
Plant gRNA and Cas9 Coexp亮劇ression Agrobacterium Binar黑購y Vector

(Dual gRNA)


The Agrobacterium binary員冷 vector system is a powerful and eff場家ective method for generating trans答做genic plants. T店秒his system utilizes空地 the natural abili月舊ty of the bacteria Agrobacterium tum老弟efaciens to insert foreign DNA int兒員o the plant genome. To accelerate舊短 the application of the C國事RISPR/Cas9 (clustered regularl問員y interspaced short palindromic 什站repeats/CRISPR-associated pr國睡otein 9) system路但 to a variety of plant species, Vecto腦的rBuilder developed this guide RNA 務場(gRNA) and Cas9 coexpression bina時金ry vector, enablin金藍g highly efficient gene離玩ration of heritable targete音算d mutations in plants.

The Agrobacterium binary要金 vector system is derive空去d from the natural tumor-in物費ducing (Ti) plasmid which con水算tains a transfer DNA (T-DNA) region 志兵and a virulence (vir) region. The gen書現e to be transferred is located in the 如得T-DNA region between 25 bp direc森話t repeat sequences, known 快拿as the left and right bo服分rder repeats. In就作 addition to the T-新還DNA region, the Ti p月玩lasmid contains the vir 好花region which mediates the transfer of 公說T-DNA and its integration in the pl個林ant genome. Our binary v間窗ector system was deve謝答loped based on this mechanism with all計好 tumor-associated intervening T-DNA se窗坐quences removed. The binary vector sys影器tem achieves pl們火ant transformation usi黃店ng two vectors. The 間文first, referred to as the T-DNA binary理姐 vector (or simply 好看‘binary vector’), contai姐放ns the two T-DNA border repeats bracke爸音ting the DNA sequence which will be i高拍nserted into the 現拿plant host. The跳訊 second vector is ref拍就erred to as the vir he吃為lper plasmid. When the binary 門雜vector and the vir helper plasmi雪愛d are both present in the same 睡可Agrobacterium cell th工吃rough co-transform輛土ation, co-electropo報議ration, or conjugation影湖, proteins encoded by小南 the vir helper plasmid 鄉少mediate host geno機影me integration 得飛of the sequence between 還議the left and right border repeat 問房elements.

The CRISPR-Cas9 syst內對em comprises a guide RNA (gRNA) and器亮 Cas9 protein, which together form a黑得 genome-editing 內木complex. When a protospacer adjacent mo飛嗎tif (PAM) is present on 說藍the non-targeted strand草科, the gRNA is able to bind to舊那 its complementary ge道銀nomic sequence. The Cas9 nuclease 服也then makes a double-strand紅他 break in the DNA f但我ollowed by endogenous rep時知air that typically results in mutat水姐ions. This vector co科近ntains dual gRNAs which can錯做 target the region of interest in t什分wo separate locati從店ons, increasing editing eff近對iciency.

To achieve effective gene edi綠票ting capability w船和ith the CRISPR/Cas9 system in 好校plants, VectorBuilder has develope答跳d the gRNA and Cas9 coexpression binary草綠 vector. In this vector, the劇兵 initiation and termina子動tion of gRNA transcription are re北銀spectively mediated by AtU6-26 (or OsU請樹3) promoter and AtU6-2風票6 terminator. Additionally, the為人 Cas9 光明gene with maize codon-o線湖ptimized sequence (ZmCas9)爸刀 is driven by the CaMV 音遠35S promoter and terminated 森動by rbcS-E9 polyadenylation si山務gnal. This binary vector als鐵飛o carries a selectable mark低理er such as Neo/Kana, Ba信明r and Hygro. Like other b睡唱inary vectors, all components to 銀姐be transferred are delineated by left大笑 and right bord學熱er T-DNA repeats. In 得鐘addition to these segments to be trans森動ferred, this ve日資ctor contains pBR322/pVS1 o話日ri, permitting repli音筆cation of the plasmid in Agro離得bacterium. Finally, the vector is equi制制pped with the pVS1 S長見taA signal to increase the stability.

For further information about坐頻 this vector system, please ref那匠er to the papers below.

Plant Physiology. 146:森歌325-32 (2008)
Trends in Plant Sci. 5:446湖跳-51 (2000)
Review of T-DNA binary vec村科tor system
GM Crops Food. 12:647-658 (2暗技021)
BMC Plant Biol. 14:327 她有(2014)
Cell Res. 23:1229-32 (20鐘放13)
Introduction of兒都 building binary vectors to d還慢eliver CRISPR/Cas9 system in plant 也信genomes

Our vector has been optimized風志 to enable genome editing現好 using the dual gRNA-和要based CRISPR-Cas人資9 system in a v還時ariety of plant spe事女cies.


Permanent integration冷錢 of vector DNA:  Conventional transfection resul弟會ts in almost en車員tirely transient delivery 時煙of DNA into host ce友南lls due to the loss of道道 episomal DNA over time.友跳 This problem is especially pro他樂minent in rapidly dividing cells. I對對n contrast, transformati生能on of plant cells with Agrobacte站唱rium vectors can deliver CRI暗什SPR components permanently 國書into host plant 文高cells due to the冷知 integration of the T-DNA region int短金o the host genome.

Technical simplicity: Transformation of Agrobact亮湖erium with binary vecto白大rs is technically 唱都straightforward東科, as is transformation of pla開工nt cells using binary 鄉看vectors and Agrob友個acterium.


Escherichia coli (E. co懂那li) replication incompetency: This vector contains regions of r嗎船eplication that can only function in Ag些們robacterium.

3’ deletions: Within the plant, 視科it is common for nucleolytic 月問degradation to delete sequen錯她ce from the T-DNA l靜下eft boundary (e.g. 3’) en服國d. However, this is generally n下慢ot a significant concern since the遠數 user’s sequenc山內e of interest is cloned nea鐵森r the right boundary. How錯志ever, degradation from the left雨雜 boundary can affect the marke金吃r gene.

Integration of b鐘東ackbone sequences: In some cases, integ我一ration of vector bac土笑kbone sequences may occur along with T工外-DNA boundary-flanked sequence. Th姐海is phenomenon occurs less家影 frequently when low copy Agrobacteriu業在m plasmids are used, such as in ou動要r binary vector system.


Promoter: The promoter driving your ge業費ne of interest is 兒長placed here.

gRNA: Guide RNA compatible with the Cas9 va店用riant being used.

AtU6-26 terminator:&n微線bsp;Arabidopsis U6-26 gene ter劇靜minator with downstre子是am sequence. It allows transcri車慢ption termination of small RNA transcri拍報bed by RNA polymeras坐在e III.

2×CaMV 35S: Double cauliflower mosaic viru間一s 35S promoter. It is a 購廠strong plant ubiquit空要ous promoter.

ZmCas9: Maize (Zea mays) codon-optimi是會zed CRISPR associated protein 9 from電畫 Streptococcus pyogenes 門事with 3×FLAG tag and nuclear signa拿校l localization. It generat電看es double-strand DNA breaks.

rbcsS-E9 polyA: Pisum sativum rbcS-土但E9 gene (encoding the small subuni到歌t of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate 樂在carboxylase, rbcS). It allows tr黃家anscription termination a街低nd polyadenylation of mRNA 醫身transcribed by RNA 通理polymerase ll.

CaMV 35S_enhanced:  A strong chimeric promoter whi輛電ch drives marker expression.

Marker: A drug selection gene, all見秒owing selection of有樂 plant cells transduced w弟車ith the vector.

CaMV 35S pA: Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S著鐵 polyadenylation signal. This faci愛技litates transcription termination an村書d polyadenylation of the marke火樹r gene.

LB T-DNA repeat: Left border repeat of T-DNA. 紙在Upon recognition by Ti plasmid in土習 Agrobacterium,分門 the region betwe日校en the T-DNA border repeats 理都is transferred to pl做亮ant cells.

Kanamycin: Kanamycin resistance gene. It 習通allows the plasmid to b妹唱e maintained by kanamycin select唱靜ion in bacterial hosts.

pBR322 ori: pBR322 origin of replic資湖ation. It facilitates plasmi綠是d replication in 件嗎E. coli. Plasmids carrying thi海美s origin exist in l少風ow copy numbers (1土站5-20 per cell) in看醫 E. coli if Rop protein is present, or 公費medium copy numbers (10光海0-300 per cell) if R數民op protein is ab雪資sent.

pVS1 oriV: Origin of replicati兒中on from the plasmid pV得地S1. It permits replication of low-cop對站y plasmids in Agrobacterium.

pVS1 RepA: Replication prote城紅in from the plasmid pVS1. It permit頻低s replication of low-copy pl的金asmids in Agrobacterium.我大

pVS1 StaA: Stability protein from the plasmid老道 pVS1. It is essential 資亮for stable plasmid segregatio明短n in Agrobacterium.

RB T-DNA repeat: Right border repeat of我購 T-DNA. Upon recogni河舞tion by Ti plasmid黃城 in Agrobacterium, the region b街飛etween the T-DNA border rep們站eats is transferred 就也to plant cells.