
PiggyBac Tet Regulatory Protein Expr西文ession Vector


VectorBuilder’s p說道iggyBac Tet regula購拿tory protein ex報喝pression vector can be used for trans森樂fection-based, perma哥紅nent delivery of 子會Tet regulatory protein(s) (tTS,醫林 rtTA, etc.) into m們視ammalian cells to help you achiev行師e tetracycline-inducible expression小說 of target genes place多店d downstream of a tetracycline朋媽 responsive-element (TRE)山金 promoter.

The Tet-On inducible system is a power紙花ful tool to control the timing o子相f expression of the gene(s) of inter是答est (GOI) in mammalian cel懂慢ls. Our Tet-On inducible gene 通資expression vectors are designed to ac風媽hieve nearly complete si藍議lencing of a GOI in 公請the absence of tetracycline an麗很d its analogs (e.g. doxycyclin是新e), and strong, rapid expressio看紙n in response to the addition of tetrac鄉民ycline or one of its analo分數gs (e.g. doxycycline). This 水子is achieved through a multicomponent 和年system that incorporates active si西冷lencing by the tTS protein in綠和 the absence of tetracycline and stro做著ng activation by the rtTA pr會外otein in the presence 又女of tetracycline. In the ab舞做sence of tetracycline, the tTS pr風物otein derived from the fusi可站on of TetR (Tet repressor p請暗rotein) and KRAB-AB 東外(the transcriptio數中nal repressor domain of Kid-1 protein) 對樹binds to the TRE p自風romoter, leading to the ac工看tive suppression of gene transcription.農秒 The rtTA protein, on謝畫 the other hand, derived from the fu這月sion of a mutan雪吃t Tet repressor and 聽科VP16 (the transcription act站影ivator domain of virion protein 1間業6 of herpes simplex virus), binds 區師to the TRE promoter 水微to activate gene 數西transcription only 鐵資in the presence of tetracyclin那厭e.

While our piggyBac Te舞聽t regulatory protein ex服謝pression vector i雪雨ncludes an expression cassette co路湖nsisting of the Tet regulatory車計 protein(s) driven by a user-sel友呢ected promoter, the 中也GOI driven by t懂朋he TRE promoter must be provided 很東using a separate helper vector to a低答chieve tetracycline-induced ge哥你ne expression in the presence of tetra高的cycline, while minimizing 樹書leaky expression in the absen術相ce of tetracycline藍化.

Our piggyBac inducible gene expr聽秒ession system comprises two c村醫omponents: the transpo影熱son plasmid and the t少對ransposase (helper PBase). Th站水e transposon plasmid 鐵些contains two term國文inal repeats (TRs) bracketing th也分e region to be trans購一posed. The Tet regulatory prot會城ein expression cassette is cloned in為黑 between the two TRs. T鐘裡he transposase can be 通暗delivered into target cells明是 through two methods. The he妹那lper plasmid can be transientl海玩y transfected into ce站錯lls. Alternatively, target cells can b男廠e injected with tr自業ansposase mRNA generated by in v師也itro transcription from the helper plas間去mid. When the helper PBase如音 and the piggyBac習紙 transposon vector are co-introdu草作ced into target cel科文ls, the transposase produced from the要看 helper would recogniz來子e the two TRs on the transposon and 書開insert the flan村關ked region including the two TRs i線自nto the host genome. Inse藍錯rtion typically occurs at host chrom那多osomal sites that contain the TTAA seq這銀uence, which is duplicat妹美ed on the two flanks門用 of the integrated fragment. Through 還弟both methods of delivering trans務電posase, it is expressed for山關 only a short time議數. Upon the loss of the helper plas拍南mid or degradation of t睡作ransposase mRNA司市, the integration是銀 of the transposon into t報遠he host genome becomes perm唱站anent.

PiggyBac is a class II transpos房民on, meaning that 雪刀it moves in a cut報也-and-paste manner, hopping from place相要 to place without leaving copies 師木behind. (In contra空舊st, class I tra相們nsposons move in a 相還copy-and-paste manner.) If the tran日好sposase is reintroduc文工ed into the cel拍火ls, the transposon could get e腦民xcised from the genome數說 of some cells, footprint-舞中free.

For further information 煙唱about this vector system, plea還從se refer to the papers below.

Mol Cell Biochem. 354:301 (2011)Review on the PiggyBac system
Cell. 122:473 (2005)Efficient transposition of科還 the piggyBac (PB) tra還要nsposon in mammalian cells and mice湖師
Science. 268:1766-9 (1995)Development of rtTA
J Gene Med. 1:4-12 (1999)Development of tT得暗S

Our piggyBac Tet regul林不atory protein expression ve她分ctor allows highly efficient,電個 transposon-based delivery of Tet regul視人atory protein(s) into 雪們mammalian cells. Using this vector 件鐘to coexpress the Tet regulatory prote美資ins tTS and rtTA along with t算錢he TRE driven GOI can 門明achieve nearly complete s男嗎ilencing of the GOI in the absence o船愛f tetracycline, and 媽身strong, rapid expression in response 腦要to the addition of tetracycline. Th訊頻e piggyBac Tet regulatory protein expre厭農ssion vector along wit章黑h the helper plasmid舊去 are optimized for high copy number 又說replication in E. col海舞i, efficient transfection in信個to a wide range of tar些身get cells, and high-l音區evel expression of the tr雨看ansgene carried on答謝 the vector.


Permanent integration of了老 vector DNA: Conventional transfection results愛女 in almost entirely transient deli行動very of DNA into h自兒ost cells due to the loss of DN場哥A over time. This 什她problem is especially pr民筆ominent in rapid很資ly dividing cel刀筆ls. In contrast, 雨紅transfection of mamm北子alian cells with the piggyBac transpos件訊on plasmid along 亮新with the helper plasmid妹子 can deliver genes carried o音用n the transposon permanently 河也into host cells due to the integrat愛嗎ion of the transposon into the host 秒理genome.

Technical simplicity: The piggyBac Tet regulatory pr議城otein expression 腦件vector can be in議得troduced into ma分很mmalian cells by conve就著ntional transfection. Delivering pl音制asmid vectors into cells by conventiona場慢l transfection is technically 錯頻straightforward, an兒通d far easier than些事 virus-based vectors which拍綠 require the packa體廠ging of live virus.

Very large cargo都店 space: Our transposon vec舞章tor can accommodate ~30 kb of tota坐東l DNA. The plasmid 車紅backbone and transposon-related s內了equences only occupies abo暗為ut 3 kb, leaving ple木城nty of room to accommodate the 上筆user's DNA of interest.


Limited cell type range: The delivery of p謝要iggyBac vectors into ce又笑lls relies on tr些銀ansfection. The一時 efficiency of transfection can vary金煙 greatly from cell type to cell type. N雜訊on-dividing cells are ofte來白n more difficult to transfect than d雨也ividing cells, 河銀and primary cells 校內are often harder to transfect than immo農畫rtalized cell lines. Some i錢房mportant cell types, such as neu店短rons and pancreatic β cells,話鐵 are notoriously difficult朋懂 to transfect. Additionally, plasmid 生動transfection is largely limited to計他 in vitro applications and rarely u內船sed in vivo. These issues lim拿月it the use of t她時he piggyBac syst答暗em.


5' ITR: 5' inverted terminal repeat. Wh事下en a DNA sequence is fl文現anked by two ITRs, the 船到piggyBac transpose can recognize森姐 them, and insert the 一師flanked region includ事民ing the two ITRs in學吧to the host genome.

Promoter: The promoter driving the expression of河畫 Tet regulatory protein(s) i內年s placed here.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is pla去新ced in front of the 自就start codon of the ORF of 錢遠interest to facilitate tran媽中slation initiation in eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of化學 Tet regulatory protein(s) is placed he風輛re.

rBG pA: Rabbit beta-globin polyadenylation s火的ignal. It facilitates tran鐵藍scription termination of the匠都 upstream ORF.

CMV promoter:&nbs如冷p;Human cytomegalov到視irus immediate early promoter.但在 It drives the ub技票iquitous expression of the downst吧對ream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (s呢街uch as neomycin resi分術stance), a visually detectabl南時e gene (such as EGFP), or a 是懂dual-reporter gene (such as EGFP/Neo)請靜. This allows ce船拿lls transfected with the ve相來ctor to be selected a近行nd/or visualized.

BGH pA: Bovine growth hormone po信問lyadenylation sign呢女al. It facilitates tra路外nscriptional termination飛店 of the upstream ORF.

3' ITR: 3' inverted terminal repeat.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. 服鐵It allows the pl笑街asmid to be main生費tained by ampicillin select司又ion in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids南了 carrying this origin ex唱上ist in high copy num西站bers in E. coli.