CRISPR基因編輯解決方案 著視;

Adenovirus gRNA Expres信快sion Vector


CRISPR/Cas9 vecto日銀rs are among several t木公ypes of emerging ge火說nome editing tools that can q城呢uickly and efficiently鄉白 create mutations a兒時t target sites of a genome (the書舞 other two popular o服票nes being ZFN and TALEN).

Cas9 is a member of a下和 class of RNA-gu坐工ided DNA nucleases which are part o車計f a natural prokaryotic immune syste很報m that confers resistance to fo雪商reign genetic elements s市山uch as plasmids and b吃花acteriophage. Within the cell, th業森e Cas9 enzyme forms 腦飛a complex with a guide RNA (gRNA), whi弟拿ch provides targeting specificity th空技rough direct interactio為林n with homologous 18-22nt可司 target sequences in the genome. Hy銀嗎bridization of the gRNA to the事問 target site localiz雪校es Cas9, which then c報的uts the target site in the genome.

To achieve CRISPR-mediated g明文ene targeting it is essenti在書al for the target cells to co-expres門不s both Cas9 as well as the target si章謝te-specific gRNA at the same time. This銀討 can be accomplished by大對 either expressing both Cas9 and the g喝在RNA sequence from the same飛新 vector (a.k.a.&n歌也bsp;all-in-one 說科vector) or by using separate vec到科tors for driving章行 Cas9 and gRNA e還內xpression (Cas9 o光高nly and gRNA only vectors respective問你ly). The advantage of usin少醫g separate vectors over an all-in-one房鐵 vector for expressing Ca制一s9 and gRNA is that it offers the員火 flexibility of&如跳nbsp;combinatorial 短相usage of different gRNA信行 expression vectors in conjun窗著ction with a varie玩厭ty of Cas9 variants (wil懂白d type nuclease, nicka老亮se, nuclease-dead) depending upo姐如n the user’s ex員那perimental goal.

The adenovirus gRNA e東腦xpression vector is a 北腦highly efficient tool for adenovirus-me視新diated introduction of target si從樂te-specific gRNA sequences 在跳into a variety of mammalian cell type農雜s, where the vector remains as epi林一somal DNA withou謝煙t integration into the hos木醫t genome. It is the pref海得erred gene delivery喝畫 system in vivo答司, often used in g劇在ene therapy and vaccination.&nb土風sp;An adenovirus gR兵這NA expression vector is fir遠腦st constructed as a plasm關唱id in E. coli. The gRNA expression cas她城sette consisting of小家 a human U6 promoter dr多內iving the target s就來ite-specific gRNA sequ話新ence is cloned between the two invert男雪ed terminal repeats (ITRs) during vecto風多r construction.也通 It is then transfected得下 into packaging c購人ells, where the region of the v唱吧ector between the ITRs is packaged int問頻o live virus. When the virus 房化is added to target cells, the D還高NA cargo is delivered into cel體近ls where it enters t得為he nucleus and remains as episomal D費藍NA without integration票不 into the host ge船訊nome. The gRNA expression casse東算tte placed in-between the 西這two ITRs during 黃計vector construction is introdu事拍ced into target cells along with 用見the rest of viral genome.

Our adenovirus gRNA exp知中ression vector is availab動舊le for expressing 做草either single-gRNA&n不飛bsp;or dual-gRNAs.明子 While the single-gRNA vector is wi睡通dely used for con不森ventional CRISPR ge妹和nome editing such as generat老草ing single gene knockout, dua美分l-gRNA vectors are會船 necessary for applications requirin有錯g simultaneous ta妹他rgeting of a pa黑算ir of genomic sites. Exampl作員es of such applicatio生新ns include: 1) paired Cas9 ni美議ckase experiments where th做畫e “nickase” muta要妹nt form (hCas9-D10A) o店文f hCas9 is used in conjunction w媽能ith two gRNAs雜玩 targeting the two opposite strands o你森f a single target和高 site to generate single strand cuts on遠物e on each strand,機秒 thereby leading to a DSB with 跳下increased targeting specificity th愛做an a single gRNA; 2) genera技火ting deletion of a f費廠ragment between two DSBs歌匠 targeted by a p術些air of gRNAs; and 3) targeting 視船two different genes simultaneously.時大 While the single gRNA vector cons腦哥ists of a single human 南錯U6 promoter driving the ta兵年rget site-speci姐裡fic gRNA sequen但綠ce between the two ITRs, t能森he dual gRNA vector consists 件姐of two consecutive U6湖場 promoters dr從海iving the expres我樹sion of gRNA sequences specif飛窗ic to two genomic targ暗秒et sites of interest是校.

By design, adenoviral vectors lac都男k the E1A, E1B and E3 ge一遠nes (delta E1 +器靜 delta E3). The first tw的慢o are required for th會問e production of live vi國讀rus (these two gene亮訊s are engineered into the湖音 genome of packaging cell對近s). As a result, virus produced f答中rom the vectors have 銀小the important safety feature of be從分ing replication incompetent (meaning t書費hat they can tra答司nsduce target cells but 弟農cannot replicate輛物 in them).

For further information about t海時his vector system,舊看 please refer to the p音時apers below.

Science. 339:819 (2013妹空)Description of genome editing usi數你ng the CRISPR/Cas9 system
Cell. 154:1380–9 (2013)Use of Cas9 D10A double 去鐘nicking for increa姐都sed specificity動見
Sci. Rep. 4:5105 (2014) CRISPR/Cas9 targeting熱匠 using adenoviral gRN通刀A expressing vectors
Plos One. 12: e0187236 (2017)行可CRISPR/Cas9 vectors for dual gRN樂商A expression

Our adenovirus gRNA expression哥歌 vector is derived from the adeno會湖virus serotype 5 女科(Ad5). It is optimize樹數d for high-tite白購r packaging of live v土會irus, efficient transduction 資資of host cells, and high-level 土數transgene expression哥購. The adenovirus gRNA 雪光expression vector is designed to d鐘門rive high-level constitutive制著 transcription of a u員筆ser-selected gRNA sequence from新草 a human U6 prom北唱oter to achieve highly effici兵離ent CRISPR targeting whe樹日n used in conjunction with Cas9 nucle分腦ase. This vector is available白們 for expressing either sin嗎大gle-gRNA or dual-gRNAs enabl服跳ing users to target either one or tw南他o genomic target sites of interest 農唱depending upon their experimenta鐘新l goal.


Flexibity: Our adenovirus&n樂討bsp;gRNA expression vect姐房or can be used in c到兒onjunction with a 刀下variety of Cas9不著 variants (nuclease, nickase歌林, nuclease-dead)黃少 depending upon the user’s expe些男rimental goal. Additional還民ly, this vector is availa技她ble for expressing e行低ither single-gRNA or 秒山dual-gRNAs enabling 章得users to target e國但ither one or two genomic t那樂arget sites of in購拿terest.

Low risk of host ge我開nome disruption: Upon transduction in年如to host cells, adenovira費好l vectors remain as episomal DNA in t司亮he nucleus. The lack門議 of integration into the host gen是森ome can be a desirable fea街睡ture for in vivo human applicati見報ons, as it reduces the risk of host ge呢相nome disruption that might lead 但林to cancer.

Very high viral河拿 titer: After our adenoviral vector is秒近 transfected into p友暗ackaging cells to produce睡爸 live virus, the virus can be furt校機her amplified to very high titer by re師店-infecting packaging cells. This 什紙is unlike lentivirus東妹, MMLV retrovirus, or AAV, which canno家鐵t be amplified by re-infection. When ad校話enovirus is obtained through our viru笑錯s packaging service, t兒花iter can reach >1011 infectious units per黃下 ml (IFU/ml).

Broad tropism: Cells from commonly used mammalian sp山家ecies such as human,喝歌 mouse and rat can be水制 transduced with our vector, but so空兵me cell types have proven d靜嗎ifficult to transduce (see disa對市dvantages below).

Effectiveness in vitro and in vivo:&n鐵拿bsp;Our vector is of能生ten used to transduce cells in live ani呢對mals, but it can also be used e中厭ffectively in vitro.

Safety: The safety of our vector is ensured by醫通 the fact that it lacks ge媽笑nes essential for virus production (th身弟ese genes are engineered他樹 into the genome of pac站從kaging cells). Virus made from our ve什書ctor is therefo請什re replication incompeten微快t except when it is used to trans什飛duce packaging cells.


Non-integration of vecto個女r DNA: The adenoviral genome does not integra黃如te into the genome of tr師飛ansduced cells.報答 Rather, it exists as episomal海光 DNA, which can be志刀 lost over time, especially 唱通in dividing cells. 

Difficulty transdu通小cing certain cell types:&nbs電家p;While our adenovira身厭l vectors can transduce many differen腦老t cell types including non-dividing 在日cells, it is inefficient們妹 against certai美資n cell types such as endot年哥helia, smooth muscle, diffe短空rentiated airway epithe村西lia, peripheral blood cells,友員 neurons, and hematopoi報湖etic cells.

Strong immunogenicity: 計靜Live virus from adenoviral vect看房ors can elicit 也訊strong immune response in animals, th著就us limiting certain in vivo 制去applications.

Technical complexit有多y: The use of adenoviral vectors req市對uires the product對農ion of live virus in packaging cells f樹什ollowed by the measurement 美又of viral titer. These procedures校白 are technically demanding and time 師地consuming.

PAM requirement: CRISPR/Cas9 based t近視argeting is dependent on a strict requ林黃irement for a proto些議spacer adjacent motif (PAM), locate船下d on the immediate吧朋 3’ end of the gRNA都們 recognition sequence. The required雪刀 PAM sequence varies depending o購匠n the Cas9 variant being廠唱 used.

Single-gRNA expression adenov大通iral vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal r月坐epeat. In wild type virus, 5' ITR and麗一 3' ITR are esse河鄉ntially identical in sequenc裡他e. They reside on two ends of the vira黃好l genome pointing in opposite direc暗都tions, where the務紅y serve as the origin of viral ge低火nome replication.

Ψ: Adenovirus packaging signal requi長一red for the packaging of vir窗金al DNA into virus.

U6 Promoter: Drives expression of the downstr市行eam gRNA sequence. This is the promote廠見r of the human U6訊南 snRNA gene, an RNA 月站polymerase III 我離promoter which effici了照ently expresses shor你呢t RNAs.

gRNA: Guide RNA compatible w時不ith the Cas9 variant bei愛來ng used.

Terminator: Terminates transcription of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter: Human phosphogl自商ycerate kinase 1 promoter. It 著道drives the ubiquitous exp一亮ression of the downst近快ream marker gene.

Marker: A visually detectable南得 fluorescent gene (such as EGFP). This 電朋allows cells tra年議nsduced with the v懂離ector to be selected and/or visualized.聽又

TK pA: Herpes simplex virus thymidine kina可雪se polyadenylation si暗物gnal. It facilitate科美s transcriptional t服水ermination of the upstream ORF.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 genome between化到 the two ITRs minus the 地秒E1A, E1B and E3 regions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat內喝.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin of repl工呢ication. Plasmids carrying this origi銀制n exist in medi錢鐘um copy numbers in E. col些快i.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resi頻會stance gene. It allows the plas湖綠mid to be maintained by ampicillin 離業selection in E. coli.

PacI: PacI restriction site (P了動acI is a rare cutt店機er that cuts at TTAATTAA). T朋是he two PacI restriction sites on the v對著ector can be used to 技跳linearize the vector and remove the v電嗎ector backbone from t話國he viral sequence, which is ne線票cessary for efficient著多 packaging.

Dual-gRNA expre著件ssion adenoviral vector

5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal 紅拍repeat. In wild ty跳學pe virus, 5' ITR and 3' ITR are e街煙ssentially identical in sequence. They事頻 reside on two ends of t錢兵he viral genome pointing 劇兵in opposite dire電報ctions, where they serve as the orig歌什in of viral genome replic得費ation.

Ψ: Adenovirus packaging signa跳土l required for the 文暗packaging of viral DNA into virus短光.

U6 Promoter: Drives expression of the dow紙快nstream gRNA sequence. This is t東坐he promoter of the human U6 snRNA ge開店ne, an RNA polymerase III pro生遠moter which efficiently expres公放ses short RNAs.

gRNA #1: The first 喝如guide RNA compatible wi得要th the Cas9 variant being used.

gRNA #2: The second guide舞音 RNA compatible with the 作老Cas9 variant being used. 

Terminator: Terminates transcription 術船of the gRNA.

hPGK promoter:&nb秒如sp;Human phosphoglycer愛答ate kinase 1 pro相姐moter. It drives the ubiq頻樂uitous expressi國子on of the downstrea自靜m marker gene.

Marker: A visually detec工光table fluorescent gene (such as E些動GFP). This allo木黃ws cells transduced with the vector to頻得 be selected and/o對亮r visualized.

TK pA: Herpes simplex viru道舞s thymidine kinase polyadenyla請請tion signal. It facilitates transcr機讀iptional termination of the upstream OR多都F.

ΔAd5: Portion of Ad5 genome between th中生e two ITRs minus河靜 the E1A, E1B and E3 愛也regions.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat會白.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin of re校技plication. Plasmids carrying this 都海origin exist in medium copy num為劇bers in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resis是店tance gene. It allo街南ws the plasmid to be m河懂aintained by ampicillin selection 哥兒in E. coli.

PacI: PacI restrict喝樹ion site (PacI i從很s a rare cutter that cuts at TTAATT一山AA). The two PacI restriction sites舊雪 on the vector can be use費場d to linearize the vecto用熱r and remove the vector 黃習backbone from the viral sequenc聽黑e, which is necessary for efficient p子如ackaging.