integration of vector DNA秒少: Conventional transfection 日長results in almost enti小農rely transient delivery技和 of DNA into host cells d身可ue to the loss of化議 DNA over time. This problem is especia外裡lly prominent in rapidly dividi路外ng cells. In co兵腦ntrast, transfection of mammalian ce區腦lls with the Tol2 transposon p小議lasmid along with the helpe友服r plasmid can deliver genes carried金去 on the transposon perman身下ently into host cells due to the in從火tegration of the transp視冷oson into the host g兵少enome.

Technical simplicity: Delivering plasmid vect文動ors into cells by conventional tran事間sfection is technically st冷女raightforward, and far easier than報湖 virus-based vectors which 空村require the packaging飛聽 of live virus.

Very large cargo space: Our Tol2 FLEX conditio道事nal Cre-On gene expression vector c開離an accommodate ~11 kb of total D科但NA. The plasmid backbone, tran農雨sposon-related sequenc計路es and the sequences 文不necessary for Cre-mediated報報 recombination only occupy about 3.1窗票 kb, leaving plenty of room to accom小線modate the user's sequence of in錢算terest.


Limited cell type range看草: The delivery of Tol2 vectors in子鄉to cells relies on transfection. T白房he efficiency of transfection ca飛說n vary greatly from cell type to cell請高 type. Non-divid家自ing cells are often more difficult t房月o transfect than dividing cells, 畫兵and primary cells are often harder to報請 transfect than immortal北謝ized cell lines. Some importa我購nt cell types, such as neurons and家紅 pancreatic β cells, are notoriously術務 difficult to transfect. These is技愛sues limit the use學友 of the Tol2 syste筆公m.


5' ITR: Tol2 5' terminal綠東 repeat. When a DNA 得問sequence is flanked by two ITRs, 爸志the Tol2 transposase can recognize熱作 them, and insert the flanked r遠裡egion including the two ITRs有好 into the host g小術enome.

Promoter: The promoter遠冷 driving your gene of intere懂歌st is placed he金唱re.

Lox2272: Recombination si會錯te for Cre recombinase. Muta歌內ted Lox site with 是校two base substitutions of wild type Lox玩吧P. Incompatible with LoxP s雜嗎ites. When Cre is present, th電資e LoxP and LoxP2272 sit農熱es will be cut and recombin朋湖e with compatible 他花sites.

LoxP: Recombina一你tion site for Cre recombinase. I鄉哥ncompatible with Lox2272 sites. When就麗 Cre is present, the LoxP and Lox2272 s藍這ites will be cut and recombine with com了議patible sites.

ORF: The open reading女說 frame of your gene 業看of interest is placed here, in東自 an antisense orientation.

Kozak: Kozak consensus seq山腦uence. It is placed in front of t土也he start codon of t多風he ORF of interest bec她鐵ause it is believed to facilita車討te translation i喝森nitiation in eukaryotes.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 都志late polyadenylation 為綠signal. It facilitates transcriptional 道們termination of the upstream ORF.

3' ITR: Tol2 3' terminal re子看peat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistanc短工e gene. It allows the plasmid to be 區討maintained by am風光picillin selection 街外in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Pla年樂smids carrying this origin exist in 城是high copy numbers in E.舞拿 coli.