

  • Two years ago, when another CRO紙電 was struggling爸少 to provide the requested clones that錯鄉 I ordered, I reached out t聽窗o Vector Builder to 計鐵try to make them fo新我r me. Very diff農睡icult clones to make due t謝機o many repeats of ami從弟no acids. They got t西內he clones done for me with no issues an我紙d very quickly. I hav劇我e been using Vector Builder si書窗nce then. Along with this, working wit北雨h Alejandro Izurieta (California Territ媽數ory Manager) has been gre街她at. He is knowledgeable, and pr鐘花ofessional promptly answers my request音笑 and is courteous. I rely on him to ge笑店t the service that 喝章I need from Vector Builder 見機done. He is just wonderful!

    Irena Levin

    Takeda (Californ的北ia), USA

  • I have been work嗎短ing with VectorBuilder長腦 from the beginning 男靜of my postdoc. I’ve cho都玩sen VectorBuilder because of 輛校the online platform to create cus著銀tomized vectors. It is really impres水器sive how easy is to digi朋來tally clone and the order process. S錢他pecifically, in our paper我子, we’ve used VectorBui媽技lder for several crit劇那ical experiments, including the down可這regulation of Bassoon protein (A化話AV-shRNA) and to stu房刀dy the role of Bassoon in the propa車友gation of tau (AAV-GFP-P2A-北能hTau). These experiments were extremel資金y important to probe our hypot見遠hesis.

    Dr. Pablo A. Martín舊信ez

    Indiana University Sc看長hool of Medicine, USA

  • It has been a great experienc司窗e working with VB. I was one of 的頻the first to tes也科t their empty capsid (AAV VLP) se厭開rvice. For my batch capsids were著南 nearly completely 錯外empty (>97% by AUC and TE生秒M) and were thu就不s a huge help for assay d靜厭evelopment as a negative 慢道control. I also want to hi來還ghlight that my contact Matth現劇ew Wheeler was alwa哥員ys very helpful東的 and transparen得秒t for any queries I had an慢日d that the team is報但 very agile. A big plus is also the ver站會y intuitive website. Overall, a bi林技g thumbs up for VectorBuilder from my s體舞ide.

    Dr. Andrei Hutanu

    Analytical Biochemist & QC紅外 Method Development, Roche, 電用Switzerland

  • 與雲舟生物的合作相當棒!mRNA作爲當今的熱門疫苗技術,大量被(bèi)自音用于多種(zhǒng)傳染性和非傳染性們秒疾病的預防和治療。雲舟生物的Daniel Meng研發(fā做好)團隊爲我快速搭建了一個IVT mRNA CRO平台車友,通過(guò)與他們的緊密合作我們共同開(kāi)發(fā)了針玩林對(duì)HIV和流感的mRNA疫苗。他們的科學(xué)專業性與問題解決能那美(néng)力讓我印象深刻。雲舟服件生物再一次向(xiàng)我證明他們是值得信賴的合作夥伴。

    Dr. Caijun Sun


  • Our laboratory has had great success喝現 with both viral cons他可tructs and ready-to-use virus prepared藍去 by VectorBuilder. They provi體兵de excellent customer service at a哥林 reasonable price, 煙路and their website is extremely user-fr秒視iendly. Very pleas嗎什ed we discovered河公 this company.

    Marco Seandel

    Weill Cornell Medical 行大College, USA

  • VectorBuilder has provided inc睡公redible value and cust生會omer service throu男是ghout the entire process from pr信筆oduct selection, custom desig鄉話n assistance, order submission, status 的近reports and ultim子話ate delivery manag很相ement. The custom products I purchas相理ed from them performed exactly as a城哥dvertised and in 山商fact surpassed my e要你xpectations. I would recommend Vec得個torBuilder to anyone requiring this 高子type of product頻市.

    Frank Borriello

    Alloplex Biotherapeutics, US站紙A

  • We ordered adenovirus from Vect這得orBuilder to over南藍express our protein of intere農學st in primary mous體林e hepatocytes. The ordering 冷工process, including vector des熱這ign, was very fast a小暗nd easy. We received the plasmid and微習 adenovirus within the time fram業鐵e that was stated during the orderin頻很g process and th光道e transduction efficiency of the ade票術novirus was very high, enab在件ling us to use a low MOI. As a bonus鄉錢, we also received the control很拿 Ad-EGFP adenovirus for fr朋懂ee. In the future, I will not房這 use any more siRNA or cla對都ssical transfection methods on primary風哥 mouse hepatocytes, just adenov人是iruses from VB! I can 紅子highly recommend VectorBu雜慢ilder's services for vector des機業ign and adenovirus product站術ion.

    Alexander Mayer

    University of Würzburg, Germany

  • VectorBuilder is an intuitive我嗎 tool to help your need in develo線火ping vectors at an afford玩可able price. I was in need of a 離窗CRISPR Lentivira城舊l system with a Puro selecti讀見on due to working with輛南 delicate cells that cann信近ot handle FACS sorting pressures. With 風國their online interface, it was e業海asy to construct the vector I wan站你ted and received the vector in a tim時亮ely manner! It was si城校mple to produce virus and test 的農it in our cell culture an關明d had good knockdown clones. I看好 definitely will be orderin道西g more vectors from Cyagen to f雜飛inish up my thesis!

    Christophe Langoue長道t-Astrie

    University of Colorado, D船花enver

  • Amazing experience with VectorBuilde場明r! Ordered plasmids beginn謝裡ing of December,跳大 and despite the holiday s匠技eason they arri做日ved exactly as sch市新eduled. Further線我more, customer support reach知爸ed out to ask what would be my 市鄉desired delivery date, cons時新idering potential holiday time at 紅訊my institute. Overall, 綠放I am super sati要頻sfied, would highly請藍 recommend VectorBuilde校區r (which I already能厭 do) and will buy from them aga海森in. All the best fro村木m my side!

    Tamara Tomin

    Medical University of Graz, Austria

  • We began to use VectorBuild分兒er to prepare adenoviral冷船 plasmids about a year ago. We no計吃rmally handled all the clon黃農ing stuffs ourselves, but whe一鄉n it comes to adenoviral vectors,對歌 because of its large size, som小動etimes it is kind of tricky f們得or inexperienced對可 students. We decided to give a tr輛風y on VectorBuilder. One month l拍相ater, the plasmid arrived and it gener男術ated virus that expressed the 分讀correct gene. After that, we ha老民ve ordered more than 10 ade可關noviral plasmids and they all wo章可rk fine. VectorBuil南月der did save us a lot of time.

    Lei Sun

    DUKE-NUS Graduate 知車Medical School, Singap城算ore

  • I ordered a plasmid ve唱議ctor two years ago東問. The design on the w見金eb platform was easy. Contacts with 醫資the specialists to arrange further det白快ails were excellent: th雜但ey are very suppo時關rtive!

    Emanuela Signori

    Consiglio Nazion湖車ale delle Ricerche, 照弟Italia

  • I have been usin間拿g VectorBuilder's視金 cloning service for sev市還eral years, and am extremel器如y happy with their products and service睡視. Their online d公我esign software is very easy 畫店to use and provides the 放唱most cutting edge solutions for today's說市 most demanding 日村molecular cloni笑高ng needs. Their c飛農ustomer service is outstandi讀劇ng, with great technical competence an草湖d is always on tim藍船e to delivery the excell中微ent results, which have saved me 匠學months of precious research time. I wou妹雪ld recommend VectorBuilder to an見動yone who want the best vecto音中r design and molecular水場 cloning service.

    Guohao Dai

    Northeastern Universi快店ty, USA

  • Using VectorBuilder has transformed t美吃he way I do my research. Vecto離海rBuilder’s easy-to務習-use web interf空聽ace allows me to 樹好custom build my own plasmids, fre著見eing up time that I would have去要 wasted cloning and instead le報花tting me focus on the researc見劇h that really matters. They offer 算友great prices with a fast turnaro國行und time. Their friendly and well房醫-informed technical 市唱support team are on hand 綠錢every step of the way, should 慢秒you need any help. I would strong笑暗ly recommend VectorB月器uilder to anyone wanting to a北票ccelerate the progress 跳林of their research.

    David M Brown

    University of Nottingham, UK

  • The scientific sta師從ndards of VectorB數都uilder’s services樹民 are unquestionably high. The 秒會web interface to design vectors 現低is intuitive and in fact so easy北票 to use that it can 都內even serve for educational pur麗習poses. VectorBuilder has pretty用個 much covered everything one can 森慢think about when wanting to d子術esign an expres跳信sion vector, it’s great to 們相have all the versatility on one舊東 page. Turnaround time is f樂理ast and owing to their profession懂國alism and customer friendly a近司ttitude I can rec作行ommend VectorBuilder’s se南風rvices without reserve.

    Johnny Kim

    Max Planck Institute照身 for Heart and Lung Research, Germany

  • 我已經(jīng)使用了雲舟生物的病毒包裝服務兩(liǎng)年了。病毒的質量中那很好(hǎo),我的項目也進(jìn)行得很順技從利。我在SCI上發(fā)表的2篇文章都(dōu)使用了雲舟生物相農的産品。

    Wei Zhang


  • We recently purchased from Vec厭北torBuilder a lentiviral plasmid城文 for constituti雪還ve expression of GFP能作 and luciferase and快分 the corresponding lenti費在virus. We had infected several tumor ce來為ll lines with excellent results. The l民輛entiviral stocks身信 worked very nice saving us a lot o電頻f time. We are now using these modif低能ied cell lines for monitoring tumor gro飛數wth in animal models using in vivo 志木imaging.

    Javier Alonso

    Research institute f謝還or Rare Diseases, Spain

  • VectorBuilder’s service mak笑站es designing vect水山ors incredibly simple an問城d there’s no software required, it can會近 all be done through thei離亮r easy to use web些討site. The lentivirus p時老roduction service is a massi相哥ve bonus as it’s so quick 綠關and reasonably priced there’s資麗 really no reaso河海n to make our own lentivirus anymore. T樂謝hanks for a fanta湖嗎stic service.

    Timothy London

    TC Biopharm, UK

  • 很贊!對(duì)比了多家公司後(hòu)我最終選擇了雲自影舟生物。他們提供的産品質量高、性價比強。

    Lihua Xu


  • VectorBuilder is an amazing way to sav地都e time on molecular biology. The web 電山site is easy to use, well-conceived and唱吧 allows quick design i靜個n most cases. For more unusual服西 requests, the team is e但草nergetic, reply promptly on every req錢吧uest, and always finds a報你 way to help. Low prices and shor外地t timelines really make it possible to 坐笑consider VectorBuilder on many 歌一cloning matters.

    Laura Israel

    Novartis (Basel), 花醫Switzerland

  • 我使用過(guò)雲舟生物的載體構建服務,也購子近買過(guò)他們的慢病毒。他們的病毒放雜的交付周期很短,效果也很好(hǎo)。他們對(duì)客戶的咨詢反熱技應也很快速。

    Xijuan Chen


  • We requested a cus高報tom AAV (4-YF) from V麗但ectorBuilder. The orderi厭老ng process was easy and the愛城 customer support team were really空懂 helpful. Our virus had the exp水訊ected titer and w街購orked extremely w慢人ell for our chosen appl信訊ication.

    Jessica Rodgers東相

    The University of Manchester,都雜 UK

  • 我經(jīng)常使用雲舟生物的載體構建服務,對(duì)于他們的産品質量我總訊房體很滿意,我遇到的一些難題他們也舞數能(néng)很快幫助我解決。

    Huimin Chen


  • VectorBuilder h話如as provided very sat習用isfactory service們算 in making various AAV vect術章or constructs for us.麗一 The new sales represent喝愛ative is very proa河他ctive in offering help on員化 explaining and i電南ntroducing other VectorBuil遠讀der service to us. Expe哥費cting to get more support and se商舊rvice from VectorBuilder.

    Qingchun Tong

    University of Texa道關s Medical School at Ho, USA

  • I have been consisten是喝tly using VectorBuilder ov紅老er the last couple years and hav計那e been extremely satisf兒媽ied with the vectors deliver來可ed to me. These include standard影市 over-expression vectors, and 樂錢Cas9 vectors on piggybac b信綠ackbone. All of the v冷信ectors I have purchased so 看高far have passed my QC and provided 為筆reproducible functional data.

    Daksh Thaper

    Vancouver Prostate Centre, Canada筆近

  • I have been succes道飛sfully cloning for 3+ yea是爸rs, but the last time we tried generati玩業ng KO cell lines with CRISPR/Cas9 子在vectors, we were not successful. Th服微is was upsetting, e問服specially since I i校笑nvested a lot of t去謝ime in these eff黃拿orts. Then, by chance, I atte裡村nded one of VectorBuilder'電紅s seminars. Due to their r下河easonable prices and the fact I co資影uld focus my time o冷吧n other work, we decided t上呢o give their lentiviral (dua不制l gRNA) Cas9 plasmid a try. The turnaro歌生und time was reasonable離公, their customer service w愛能as excellent and they actually術金 gave feedback about the st如會atus of my cloning p術厭rojects. Their website 市離is also easy to use. But mos日習t importantly: using their Cas9 白可dual gRNA vector, I was a畫門ble to successfully generate KO c農麗ell lines! 

    I recommend VectorBuilder to雨跳 CRISPRCas9 users without any hesitati子下on. 

    Anna Salamero Boix計能

    Georg-Speyer-Haus Frankfurt, Ger新跳many

  • We applied CRISPR cas9 nickase in our快農 study. VectorBuilder help身也ed us design the gRNAs and cons老訊truct plasmids with d體頻ouble gRNAs and double selection marke飛錯rs (EGFP/puromy對答cin). The gRNA specificity is q我店uite good, better than av術市ailable online design玩媽 tools. We got the k鐵器nockout cell lines in the first run o南爸f electroporation with n術議o off-target events. I would recommend 遠日VectorBuilder to CRISPR c請會as9 users.

    Jie Qin

    University Clinic Cologne, Germany

  • VectorBuilder is an intuitive tool 下電for developing vectors at af匠書fordable prices. I was i嗎風n need of a CRISPR lentivi公微ral system with a線用 Puro selection cassette due t農他o working with delicate cells tha術費t cannot handle FACS sorti嗎呢ng pressures. With their online in中好terface, it was easy to con土飛struct the vector I看裡 wanted and received the 器紙vector in a timely manner! It w街開as simple to prod美唱uce virus and test 從麗it in our cell culture and generated到低 clonal cells with goo高筆d gene knockdown. I defi長請nitely will be or身計dering more vectors from購劇 VectorBuilder to finish up m低為y thesis!VectorBuilder is an intuitive 跳厭tool for developing vectors at a見工ffordable prices吃服. I was in need of a CRISPR lent就分iviral system with a Puro selection 微可cassette due to working with delicate村一 cells that cannot handle FACS sorti線腦ng pressures. With their online inte工林rface, it was easy說這 to construct the vector通得 I wanted and received the vector in a 拿街timely manner! It was simple to 小劇produce virus and test it行西 in our cell cult西東ure and generated c話器lonal cells with good gene kno我影ckdown. I defini腦動tely will be ordering more 很件vectors from VectorBuilder to fini也秒sh up my thesis!

    Christophe Langouet-Astrie

    University of Colorado,紅話 USA

  • I recently met one of the VectorBuild機一er product special信照ist during AAI-2019 meeting at San Dieg拿喝o Convention Center. Her name is Dr. 購吧Swati Roy, and she provided me家在 excellent informa妹章tion regarding their products and vect跳服or designs. And明關 then, we recently purchased CRISPR Cas大這9 dual gRNA vecto費劇r. Now, we are ordering few more plas什門mid vectors. As per 文子my experiences, Vector你章Builder customer月白 services are exc冷廠ellent and user-friendly. The V煙你ectorBuilder product pric呢子es are reasonable.I r工人ecently met one of the VectorBuilder的新 product specialist duri訊外ng AAI-2019 mee電機ting at San Diego鐘森 Convention Center. Her na熱去me is Dr. Swati 房這Roy, and she pr道鄉ovided me excellent information reg從窗arding their products and vector de司海signs. And then, we recently 技樹purchased CRISPR Cas9 dual gRN快老A vector. Now, we視什 are ordering few more plasmid vect船他ors. As per my experiences, VectorB紙下uilder customer servic爸路es are excellent and user-fr線和iendly. The Vect什姐orBuilder product prices are reasonable土道.

    Shahanshah Khan廠問

    UT Southwestern Medical Cent讀們er, USA

  • 雲舟生物爲我的shRNA敲低實驗提供了視秒載體構建和慢病毒包裝服務。他們的慢病毒的轉導效率很分視高,而且員工也非常專業,總能(n紙習éng)很快回複我的技術問題。在雲舟生物幫助下,我很快完成(chéng)了海小我的實驗,目前已經(jīng)在準備論文投稿的工作。

    Mengyuan Fan


  • We have used VectorBuilder for multipl什為e vectors includi作嗎ng regular, lentiviral計靜, Tet-inducible, and CR黃大ISPR/Cas9 vectors. Des去冷igning the vectors is su年聽per easy and we have had good 鐘車luck with them. I would de音好finitely recommend their products!

    Steven Wall

    Texas A&M U厭國niversity, USA

  • Vector Builder w知線as fast, efficient and easy子的 to use. We received o和民ur viral vector promptly and AAV9 ha地見s performed exactly how'd we hoped. 又有Thank you!

    Alexander Alimov

    University of Kentucky, USA

  • Before using VectorBuilder, pro民鐵ducing lentiviral overexpression vect現草ors for our in vitro models w女問as a recurring and time-con我樹suming enterprise. We faced 要從frequent challenges in ev我姐ery experimental step, which mad高山e it difficult to plan the actua員紅l experiments. Setting up the proc好要ess with VectorBuilde空資r was very efficient, thanks to熱從 their great expertise a秒我nd support. Once we started using Vect訊多orBuilder's services,吃理 we noticed a substantial incr公拿ease in productivit書黑y as well as a more uniform and p朋動redictable transduction pa好廠ttern of our target 吃熱cells.

    We went on to use 能分VectorBuilder for a la都習rge-scale CRISPR screen with a custo兒人m library spanning舊家 over 1,600 genes. With the遠房 provided virus, we were a東房ble to easily ma司習intain cell representation and如熱 we derived a number of inte雪信resting hit genes, 見兵which we are excit離對ed to follow up on. A bi子市g thank you to the entire 就紅VectorBuilder Team!

    Dominic Schmid

    University of Basel

  • We recently purchased a lentiviral些員 plasmid for con車國stitutive expression of GFP an他雨d luciferase and the corr東雨esponding lentivirus fr媽章om VectorBuilder. We hav關技e infected sever家訊al tumor cell lines with e作照xcellent results. The lentiviral sto一章cks worked very nicely, sa暗西ving us a lot of 間日time. We are now using these短現 modified cell lines fo你下r monitoring tumor growth亮市 in animal models using in vivo imag和花ing.

    Javier Alonso

    Research institute for Rar跳著e Diseases, Spain

  • 我購買過(guò)雲舟生物的慢病事物毒。雲舟生物的慢病毒滴度有保證,轉導後(hòu)熒光也司信很強。對(duì)于基因敲低的西風效率我也很滿意。

    Yunhao Liang


  • I have been using ready-to-use lenti她謝viruses from Vectorbuilder and t歌話hey are working great. I used them a章她gainst iPSC-derived neuron就用s, and the transduction and express裡外ion of transgenes are r有影emarkable. The vector backbon行車es provide multiple opti這說ons to tag your GOI志門s with fluoresc跳舞ent proteins or implement紅山 antibiotic sele做器ction markers. Their vector 紙物designing tools are helpful. Custo器白mer service is reliable. Goo離湖d luck!

    Utpal Das

    University of California San Dieg但計o, USA

  • I used the lentivirus packaging 員愛service from VectorBuild明我er, and the process is very easy. Al秒好l I needed to do is飛工 to ship a small知答 quantity of transfer plasmid, an還裡d VectorBuilder will do the rest. T飛這hen I received the high titer virus a房河t the end.

    Xueqing Xia

    UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, 著數USA

  • We were searching 快影for a way to outsource the clonin就森g of our vectors and we are ver那些y happy with the service. The v美腦ersatility of the tools make 看相it a great time saver and t美分he vectors were delivere廠學d on-time. Lenti弟照viruses packaged are also very reli玩為able and have been very s話關uccessful in transduc年去tion studies in primary 技行cells. Great customer service with fas睡通t response times and th雜在e team at VectorBuilder are ver也美y knowledgeable.

    Kathy Ngo

    Aridis Pharmaceut國他icals, USA

  • We ordered adenovirus from Vectorb街什uilder company to overexpress 站黑our interest gen窗時es. The service is微哥 fast, considerate, and h日章igh-qualified. B些城esides, the ade綠鄉novirus is very effective to在低 overexpress our 熱很target gene.

    Wanbao Yang

    Texas A&M U業姐niversity, USA

  • We ordered adenovirus from VectorBu你分ilder to overexp歌空ress our protein of intere到山st in primary mouse hepatocytes. The 謝飛ordering process, incl物河uding vector design, was v術紙ery fast and easy. 很國We received the plasmid and adeno微離virus within the time frame門匠 that was state門美d during the ordering p暗可rocess and the transduct來車ion efficiency of the子如 adenovirus was very hi了姐gh, enabling us to use a low MOI. A科道s a bonus, we al分新so received the control Ad-EGFP adenovi站這rus for free. In the future, I will not兵從 use any more siRNA or classic在相al transfection meth媽微ods on primary mouse hepatocytes, just器生 adenoviruses from VB! I can highly 了些recommend VectorBuil得劇der's services for vector design a校司nd adenovirus production.

    Alexander Mayer

    University of W&uu友窗ml;rzburg, Germany



  • Lis R et al.

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