CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 土通

Baculovirus Recombinant 北制Protein Expressio車師n Vectors (Dual Promoters)


The baculovirus vector是鄉 system is widely used for th如煙e expression of rec能場ombinant proteins in culture見就d insect cells. It is舞們 one of the most versatile and po呢物werful systems for eukaryotic妹得 expression of reco一如mbinant proteins. T慢媽his system is particularly adva男爸ntageous for large-scale preparat中歌ion of proteins that require expression很短 in eukaryotic host cells業服. Many eukaryotic proteins un頻林dergo posttranslational 技快modifications that can only tak玩業e place in eukaryotic cell體就s (e.g. glycosylation), or they 工司need a eukaryoti雨鄉c cellular milieu for proper foldin去弟g (e.g. membrane proteins). In門報 these cases, prokaryotic expression sy國舊stems are often inadequate and the b玩秒aculovirus expression system co他樹uld be a good alternative自遠.

Baculovirus is a double-stranded DN女高A virus that commonly infect玩森s insects, particula笑事rly members of t問內he order Lepidoptera (moths, butterfl劇劇ies and skippers). The cloning紅船 vector in our baculovirus expression 錯裡system, pBV, is optimized從兵 for use with the baculovirus shutt愛劇le vector (known as bacmid) derive爸體d from the baculoviru光西s strain AcMNPV (Autographa calif跳還ornica multicap地來sid nucleopolyhedrov睡歌irus), which has a 134 kb geno化少me in its wildtype form.市地

The gene of inte技可rest is first cloned into t著行he pBV vector under the control of身慢 a strong promoter. The pBV vector 很玩with dual promoters contains both 請相the P10 and poly購男hedrin (PH) promoters行術, derived from AcMNPV allowing users科短 to simultaneously expr和老ess two different genes of interes房鄉t. This makes the vector part器靜icularly suitable for application紅他s requiring the co-expression of公畫 two different g報答enes in cells such a新厭s studies involving the朋到 formation of protein complex媽車es or for following cellular enzymati音些c reactions. Since both P10 信照and PH promoters are derived from 行司AcMNPV, in order to reduce po報林ssibilities of recombin我跳ation between duplicated AcMNP資話V sequences, the P10 promoter is plac身暗ed in a reverse orientation relati笑笑ve to the PH promoter wit街頻hin the pBV vector.

The entire expression cassette consisti體會ng of the two promot聽玩ers and their downstream genes o算女f interest, along wi路我th a gentamicin resistance gene, is f快山lanked by the Tn7 transpos做市on terminal elements, Tn7L and Tn7R. 船東This vector is then transformed 去笑into E. coli carrying the bacmid雪唱 shuttle vector a船暗nd a helper plasm們開id. The bacmid is新子 essentially a very large plasmid con購外taining the bacu輛白lovirus genome modi兒厭fied to carry a lacZ gene and a你商n attTn7 docking site in湖笑serted in the la國明cZ coding region. The helper plasmi聽的d expresses the Tn7 transpo們影sase. The transposase w裡身ould then mediate the tran遠鐘sposition of the region flanke房區d by Tn7R and Tn7L on th樂西e pBV vector, whi對什ch contains the expression cassette 慢老for the two gen制會es of interest and gentamici很鄉n resistance, into the attTn7 docki志國ng site of the ba為到cmid. Colonies con身文taining recombinan河吧t bacmids can be identified by化河 gentamicin select鐘靜ion and blue/white screening (non-recom作醫binant colonies are blue due to lacZ ex吧窗pression whereas r唱好ecombinant colonies ar年呢e white due to disruption光都 of lacZ by transpo匠知son insertion). Purif木麗ied bacmid DNA can then be u務鄉sed to transfect insect cells to genera吃雨te live baculovirus, whi土房ch can be used to produce the recomb錯坐inant proteins o老花f interest.

The most commonly used cell line fo著對r expressing recombinant proteins from 司要baculovirus vectors is Sf9. This clo村公nal line was derived from ovarian北業 tissue of Spodoptera fru著機giperda (fall armyworm). This cell l妹在ine is adaptable to a var公窗iety of culture and media conditions, i著兒ncluding suspension or monolater 見窗culture and serum-free me路內dia. Larvae and other Le行議pidoptera cell li放暗nes have also been used e們問xtensively, and there ar身鐵e some reports of b相音aculovirus being an e都關ffective vector for照呢 mammalian cells.

For further inform車要ation about this vector system, plea做坐se refer to the pape近下rs below.

J Virol. 67:4566-79 (199風作3)Generation of recomb火去inant baculovir兒這us by site-specific tran舊服sposon-mediated insertion
Meth. Mol Med. 13:213-35 (1998)Generation of recombinant b房煙aculovirus DNA in E.c男暗oli using a baculovirus 子些shuttle vector
J Gen Virol. 72:2967-74 (1991)Characterization of the baculovirus dua錢通l expression vector

Our baculovirus recombinant protein ex從道pression vector system enables effi睡舞cient production of recombi嗎內nant proteins in insect cells. 能厭This system allow綠民s for expression厭他 of proteins with posttranslation放長al processing chara的算cteristic of eukaryotic cells, and with個房 good adaptability to la文黃rge-scale applications. The baculovirus很下 recombinant protein expression vecto頻花r with dual promoters contains both P自身10 and PH promoters, 司科derived from AcMNPV allowing users都門 to simultaneously e村靜xpress two different gene吃短s of interest.


Eukaryotic system: Insect cells carr高志y out posttranslational proce懂嗎ssing of proteins similar銀聽 to that of mammalian cells. Our s街喝ystem is thus particularly suitable fo小有r expressing mammalian and other e醫業ukaryotic proteins whose function requ南明ires proper post-translati什中onal processing not present in pro喝電karyotic expression廠說 systems, such as covalent modificat電笑ions or membrane targetin風近g.

Simultaneous expression煙短 of two genes: The baculovirus rec樹自ombinant protein ex公討pression vector with dual promote嗎靜rs contains both P10 and PH promote黃笑rs, derived from聽金 AcMNPV allowing users to作哥 simultaneously e間物xpress two differen不答t genes of interest, therefore mak路木ing it suitable for appl年銀ications requiring the co-expressio白遠n of two different genes within算友 cells.

Strong expression and good solubilit作朋y: In most cases, the protein of i算門nterest is highly e間也xpressed, soluble,厭習 and can be easily recovered fr媽紙om infected cells.

Ease of scale-up: In our system, 什有baculovirus obtained from習服 initial transfection o站們f insect cells can be used to infect mo花有re cells to further ampli筆嗎fy viral titer. 學工Protein production with our sys妹了tem can therefore be reproducibly sc票好aled up.

Suspension culture: 事我Sf9 and other Lepido農為ptera cell lines grow well in suspensi村制on cultures, allowing 河問for the production of rec個金ombinant proteins in large-scale bi理高oreactors.

Safety: Baculovirus cannot replicate 喝信outside of insect cells and ar訊拿e nonpathogenic to mammals and pla身靜nts. Therefore 學吃our expression system c鐵放an be used in insect cell 在短lines under mini和公mal biosafety condi時計tions.


Technical complexity: Protein production using the baculoviru子話s expression sy照村stem requires multiple綠匠 steps, including c就在loning the genes of interest into pBV,那亮 generating recombina自影nt bacmid from pBV, and transfectin到厭g bacmid into insect cells. These proce相好dures are technically demanding a黑個nd time consuming relative to r少少ecombinant protein expressi費視on in bacterial systems. These dem購時ands can be alleviated by choosing our坐有 recombinant ba照和cmid generation and玩票 baculovirus packaging services wh又我en ordering your vec大是tor.


P10 promoter: AcMNPV p10 promoter. It drive鐘費s high-level expression of the downstr聽數eam gene encoding 開訊your first recombinan計房t protein of interest.

ORF #1: The open reading frame of your fi小術rst gene of int作歌erest is placed here.

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus thymidine kina吃她se polyadenylation signal. It facilitat劇媽es transcriptional termina呢中tion of the upstream ORF.

PH promoter: AcMNPV polyhedrin p校喝romoter. It drives high-leve白紅l expression of the downstream gen的器e encoding your second recomb地了inant protein of interest. It 中錯is placed in a reverse orie子理ntation relative to the輛現 P10 promoter.

ORF #2: The open reading fra的姐me of your second gene黃老 of interest is pla計我ced here.

SV40 early pA:&跳爸nbsp;Simian virus 40 early polyadeny事鐵lation signal. It fa大如cilitates transcriptional terminati村視on of the upstream ORF.

Tn7L: Tn7 transposon left terminal ele子票ment. It is recognized by Tn7 transpo會生sase. DNA flanked by Tn7R and事中 Tn7L can be transposed by 間水Tn7 transposase into attT在聽n7 docking sites.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It 兒空allows the plasmid to be maintain從嗎ed by ampicillin selecti線知on in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plas樹他mids carrying this origin ex筆什ist in high copy numbers in E. coli.

Tn7R: Tn7 transposon right termin公路al element. It is recogn去城ized by Tn7 transposase. DNA flanked b年報y Tn7R and Tn7L的煙 can be transposed by Tn7 tran一船sposase into attTn7 d門站ocking sites.

Gentamicin: Gentamicin resistance gene.站會 It allows for drug selection o知鐵f E. coli carrying recombinant 黃鄉bacmids.