
PiggyBac Promoter Tes妹地ting Vector (for In Vivo Promoter Tes可路ting)


This vector system is designed 文遠for efficient analysis of m計影ammalian promoters in mouse mo雨科dels utilizing the piggy是子Bac transposon system. Typically,術明 a putative promoter of i的師nterest is cloned into this ve對如ctor, upstream of a L北見acZ reporter gene and the res到坐ulting construct i話日s used to make transgenic志亮 mice. Expression of the LacZ 體秒reporter in transgenic e員新mbryos or adult mice can then b林如e used as a readout of promoter acti兒木vity. This vector syst去村em is useful fo內自r identifying promote吃線r elements, determining ti相聽ssue-specificity of promo喝歌ters, comparing p男商romoter variants, li信她neage-tracing and man鐵志y other applications.

Our piggyBac tra歌些nsposon-based vector systems are highly通愛 effective for inserting forei也學gn DNA into the host genom呢遠e of mammalian ce物山lls. This system is友視 technically simpl員物e, utilizing plasmids (rather than vir是商al transduction) to permanen長作tly integrate your gene(s) of 姐小interest into the host genome.

The piggyBac syste低鐘m contains two vectors, b習著oth engineered as E. coli plasmids. One船呢 vector, referred to as the h業問elper plasmid, encode算子s the transposase. The o訊飛ther vector, re校有ferred to as the t場國ransposon plasmid票服, contains two inverted t現吧erminal repeats (ITRs) bracketing the r男兵egion to be transposed. The pro視線moter sequence of服學 interest is clon一區ed into this region. When the he秒遠lper and transposon plasmids are雜雜 co-injected or co-transfec會動ted into target cells, the transpos近坐ase produced from the helper woul愛窗d recognize the two I書個TRs on the transposon嗎花, and insert the flanked re了金gion including the two科草 ITRs into the host genome. Inserti聽時on typically occurs at host chr到這omosomal sites that contain the 拍器TTAA sequence, which is duplica商時ted on the two flanks of the int村們egrated fragment a信都fter transposition.

PiggyBac is a Class II transposon, me視鐵aning that it moves in a cut-and-pa女少ste manner, hopping from place to pl來畫ace without leaving船票 copies behind. (In contr年銀ast, Class I transposons move in熱男 a copy-and-paste m好唱anner.) Because 綠男the helper plasmid is only tra廠去nsiently introduced into hos科校t cells, it will get lo日服st over time. With the 黃空loss of the helper plasmid,你大 the integration of t制女he transposon in the genome of host cel為明ls becomes permanent北但.

For further informat有近ion about this 雨自vector system, please refer to the p分高apers below.

Comput Chem. 23:191 (1白秒999)Review on eukaryotic promote靜雨r prediction
Mol Cell Biochem. 354:301 (些唱2011)Review of the piggyBac systems
Cell. 122:473 (2005)Efficient transposition of 站聽the piggyBac (PB) transposon in mammali什白an cells and mice

Our vector is based on th遠畫e piggyBac transposon sy黃他stem. The putative promoter to be t服湖ested is placed immed如討iately upstream of the LacZ repor能年ter. While an active prom吧了oter would drive the expression of t業雜he downstream L煙照acZ gene, in the 上門absence of promoter activity there門費 will little or no LacZ expression.門朋 LacZ is used as the rep裡區orter because colo銀城rimetric staining of LacZ by X-gal吃化 in whole-mount embryos or火新 tissue sections allows highly爸子 sensitive detection of promot店愛er activity in situ.


Simple and sensitive rea電上dout: When using LacZ as the re跳司porter, X-gal staining produces a 資通vivid blue product that is readily de熱地tectible even at low expression leve事刀ls, resulting i跳店n very sensitive readout of pro遠相moter activity.

Easy generation of transgeni年地c animals: The construct can 拿些be readily used to generate tra飛著nsgenic embryos or live m章木ice with high effic男南iency by conventional pronuclear in開坐jection.

Technical simplicity:&nbs輛通p;Delivering plasmid vectors into c舊音ells by conventional transfec裡醫tion or injection 自行is technically straightforw對你ard, and far easier than virus-bas個村ed vectors which requi短看re the packaging 時你of live virus.

Permanent integration of vector DNA:化路 Use of conventi資月onal plasmids results 吃暗in almost entirely 了國transient delivery of DNA into hos什可t cells due to th技答e loss of DNA over time. 到坐This problem is especia子紅lly prominent in畫湖 rapidly dividin費年g cells. In contrast, transfection or多草 injection of the piggyBac transpo人子son plasmid along with the helper 又用plasmid can deliver DNA sequences carr的麗ied on the transposon permanently i聽信nto host cells 煙大due to the integrati嗎熱on of the transposon into 照到the host genome, which allows long-t市美erm observation.

Very large cargo space: Our transposon v時西ector can accommod慢微ate ~30 kb of total DNA. This all風北ows testing of large putative promoter 樂司sequences.


Requires helper plasmid:&n子票bsp;Unlike the regular plasmid promot綠子er-testing vector, the piggy費短Bac vector system req紙能uires the use of two plasmids, a h長城elper plasmid an那機d a transposon pl高麗asmid. For effective insertion 票她of the promoter請下 sequence into the 車舊host genome, both pl對姐asmids must be present in the的如 same cells.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. When關林 a DNA sequence is flank都南ed by two ITRs, the piggyBac trans白和posase can reco答員gnize them, and insert the fla你做nked region including the two ITRs in師做to the host genome.

Promoter: Your promot風師er of interest is placed here.

LacZ: The beta-g鄉飛alactosidase report些嗎er gene. The encoded話要 enzyme converts t鐘自he colorless and solu老放ble X-gal to an inte票呢nsely blue insolub中綠le product that stains the ce生姐lls in which LacZ is expressed.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early pol就站yadenylation signal. It f雪森acilitates transcriptional termi些哥nation of the upstrea報風m ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repea上呢t.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It 用日allows the plasmid to be那家 maintained by ampicill習多in selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Pla雪男smids carrying this origin exis醫離t in high copy numbers in E. c黑白oli.