
Lentivirus Tet Regulatory 很看Protein Expression Vector


VectorBuilder’s lentivirus Tet regulat商年ory protein expression vector can be us如唱ed for lentiviral transduction-based 但章permanent delive請書ry of Tet regulatory proteins 照裡(tTS, rtTA, etc.) into mamm著地alian cells to help you achieve tetracy高筆cline-inducible exp秒間ression of target genes placed do遠家wnstream of a tetracycline resp數姐onsive-element (TRE了購) promoter.

The Tet-On inducible system is a 線說powerful tool to control the ti他關ming of expressi能日on of the gene(s) of interest (GOI) in可上 mammalian cells. Our 從不Tet-On inducible gene expression vector上都s are designed to achieve near店動ly complete silencing of a GOI in的歌 the absence of tetra算玩cycline and its anal裡去ogs (e.g. doxycycline), and strong, r短理apid expression in response to the ad討市dition of tetracycl山裡ine or one of its an喝拿alogs (e.g. doxycycline). This is 亮這achieved through a mult哥海icomponent system which incorpor視玩ates active silencing b兵大y the tTS protein in the absence of 自樹tetracycline and strong acti去暗vation by the rtTA protein 飛刀in the presence of tetracycline. In the紙公 absence of tetracycline, the tTS p少開rotein derived from the fusion高暗 of TetR (Tet repress商銀or protein) and KRAB-AB兵司 (the transcriptional repressor d刀門omain of Kid-1 protein) bin路習ds to the TRE prom了低oter, leading to the active sup志聽pression of gen姐報e transcription. The rtTA pro河船tein, on the other hand, deri歌們ved from the fusion of美人 a mutant Tet repr在林essor and VP16 (the t知離ranscription activator domain of v們知irion protein 1服們6 of herpes simplex virus)報微, binds to the TRE promoter to 短農activate gene transcription only in t厭術he presence of tetracyc冷也line.

The lentivirus Tet regulatory pr街些otein expression vector is first 信服constructed as a plasmid i生友n E. coli. The Tet regul內間atory protein expression cassette co慢討nsisting of the Tet regulatory prote妹務in(s) driven by懂農 a user-selected 還件promoter is placed in-between the two 唱這long terminal repeats (L什章TRs) during vector construction. I拿人t is then transfected市村 into packaging cells along w光弟ith several helper p視要lasmids. Inside the pack樂哥aging cells, ve不從ctor DNA located between two L通飛TRs is transcribe裡鐵d into RNA, and viral protei了但ns expressed by the helper p兒物lasmids further package the RNA i照暗nto virus. Live 來北virus is then release看行d into the supernatant, 土光which can be used to inf歌木ect target cells direc和雪tly or after concentration.

When the virus is added to target cell吧一s, the RNA cargo is shuttled into 雨問cells where it is reverse transc從銀ribed into DNA and randomly inte公子grated into the 吃靜host genome. The Tet regul鐵煙atory protein expressio爸放n cassette placed in-between the 術海two LTRs is permanen做著tly inserted into host DNA alongs歌個ide the rest of viral都河 genome.

While our lentivirus Tet regulatory p我快rotein expression vect到歌or includes an expression cassette co知業nsisting of the Tet regulatory protein森市(s) driven by a user兒紅-selected promoter, th現厭e GOI driven by the TRE p信著romoter must be pro近少vided using a separate helpe員小r vector to achieve tetracycline induc一術ed gene expression in the 窗聽presence of tetracycline,資山 while minimizing leaky expression i坐為n the absence of tetracyclin在關e.

By design, lentiviral vec視電tors lack the genes required for vi習自ral packaging and transduc理員tion (these genes are ins亮來tead carried by helper plasmids u來下sed during virus packaging). As a風樂 result, virus produced from lentiviral錯風 vectors has the important能站 safety feature of being replicati服水on incompetent (meaning t鄉到hat they can transduce target cells b雨聽ut cannot replicate in them).西中

For further information about th跳北is vector system, please refer to the 街關papers below.

J Virol. 72:8463 (1998)The 3rd generation len高姐tivirus vectors
Nat Protoc. 1:241 (2006)Production and purification of lentivi用懂ral vectors
Science. 268:1766-9 (1995)Development of rtTA
J Gene Med. 1:4-12 (1999)Development of 區機tTS

Our lentivirus Tet 媽年regulatory protein exp也生ression vector allo制民ws highly efficient, lentiviru鐘文s-based deliver銀北y of Tet regulatory pro筆拿teins into mammalian cells. 個船Using this vector to coex車吧press the Tet regulatory 個鐵proteins tTS and r刀通tTA along with the TRE drive我科n GOI can achieve nearly 煙草complete silencing of拿訊 the GOI in the absence o年舞f tetracycline, and strong, rapid expr水雜ession in response to the add光放ition of tetracycline. It is optimize頻志d for high copy number replication in 煙為E. coli, high-titer packa國藍ging of live virus, effici得市ent viral transdu中業ction of a wide rang照個e of cells, efficient vector i開兵ntegration into員內 the host genome, and h有說igh-level transgene expression.


Permanent integration of vecto大多r DNA: Conventional transfe我農ction results in alm開員ost entirely transient 報山delivery of DNA into ho個空st cells due to the loss of DNA ove書錢r time. This prob花微lem is especially prom不業inent in rapidly dividing cells. In 道書contrast, lentiviral transduc樂知tion can deliver genes permanently int和外o host cells due to the integration of 理這the viral vector into t可歌he host genome.

High viral titer: Our lentiviral vect火通or can be packaged into high ti裡姐ter virus. When lentiv店嗎irus is obtained through our virus道樂 packaging service, titer can reac視可h >109 transducing unit per ml 事影(TU/ml). At this titer, transdu中志ction efficiency for cult舞音ured mammalian cells can現林 approach 100% when an ade很近quate amount of virus is 紅兒used.

Very broad tropism: Our packaging system 通務adds the VSV-G 話著envelop protein to the紙要 viral surface. This protei劇廠n has broad tropism你暗. As a result, cells from麗說 all commonly used mammal金店ian species (and even som拍土e non-mammalian s他在pecies) can be 我行transduced. Furt妹作hermore, almost any少術 mammalian cell t雜兵ype can be transduced (e.g. dividing ce國生lls and non-divid開好ing cells, primary ce師爸lls and established cell lines, s鄉動tem cells and differentia區場ted cells, adherent cells and non-a遠兒dherent cells). Neurons, which are ofte車山n impervious to conventional transfecti我服on, can be readily transduced by our le拍有ntiviral vector. Lentiviral vectors pa暗雜ckaged with our system have bro司南ader tropism than adeno區道viral vectors (which have l算房ow transduction efficiency f多車or some cell type討制s) or MMLV retroviral 近又vectors (which h什體ave difficulty transducing 煙一non-dividing cells).

Relative unifor民裡mity of gene deli信近very: Generally, viral t答雜ransduction can deliver vectors into 師知cells in a rela照水tively uniform manner. In contrast坐器, conventional tr女得ansfection of plasmid vectors can be h光街ighly non-uniform, with some cells 做地receiving a lot of copies whil歌也e other cells recei是個ving few copies or none.

Effectiveness in vitro a錯校nd in vivo: While our vector is mostly used秒理 for in vitro trans下也duction of cultured cells, it can also老雨 be used to transduce cells in live ani紙門mals.

Safety: The safet影影y of our vector is ensured b費年y two features. One is t靜器he partition of genes required fo銀吃r viral packaging and transductio子玩n into several helper plasmid技人s; the other is self-inactiva市林tion of the promoter activity得畫 in the 5’ LTR upon vector integr科話ation. As a result, 但得it is essentially impossible 玩舊for replication competent睡件 virus to emerge durin放有g packaging and transduction. The土舞 health risk of w放這orking with our vector人吃 is therefore minimal.


Limited cargo space: The wildtype lentiviral 車要genome is ~9.2 kb. 請物In our vector, the compon兒笑ents necessary for viral packagin煙河g and transduction occupy ~2行懂.8 kb, which leaves ~6跳會.4 kb to accommodate the user’跳東s DNA of interest. Whe讀雜n the vector goes beyo們長nd this size limit, viral titer朋鄉 can be severely reduced. The lent道山ivirus Tet regulatory protein車水 expression vector is routi外到nely used for inserting s道暗everal functional elements besides th報影e ORF of the Tet regulatory慢近 protein(s), such as爸影 the promoter and dr湖下ug resistance cassette. If睡雨 the Tet regulat懂答ory protein(s) ORF 還少plus these additional elements exceed 6吧玩.4 kb, it could result 報物in compromised virus product分子ion.

Technical complexit森電y: The use of lentiviral vectors 兵費requires the production of live virus i去女n packaging cells followed員慢 by the measurement行用 of viral titer. These procedu西區res are technically deman吧玩ding and time cons空窗uming relative to conventional plasmid 都煙transfection.


RSV promoter: Rous sarcoma virus 員器promoter. It drives transcri放樂ption of viral RNA in packaging cells.物有 This RNA is the窗好n packaged into live v從道irus.

5' LTR-ΔU3: 學電A deleted version of the HIV-1討上 5' long terminal repeat. In w飛刀ildtype lentivirus, 5文能' LTR and 3' LTR are essentially ide影姐ntical in sequence. They 做個reside on two ends of愛又 the viral genome and point in事門 the same direction. Upon viral 愛說integration, the 3' LTR 照門sequence is copied onto the 5' LTR.計制 The LTRs carry both promote好爸r and polyadenylation function, 風生such that in wildtype virus, the 5腦科' LTR acts as a promoter to dri林數ve the transcription of th事吧e viral genome, while th木喝e 3' LTR acts as a polyaden近道ylation signal to termi南飛nate the upstream trans從她cript. On our ve我還ctor, 5' LTR-ΔU3 is dele錢裡ted for a region that is 樹師required for the LTR's promoter黑校 activity normally facili南們tated by the viral transcri草服ption factor Tat. T物靜his does not affect the北輛 production of viral RNA during pa司制ckaging because th謝為e promoter function視地 is supplemented紅舞 by the RSV promoter engineered upst土銀ream of 5'LTR-ΔU3 LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packaging看很 signal required for the packaging綠有 of viral RNA into 什弟virus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev response機匠 element. It allows the nuclear e玩校xport of viral RNA by the vir影慢al Rev protein during 要友viral packaging.

cPPT: HIV-1 Central polypuri是國ne tract. It creates 科技a "DNA flap" that increases nuc錢鄉lear import of the viral genom化我e during target cell infection. Th物線is improves vector integration into 購司the host genome, resulting in hig訊校her transduction ef日白ficiency.

Promoter: The user-selected promoter driv坐西ing the Tet regulatory protein(s)弟民 is placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequ還森ence. It is place問都d in front of the start湖呢 codon of the O鐘子RF of interest to facilit師大ate translation initiation in e們對ukaryotes.

ORF:  The open read影車ing frame of the Tet regulatory pr她廠otein(s) is pla間相ced here.

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatitis作如 virus posttran女呢scriptional regulatory element.照地 It enhances viral RNA stability in呢花 packaging cells, leadin廠場g to higher titer of 他又packaged virus.

mPGK promoter: 中醫Mouse phosphoglycerate kinase 1 gene 小用promoter. It drives the ubiquitous 看高expression the downstr讀件eam marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene 多自(such as neomyc師拍in resistance), a v都公isually detectable gene (su木畫ch as EGFP), or a dual-re離房porter gene (such as EG會會FP/Neo). This allows cells tr就文ansduced with the vector to be se長雨lected and/or visual得靜ized.

3' LTR-ΔU3: A truncated version of the HIV-1 志訊3' long terminal repeat that deletes t化在he U3 region. This城問 leads to the self-inactivation of the金山 promoter activity of th文靜e 5' LTR upon viral vecto那化r integration into t服朋he host genome (since the 3' L要員TR is copied onto 5' LTR during viral海麗 integration). The polyadenylation錯風 signal contained in 3' LTR費說-ΔU3 serves to terminates all upstream 子女transcripts produced bo好機th during viral packaging a會人nd after viral integration還村 into the host genom地你e.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early polyadenyl信如ation signal. It錢煙 further facilitates transcriptional 章站termination after the 3' LTR during vir民市al RNA transcri朋農ption during packaging. This elevate在如s the level of funct些長ional viral RNA in packaging cell子河s, thus improving中煙 viral titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It 電又allows the plasmid to b習雨e maintained by ampici日為llin selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Pl外家asmids carrying this origin exist吧樹 in high copy numbers in做體 E. coli.