CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 熱唱
shRNA基因敲低解決方案 醫工;

Regular Plasmid miR30-Ba舞電sed shRNA Knockdown Vecto報木r


The regular plasmid 弟事miR30-based shRNA knoc低鐘kdown vector sy高拿stem is a highly efficient met但匠hod for transiently knockin雨內g down expression of target gene(s)慢友 in a wide variety of mamm街懂alian cell types. Th湖們is system utilizes conventio快都nal plasmid transf錯雜ection for introducing 器一a polycistronic ex東數pression cassette consisting of o空事ne or more miR30-based 謝看shRNAs (shRNAmiR) targetin民物g gene(s) of inte作鐵rest and a user-selected ORF into 鐘大mammalian cells. The shRNAmiR t紙中ranscript is processed by endogeno子厭us, cellular micro-RNA pathways to 公玩produce mature shRN的的As, which facilitate degr微你adation of target gene mRNAs事舞.

Delivering plasmi從海d vectors into mam能務malian cells by conventional tran鄉鐵sfection is one of the mo老輛st widely used procedure地信s in biomedical research. 商有While several sophistica短新ted gene delivery vector systems have多月 been developed ov他和er the years su我光ch as lentiviral vectors, ade街知novirus vectors, AAV vectors a唱白nd piggyBac, conv大亮entional plasmid transfectio微車n remains the workhorse of g事家ene delivery in many labs. Thi明愛s is largely due to 個在its technical simplicity 北森as well as good efficiency in a wide ra雪遠nge of cell types. A key featur做雪e of transfection with regu湖不lar plasmid vectors is that 兒城it is transient, with only 好吃a very low fraction時腦 of cells stably integrating懂離 the plasmid in the 師呢genome (typically less th明風an 1%).

Unlike conventional shRNA vectors,年計 which utilize RNA 技金polymerase III promoters such a工道s U6, miRNA-based shRNA sy但山stems are place媽白d under the con妹河trol of standard R還照NA polymerase II區藍 promoters. This allows the use of t影房issue-specific, inducible, or var服可iable-strength promot拿時ers, enabling a variety of experi窗木mental applications not possible wi金文th constitutive U6 promoters.

The ability of RN煙討A polymerase II promoters to efficien離要tly transcribe long transcripts in 中文the miRNA-based shRNA s場間ystems also provides add紙技itional advantages relative to ot制遠her knockdown vector s亮兒ystems. Multiple shRNAmiRs can be tran白通scribed as a single如中 polycistron, which i科呢s processed to form低腦 mature shRNAs within間大 the cell. This allows knockdown 民子of multiple genes or targeting of跳哥 multiple regions within t農匠he same gene using a single t用司ranscript. As a 信年result, this vector is available 書火for expressing 也行either single o湖行r multiple shRNAm林熱iRs. Secondly, in this vector syst厭站em, a user-selected銀生 protein coding gene is also posit坐美ioned within the冷外 same polycistr你妹on as the shRNAmiRs. The expre空跳ssion of this ORF can be used to校票 directly monit票慢or shRNA transcription (if a marke物美r ORF is used) or can be used for紅哥 other purposes requiring co-express空河ion of an ORF and shRNA(火他s).

For further information 暗唱about this vector syst學吃em, please refer to the papers 光區below.

Cell Rep. 5:1704 (2013)An Optimized micr地山oRNA Backbone for Effec北國tive Single-Copy RNAi

Our regular plasmid miR30得讀-based shRNA kn聽和ockdown vector incor筆嗎porates an optimized micro-RNA 購下system for現體 transient knockdown of target gen到外e(s) and is 光關optimized for high copy 舞動number replicatio說技n in E. coli and high-efficiency trans現身fection. Cells transfecte吃老d with the vecto吧友r can be selected微地 and/or visualized 拍高based on marker gene expression as ch樹大osen by the user. A 師到user-selected promoter drives開年 expression of a polycistronic e技唱xpression cassette containing a us制近er-selected ORF and one or more shRNAmi廠不Rs with optimize玩還d miR30-based sequ文短ences to mediate efficient shR爸物NA processing and t件就arget gene knockdown.


Promoter choice: 筆呢Unlike standard shRNA systems, which 唱姐utilize RNA polymerase III promoters s歌生uch as U6, miR30-based shRNAs村黃 can be transcribed b金玩y diverse RNA polymerase II promoters.年用 This also enables the村醫 use of tissue-spec志很ific or inducibl長分e promoters.

Multiple shRNA co-expression:&n日草bsp;Because RNA polymerase哥就 II efficiently transcribes long RN亮喝As, multiple shR討作NAmiRs can be express刀雪ed as a polycistron 輛了from a single promoter. Therefore, this紅聽 vector is available for expressi林睡ng either single or multip還議le shRNAmiRs.  

Co-expression of a reporter ORF:&房的nbsp;A user-selected gene of inter音不est or reporter gene ORF is co遠商-expressed with the shRNAm自年iRs, as a polycistron. T湖長his facilitates答東 direct monitoring of 低男shRNA transcription.

Technical simplicity: 多街;Delivering plasmid vectors into 日明cells by conventional transfection i中明s technically straightforward, and f費村ar easier than viru拍器s-based vectors wh吃慢ich require the pa雪銀ckaging of live virus.

High-level expression到做: Conventional transfect亮到ion of plasmids can often result in 著為very high copy numbers如自 in cells (up to several thousand cop喝通ies per cell). This 了路can lead to very high exp民樂ression levels of the genes c風到arried on the vector.


Non-integration of vector DNA:&n事書bsp;Conventional transfecti事弟on of plasmid vectors is腦計 also referred to as transient transf些通ection because the匠放 vector stays mostly as epis可關omal DNA in cells without們如 integration. As a result, the 算亮knockdown of target genes achi火拍eved with the regular plasmid m說小iR30-based shRNA knockdown ve還遠ctor is typically t南化ransient, therefore making the vector唱紙 unsuitable for ap門微plications requiring long-ter算山m analysis of the kno跳都ckdown phenotype. However, plasmid資些 DNA can integrate銀廠 permanently into the 黃鐘host genome at a very low frequenc和匠y (one per 102 to 10黑訊6 cells depending on c說器ell type). If a dru場行g resistance or f就見luorescence marker is incorporate跳暗d into the plasmid這愛, cells stably inte書如grating the plasmid can be de到跳rived by drug s你舊election or cell s地歌orting after extended culture.

Limited cell type 鄉少range: The efficiency of plasmid tr又用ansfection can vary greatly from cell t不雜ype to cell type. Non-d家見ividing cells are often 門人more difficult to transfect than di草雪viding cells, and primary cells鐘科 are often harder to tra文房nsfect than immortalized cell lines弟能. Some important cell types, such as服這 neurons and pan上區creatic β cells, are notori農樹ously difficult to transfect.相制 Additionally, plasmid transfection is作小 largely limited to i長從n vitro applications刀男 and rarely used分行 in vivo.

Non-uniformity of 金門gene delivery: Although a success到廠ful transfection can靜醫 result in very hig資外h average copy number 我刀of the transfect站文ed plasmid vector per cell, this 音黃can be highly n熱醫on-uniform. Some ce刀可lls can carry many copies while others 白服carry very few or none. This is unlike 地是transduction by virus購北-based vectors which tends to r鄉家esult in relatively u分她niform gene delivery into cells.


Single miR30-shRNA r哥舊egular plasmid shRNA knockdown vector

Promoter: Drives transcription of t白路he downstream ORF and shR藍頻NAmiR polycistron. This i有家s an RNA polymerase II promoter, rathe暗書r than an RNA polymer匠數ase III promoter su業窗ch as U6.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is placed人電 in front of the start codon 明司of the ORF of interest b也身ecause it is believed to facilitate t如微ranslation initiation in eukar北路yotes.

ORF: The open reading fra好分me of your gene of電北 interest or reporter技大 gene is placed here. This c靜綠an be used to monitor shRNA expressi員店on.

5' miR-30E: An optimized ver子用sion of the human miR30 5’ context sequ錯通ence. Facilitate南很s maturation and processing of the慢黑 shRNA and separation from the t聽友andemly transcribed ORF and很技 other shRNAs.

3' miR-30E: An optimized version of這器 the human miR30 3’ context s刀藍equence. Facilitates maturation an還藍d processing of the shRNA a風嗎nd separation from the tandemly一但 transcribed ORF and other s話內hRNAs.

miR30-shRNA: This sequence is derived from your姐一 target sequence&nb和唱sp;and is transcribe為慢d to form the s醫熱tem portion of the “hairpin” str時雪ucture of the s了門hRNA.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 late polyad聽得enylation signal. Fa報暗cilitates transc理少ription termination and polya分文denylation of the 化你upstream ORF and shRNAmiR p村務olycistron.

CMV promoter: Human cytomegalovi民習rus immediate early enhancer/身上promoter. This drives the ubiquitous她北 expression of the downstream marker 車新gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as neomyci腦關n resistance), a visually detectable g下喝ene (such as EGFP), or a dual-report就的er gene (such as EGFP/Neo). This allow下的s cells transduced wit北到h the vector to be selected員是 and/or visualized.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polyadenylation做照 signal. It facilitate對樂s transcriptional 關藍termination of the upstream舊劇 ORF.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. 吧錯Plasmids carrying this origin exist in 自友high copy number光劇s in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene.又低 It allows the plasmid to男服 be maintained by ampicillin 秒聽selection in E. coli.

Multiple miR30-shRNA regular plasmid s去朋hRNA knockdown ve劇來ctor

Promoter: 商司Drives transcription of the d子上ownstream ORF and sh答理RNAmiR polyc數亮istron. This is 煙什an RNA polymerase II promoter, rat北樹her than an RNA polymerase 玩市III promoter such機志 as U6.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequenc服麗e. It is placed in front o答上f the start codon of the OR草很F of interest becaus廠海e it is believed to facili化街tate translation initiation從話 in eukaryotes.

ORF: The open readi煙冷ng frame of your gene of inter內海est or reporter ge數海ne is placed here. This can be used to黃土 monitor shRNA expression.女風

5' miR-30E: An optimized version of又謝 the human miR30 5’ context sequence. 著遠Facilitates maturation an醫多d processing of the 東工shRNA and separation from the 店謝tandemly transcribed ORF and other shRN公雪As.

3' miR-30E: An optimized version吃爸 of the human miR30我信 3’ context sequence高嗎. Facilitates maturation and pr土資ocessing of the shRNA and separation 舞厭from the tandemly transcribed ORF a門司nd other shRNAs.

miR30-shRNA #1:&nb黑朋sp;This sequence is deri道時ved from your first target sequen得好ce and is transcribed to fo拿算rm the stem porti身校on of the “hairpin” struc友子ture of the shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #2: This sequence is derived from your se就藍cond target sequen唱對ce and is transcribed to form t生化he stem portion of the “年年hairpin” structure of些火 the shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #3:&nb河玩sp;This sequence is derived f司紙rom your third target sequence 新不;and is transcribed to form the stem 妹志portion of the “hairpin” structur畫拿e of the shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #4:微雨 This sequence is derived from y算這our fourth target sequence&是信nbsp;and is transcribed 問制to form the stem船計 portion of the “hairpin”外什 structure of the shRNA.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 late poly理了adenylation signal. Facilitates tr筆吧anscription termination and polyadenyl書數ation of the upstream ORF and shRNAmiR&姐不nbsp;polycistron.

CMV promoter: Human cytomegalovirus immediate 藍窗early enhancer/promoter. Th請線is drives the ubiquitous有業 expression of the downstream m裡也arker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as neomy看能cin resistance), a visu好歌ally detectable gene (such as會秒 EGFP), or a dua間水l-reporter gene (s要子uch as EGFP/Neo). Th河鐵is allows cells tra歌作nsduced with the 那工vector to be selected and/or visualize媽器d.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polyadenylation 校兒signal. It facil草明itates transcriptional terminati拿司on of the upstream O照件RF.

pUC ori:&nbs都放p;pUC origin of rep舞遠lication. Plasmids carrying this origi窗聽n exist in high copy numbers in E. col醫不i.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene上鄉. It allows the plasmid外玩 to be maintained by ampicill地讀in selection in E. co學近li.