
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
FLAGFLAG epitope tagFacilitates antibody binding of 道司tagged protein.J Biochem Biophys Methods. 49:455城答 (2001); Appl Microbiol Biotechno內這l. 60:523 (2003歌遠) View
3xFLAG3 tandem FLAG epitope機湖 tagFacilitates antibody bi黑讀nding of tagged protein.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 60:523 (2音關003) View
HAHemagglutinin epitope tagFacilitates antibody b國這inding of tagged protein.也技Nature. 443:230 做廠(2006) View
Mycc-Myc epitope tagFacilitates antibody binding少黃 of tagged protein.Appl Microbiol Biot化長echnol. 60:523 醫亮(2003) View
V5V5 epitope tagFacilitates antib個不ody binding of t湖舞agged protein.J Biol Chem. 282:20799 (2007) View
OVA(257-264)H-2Kb-restricted OVA MHC cla睡鐘ss I epitopeAllows detection of a strong CD8關工+ cytolytic T cell response靜信.Eur J Immunol. 21:2891 (19請行91); J Immunol. 150:1212了煙 (1993) View
OVA(323-339)I-Ad-restricted OVA MHC件北 class II epitopeAllows studying the nature of class II 土又MHC-peptide binding and T-cell activ相高ation.Biochemistry. 38:16663 (1999); J Immunol. 171:1999 (2003) View
10xGCN4_v4The v4 version of the G師工CN4 peptide arra車靜y with 10 copies of the peptide bin靜市ding site, also know as SunTag10x_樹光v4Allows tagged proteins to be recogni冷對zed by the GCN4 scFv antibod話愛y.Cell. 159: 635 (2014你公) View
Rho1D4A 9 amino acid 1D4 epitope derived from森又 the C-terminus of bovine rhodops議的inAllows tagged proteins文歌 to be recognized by the 女但Rho1D4 antibody; typically recom都樹mended for the purification and char相車acterization of membran購睡e proteins.Methods Mol Biol. 1177:1 (20業術14) View
ALFA-tagALFA-tagAllows tagged proteins to be 土就recognized by the 見去NbALFA nanobody.Nature Communications. 10:4403匠農 (2019) View
姓名描述Application Note服說sReferences序列
6xHis6 tandem histidine tagFacilitates puri子姐fication by nickel 冷科or cobalt matrix and antibody bind子廠ing of tagged protein.Appl Microbiol Biotechno校一l. 60:523 (2003) View
10xHis10 tandem histidine tagFacilitates purification by nickel為綠 or cobalt matrix and antib都吧ody binding of tagged protein.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol又長. 60:523 (2003) View
Strep-tag_IIStrep-tag IIFacilitates purificat子花ion by Strep-Tactin (modifie一子d streptavidin) matr草吧ix and antibody binding of tagged pr頻嗎otein.Appl Microbiol Biote老通chnol. 60:523 (2003) View
Twin-Strep-tag2 tandem Strep-ta雜術g II linked wit在物h 3xGGGSFacilitates purification by Strep-Tact還呢in (modified streptavidin) m我內atrix and antibody都一 binding of tagged 區微protein.Protein Expr Purif. 92:54 (2013) View
S-tagS-tagFacilitates purification by S-p紙算rotein matrix and antibody binding 內多of tagged protein.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 60:523 (男務2003) View
MBPMaltose-binding proteinFacilitates purification by am水友ylose matrix and呢呢 antibody binding of tagg看不ed protein; increases th算員e solubility of tagged pr東爸otein in bacteria.Appl Microbiol Biotech刀舞nol. 60:523 (200事鐘3) View
GSTGlutathione S-transferaseFacilitates purification by glu和國tathione matrix and a朋也ntibody binding of t新個agged protein; helps to stabilize tagg木船ed protein and protect it agains時短t intracellular 月船protease cleavage.Appl Microbiol Biotechno人不l. 60:523 (2003) View
AviAvi tagFacilitates biotinylation 懂靜of tagged protein by the enzym如大e BirA so the protein can be 輛房isolated by streptavidin.Protein Sci. 8:921 (1999); Methods Mol Biol. 1266: 171 (2015) View
HaloHaloTag7Increases expres知城sion and solubility of t些低agged protein; enabl她唱es covalent, efficient and specific cap計雨ture of a protein of intere火錯st onto HaloLink™ Resin; high yi司舊eld and purity.Protein Expr Purif. 68:1嗎行10 (2009) View
Halo-TEVHaloTag7 linked wi嗎也th TEV siteIncreases expression and愛視 solubility of tagged prote學得in; enables covalent, efficient an友路d specific capture of a protei了劇n of interest onto Halo件熱Link™ Resin; high yi男志eld and purity; ca工要n be removed by TEV prote跳腦ase; N-terminal tag.Protein Expr Purif. 68:110 (2009刀們) View
SUMOSmall ubiquitin-like mo雜影difier tagFacilitates purification by enhancing s樹老tability and solubility分也 of tagged proteins; can be sp光子ecifically recogn黑相ized by SUMO proteases.Protein Sci.22(11)身懂:1466-77 (2013) View
hIgG-FcThe constant re場話gion (CH2 and CH3 domains) of human 暗你immunoglobulin heavy chainIncreases protein yie關們ld; allows rapid and simple d我路etection of protein 雜去expression; enables simple protein G/刀黃A affinity chromatograp就綠hy based purification of Fc-tag土少ged proteins.EMBO Mol Med. 4:1015 (2012)商山; J Biomed Res. 30: 2村窗09 (2016) View
mlgG-FcThe constant region (C年藍H2 and CH3 domains) of mouse immunog飛道lobulin heavy chainIncreases protein yie請都ld; allows rapid an吧請d simple detection of protein ex男草pression; enables simple 遠很protein G affinity chromato他請graphy based purification o線兵f Fc-tagged proteins.EMBO Mol Med. 4:1015 (2012); Sci Rep. 6:30171 (2016)見睡 View
NpuC(HN)A modified C-terminal segm議區ent of the Nostoc punc房明tiforme (Npu) DnaE split inteinFacilitates purification of N-te森動rminal tagged proteins by in來秒tein-mediated cleavage and subsequent r火內elease of tagless ta明短rget proteins induced by a simple pH sh樂水ift (8.5 to 6.2) which leads to a cy筆上clization reaction of the C-terminal 下中asparagine to f刀還orm a succinimide ring.Curr Protoc Protein Sci動報. 91:5.29.1 (2018) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
EKBovine enterokinase cleavage siteCleaved by enterokinase, which女就 cuts after lysine 數議in the recognition 南動sequence DDDDK.Appl Microbiol Bio玩拍technol. 60:523 (2003) View
TEVTobacco etch virus protease clea間拿vage siteCleaved by toba文件cco etch virus protease, which cuts aft音日er glutamine in the recognit村文ion sequence EXXYXQ(G/S) where X can be風去 any amino acid.Appl Microbiol 購女Biotechnol. 60:523 (2003) View
ThrombinThrombin cleavage siteCleaved by thrombin, which cu志那ts after the fourth re東討sidue in the recognition seque喝間nce XXP(R/K)XX where X通用X on the N end are hydrop腦場hobic residues and XX o哥近n the C end are 從裡non-acidic residues.Appl Microbiol Biote動喝chnol. 60:523 (2003) View
Factor-XaFactor Xa cleavage年會 siteCleaved by factor Xa, which cuts after 很拿arginine in the recognition sequence I(國市E/D)GR.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 60:523 (歌費2003) View
HRV3CHuman rhinovirus 3C protease sit作風eCleaved by human rhinovir件車us 3C protease, the cleavage site i工校s between Gln and Gly i費近n the recognition sequences 煙說LEVLFQ↓GP.Cell.168(3):427-441 (2017) View
信号肽 (for directing subcellular頻也 localization of proteins, such 白吧as nuclear localization, memb錢們rane localization, s醫光ecretion, etc.)
姓名描述Application Note火新sReferences序列
SV40-NLSSimian virus 40謝美 nuclear localizat厭影ion signalDirects nuclear localization of tagged 明空protein.Cell. 39:499 (1事聽984) View
3xNLS3 tandem simian 飛物virus 40 nuclear localiza可近tion signalDirects nuclear localiz媽秒ation of tagged protein.J Immunol. 182: 3173 (2009一分) View
cMYC-NLSNuclear localization sign草要al of human c-MYC gene Directs nuclear localization of tag腦劇ged protein.Mol Cell Biol. 8:4048 (1988);Bioconjug Chem. 26: 1004 (20林不15) View
BPSV40-NLSA classical nuclear loc時跳alization signal (NLS) consists of t麗水wo clusters of basic res嗎員idues separated by 10–12 residues 空快(bipartite), NLS-conta明師ining cargoes are imported by a het樹科erodimeric import receptor 動樂complex composed of白我 importin α and importi快低n βDirects nuclear lo地山calization of tagged protein.J Biol Chem. 276:1317 (2001); Biophys J. 96:384購們0 (2009); Nature. 540:144 (2016); Nat Methods. 16:887-893 (這紙2019) View
MITOMitochondrial ta書紅rgeting sequence fro書熱m human cytochrome c oxidase subunit VI答新II geneDirects tagged p裡不rotein to the intermembran拿去e space of mitochond山白ria.Nature. 358:325 (1992)森藍; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A關北. 96: 11752 (1999) View
Igκ-sigMurine Ig kappa chain leader sequenceDirects tagged 年外protein to the secretory pathway.J Immunol Methods. 152:89 (1森見992) View
α-FactorYeast pheromone α窗山-factor leader sequenceDirects export of tagged道在 protein in yeast into cultu做都re medium.Gene. 54:175 (1987) View
HBMHoneybee melittin signal peptid好頻e Allows enhanced secretion of 票行tagged proteins from insect cells這票 into the mediu用機m.Gene. 98:177 (1991) View
PelBPectate lyase B leader 購土sequenceDirects tagged protein to 小費the bacterial periplasm, where the sequ的刀ence is removed by a s行通ignal peptidase.Protein Expr Purif. 54:227 (2007) View
NESNuclear export sign風草alDirects nuclear export of 購那tagged protein.PLoS One.10:e0137652 (2015) View
LynN-terminal myristoyla小農tion and palmitoylation seque白她nce from Lyn, a Src fa能匠mily tyrosine kinaseAnchors the tagged 綠開protein to the plasma membrane.J Neurosci Methods. 93:37 (1999)媽地; J Cell Biol. 174:255 (2006) View
SNAP25A protein which is synthesize農器d on free ribosome這湖s and recruited to the inner surface做個 of plasma membrane after the palimi快問toylation of specific cy話家stesine residuesDirects the tagged proteins to t些北he inner surface of plasma membrane.EMBO J. 16:1575 (1997)電商 View
GPIPlasma membrane glycosy不工lphosphatidylinosito空歌l anchoring signa哥相lAnchors glycoprotein to the plasm資朋a membrane; helps increase the mobilit冷票y of membrane proteins the的愛refore supporting signal tran體為sduction and cellu子又lar transport; play身風s an important role吃湖 in creating ant去地igens on cell surface. Genesis. 44:202 (2006) View
TMD-STTransmembrane domai這秒n of rat liver sialyltrans訊自feraseDirects the tagged protei文玩n to Golgi.J Biol Chem. 270:5483 (1995)讀爸 View
PDGFRPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor站費 beta transmembrane domainAnchors the tagged請人 protein to the extrac空玩ellular side of plasma membrane for dis家快playing, usually works with s小兒ecretory signal peptide機話.Proc Natl Acad S對又ci U S A. 85:3435 遠機(1988); J Biol Chem. 285:12268 (2金遠010) View
GLucGaussia luciferase secretory signal p姐唱eptideAllows the tagged protein to be好近 secreted from cytos動到ol.Microb Cell Fact. 14:費火20 (2015) View
IL2-sigSignal peptide of 聽朋Homo sapiens interleukin議北 2Facilitates secretion of protei頻木ns.Protein Expr Purif.118:105-12(2016) View
HA-sigThe cleavable signal做開 sequence of influenza hemagglu路地tininEnhances locali廠討zation of proteins to the endoplasm白相ic reticulum memb對低rane or plasma membr紙讀ane.J Biol Chem. 267:21995 (1992); Biochem Biophys Res 老哥Commun. 409:544 (2011) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
TCTetracysteine tagFacilitates detection謝紙 of tagged protein by biars計一enical compounds 數要such as FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH要關-EDT2, which turn fluorescent對亮 upon binding to the 文中tag.Nat Protoc. 5: 1666 (高購2010) View
ProS2Protein S of Myxococcus xanthu少兒sFacilitates detection of tagged protei呢遠n by anti-ProS2 antibody; i跳了ncreases the solubility and stab謝妹ility of tagged pro術放tein in bacteria.雜中J Mol Biol. 286:1533 (1999) View
TFE.coli trigger factor, a ribosome-a金報ssociated chapero說人neAssists protein呢要 folding; facilitat金站es detection of tagged protein by鐵看 anti-trigger facto在這r antibody; increases聽我 the solubility of tagged protein.Biochim Biophys A黑弟cta. 1803:650 (201請技0) View
LifeactA 17-aa F-actin-binding sequence deriv答麗ed from Saccharomyc黑店es cerevisiaeAllows visualization of F-actin資聽 dynamics in cell媽暗s; can be used as a universal marker月冷 for F-actin imaging or as a那地n alternative to phalloidin.Nat Methods. 5:605 (2008) View
SNAPA 20 kDa engineered variant o公到f the human DNA repair 朋微protein O-6-alky數歌lguanine-DNA alkyl吧火transferase, optimi笑有zed for mammalian expressionAllows to observe local錯少ization and transloca做也tion of SNAP-tag fusion遠懂 proteins; reacts specifically and麗到 rapidly with benzy分制lguanine (BG) and benzylchloro說拿pyrimidine (CP) derivatives, leading to如對 irreversible covalent labe花人ling of the SNAP-tag with a wide variet場司y of synthetic probes in坐謝 live cells. CLIP and SNAP fusion prot上請eins can be simultaneously and路紙 specifically labele上人d with different syntheti朋風c probes within cells.Nat Biotechnol. 21:86 (2003); Methods Mol Biol. 也報1266:107 (2015) View
CLIPAn engineered variant of the hu校話man DNA repair p多校rotein O-6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransf玩知erase, optimized for mammalian expr城雜essionAllows to observe localization and t信能ranslocation of CLIP-tag fusi為暗on proteins; reacts speci吃月fically and rapidly with O2-b廠鐘enzylcytosine (著畫BC) derivatives, leading to irrever分樹sible covalent labelin近費g of the CLIP-tag wit笑湖h a wide variety of syntheti湖都c probes in live cel影市ls. CLIP and SNAP fusion prot民紅eins can be simultaneously and spec服妹ifically labeled with different輛湖 synthetic probes車器 within cells.Chem Biol. 15:128 (2008) View
ACPAcyl carrier protein of E. coliAllows to observe 為器localization and tran男街slocation of ACP-tag fusi東快on cell surface proteins which are spec好志ifically labeled with CoA de也些rivatives through post-translation很北al modifications catalyzed他行 by the phosphopantet謝煙heinyl transferase Ac科雪pS. J Am Chem Soc. 126:8896 家麗(2004) View
HiBiTA small 11 amino acid peptide th筆計at binds LgBiT wi有懂th high affinityFacilitates detection and monitoring of笑媽 tagged endogenous protein in live cel們新ls; capable of producing highly active 還看Nanoluc luciferase through high affi姐她nity complementation with LgBiT.姐道Biochem Biophys 土暗Rep. 12: 40 (2017); Chem Biol. 13:467 (2018) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
DDDestabilizing doma空電in, mutant derived from human子相 FKBP12 protein.靜習Targets the tagged protein for pr頻笑oteosomal degradation; addition of a c還房ompound, Shield-1, can stabilize the 間服protein and prevents費道 degradation.Bioorg Med Chem Le物時tt. 18:5941 (2008); PLoS One. 4: e6529 (2音訊009) View
S4DSal-like protein 4 (SALL4) d南我egron (S4D) tagAllows degradation of S4D-tagged黃拍 proteins in the presence of immuno頻著modulatory drugs (IMi器討Ds) which interact with cereblon (很有CRBN) in the cullin E3 ubiq又紅uitin ligase complex to i開睡nduce degradation of neosubstrate南就s.Commun Biol. 3:515 (2020) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
TATAmino acids 48–60 of transactivator o吧們f transcription protein (Tat靜生) from human immunodeficie妹身ncy virus type 1 (開開HIV-1).Directs tagged protein to pass throu師看gh the plasma membrane of mammalian學會 cells.J Biol Chem. 276:5836 (2001); ACS Nano. 8:197內歌2 (2014); Biomol Concepts. 8:131 (201房報7) View
R8Octaarginine tag (8 tandem argenines).嗎生Directs tagged protein 玩去to pass through the plasm討就a membrane of mammal從靜ian cells.J Biol Chem. 276:5836書山 (2001); ACS Nano. 8:1972 (2014慢光); Biomol Concepts. 8:131 (2017) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
VP16VP16 transcriptional activator do理黃main encoded by HSVActivates gene expression, commonly use土理d with other DNA binding proteins體件.Cell. 149:1447 (2012) View
VP64Tetrameric repeat of t那懂he minimal activa計件tion domain of VP16樹跳Strongly activates gene expr們商ession, commonly used 妹妹with other DNA bindi書船ng proteins.Proc Natl Acad Sci U 地窗S A. 95: 14628 (1998); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A店喝. 97: 1495 (2000) View
KRABKrüppel-associated box d事到omain from human gen朋森e ZNF10Inhibits gene expression, commonly u子河sed with other DNA binding區土 proteins.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 91:4509 (快北1994); Proc Natl Acad S睡站ci U S A. 97: 1495 (2000) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
CD8-leaderLeader signal peptide of T-cel員笑l surface glycopro雪拿tein CD8 alpha ch在議ainDirects transport and local答又ization of the protein to the T-ce農金ll surface.Cell. 64:891 (1991)哥道; WO2014055771A1; US20160185862A1; US10144770B2 View
CD8-hingeHinge region of 你你T-cell surface gly小放coprotein CD8 alpha chainConnects scFv and the t月自ransmembrane region; enhances t友得umor recognition efficiency; improves t雨業he expansion of CAR-T cells.Cell. 64:891 (1991)湖資; J Immunother. 28:203 (2005); BMJ Open. 6: e013904 (2016); J Hematol Oncol. 10: 68 (2017); Oncoimmunology. 7: e13錯熱68604 (2018) View
CD28-hingeHinge region of the T-cell surface 做件glycoprotein CD28Connects scFv with the t畫聽ransmembrane region providing stabilit議麗y and flexibilty for eff路技icient CAR expr和務ession and func廠煙tion; enhances efficiency of tumor 知公recognition; improves e吃房xpansion of CAR-T ce玩快lls.J Immunother. 32:689 (200見些9); Mol Ther. 25:245不錢2 (2017) View
CD8-TMTransmembrane region of T-雨時cell surface glyco也雨protein CD8 alpha cha船內inAnchors the CAR to the plasma membra年見ne, bridges the extracellular hinge生紙 and antigen recognition domain黑就s with the intrace票家llular signaling region化到.Cell. 64:891 (1991); BMJ Open. 6: e013904 (2016); Oncoimmunology. 7: e1368604 (2018); WO2014055771A1; US20100105136A1 View
CD28-TMTransmembrane region歌紅 of T-cell-surface glycoprotein CD28Anchors the CAR to the 醫門plasma membrane; enhances re相門ceptor expression a司子nd stability.Hum Gene Ther. 24:259 (2013); Cancer Res. 74:6383 (2自光014); WO2014055771A1; US10144770B2 View