
Selection Marker 錯討Cassettes
姓名描述Application NotesSelection DrugReferences序列
Neo-cassettemPGK promoter driving Neo with SV40 長報late pAAllows cells to be resistant to g河厭eneticin (G418).Geneticin (G418)Engineered by VectorBuilder View
Puro-cassettemPGK promoter driving P地生uro with SV40 late pAAllows cells to be r體報esistant to puromyc林見in.PuromycinEngineered by Ve得聽ctorBuilder View
LoxP-Neo-LoxPmPGK promoter d分多riving Neo with SV40 late pA, 吧哥flanked by LoxPAllows cells to be resistant to genet線銀icin (G418); can be deleted 在麗by Cre recombinas北店e.Geneticin (G418機也)Engineered by Vecto飛分rBuilder View
FRT-Neo-FRTmPGK promoter driving Neo wi鄉電th SV40 late pA, flanked b現懂y FRTAllows cells to be resistant to gen討下eticin (G418); can be deleted Flp到冷 recombinase.Geneticin (G418)Engineered by Vec懂見torBuilder View
LoxP-Puro-LoxPmPGK promoter driving Puro鄉吃 with SV40 late pA, f我拍lanked by LoxPAllows cells to be resistant to puro暗子mycin; can be deleted by Cr服光e recombinase.PuromycinEngineered by VectorBui見算lder View
FRT-Puro-FRTmPGK promoter driving Puro with近習 SV40 late pA, fla友森nked by FRTAllows cells to b草業e resistant to puromycin; can b在遠e deleted by Flp愛船 recombinase.PuromycinEngineered by VectorBuild你兵er View
3xP3-DsRedDsRed fluorescent放音 marker driven by 3xP3 promote和謝rUsed for identificati下家on of genetically engineered fly l麗畫ines.-Insect Biochem M不個ol Biol. 32:122地飛1 (2002) View