
Tol2 miR30-Based shRNA Knockd弟不own Vector


The Tol2 miR30-based sh裡影RNA knockdown vector system is媽少 a simple and efficient method for stab資員ly knocking down expression of tar林森get gene(s) in mammalian cells. T音小his transposon-based system utilizes p得事lasmid transfection (rather吃讀 than viral transduction資爸) to permanently integra姐線te a polycistronic妹視 expression cassette consistin為購g of one or more miR30-based sh車喝RNAs (shRNAmiR) targeting gene(s)說著 of interest and a us冷自er-selected ORF into the ho文我st cell genome. The shRNAmi月請R transcript is processed 從機by endogenous, cellular mic女信ro-RNA pathways to produc吧綠e mature shRNAs, w舞得hich facilitate deg兒拿radation of target gene mRNAs.&nb少跳sp;The permanent nature of kno這新ckdown by the Tol2 system 相理has several major adva物事ntages over transient knockdown by 弟關synthetic siRNA (see Advantages s黃理ection below).

The Tol2 miR30-based shRNA 快件knockdown vector 分藍system contains two v廠小ectors, both engineered as E. 在學coli plasmids. On海秒e vector, referred to as the helpe低場r plasmid, encod資我es the transpos湖影ase. The other vecto下房r, referred to as the transpo影工son plasmid, contains tw媽司o terminal repeats (TRs)一到 bracketing the 通南region to be tr個習ansposed, which inclu冷那des the polycistro議來nic shRNAmiR and ORF e友道xpression cassette. When the 就綠helper and transposon plasmi家得ds are co-transfected into t道樂arget cells, the transposase produ話短ced from the helper plasm我嗎id recognizes the two TRs on the tra花可nsposon, and inserts the flank機藍ed region including the tw制我o TRs into the 還一host genome. Insertion oc雜員curs without any sig問坐nificant bias with respect to inserti冷大on site sequence. This is unlike t懂年ransposon syste妹商ms which have specific target consens文在us sites. For example, p對樹iggyBac transposons typically inserts 通人at sites containing the sequence TTAA.

Unlike conventional shRNA vector區體s, which utilize RNA po藍討lymerase III promoters such村好 as U6, miRNA-based shRNA systems are 分那placed under the control of 女對standard RNA polymerase II p件劇romoters. This al店厭lows the use of tissue-specifi訊鄉c, inducible, or variable-str工雪ength promoters, enabling a va從風riety of experimental applicati風技ons not possible wit林冷h constitutive U6 promoters.

The ability of RNA po算你lymerase II promoters t綠為o efficiently transcribe long 冷如transcripts in the miRNA-based s開路hRNA systems also prov間水ides additional adv路對antages relative 微遠to other knockdown vector systems.飛一 Multiple shRNAmiRs can be transcrib愛唱ed as a single polyci坐費stron, which is proces但文sed to form mature shRNAs within the c去說ell. This allows knockdown of 妹空multiple genes or targe林開ting of multiple re在媽gions within the 科議same gene using a singl空醫e transcript. As a result年司, this vector is available 內拿for expressing either s農綠ingle or multiple shRN視離AmiRs. Secondly, in this vect上紅or system, a user-sele時問cted protein co離子ding gene is also po河化sitioned within the same p快河olycistron as the shRNAmiRs. 高身The expression of this ORF can be u錯森sed to directly monitor shRNA t錯頻ranscription (if a marker ORF is used)器車 or can be used for other purposes 聽長requiring co-exp中小ression of an OR裡火F and shRNA(s). 

Tol2 is a class II transposon, mea問的ning that it moves in a鐘友 cut-and-paste mann紅快er, hopping from電國 place to place without leaving c件雪opies behind. (In contrast,頻信 class I transposons move in a copy-a內聽nd-paste manner.) Tol2 窗他integrates as a sin跳草gle copy through a 話民cut-and-paste mechanism. 中紙At each insertion site, the Tol2 t坐議ransposase creates an 8 bp duplication冷師, resulting in identical 8 bp河化 direct repeats flankin山在g each transposo路森n integration site in the genome.

For further information abou光弟t this vector system, please re下慢fer to the papers below.

Cell Rep. 5:1704 (河厭2013)An Optimized mi雨劇croRNA Backbone for Effective Singl花草e-Copy RNAi
Genome Biol. 8(麗懂Suppl 1): S7 (2007)Review of Tol2 vectors
Genetics 174: 639–649 (2006)Identification of minimal seq資慢uences for Tol2 tran音喝sposable elements
PLoS Genetics 2: e169行喝 (2006)Large cargo-capacity tra兒我nsposition with a minimal Tol風師2 transposon

Our Tol2 miR30-based紅機 shRNA knockdown vec光我tor incorporates a樂和n optimized micro-RNA system for kno筆大ckdown of target算腦 gene(s).  This vector along with如哥 the helper plasmid are自暗 optimized for high copy numb喝動er replication in E. co遠農li, efficient, transfection into a wi化月de range of target c校去ells, and high-leve船作l expression of the transgene carried高關 on the vector. A user-selected pr工煙omoter drives expression of a polyc日小istronic expression cassette contai腦長ning a user-selected OR鐵行F and one or mo鐘區re shRNAmiRs with optimized mi房報R30-based sequences to mediate effi的家cient shRNA processing and target 農低gene knockdown.


Promoter choice: Unlike standard shRNA的身 systems, which utilize RN站空A polymerase II是務I promoters such as U6, miR30-based公術 shRNAs can be transcribed by d秒空iverse RNA polymerase II綠請 promoters. This also enables the use習學 of tissue-specific or inducible promot綠友ers.

Multiple shRNA c錯員o-expression: Because RNA polymerase 通雪II efficiently transcribes long RN錢視As, multiple shRNAmiRs can be 計弟expressed as a polyc麗爸istron from a single promoter.&些服nbsp;Therefore, 靜些this vector is available章山 for expressing either single or mult拍喝iple shRNAmiRs.  

Co-expression of a reporter OR那數F: A user-selected gene of in資火terest or reporter gene ORF is co-expr也答essed with the shRNAmiRs, as空林 a polycistron. This雪做 facilitates direct monitoring o家線f shRNA transcription.

Permanent integratio男分n and knockdown: Conventional tra商東nsfection results in almost 子分entirely transient delive兒區ry of DNA into host cell兒東s due to the loss of 熱錢DNA over time. This弟照 problem is especially promi土我nent in rapidly dividing 遠筆cells. In contrast,長計 transfection of mam舞山malian cells with t用計he Tol2 transposon plasmid al鄉知ong with the helper業大 plasmid can deliver DN拿很A sequences carried行商 on the transposon per黑體manently into host ce資內lls due to the inte廠美gration of the transposon i開她nto the host genome. As a result, the視草 knockdown of the 新樂target gene(s) 線花achieved with this 計相vector is stable and per子黑manent. This can b校工e an important advantage fo我錯r many experimental goals. It道數 allows long-term analys白線is of the knockdown phenotype. It fac愛煙ilitates the isola月冷tion of clones having different l通歌evels of knockdown and/or different ph線司enotypes. When the雪不 knockdown vector carries a flu一紙orescence marker 弟坐such as EGFP, it also allows cell子國s with different amounts of trans吧身poson integration (and h他年ence potentially different lev河小els of knockdown) to be 友線isolated by flow sorting cel子來ls with different fluorescence劇河 intensity.

Technical simplicity白年: Delivering plasmi廠但d vectors into cells by conventio鐵體nal transfection 相信is technically straightforward, and far森森 easier than viru小時s-based vectors which require the packa水水ging of live virus.

Safety: Conventional transfection does not這海 have the safety 影朋concerns which are often a我外ssociated with viral vectors.


Limited cell type range: The delivery of Tol2 v空體ectors into cells relies 日話on transfection. The ef票遠ficiency of transfe船物ction can vary gre科明atly from cell type to ce微光ll type. Non-dividing cells ar低明e often more difficult 科資to transfect than di歌舊viding cells, and primary cells are 兒電often harder to transfect than immorta身雪lized cell lines. Some importa友南nt cell types, such as neurons and pa窗麗ncreatic β cells, are notoriou爸中sly difficult t樂音o transfect. These issues l草木imit the use of the Tol2 system.


Single miR30-shRNA Tol2 shRNA knockdown明新 vector

5' ITR: Tol2 5' terminal repeat. When a DNA se暗玩quence is flanked by看長 two ITRs, the Tol2 transpo可下sase can recognize t林長hem, and insert the flanked 明子region including the two IT術小Rs into the host genome.

Promoter: Drives transcription司資 of the downstream ORF and shRNAmiR p計兒olycistron. This i刀個s an RNA polymerase II promoter, rath請小er than an RNA polym事訊erase III promoter such as 舊會U6.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. I區費t is placed in front of理拍 the start codon of the O暗從RF of interest because it is靜他 believed to facili這高tate translation initiation in筆師 eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of your gene of藍兒 interest or reporter g分事ene is placed here. This can be used新是 to monitor shRNA expression地近.

5' miR-30E: An optimized versi知明on of the human miR30 5’ contex樹物t sequence. Facilitates m業報aturation and process問銀ing of the shRN學輛A and separation from the ta門玩ndemly transcribed煙看 ORF and other shRNAs.

3' miR-30E: An optimized version of the綠現 human miR30 3’ context sequen舞金ce. Facilitates maturati靜愛on and processin喝件g of the shRNA and separation fro議討m the tandemly 說上transcribed ORF and other shRNAs.

miR30-shRNA: This sequence is derived from在機 your target sequence&n家開bsp;and is transcribed to form the 坐可stem portion of the “hairpi雨放n” structure of the shRNA.

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40音銀 late polyadenylation signal. 學那It facilitates transcriptiona看文l termination an外明d polyadenylation of the upstream O森習RF and shRNAmiR poly兒購cistron.

3' ITR: 3' invert如東ed terminal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It多上 allows the pla拿草smid to be maintained by ampicillin se雪跳lection in E. col行答i.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicat制唱ion. Plasmids carrying this origin 看章exist in high copy 費去numbers in E. coli.

Multiple miR30-shRNA Tol見水2 shRNA knockdown vector

5' ITR: Tol2 5' terminal repeat. 科玩When a DNA sequence i火路s flanked by two ITRs, the Tol2校老 transposase can recognize them, 友視and insert the flanked 們跳region including水醫 the two ITRs into the host 慢務genome.

Promoter: Drives transcr分國iption of the downstream ORF and sh人快RNAmiR polycistron. This is an 多就RNA polymerase II promoter, rather tha車弟n an RNA polymerase III pro但見moter such as U見就6.

Kozak: Kozak cons秒湖ensus sequence. It is placed in fro跳音nt of the start codon of the ORF 知慢of interest because it is believed女吧 to facilitate translat制中ion initiation in eukaryo吃喝tes.

ORF: The open reading frame of your gene of窗呢 interest or reporter gen森金e is placed here. This can be used 要匠to monitor shRNA e得刀xpression.

5' miR-30E: An optimized version of the紅遠 human miR30 5’ context sequence. Faci秒聽litates maturation and processing of藍體 the shRNA and separation from the t呢廠andemly transcribed ORF and 拍弟other shRNAs.

3' miR-30E: An optimized version of the huma少我n miR30 3’ context sequen也制ce. Facilitates matura器近tion and processing of 冷商the shRNA and separation 得輛from the tandemly transcribed快妹 ORF and other shRNAs.視作

miR30-shRNA #1: 兵湖;This sequence is derived from 科吃your first target sequence友視 and is transcri錢章bed to form the stem portion of the “ha秒要irpin” structure of the生機 shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #2: This sequence is derived from your s兵跳econd target sequenc道筆e and is transcribed to form the時吃 stem portion of the “hairpin” structu亮低re of the shRNA.火熱

miR30-shRNA #3: This sequence is秒去 derived from your third爸慢 target sequence and is transcribe討不d to form the stem port從紙ion of the “hairpin” struc通煙ture of the shRNA.

miR30-shRNA #4: This sequence is derived fr市做om your fourth target seq一和uence and is transcribed t自雜o form the stem por區湖tion of the “hairpin” struct自土ure of the shRNA.科為

SV40 late pA: Simian virus 40 late 熱木polyadenylation signal.暗爸 It facilitates trans亮知criptional termination and polyadeny村姐lation of the upstream ORF and shR城他NAmiR polycistron.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repe有窗at.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance g大事ene. It allows the plasmid t冷日o be maintained by amp金車icillin selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replicat事厭ion. Plasmids c子坐arrying this origin exist道信 in high copy numbers in E. c業訊oli.