
pUAST Drosophila Gene Express對花ion Vector (User-defined pro老厭moter)


Our pUAST vector system is a well-c道懂haracterized and highly effec站笑tive system for generating t紙區ransgenic flies and co樹嗎ntrolling transgene ex業學pression. This system 個船is derived from 農歌the commonly used D熱站rosophila P-element transpo笑吃son and can be u冷個sed for achieving 生男ubiquitous, tissue-specific or i熱化nducible transgene expression喝來.

The complete pUAST system cons鄉小ists of two vectors, both engine站市ered as E. coli plasmids. One vector re頻件ferred to as the pUAST pl購件asmid, contains 討亮two P-element terminal repeats呢工 bracketing the 的為region/gene to be transpose年舊d. The other vecto不知r, referred to as the helper p紅女lasmid or transposase plasmid, en志水codes the P transposase.

When the pUAST and the transposase p離暗lasmid are co-injected into targ做業et cells, the trans那山posase produced fro自那m the helper plasmid r笑影ecognizes the two P-element termin務服al repeats on the pUAST plasmid湖新, and inserts the 喝亮flanked region including the 友算two P-element terminal r花鄉epeats into the host genome. Ins很樹ertion occurs without any 朋吧significant bias with respect t個公o insertion site sequence.

The P-element is a class-II tran光月sposon, meaning that i開近t moves in a cut-and-paste mann懂那er, hopping from place to place withou下船t leaving copies behind.空女 (In contrast, class-I transposon多錢s move in a copy-道多and-paste manner.) The transpositio工謝n creates 8 bp direct repea聽訊ts at the integration site in the ge好醫nome.

The pUAST system is common子紅ly used to gene熱志rate transgenic flies by c城吃o-injecting the pUAST and女得 the helper plasmid encoding the P爸海 transposase into Droso很暗phila early embryos. P transposa厭線se-mediated recombination betwe得友en the two P-element terminal repeat吧刀s leads to germline recombination e術南vents which produce transgenic offs友時pring carrying the user’s gene of i關大nterest. The P transposase will裡制 only be expressed for a short t少那ime, and with loss 拍什of the helper plasmid, the integration作校 of the transposon in the host ge吃器nome becomes permanent. The mini whi鐘白te gene on the pUAST vector encodes fo個一r eye color and acts as a mark訊請er for the identif金藍ication of transgenic flie可書s which have undergone succe不下ssful recombination of the transgene黃厭. PCR or other molecular methods can a鐘購lso be used to identify transgen那器ic cells or animals.

The user-defined promoter version of t北黃he pUAST Drosoph日知ila gene expression vector allows 雜身users to select a promoter of th吧關eir choice from熱空 our Drosophila promoter dat河到abase for driving the expression 短中of their gene of interes知報t (GOI) depending upon their exp物通erimental goal. Our Drosophila promot愛鄉er database offers t跳話he following promoter choices: ubiqui線女tous promoters including a冷笑ctin 5C, polyubiquitin an靜為d alpha-1 tubulin 在物for driving ubiq匠河uitous expression of th腦制e GOI; tissue-specific promoters su關藍ch as Rh2 for driving GOI expres路窗sion, specifically in Drosophila 信行ocelli and inducible promoters suc在雜h as Mtn for achiev技會ing inducible ex煙相pression of the GO有厭I with the presence of Cu+.

For further information校購 about this vector sy筆喝stem, please refer to the papers be裡綠low.

Methods Mol Biol. 420:61門有 (2008)The use of P-element transposon妹花s to generate transgenic 子劇flies
Mol Cell Biol. 10:6北森172 (1990)Characterizatio明慢n of the actin 5C p什地romoter
Mol Cell Biol. 8:4727 (198森船8)Characterization of the Drosophila pol報時yubiquitin promoter
Nucleic Acids Res. 1妹麗9:5037 (1991)Comparison of the alph行草a 1-tubulin promoter with other Drosoph媽就ila promoters
Genetics. 120:173 (1988)Analysis of the Rh2 promoter
Genetics. 112:493 (1986)Characterization of the Mtn pr樂土omoter

Our pUAST Drosophila gene expressio長作n vectors are designed t業跳o achieve efficient P雜話 transposase-mediated時理 genomic insertion of a GOI. Our 志去vectors are optimized for制可 high copy number replication in E. col又時i and high 美爸efficiency transgenesis of D吧醫rosophila lines. The user好關-defined promoter versi子少on of this vector allows users to 亮慢select a ubiquitous,訊請 tissue-specific or inducible pr中員omoter for driving th很新e expression of 金畫their GOI depending u跳老pon their experimental goal.


Flexibility: The user-defined promoter version of好慢 the pUAST vect分厭or allows users to房樹 select a ubiquitous, tissue-spec大術ific or inducible p筆腦romoter for driving their GOI dependi些的ng upon their exper外長imental goal.


Random genomic insertion: The random integration of P-element那術s can make it difficult t信女o map insertion sit時湖es, and genomic position can affect t從費ransgene expres校視sion. Additionally, t綠鄉ransgene insertion into genes or 司房regulatory elements within the genom的家e can affect endogen身又ous genes.

Moderate efficiency: Achieving germ-如裡line transgenesis using P-element vect黑鄉ors is generally less 飛河efficient than φC31 integrase-m的光ediated systems such as pUAS科外TattB.

Technical complexity: The generation of transgenic Dr暗妹osophila requires embryonic injection紅懂 and fly husbandry, which c南報an be technically difficult.


P-element 3’ end: Right terminal repe高事at, or 3' terminal repeat,離火 of the P element. When a D是店NA sequence is flanke爸中d by the 3’ and 5’ P-eleme費亮nt terminal repeats, the P transposa路通se can recognize the快劇m and insert the flanked reg那友ion into the host g弟他enome.

Promoter: The user-selected promoter海務 driving the downstream gene of 煙嗎interest is placed here. 

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequen兵窗ce. It is placed in front of the s話分tart codon of the ORF of inter做男est to facilitate translat答體ion initiation in eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of your g好作ene of interest近她 is placed here.

SV40 terminator: Simian virus 40 transcript上不ional terminator. Cont如秒ains the SV40 small T intron and 數討the SV40 early polyad畫視enylation signal.

mini-white: A variant of the Droso短從phila white gene. The mini-white 的有gene is a dominant marker for ad人山ult fruit fly eye col區門or, which can be南火 used as a reporte道林r to identify transge紙為nic events in a white mutant風去 background.

P-element 5’ end:問煙 Left terminal repeat, or 5' te樂聽rminal repeat, of the P element.上女 When a DNA sequenc友刀e is flanked by the 3’ an業亮d 5’ P-element termina暗化l repeats, the P transposase can rec的年ognize them and inser靜新t the flanked region int煙站o the host genome.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmi制明ds carrying this origin公動 exist in high copy numbers 問還in E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. I件中t allows the plasmid to be m自暗aintained by ampic一腦illin selection in E. coli.