
PiggyBac Chimeric Antige件報n Receptor (CAR) Expression 小她Vector


Utilizing chimeri麗他c antigen receptor (CAR) ve店多ctors to produce engineered T cells (事睡also known as CAR T cells) that 科在can recognize tumor-as匠是sociated antigens has emerged as a老筆 promising appr男頻oach in the trea一用tment of cancer. In CAR T-cell 醫友therapy, T cells derived from either作吧 patients (autologous) or h街厭ealthy donors (a綠子llogeneic) are modified to expr外市ess CAR, a chime還腦ric construct which combines antige多內n binding with T cell activ吃很ation for targeting tu新廠mor cells.

Structurally, a CAR co拍我nsists of four 請笑main components: (1) an extracellula很紅r antigen recog是術nition domain made u不從p of an antibody-deri用水ved single chain 睡可variable fragment (scFv) of known spec河廠ificity. The scFv fac他舊ilitates antigen b小身inding and is composed of the兒鐘 variable light chain生話 and heavy chain regions of an anti妹老gen-specific monoclonal ant森劇ibody connected by a fl和一exible linker; (2) an extr開秒acellular hinge or spacer whi機科ch connects the scFv with the transmemb照劇rane domain and provides flexi數花bility and stability t關銀o the CAR structure; (3) a t和美ransmembrane domain whi女們ch anchors the CAR to 車樂the plasma membrane 器了and bridges the extracellular hin就窗ge as well as antigen binding domain wi快愛th the intracellular signaling doma工技in. It plays a cri路秒tical role in enhancing receptor e理關xpression and stability, 近制and (4) an intracellular signaling doma門國in that is typically deriv船匠ed from the CD3 z愛聽eta chain of the T cell recept雪技or (TCR) and contains immunoreceptor t師問yrosine-based a為錢ctivation motifs (ITAMs). The IT就很AMs become phosphorylated and act能吧ivate downstream signaling錢些 upon antigen b了地inding, leading to the subsequent大討 activation of T cells. In a物答ddition, the intracellular region m微黃ay contain one or mor的快e costimulatory domains (derived小科 from CD28, CD137, etc.) in tandem with小新 the CD3 zeta signali很算ng domain for improving會作 T cell proliferation 玩著and persistence.

The structure o木能f CAR has evolved人如 over the past few years based on mo文少difications to the compo一書sition of the intrac愛很ellular domains. The firs海音t-generation CA玩師Rs consisted of only a sin西坐gle intracellular CD3 zeta-derive東裡d signaling domain. While線鐵 these CARs could act不懂ivate T cells, t物校hey exhibited poor anti-tumor acti高笑vity in vivo due to th數時e low cytotoxicity and prolife兒紙ration of T cells expressing such CAR們司s. This led to the advent of s文為econd-generation CA為個Rs which included an intr樂土acellular costimulatory do水林main in addition to the CD3 zeta si農紙gnaling domain le醫行ading to a significant impr煙光ovement of the in vivo proli近草feration, expansion, and persistence o黃城f T cells expre房如ssing second-generation CARs. To furth讀術er optimize the anti-服廠tumor efficacy 著話of CAR-T cells, 近近third-generation CARs were developed w數能hich included two intracellular腦弟, cis-acting costimula門火tory domains in addition to CD3 zeta請市. Thereafter, fourth-generat雜可ion CARs were derived 問輛from second-generation CARs by modif如光ying their intracellular domain for 明腦inducible or constit裡匠utive expression 長在of cytokines. The fifth an去秒d the latest gene快司ration of CARs are also der跳下ived from second計她-generation CARs by the incorpor雜去ation of intracellular domains of cytok話花ine receptors.

Our piggyBac CAR expression vecto風也r is a highly effici我地ent tool for ach兒吧ieving non-viral, transpo大線son-based delivery o女可f second-generation CAR e坐都xpression cassettes into 內體T cells. The piggyBac system is der不術ived from the piggyBac transposon,花農 which is originall區照y isolated from the 電車cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni; 術土a moth species).

The piggyBac system玩務 comprises two componen南木ts: the transposon plasmid and the t算懂ransposase (helper PBase).都員 The transposon plasmid contain人醫s two terminal repeat我紙s (TRs) bracketing the region to be t短分ransposed. The transposase妹區 can be delivered into target cells t日窗hrough two methods.志玩 A helper plasmid encoding 影術PBase can be tran飛離siently transfected村費 into cells. Alternati雨鐘vely, target cells can be injected wit為空h in vitro trans好金cribed PBase mRNA老會. When the helper PBase and the 區器piggyBac transposon vector 喝喝are co-introduced into target cells見雜, the transposase produced fr件外om the helper would recognize北黑 the two TRs on the transposon an離藍d insert the flanked region 雜水including the two TR快和s into the host genome. Insertion 妹玩typically occurs at host chromosoma飛街l sites that contain 雨拍the TTAA sequence, which is d工火uplicated on the two flanks of the in冷章tegrated fragment. Through both met身我hods of delivering transposase, i河器t is expressed for only a short t樹聽ime. Upon the loss of the helper pla司行smid or degradat路民ion of transposase mRNA,年放 the integration of the transpos黑下on into the host genome be做懂comes permanent.

PiggyBac is a class II理房 transposon, me笑志aning that it moves in a cut-and-pas愛美te manner, hopping from place to話在 place without leaving copi電他es behind. (In 些吧contrast, class I transposons move in 木南a copy-and-paste man路城ner.) If the transp司弟osase is reintroduce都都d into the cells, the tr什山ansposon could get exc器店ised from the genome of some cells, fo說遠otprint-free.

For further information ab行門out this vector system, please refe分體r to the papers below.

Br J Cancer. 120:26 (2019)Review on next-男長generation CAR T cells
Mol Ther. 26:1883 (2018)Generating piggy子地Bac-engineered T cells expressing C低行D-19 specific CARs
Mol Ther Oncolytic技事s. 3:16014 (2016)Review on CAR models
J Immunother. 32:689器朋 (2009)Construction and pre-clinical evalua到又tion of an anti算黃-CD19 CAR
Mol Ther. 17:1453 但時(2009)In vivo characterization of chimeri一飛c receptors containing CD137 signal 他制transduction domains

Permanent integration of vector DNA:知木 The piggyBac C匠放AR expression v讀內ector helps achieve long-t空好erm expression of CAR expre城開ssion cassettes in 老不T cells by allowing pe劇什rmanent integration of海錯 the transposon carrying th文放e CAR cassette 電南into the host c近讀ell genome.

Technical simplicity: PiggyBac-生計based CAR vectors can be d現鐵elivered into T cells by electropora我姐tion which is technica可森lly simpler compared to using virus-b秒姐ased CAR constructs. 書紅Viral vectors require the packagi吧嗎ng of live virus befor了會e they can be transduced 做自into T cells, making the process techni爸女cally challenging and time-consuming.

Low cost: Manufacturing of cli樹樂nical-grade piggyBac vectors is fa答門r less expensive 書秒than viral vecto雨科rs which makes clinical development o懂吃f piggyBac-based CAR T cell現鄉s much more cost-effective. Thi從友s offers a signif章河icant advantage in the development吧中 of CAR T therapies 外得since the clinical ef小數ficacy of CAR T cells cannot be 廠路accurately predicted by preclinical st東時udies in mice models and should be 看商determined by clinical stu內小dies.

Large cargo space: Our transposon vector 長們can accommodate ~30 kb of total D工公NA. The plasmid高事 backbone and transpo懂作son-related sequences only occupies ab南地out 3 kb, leavin劇分g plenty of room to accommodate the C鐵校AR expression cassettes along with ot上離her components includin都東g the promoter, marker湖科, and additional transgenes o慢飛f interest.


Delivery method: PiggyBac-based CAR expressi音內ons vectors are typically跳答 delivered into T cells by el聽長ectroporation which results in a low頻樹 to medium frequency of cells wit司讀h successful integration of the她技 CAR expression cassette. Addi姐技tionally, electroporation can be toxic如吃 to T cells which in turn could lead 和站to reduced yield of functional CA間說R T cells. Therefor黑坐e, it may be necessary to culture說木 the cells ex vivo for 呢暗extended periods to at她又tain the quantities require民日d for infusion, which over t亮如ime could alter cell phenotype lea從物ding to reduced lo樂多ng-term memory function.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat.木林 When a DNA sequence is flanked by 東可two ITRs, the piggyBac transpose 姐話can recognize them, and坐愛 insert the flanked reg術房ion including the two ITRs into 司是the host genome.

Promoter: The promoter driving your CAR express妹山ion cassette is pla見兵ced here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus 業行sequence. It is place木公d in front of the start codon of t北頻he ORF of interest because朋男 it is believed to facilitate tran懂黃slation initiation 林日in eukaryotes.

CD8-leader: Leader signal peptide of 朋外T-cell surface glycoprotein到上 CD8 alpha chain. Directs transport自友 and localization of the行道 protein to the T-cell surface.

scFv: Single chain variable fragmen麗煙t derived from a monoclonal antib拿麗ody of known specificity. Re動我cognizes cells in an antigen-specifi但遠c manner.

Hinge: Extracellular hinge region of the C小看AR. Connects scFv wit嗎雪h the transmembrane region prov可電iding stability and flexibilty f師用or efficient CAR expression and functi購店on; enhances eff外林iciency of tumor recognition; 友為improves expansion制分 of CAR-T cells.

Transmembrane domain: Transmembrane d林校omain of the CAR. Anchor冷分s the CAR to the plasma membrane 哥些and bridges the extracellular hinge a海大s well as antigen recog會報nition domains with the intracellular s會能ignaling region; enhance上看s receptor expression and stabilit爸些y.

Costimulatory domain:&n年林bsp;Intracellular costimulatory doma訊飛in of the CAR. Improves間議 overall survival,熱能 proliferation, a輛上nd persistence of 了廠activated CAR-T cells.時校

CD3zeta: Intracellular doma土票in of the T cell receptor-CD3請門ζ chain. Acts as a st文麗imulatory molec服西ule for activating T ce行自ll-mediated immune response好城.

rBG pA: Rabbit beta-globin polyadenyl懂理ation signal. It fac時房ilitates transcriptional termination of你笑 the upstream C的務AR expression cass慢區ette.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It allo請低ws the plasmid to be maintai日間ned by ampicillin selection in E. co現線li.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replic師飛ation. Plasmids carrying th市土is origin exist in high copy num現鄉bers in E. coli.