
AAV (FLEX) Conditional Gene Expressi路匠on Vector (Cre-On)


The AAV (FLEX) conditional C鐵微re-On gene expression vector combin些章es VectorBuilder's要討 highly versatile AAV vector system wit報話h the Cre-responsive (FLEX) cond他信itional gene expression拿什 system to help you ach哥頻ieve AAV-mediated in vitro and in vivo個問 delivery of Cr有票e-responsive FLEX Cre-On switches. Th水站e FLEX Cre-On switch utilizes two你風 pairs of LoxP-variant reco電火mbination sites她動 flanking a gene of interest in時光 an arrangement which c他雜ompletely inhibits g市鐘ene expression in the ab劇視sence of Cre and ac樹店tivates gene expression upon Cre-de可明pendent inversi飛雜on of the coding sequence.

The FLEX Cre-On swit放西ch consists of two p秒刀airs of heterotypic票南 LoxP-variant recombin校門ation sites, namely LoxP, having請間 the wild type sequence and L內學ox2272, having a mutated sequence, 好人flanking an ORF which is in黃湖 the reverse (antisense) ori醫城entation relative to the promote文些r. Both LoxP va男購riants are reco議唱gnized by Cre, but章理 only identical pairs 行樂of LoxP sites can recombine with each睡煙 other and not with any other v姐頻ariant. The LoxP a鐘鐘nd Lox2272 sites are organized in an作樹 alternating fashion和銀, with an antiparallel orie火身ntation for each pair. In the absence o呢些f Cre recombinase, the討畫 ORF is not expressed due to its 件討antisense orientation relative to農日 the promoter. In the presence那離 of Cre, the LoxP and Lox2272 sites老什 undergo recombination with t到呢he other LoxP and Lox2272 s裡習ites respectively,訊呢 resulting in the inversi服上on of the ORF to a sense orientatio可什n and excision of o是火ne from each pair of iden來資tical recombination sites.但爸 This allows the u如理ser-selected promoter to drive我秒 the transcription of the gene of商要 interest. Since the ORF is now f唱服lanked by two different LoxP-variant 農但sites, no further recombination events 業一will take place even司店 when Cre is present.

An AAV vector is first constructed as都鐘 a plasmid in E. coli. It也地 is then transfected into暗是 packaging cells 爸南along with helper plasmi學姐ds, where the region of the 村兵vector between the two inverted日舞 terminal repeat見離s (ITRs) is packaged i道歌nto live virus. For the A農道AV (FLEX) conditiona了議l Cre-On gene expres拿紅sion vector, the FLEX Cre-On 多師switch described above is placed in-筆厭between the two ITRs dur兒分ing vector construction, 員河which is introduced in快現to target cells along舊女 with the rest of viral genome.兒信 Gene expression can then 議文be activated in t吧慢he presence of Cre recombi刀日nase upon Cre-mediated i也見nversion of the coding sequence.

The wild-type AAV genome is a linear s月藍ingle-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with two頻月 ITRs forming a hairpin structur讀關e on each end. It is therefore also 高著known as ssAAV. In懂間 order to express genes on ssAAV vecto場間rs in host cells, the ssDNA 間路genome needs to fi話友rst be converted to double-strande白看d DNA (dsDNA) through two pathways: 1)船如 synthesis of se唱長cond-strand DNA by the D件醫NA polymerase machinery of host對子 cells using the existing ssD也樹NA genome as the template and th文農e 3' ITR as the 東技priming site; 2) formation of inte車農rmolecular dsDNA between the plu來愛s- and minus-strand ssAA風少V genomes. The former pathw資女ay is the dominant one.

AAV genomic DNA forms episomal co答師ncatemers in the host cell nucleus.動爸 In non-dividing cells, these con笑媽catemers can remain fo影街r the life of the host cells. In divid妹現ing cells, AAV DNA is lost朋金 through the dilution effect of c音車ell division, beca吧唱use the episomal DNA doe是長s not replicate東好 alongside host cel分亮l DNA. Random inte如區gration of AAV DNA int票空o the host genom用男e can occur but is ex姐書tremely rare. T近能his is desirable in視吃 many gene therapy settings where t鐵數he potential oncogenic effe老從ct of vector integration 拍木can pose a significant concern.A major喝數 practical advantage of AAV is tha用他t in most cases A房音AV can be handled in biosafety lev醫坐el 1 (BSL1) fac計作ilities. This is due to AA但數V being inherently replication樹話-deficient, producing little 對明or no inflammation, and causing no 術們known human disease.空費 Due to their low immunogen刀爸icity in host org醫師anisms, AAV is the農媽 ideal viral ve城房ctor for many animal st什現udies.

Many strains of AAV have been iden快睡tified in nature機老. They are divided into different s影服erotypes based on diffe答兒rent antigenicity of the capsid protein購歌 on the viral surface. Different ser線算otypes can render the 務子virus with different tissue tropism (i路靜.e. tissue specificity朋哥 of infection). When our AAV 山地vectors are packaged 年鐵into virus, different serotypes can b媽答e conferred to the virus by using dif綠銀ferent capsid proteins for the packag在低ing. During cloning, I分農TRs from AAV2 are used,腦購 as this is common pr站空actice in the f雜報ield and does not impact specificity.弟這 Packaging helper plasmids incl關我ude a Rep/Cap plasmid, containing t我湖he replication genes from AAV2 and th站拍e capsid proteins for a chos遠西en serotype to determine tropism. Th草見e table below lists上煙 different AAV ser科喝otypes and their ti筆兵ssue tropism.

SerotypeTissue tropism
AAV1Smooth muscle, CNS, 身算lung, retina, pancreas, heart, liver
AAV2Smooth muscle, CNS, liver, kidney, r西工etina
AAV3Smooth muscle, liver, lung
AAV4CNS, retina, lung, kidne黑作y
AAV5Smooth muscle, CNS, lung, re生用tina
AAV6Smooth muscle, heart, lung, adip放購ose, liver
AAV6.2Lung, liver
AAV7Smooth muscle, retina個窗, CNS, liver
AAV8Smooth muscle, CNS, retina, liver, p章西ancreas, heart, k輛子idney, adipose
AAV9Smooth muscle, lung, l通水iver, heart, pancreas, CNS, retina, tes下作tes, kidney
AAV-rh10Smooth muscle, lung, liver, h呢廠eart, pancreas, CNS,樹生 retina, kidney
AAV-DJLiver, heart, kidney去媽, and spleen
AAV-DJ/8Liver, brain
AAV2-retroSpinal nerves
AAV2-QuadYFEndothelial cell

For further information about this vect是少or system, pleas妹熱e refer to the papers below個鐘.

Methods in Enzy. 507:229-54 (201她北2)Review of AAV virology南少 and uses
Curr Opin Pharmacol. 24:59-67 (2015)AAV use in gene th呢做erapy, and serotype differences
Gene. 216:55 (1998)Characterization of LoxP mutants, incl請物uding Lox2272
Nat Biotechnol. 21舞空:562 (2003)Development of the FLEX swi快兒tch system
J Neurosci. 28:7025 (2008)Application of a FLEX愛區 switch system

The AAV (FLEX) 市道conditional Cre船麗-On gene expression vector少林 is designed to achieve Cre-me師讀diated conditional gene expression i少業n mammalian cells and animals. Expr農長ession of the gene of intere亮訊st is initially 作日silent, however can be permanently 師市activated by co靜影-expression of Cre recombinase, w男好hich will invert the了路 gene of interest to its coding ori城拿entation. In the presence of Cr鐘還e, expression of the gene of int工船erest is under the control of t黑朋he user-selected p志分romoter. 

This vector is optimized for high co兒雜py number replication i是腦n E. coli, high-tite亮鄉r packaging of live virus喝頻, efficient trans低員duction of host cells, and hig高樂h-level transgene expression. This AAV 門理viral vector can be packaged into vir美日us using all known capsi西呢d serotypes, is ca舊錯pable of very high transduction effic藍他iency, and presents low safety risk科從.


Switch-like gene act是很ivation: Antisense orientation of t可自he user-selected ORF,火著 prevents any leaky gene exp雨金ression prior to Cre-mediate章鐵d recombination. Other c吧體onditional gene expression syst車影ems, including 著窗LoxP-Stop-LoxP can hav慢要e some low-level l聽為eaky (read-through)腦路 expression under certai開高n circumstances.

Stable gene activation: Treatment with Cre recombinase will p山厭ermanently invert the user-s區來elected ORF to its sense ori微睡entation. Upon inversion of 子票the ORF to its sense orientati開腦on followed by excisio月書n of one from each pair of simi作雪lar LoxP sites by店友 recombination, the ORF w高少ill be flanked by two differen又行t LoxP-variant sites which那黑 will prevent further recombi身通nation events even when Cre is pre離了sent. This will allow tran上鐘scription of the gen科用e of interest, driven by the promote劇路r chosen by the舞討 user.

Safety: AAV is the safest viral vector為對 system available. AAV is in志醫herently replication-deficient下窗 and is not known t厭月o cause any human diseases.

Low risk of host genome disrupti章我on: Upon transduction into host明國 cells, AAV vectors 開醫remain as episomal DNA in the nucleu我愛s. The lack of integration in學對to the host genome can be a de東弟sirable feature fo什用r in vivo human applic媽海ations, as it reduces the risk of朋草 host genome disrupt年弟ion that might l慢了ead to cancer.

High viral titer: Our AAV vector can be 服紅packaged into high titer virus. Wh妹道en AAV virus is obtained through our vi音兵rus packaging service,紙理 titer can reach >1013 genome copy per 討通ml (GC/ml).

Broad tropism: A wide range of cell and tiss關黃ue types from commonly use購照d mammalian species such as human,愛雪 mouse and rat can be飛化 readily transduced with 請快our AAV vector when it is pa飛一ckaged into the 就腦appropriate serot行離ype. But some cell types m黃的ay be difficult to transduc讀要e, depending on the serotype 公空used (see disadvantages b媽高elow).

Effectiveness in vitro 場黑and in vivo: While our vector is mostly used for i多店n vitro transducti理舊on of cultured cel動懂ls, it can also be used to 訊小transduce cells in liv間呢e animals. It is particularly銀白 suitable for th新體e generation of tr自會ansgenic animal有報s with Cre-mediated conditional gene 費窗expression.


Small cargo space: AAV has the smallest cargo capacity o了聽f any of our viral vec請刀tor systems. AAV河金 can accommodate a maximum of 4.7 kb of姐日 sequence between the ITRs, w司國hich leaves ~4.1小腦 kb cargo space for the 低路user's DNA of interest in喝放 the AAV (FLEX) con用你ditional Cre-On gene expression文制 vector.

Difficulty tran北懂sducing certain cell typ遠笑es: Our AAV vector system can transd月自uce many different cell ty近雪pes including non-divid鐵年ing cells when packaged into the a下放ppropriate serotype. However, 票又different AAV serotype高內s have tropism for different cell ty你要pes, and certain cell 錢日types may be hard to trans空這duce by any serotype.

Technical complexity: The use of viral vectors requires窗見 the production of live virus in pac村歌kaging cells followed 店有by the measurement of viral titer.離農 These procedures are technically de金家manding and time consumin頻請g relative to conventional 窗匠plasmid transfec錯我tion. These demands can be allevi醫身ated by choosing our virus pack快筆aging services 友河when ordering your vector.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat.唱火 In wild type virus, 5' ITR and放拍 3' ITR are essentially identica機微l in sequence. 玩件They reside on two ends of the vi筆志ral genome pointing理會 in opposite directions, where the匠自y serve as the origin of 要歌viral genome replication.開文

Promoter: The promoter driving your gene of能紅 interest is pl大費aced here.

Lox2272: Recombination site for Cre recomb多友inase. Mutated Lox s生習ite with two base substitutions of wild花店 type LoxP. Incompatible with Lo刀舊xP sites. When Cre is present, the Lox動媽P and LoxP2272 雜雜sites will be cut and recombine with議服 compatible sites.

LoxP: Recombination site 校林for Cre recombinase. Incompatible with高鐵 Lox2272 sites. When 還唱Cre is present, t路朋he LoxP and Lox2272 sites will be樂麗 cut and recombine wit哥頻h compatible sites.

ORF: The open reading frame of your g很看ene of interest is p刀窗laced here, in a sense orientati車兒on.

Regulatory element: Allows the user to add the Woodc多了huck hepatitis virus posttranscriptio自飛nal regulatory element些請 (WPRE). WPRE enhances transcr廠廠iptional termination in the 身日3' LTR during viral RNA transcripti拍秒on, which leads to higher levels o這機f functional viral RNA i報路n packaging cells and henc離是e greater viral 電來titer. It also enhance船白s transcriptional termi東可nation during the 間林transcription of the user'明問s gene of inter他和est on the vector, leading to thei長兒r higher expression levels.音務

BGH pA: Bovine growth h但章ormone polyadenylation 動中signal. It facilitates tra頻你nscriptional terminat說兒ion of the upstream OR資筆F.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat. See d金公escription for 5’ ITR.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. 器時It allows the plasmid to be mai費火ntained by ampicillin selec門路tion in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids 刀雜carrying this origin 嗎國exist in high copy習影 numbers in E. 為船coli.