
Regular Plasmid Tet 數錯Regulatory Protein Expression V的鄉ector


VectorBuilder’s regular plasmid Te麗見t regulatory protein expression ve山醫ctor can be used fo制南r simple transfe工山ction-based delivery of Tet regula歌電tory protein(s) (tTS, rtTA,在愛 etc.) into mammalian cells to hel東體p you achieve tetracycline-inducible 視山expression of target genes placed downs黑我tream of a tetra妹做cycline responsive-element (TRE) 家算promoter.

The Tet-On inducible syste麗到m is a powerful tool to control 聽器the timing of expression of the gen兒愛e(s) of interes城街t (GOI) in mammalian cells. Our Te器年t-On inducible gene expre麗的ssion vectors are designe志月d to achieve nearly complete silencin現外g of a GOI in the absence of tetrac件道ycline and its an民腦alogs (e.g. doxycycline又雜), and strong, rapid expression in res是討ponse to the addition of tetra少花cycline or one of its a中你nalogs (e.g. doxycycline). This is ac說農hieved through a multic城費omponent system which incorpor友器ates active silencing by the tTS pro文外tein in the absence of tetracycli林視ne and strong activation by th得科e rtTA protein in the presen花說ce of tetracycline. In the 黃短absence of tetracycline, the 東月tTS protein derived放新 from the fusion of章坐 TetR (Tet repressor protein) 白到and KRAB-AB (the transcriptional re呢很pressor domain of明森 Kid-1 protein) 內讀binds to the TRE promoter, leading 新哥to the active suppression of gene tran報拿scription. The rt分說TA protein, on the商科 other hand, derived from the 海在fusion of a mutant Tet repressor 票跳and VP16 (the transcr火些iption activator doma一裡in of virion protein 16 of分日 herpes simplex virus), binds to the 你鄉TRE promoter to activate gene transcri你西ption only in the presence of tetracycl關家ine.

While our regular pl短計asmid Tet regula微機tory protein expression ve老土ctor includes an ex很金pression cassette consi長友sting of the Tet regulatory protei工街n(s) driven by a user-select紙下ed promoter, the GOI driven行員 by the TRE promoter術用 must be provided us窗上ing a separate helper vector t吧如o achieve tetracycline in西拍duced gene expression in the 劇從presence of tetracycline, whi見報le minimizing leaky空家 expression in the ab友業sence of tetracycline.

Delivering plasmid vectors into拍術 mammalian cells by 就站conventional transfection is one 件老of the most widely used procedures i從離n biomedical research見得. While a number of more soph喝我isticated gene delivery vector systems對街 have been developed厭黑 over the years such as lentiviral vect什舞ors, adenovirus vector麗熱s, AAV vectors and piggyBac, convention物筆al plasmid transfection r問城emains the workhorse o國關f gene delivery in many明歌 labs. This is largely due to its techn公做ical simplicity區算 as well as good effic中吃iency in a wide range of cell types. A 新他key feature of tra拍討nsfection with regular plasmid為文 vectors is that it is transient, w人又ith only a very low道火 fraction of cells stably inte兒熱grating the plasmid in the genome (typ鐵白ically less than 1%).

For further information about數弟 this vector system, 什黑please refer to the papers below.

Science. 268:17美呢66-9 (1995)Development of r件微tTA
J Gene Med. 1:4-12 (1999)Development of tTS

Our regular plasmid Tet reg門員ulatory protein expression vecto風地r allows highly effici山藍ent, transfection-based delivery of T書好et regulatory protein(s) into mammalia門可n cells. Using this vector to coexpress聽鄉 the Tet regulatory proteins tTS and r低討tTA along with the TRE答山 driven GOI can achieve nearl黃從y complete silencing of the GOI車亮 in the absence of tetracyclin他可e, and strong, rapid expres不知sion in response to 謝頻the addition of tetracyclin區理e. Our vector is optimi資間zed for high copy number replicati妹朋on in E. coli and high-ef機白ficiency transfection.


Technical simplicity: Delivering pla鄉可smid vectors into cells by conve影又ntional transfection is technically st見拍raightforward, 鐵制and far easier tha能輛n virus-based vectors which r和又equire the packaging of live virus請女.

Very large cargo space: Our vector can accommodate ~30 湖歌kb of total DNA. Th呢小e plasmid backbone on冷子ly occupies about 3 kb, leavi費通ng plenty of room to accommodate 頻慢the user's seque術慢nce of interest.

High-level expres說河sion: Conventional transfection著得 of plasmids can often result in ver唱地y high copy numbers in cells (up to跳是 several thousand copies p為很er cell). This can lead to very high ex水窗pression levels of the gene你校s carried on the vector.


Non-integration of vector 睡笑DNA: Conventional鄉中 transfection of plasmid 到話vectors is also referred to as劇也 transient transf一銀ection because the vector sta睡算ys mostly as episomal DNA in cel些體ls without integration. Ho分那wever, plasmid DNA can integrate林河 permanently into the hos著聽t genome at a very low frequency (one 電你per 102 to 106 cells depending on cell type). If和都 a drug resistance or fl森靜uorescence marker is incorporated in就了to the plasmid, cells stably integrat些風ing the plasmid can be derived by dru也地g selection or cell sorting after雜煙 extended culture.

Limited cell type range:算人 The efficiency of plasmid體子 transfection can vary greatly from去火 cell type to cell type. Non-divid技刀ing cells are often more difficult 微民to transfect than dividing ce裡動lls, and primary cells are often h到房arder to transfect than immortalized c東音ell lines. Some important cell 綠空types, such as neur一制ons and pancreati少鐘c β cells, are notoriously內關 difficult to transfect月路. Additionally, plasmid 輛習transfection is lar低大gely limited to in vitro applications a身媽nd rarely used in vivo.

Non-uniformity of gene delive算但ry: Although a succ中頻essful transfection can re聽愛sult in very high average copy nu人間mber of the transfecte街金d plasmid vector per c弟書ell, this can be highly non-unifor和下m. Some cells can carry man討熱y copies while others m來個ay carry very few or none. This is unli下匠ke transduction by 長歌virus which tends to result 紅鄉in relatively uni購器form gene deliv司照ery into cells.


Promoter: The promoter driving the downstream T車民et regulatory protei空音n(s) is placed 好舊here.

Kozak: Kozak translation initiation s低從equence. Facilitates tran街你slation initiati樹冷on of ATG start codon d地湖ownstream of the Kozak sequence.

ORF:  The open readi又答ng frame of the Tet regulatory pr區煙otein(s) is placed here.拿朋

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 late polyadenyl外國ation signal. It facilitates t慢醫ranscription terminati厭小on of the upstream ORF.

CMV promoter: Human cytomegaloviru動愛s immediate early promot都愛er. It drives the ubiquitous expr下開ession of the d下冷ownstream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selectio音爸n gene (such as neom小請ycin resistance),錢你 a visually detectable gene (such 上話as EGFP), or a dual-report服朋er gene (such a黑門s EGFP/Neo). Th短爸is allows cells trans答少fected with the vector to be 訊近selected and/or visua房女lized.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polyadenylation s線民ignal. It facil水車itates transcri內那ptional termination of the upstrea少下m ORF.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. P廠公lasmids carrying this origin 玩會exist in high copy numbers i車人n E. coli.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It舊制 allows the plasmid to be maintain多空ed by ampicilli樹火n selection in E. coli.