
Single-Stranded A見朋AV (ssAAV) Tet Regulatory近體 Protein Expression Vect鐵很or


VectorBuilder’s s算道ingle-stranded 朋煙adeno-associated vir計會us (ssAAV) Tet regulato西空ry protein expression vector can 快科be used for AAV-bas少熱ed delivery of Tet regulatory proteins 個妹(tTS, rtTA, etc.少喝) into mammalian林很 cells to help you achiev說文e tetracycline-inducible ex老窗pression of target genes placed 不時downstream of a tetracycline r日人esponsive-element (TRE) promoter.

The Tet-On inducible system is a po姐通werful tool to control the地照 timing of expression of the gen多鐘e(s) of interest (坐弟GOI) in mammalian cells. Our Tet-新道On inducible gen窗也e expression vectors are designed to a到請chieve nearly complete silencing of時票 a GOI in the absence of tetracycli就技ne and its anal近問ogs (e.g. doxycycline), and 北坐strong, rapid e白弟xpression in response to the addit錯店ion of tetracycline or one of its analo懂刀gs (e.g. doxycycline). T校問his is achieved through a mult短好icomponent system which incorporate大器s active silencing by the 農秒tTS protein in the absence o報跳f tetracycline and strong activatio劇我n by the rtTA protein in匠謝 the presence of tetracycline. In 理鐘the absence of tetracycline, the tTS很小 protein derive土自d from the fusion of T場制etR (Tet repressor protein) 朋學and KRAB-AB (the tr下高anscriptional repressor domain of Kid-線河1 protein) binds to the TRE promote遠們r, leading to the active su明做ppression of gene transcripti城聽on. The rtTA protein, on the o科笑ther hand, derived from the fusi快開on of a mutant Tet r還用epressor and VP16 (the trans風劇cription activator domain新民 of virion protein 16 of h爸慢erpes simplex viru近人s), binds to the TRE promo票拍ter to activate gene trans廠腦cription only in the presen什下ce of tetracycline.頻術

The ssAAV Tet regulatory protein 間數expression vector is first construct飛短ed as a plasmid in E. coli. 北你The Tet regulatory protein expre商日ssion cassette co森答nsisting of the自秒 Tet regulatory protein(s)女跳 driven a user-selected promoter is 訊行placed in between the two inverte微金d terminal repeats畫身 (ITRs). It is then transfected into 是師packaging cells along 火明with helper plasmid劇信s, where the Tet regulatory prot冷間ein expression cassette between the tw關著o inverted termi是輛nal repeats (ITRs) is package民市d into active virus. Any gene(s)很吧 placed in-betwe懂秒en the two ITRs ar又林e introduced into t森微arget cells along哥志 with the rest o飛話f viral genome.

While our ssAAV Tet regulatory prot少術ein expression vector includes an 弟看expression cassette consisting of the 商銀Tet regulatory protein(s) driven錯員 by a user-selected promoter,校子 the GOI driven by 看身the TRE promoter must短暗 be provided us美看ing a separate helper vecto謝日r to achieve tetracycline induced ge報自ne expression i慢動n the presence of t技北etracycline, while minim場用izing leaky expression in從銀 the absence of森舊 tetracycline.

AAV is effective in transducing man章章y mammalian cell types, and un區匠like adenovirus has very low 電日immunogenicity, being almost entire懂花ly nonpathogenic in v計現ivo. This makes 熱有the AAV inducible gene expressio少舞n vector the ideal viral 們志vector system for achieving inducib見玩le gene expression in vivo.

The wild-type AAV genome is a linear 低吧single-stranded DN吧如A (ssDNA) with two ITRs 術哥forming a hairpin struct老書ure on each end. It is therefore also k吧光nown as ssAAV. In order to express g銀近enes on ssAAV vectors in host c請鄉ells, the ssDNA genome needs to firs話船t be converted to double-strande問東d DNA (dsDNA) through two路資 pathways: 1) synthesis of second-海山strand DNA by the DNA polymerase 場慢machinery of host cells using the e紅黑xisting ssDNA genome as the template睡低 and the 3' ITR as the志秒 priming site; 2) forma去文tion of intermolecular dsDNA be舊從tween the plus- and暗短 minus-strand ssAAV genomes. T長學he former pathwa請黑y is the dominant one.

AAV genomic DNA forms episomal concate歌光mers in the host cell nucleus短場. In non-dividing ce中物lls, these conca山答temers can remain for the life of 又數the host cells. In dividing c匠熱ells, AAV DNA is lost t對來hrough the dilution effect of cell錯有 division, because the episom國林al DNA does not re地時plicate alongside host cell DNA. 討做Random integration of A少遠AV DNA into the host genome朋家 can occur but is extreme相習ly rare. The lack of inte裡妹gration is desirable 笑和in many gene therapy 拿民settings where the potential on雜刀cogenic effect of vector integration c訊低an pose a significant concern.

A major practical advantage of AAV is t在森hat in most case要電s AAV can be handled i雨答n biosafety level 1 (BSL1)湖我 facilities. Thi線和s is due to AAV being inherently repli劇身cation-deficient, produc術離ing little or no inflam麗費mation, and causing no known human d上懂isease.

Many strains of AAV 有上have been identified現東 in nature. They are divid藍作ed into different 站媽serotypes based on di錢事fferent antigenicity of the capsi子中d protein on the viral sur體刀face. Different se玩麗rotypes can render the virus with 慢雜different tissue tropism (i.e. 民了tissue specificity o光自f infection). When 的分our AAV vectors a拿鐘re packaged into vi國業rus, different serotypes can be confer木她red to the virus by using different站要 capsid proteins for the packaging. Dur讀高ing cloning, ITRs from AAV2 are use車亮d, as this is common雜對 practice in the field and does not錢技 impact specificity. Packaging hel哥遠per plasmids include a Re答算p/Cap plasmid, containing th雜路e replication genes from AAV近門2 and the capsi問慢d proteins for a chosen serotype 相關to determine tropism.不年 The table below lists different AAV s計見erotypes and their tissue tropism.山放

List by Serotype
List by Tissue Type

SerotypeTissue tropism
AAV1Smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, CNS, brain, lung, retina, inner ear, pancreas, heart, liver
AAV2Smooth muscle, CNS, brain, liver, pancreas, kidney, retina, inner ear, testes
AAV3Smooth muscle, liver, lung
AAV4CNS, retina, lung, kidney, heart
AAV5Smooth muscle, CNS, brain, lung, retina, heart
AAV6Smooth muscle, heart, lung, pancreas, adipose, liver
AAV6.2Lung, liver, inner ear
AAV7Smooth muscle, retina, CNS, brain, liver
AAV8Smooth muscle, CNS, brain, retina, inner ear, liver, pancreas, heart, kidney, adipose
AAV9Smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, lung, liver, heart, pancreas, CNS, retina, inner ear, testes, kidney, adipose
AAV-rh10Smooth muscle, lung, liver, heart, pancreas, CNS, retina, kidney
AAV-DJLiver, heart, kidney, spleen
AAV-DJ/8Liver, brain, spleen, kidney
AAV2-retroSpinal nerves
AAV2-QuadYFEndothelial cell, retina
AAV2.7m8Retina, inner ear

Tissue typeRecommended AAV serotypes窗明
Smooth muscleAAV1, AAV2, AAV3, AAV5, AAV6, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10
Skeletal muscleAAV1, AAV9
BrainAAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV7, AAV8, AAV-DJ/8
RetinaAAV1, AAV2, AAV4, AAV5, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV2-QuadYF, AAV2.7m8
Inner earAAV1, AAV2, AAV6.2, AAV8, AAV9, AAV2.7m8
LungAAV1, AAV3, AAV4, AAV5, AAV6, AAV6.2, AAV9, AAV-rh10
LiverAAV1, AAV2, AAV3, AAV6, AAV6.2, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8
PancreasAAV1, AAV2, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10
HeartAAV1, AAV4, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV-DJ
KidneyAAV2, AAV4, AAV8, AAV9, AAV-rh10, AAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8
AdiposeAAV6, AAV8, AAV9
TestesAAV2, AAV9
SpleenAAV-DJ, AAV-DJ/8
Spinal nervesAAV2-retro
Endothelial cellsAAV2-QuadYF

For further informat很這ion about this vector system, please re音快fer to the papers belo報們w.

Methods in Enzy. 火是507:229-54 (2012)Review of AAV virology a技筆nd uses
Curr Opin Pharmacol. 24:5見頻9-67 (2015)AAV use in gene th河作erapy, and serot動有ype differences
Science. 268:1766短謝-9 (1995)Development of rtTA
J Gene Med. 1:4-12 (1999)Development of tTS

Our ssAAV Tet regu煙花latory protein e紅國xpression vector allows hig短們hly efficient, AAV-based delive內子ry of Tet regulatory proteins int算術o mammalian cells. Using 理跳this vector to coexpress兒商 the Tet regulatory proteins 我音tTS and rtTA along with t畫有he TRE driven GOI ca刀飛n achieve nearly complete silencing of好路 the GOI in the absence of tetr費黃acycline, and strong, rapid expr藍花ession in response to the addition of姐到 tetracycline. It is optimi商什zed for high copy公分 number replication in E. c購他oli, high-titer pa微暗ckaging of live virus, efficie麗答nt transduction of host cells匠自, and high-level transgene expr體車ession. This viral vector can be很紅 packaged into virus using長木 all known capsid serotypes, i花北s capable of very high transd男信uction efficiency, and pres有動ents low safety risk.


Low risk of host genome disruption: Upon transductio畫議n into host cells, AAV vect歌南ors remain as episomal DNA i照我n the nucleus. The lack of integra有城tion into the host genome can be問事 a desirable feature for in vivo human歌匠 applications, as it reduces th可化e risk of host genome 東著disruption that might l亮購ead to cancer.

High viral titer: Our AAV vector can b這短e packaged into high ti雜視ter virus. When AAV virus is 飛校obtained through our virus packaging s舞村ervice, titer c文動an reach >1013 genome copy per ml (GC/ml).

Broad tropism: A wide range of cell and tiss嗎司ue types from commo又化nly used mammalian s暗都pecies such as h行西uman, mouse and rat can be readi河車ly transduced with our AAV vector 很玩when it is packaged into the a科但ppropriate serotype. But some cell業樂 types may be difficult to transd人火uce, depending on the serotype u知坐sed (see disadvantages bel討計ow).

Effectiveness in vitro and in vivo: Our vector is often use業電d to transduce cells in live anim科東als, but it can also be和和 used effective畫門ly in vitro.


Small cargo space: AAV has the 術錢smallest cargo capaci樹這ty of any of our viral v很能ector systems. AAV can accommoda子秒te a maximum of 4.7 kb of sequence bet讀劇ween the ITRs, which leaves ~4.2 kb 媽新cargo space for user's DNA of int市近erest.

Difficulty transducing certa吧還in cell types: Our AAV v森麗ector system ca得明n transduce many different cell了地 types including 弟錢non-dividing cells 車謝when packaged into the ap森紙propriate serotype. However, 是熱different AAV serotypes have tropism 用煙for different cell 書朋types, and certain cell types ma放為y be hard to transduce by any serot票拿ype.

Technical compl愛雪exity: The use of viral vectors requ秒店ires the production of 草門live virus in p用白ackaging cells followed by the mea行物surement of viral titer. T南商hese procedures are techn醫音ically demanding and t日都ime consuming relative to co照唱nventional plasmid transfection. T開體hese demands can be allev吃日iated by choosing our virus packaging些問 services when ordering your vector.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat著車. In wild type virus, 5' ITR 煙著and 3' ITR are essential姐美ly identical in sequence. The高睡y reside on two 遠匠ends of the viral genome pointing in 畫還opposite directions, where the為女y serve as the origin of viral genome老數 replication.

Promoter: The promoter drivin裡得g the Tet regulatory protein(s) is plac報妹ed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is placed在謝 in front of the start codon of 問哥the ORF of interest日熱 to facilitate tran多筆slation initiation in eu都好karyotes.

ORF:  The open reading frame of t水白he Tet regulatory protein(s) i理年s placed here.

Regulatory element: 冷的;Allows the user to add the Woodchu綠空ck hepatitis virus po雜好sttranscriptional r了紅egulatory eleme木房nt (WPRE). WPRE 紙木enhances virus stability 木為in packaging cells,水兒 leading to higher titer of packaged 民腦virus; enhances hig為家her expression of trans可離genes.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone polyadenylation商靜. It facilitates transcriptional ter麗亮mination of the upstream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat. See雪通 description for 5’ ITR.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene.但冷 It allows the p紙有lasmid to be main少路tained by ampicillin selection in E. co地制li.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids章分 carrying this origin exist in high cop也家y numbers in E. coli.