
Lentivirus Tet Inducible Gene Expres習亮sion Vector


VectorBuilder's lenti腦分virus inducible gene 木話expression vector combines th了從e highly efficient third什空-generation lenti看什viral vector system with the 農男Tet-On inducible gene expressio章問n system to help you achieve 車刀permanent integration of喝鐵 tetracycline-induc爸月ible gene expression ca短對ssettes into the host genome.

The Tet-On inducible gene 慢秒expression system is煙話 a powerful tool to control t懂哥he timing of expression of t輛些he gene(s) of interest (GOI) in mammali店街an cells. Our Tet-On inducib日河le gene expression vectors are designe森空d to achieve nearly complete sil嗎答encing of a GOI in the absence of te還熱tracycline and its analo老短gs (e.g. doxycy嗎公cline), and strong, rapid行讀 expression in r物樹esponse to the addition of tetracyclin南山e or one of its analogs (e.g. doxy區術cycline). This is a好區chieved through a multicomp票家onent system which incorporate村頻s active silenci河暗ng by the tTS protein in the a視森bsence of tetracycline些微 and strong activation by the rtTA pro拿子tein in the presence of t裡火etracycline. In the absence of你行 tetracycline, the tTS p吧答rotein derived from 城影the fusion of TetR (Tet repre計坐ssor protein) and KRAB-AB (the tra弟要nscriptional repres如科sor domain of Kid-1 pro事頻tein) binds to the tetracycline內地-responsive element (TRE) promoter,&nb金體sp;leading to the 房從active suppression of 購信gene transcription. The rtTA prot話北ein, on the other hand下吃, derived from the fusion of懂高 a mutant Tet repressor and VP1鐘件6 (the transcription act體司ivator domain of 歌雨virion protein 16 of herp在下es simplex virus), bi不暗nds to the TRE promote年術r to activate gene transcripti雜影on only in the pres文答ence of tetracycline.

The lentiviral vector學行 system is a highly efficient v謝計ehicle for introducing genes perman拿靜ently into mammalian cells. A lentivira票下l vector is first constructe視白d as a plasmid 中兒in E. coli. For the lentivirus Tet in會廠ducible gene expression ve喝白ctor, the tetracycli還老ne inducible expression cassette cons購技isting of the TRE promoter driv公海ing the GOI is placed in-betw鐘要een the two LTRs during vector constru醫答ction. It is then transfected int玩湖o packaging cells along with s吧路everal helper pl村吧asmids. Inside the packaging c長雜ells, vector DNA located是現 between the two long terminal repea歌區ts (LTRs) is transc頻請ribed into RNA, a到很nd viral proteins expressed by the hel體見per plasmids further packa報睡ge the RNA into virus. Live virus i在但s then released into the supernatant,些請 which can be used t東還o infect target cells dir要對ectly or after concentration.

When the virus is adde畫來d to target cells, the請慢 RNA cargo is shuttled into cell舞紅s where it is reverse transcribed火腦 into DNA and randomly integra什暗ted into the host genome. 火的The inducible expression casse車匠tte placed in-between the two LTRs 吧信during vector construction煙哥 is permanently inserted into 窗見host DNA alongside the rest of vi跳老ral genome. 

While our lentivirus Tet induc子事ible gene expression vector includes an舞吃 inducible gene expres雜有sion cassette consistin線器g of the TRE promoter drivin知我g the user-selected 長林GOI, the TRE binding regulat到唱ory proteins tTS and rtTA 紅區have to be provided using a separate外喝 helper vector t司這o achieve tetracycline induced gene exp森道ression in the pre國北sence of tetracycline,話靜 while minimizing leaky express姐冷ion in the absence of tetracycli街兵ne. For the len來和tivirus Tet inducible ge紅快ne expression vector喝會 system, the two-vector syst醫體em achieves higher levels of transgene醫筆 induction in the p務關resence of tetra術飛cycline compared to an all-i日跳n-one vector system. 但市An all-in-one vector consists of two 的舞consecutive expression c個長assettes: the GOI driven b多間y TRE promoter 街老and the tTS/rtTA genes dri個姐ven by a ubiquitous科劇 or tissue-specific promoter. Fo師裡r the lentiviral vectors, inter呢去nal polyadenylation signal is not s金司uggested to be pla呢笑ced between the LTRs for e議放ach individual expres跳電sion cassette, as this wou學視ld inhibit virus pac內討kaging. Instead, a sin些離gle polyadenylation藍林 signal is placed i是哥n the 3’LTR. As a result, trans了嗎cription from the upstream TRE pro我如moter often continues past the end 路一of the upstream ORF, through the 他視downstream promoters and O路美RFs (tTS/rtTA genes). This of相男ten leads to partial inhibition of和拍 expression of the do女道wnstream tTS/rtTA, th生鐵erefore preventing efficient inducti靜知on of gene expression in the prese爸醫nce of tetracycline. Ther歌媽efore, we recommend co年知-transducing target cells 就科with lentivirus carr呢雪ying the TRE driven GOI and lentivirus放靜 expressing the 如山tTS/rtTA cassett什空e to achieve the best i上醫nduction efficiency.

By design, lentiviral vecto弟用rs lack the genes required for viral pa答月ckaging and transduction (these genes a司下re instead carri國吧ed by helper plasmids used 和票during virus packaging)有對. As a result, v報紅irus produced from lent路金iviral vectors has the important s舞街afety feature of being replicati科門on incompetent (如人meaning that they can transduc廠新e target cells but cann金話ot replicate in th南動em).

For further information about thi的照s vector system, please refer to the 姐看papers below.

J Virol. 72:8463 (1998)厭村The 3rd generation 睡你lentivirus vectors
Nat Protoc. 1:241 (2006)Production and purificati跳黃on of lentiviral vectors
Science. 268:17市裡66-9 (1995)Development of rtTA.
J Gene Med. 1:4-12 (1北農999)Development of tTS.

Our lentivirus Tet inducible gene ex來風pression vector when coexpressed w很數ith the Tet reg在麗ulatory protein林雜s tTS and rtTA can ac花購hieve nearly complete silencing of t地農he GOI in the a會校bsence of tetracyc資很line, and strong, rapid exp男著ression in response to the addition 市在of tetracycline.身上 The lentiviral Tet inducible g志了ene expression vector is de會年rived from the third-ge錢線neration lentivira技農l vector system. It i說一s optimized for日遠 high copy number replication in E. col雨舞i, high-titer packagin很裡g of live virus,我舞 efficient viral tran議花sduction of a wide range of筆信 cells, efficient vector integra老家tion into the host 術謝genome, and high-level transgene expres火微sion.


Switch-like gene activa玩舞tion: Unlike rtTA only Tet-On systems懂廠 that usually have significant leaky ex知通pression in the ab生算sence of induct票朋ion, our Tet-On gene照討 expression vectors act as 金化true tetracycline-regu了紅lated on-and-off switch fo房章r controlling gene expression, which 做日can minimize the background expression 他花without induction an風作d result in high時土 sensitivity and high dynamic rang那從e of the tetracycline induction.

High-level expression: 下時The TRE promoter ca到和n drive very high levels of expres劇不sion of the GOI in its indu時舊ced state.

Permanent integration of vector朋女 DNA: Conventional transfection resul遠紙ts in almost entirely transient deli學照very of DNA into host cells d歌靜ue to the loss of DNA ove厭黃r time. This pr河厭oblem is especially prominent in r上制apidly dividing cells. In c雨金ontrast, lentiviral雪西 transduction can deliver genes pe自房rmanently into host cel樂放ls due to the integrati開答on of the viral vecto低日r into the host genome.

High viral tite身煙r: Our lentiviral vec文討tor can be packaged into high 船城titer virus. When lentivirus is o鄉都btained through our virus pack看城aging service, titer ca少化n reach >109 transducing煙舞 unit per ml (TU/ml).校房 At this titer, t美歌ransduction efficiency for culture店好d mammalian cells can approach 100% w時街hen an adequate amount 數為of viral is used.

Very broad tropism: Our packaging system adds the 都在VSV-G envelop pr也喝otein to the viral s黑計urface. This protein has bro東訊ad tropism. As a result, ce這窗lls from all commonl村門y used mammalian sp錢現ecies (and even s業厭ome non-mammalian species) can be tra年吃nsduced. Furthermore不老, almost any ma銀哥mmalian cell typ相我e can be transdu雪雨ced (e.g. dividing cells a快事nd non-dividing cells, primary cells物從 and established cell lines, ste為懂m cells and differentiate器請d cells, adherent cells and non-adh長南erent cells). Neurons, which ar妹畫e often impervious to conventional tra笑計nsfection, can be readily transduce白關d by our lentivir慢河al vector. Lentiviral ve區懂ctors packaged with our system 也還have broader tropism than喝兒 adenoviral vectors (which have low 舞大transduction efficie新小ncy for some cel服美l types) or MMLV re線這troviral vectors (whic熱家h have difficulty transducin煙筆g non-dividing cells).

Relative uniformity of gene de開了livery: Generally, viral transduct些樹ion can deliver vectors into cells 愛國in a relatively unifor見少m manner. In contrast, 匠歌conventional transfect服會ion of plasmid 南黑vectors can be high舞從ly non-uniform, with so技照me cells receiv信一ing a lot of copies while other cells r個子eceiving few copi相土es or none.

Effectiveness in vit志讀ro and in vivo: While our vector志我 is mostly used for in vitr多河o transduction of cultured cell開山s, it can also be used to transdu農不ce cells in live animals.

Safety: The safety of our ve是對ctor is ensured by two f明外eatures. One is the partition of ge房看nes required for viral地師 packaging and trans農民duction into several helper plasmid老姐s; the other is sel音姐f-inactivation of 暗區the promoter activity in th唱去e 5’ LTR upon vector int個森egration. As a result, it is房員 essentially imposs國船ible for replication competent 兒慢virus to emerge during packag慢文ing and transduction. The唱可 health risk of working wi們些th our vector is 老也therefore minimal.


Limited cargo space: The wildtype le她視ntiviral genome is ~9.2 k道亮b. In our vector, the components nec票制essary for viral pac光照kaging and transducti子會on occupy ~2.8 kb, which leav厭關es ~6.4 kb to acc藍老ommodate the user’s DNA 湖紙of interest. When the vector goes b資請eyond this size limi玩些t, viral titer can be紅鐘 severely reduced. The唱女 lentivirus inducible gene ex務城pression vector is routinely used for i花遠nserting several fun小謝ctional elements besides the些拿 ORF of the GOI, such as th慢票e TRE promoter and drug 機小resistance cassette.懂冷 A large ORF plus thes快店e additional eleme開信nts could exceed 6.4 kb, and the res不志ult could be co白站mpromised viral produ坐錯ction.

Technical complexi的木ty: The use of lentiviral vector店問s requires the production of live v船和irus in packaging cells followed 好的by the measurem多雜ent of viral tite低外r. These procedures are techni站短cally demanding a錯師nd time consuming re業妹lative to convention區我al plasmid transfection.


RSV promoter: Rous sarcoma virus promoter.說話 It drives transcription of vir照票al RNA in packaging cel資相ls. This RNA is then packaged into li頻又ve virus.

5' LTR-ΔU3: A deleted ver刀白sion of the HIV-1 5' lon河聽g terminal repeat. In wildtype le她哥ntivirus, 5' LTR and 3' LTR a飛聽re essentially identical in seque很劇nce. They reside on two end那線s of the viral genom樹男e and point in the same dir身去ection. Upon viral integration, the多通 3' LTR sequence舊相 is copied onto the 5' LTR微厭. The LTRs carry b水他oth promoter and polyaden的哥ylation function, suc哥舞h that in wildtype virus, th影東e 5' LTR acts as a promoter to dri湖開ve the transcription of 會商the viral genome, wh地好ile the 3' LTR acts as a po計門lyadenylation signal to termi林但nate the upstre畫見am transcript. On our vector,用路 5' LTR-ΔU3 is del了森eted for a region that 章可is required for the LTR's北媽 promoter activity no吧為rmally facilitated by the vir制友al transcription factor Tat. Th姐城is does not affect the production o我少f viral RNA during packag看近ing because the promoter function 低水is supplemented by the RSV promoter e我月ngineered upstream of 5'LTR-Δ車坐U3 LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packag西章ing signal required for the pa工分ckaging of viral RNA into virus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev respo黃微nse element. It們哥 allows the nuclear exp著很ort of viral RNA by the viral Rev 店雪protein during viral packaging.

cPPT: HIV-1 Central polypurine tr媽校act. It creates a "DNA美黑 flap" that increases nucl家志ear import of the vir問山al genome during target cell infection.請冷 This improves vector 鐘頻integration into the host 校事genome, resulting in higher transducti門弟on efficiency.

Promoter: The TRE promoter driving your gene of鐘讀 interest is placed業也 here. 

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. 美錢It is placed in front of th通信e start codon of the ORF of inter樂街est to facilita好音te translation initiation in eukary從內otes.

ORF: The open reading frame of機美 your gene of interest is plac費子ed here. 

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatitis virus對請 posttranscriptional regulatory ele低用ment. It enhances呢分 viral RNA stability in packaging cell知得s, leading to higher titer o訊討f packaged virus.

mPGK promoter: Mouse phosphogly秒音cerate kinase 1 gene promoter. I通筆t drives the ubiquitous expr錢區ession the downstream marker gen女上e.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such友自 as neomycin resistance), a visually術睡 detectable gene (such as EGFP), 工到or a dual-reporter gene (such 近作as EGFP/Neo). This allows cells transdu區美ced with the vector 微商to be selected an短門d/or visualized.

3' LTR-ΔU3: A truncated version of the HIV-1 3煙電' long terminal repeat that deletes 日女the U3 region. This lead街遠s to the self-inactiv跳嗎ation of the promoter activity of 門司the 5' LTR upon viral vector integrati音子on into the host genome (si看南nce the 3' LTR 玩做is copied onto 5' 但現LTR during viral integrati照她on). The polyadenylation signal c業作ontained in 3' LTR-ΔU3 serves to term下機inates all upstream transc農是ripts produced both dur拿白ing viral packaging and afte關家r viral integration into the host gen海計ome.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early polyadenyl房自ation signal. It further facilitates 花國transcriptional termination after the店黑 3' LTR during viral RNA tr務城anscription during packaging.歌們 This elevates the美電 level of functional v開腦iral RNA in packaging cells, th見謝us improving viral木腦 titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance要慢 gene. It allows the plasmi開是d to be maintained by ampicillin sele音議ction in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids可很 carrying this origin exist in high 遠亮copy numbers in E. coli.關問