
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
CMVHuman cytomegalovirus immediate e術舊arly enhancer/promoterStrong promoter; may have variable st謝雜rength in some c你雨ell types.Cell. 41:521 (1985); PLoS One. 5:e10611 (201還熱0) View
CMV+intronHuman cytomegalovirus immediate early 黃紅enhancer/promoter fused with the splic師麗ing signal from 什也the human beta-globin intron 2Strong promoter; may h黑靜ave variable strength in so你村me cell types; presence of the 多事beta-globin intr從微on facilitates the機城 nuclear export of歌說 mRNA by splicing and 日快is predicted to enhance gene expressio裡暗n in eukaryotes.EMBO J. 13: 3065 (1994); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A玩資. 105: 3386 (2008) View
EF1AHuman eukaryotic trans雪時lation elongation factor 1 α1司多 promoterStrong promoter.Nucl Acids Res. 18:5322 (1990下線); PLoS One. 5:e10611 (2010) View
EFSHuman eukaryotic tra工和nslation elongat和厭ion factor 1 α1 short fo訊金rmMedium-strength promoter.Nat Methods.11:783 (2014) View
CAGCMV early enhancer fuse舞友d to modified chicken β短妹-actin promoterStrong promoter.Gene. 108:193 (1991); PLoS One. 5:e10611 (2010) View
CBhCMV early enhancer fused to modi市門fied chicken β-actin promoterStrong promoter.Hum Gene Ther. 22:1143 (2011) View
CBACMV early enhancer fu雨好sed to chicken β-ac雪個tin promoter and SV4錯微0 intronStrong promoter.Mol Biotechnol. 58:30 (2016) View
SFFVSpleen focus-forming virus promoterStrong promoter; drives時黃 high levels of gene expres票見sion, particularly in 問新cell types of the myeloid議間 lineage.J Virol. 69:7541 (跳長1995); Hum Gene Ther.13:803 (2002) View
MSCVMurine embryonic stem ce醫間ll virus promoter including the e什街nhancer and promoter姐師 region of PCMV virus and 5做飛' untranslated region of雪山 dl-587rev retroviru年從sMedium-strength promoter; drives gene 都麗expression in most murine or human制用 ES cell lines and other歌筆 mammalian cell lines.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 87:答南9202(1990); Gene Ther. 1:136 (1994) View
MNDU3The U3 region from the myeloprolif章作erative sarcoma v藍飛irus (MPSV) LTR with the negative cont音東rol region (NCR) removedMedium-strength promoter; drives retrov刀對iral vector gene expressio爸學n in most murine o跳服r human embryonal carcin舊劇oma (EC) cell lines, embryonic stem (ES電舞) cell lines and other mammalian cell哥離 lines.J Virol. 69:748林學 (1995);
J Virol. 71: 9466 (1997);
J Virol. 77:9439 (2003)讀問
SV40Simian virus 40 enhancer/early promot文報erMedium-strength 吃又promoter.Nature. 290:304 (1981); PLoS One. 5:e10611 (2010) View
mPGKMouse phosphoglycerate k一遠inase 1 promoterMedium-strength promoter.Gene. 60:65 (1987); PLoS One. 5:e10611 (2010空動) View
hPGKHuman phosphoglycerate kinase 工醫1 promoterMedium-strength promot志知er.PLoS One. 4:e5046 (2009) View
UBCHuman ubiquitin學廠 C promoterWeak promoter.Nucl Acids Res. 24:術自1787 (1996); PLoS One. 5:e10611 (2010) View
注意 : 
  • Some components have different versions媽紅 that differ slightly in s討如equence but are f制數unctionally equivalent說個. VectorBuilder may use dif師拿ferent versions de樹件pending on context.
  • CAG and CBh promo友計ters contain different versions o樹黃f modified chicken β-acti民懂n promoter.
姓名描述Tissue SpecificityCell Type SpecificityReferences序列
NanogMouse nanog prom區筆oterEmbryonic inner cell massPluripotent stem cells such as embr金生yonic stem cellsJ Biol Chem. 280:24731 (2005) View
NesRat nestin intron 2 enhancer fused 草煙to mouse Hsp68 minimal promoterNervous system at embryonic sta雨她geNeural stem/progenitor c光地ellsEur J Neurosci. 9:452下得 (1997); J Neurosci Res. 59:321 (2到這000) View
Tuba1aRat α1A tubulin prom高校oterNervous systems at embryonic and ear友兵ly postnatal stagesDeveloping neurons but not astroc嗎術ytes or oligodendrocytesJ Neurosci. 14:7319 (1994) View
Camk2a(long)Mouse α-calcium-calmodulin depen民做dent kinase II promoter (8 kb)ForebrainCA1 pyramidal cells of嗎在 the hippocampusCell. 81:891 (1995); Cell. 87:1317 (199外農6) View
Camk2a(short)Mouse α-calcium火村-calmodulin dependent kinase II promote呢爸r (1.3 kb)BrainPyramidal neuronsNeuroscience. 161:441 (2009) View
SYN1Human synapsin I promoterBrainMature neuronsMol Ther. 5:509 (2002) View
MIR218Human motor-neuron speci著土fic microRNA-218 promoterSpinal cordMotor neuronsScience. 339:819 (2013); US11642423B2 View
Hb9Mouse Hb9 enhancer fused to mous生船e Hsp68 minimal promoterSpinal cordMotor neuronsExp Neurol. 196:224 (2005); Dev Biol. 283:474 (2005) View
ThMouse tyrosine hydroxylase p紙們romoterBrainDopaminergic neuronsBiochem Biophys Res Commun. 274:5綠路90 (2000); Neurosci Lett. 363:33 (2004) View
Thy1Mouse thymus cell ant醫河igen 1 promoterBrainNeuronsEMBO J. 9:833 (1990); Neuron. 28:41 (2000); Cell Rep. 13:1989 (2015) View
NSERat neuron-specif文快ic enolase promot物明erNervous systemVarious neuronsNeuron. 5:187 (1990); J Mol Neurosci. 8:63(1愛兒997) View
GFAP(long)Human glial fibri舊門llary acidic protein promoter (2.1裡讀 kb)BrainAstrocytesJ Neurosci. 14:1030 (1店吧994) View
GFAP(short)Human glial fibril爸舊lary acidic protein pr唱校omoter (0.68 kb)BrainAstrocytesGlia. 56:481 (2008) View
Iba1Mouse ionized calc刀土ium binding adapt弟線er molecule 1 pr舊窗omoterBrainMicrogliaJ Neurosci Res. 81:357 (2路樂005) View
ProA1Mouse Gnat2 promoterRetinaCone photoreceptorNat Neurosci. 22:1345 (2019); Int J Mol Sci. 笑那21:4197 (2020) View
ProA7Mouse Gnat2 promoter (0.5北熱 kb)RetinaCone photoreceptor in non-human prima看得teNat Neurosci. 22:1345 (2019) View
hRHOHuman rhodopsin pr地拍omoterRetinaRod photoreceptorJ Virol. 81: 11372 (2007快她); eLife. 5: e12242 (2016) View
hBEST1Human bestrophin 1 promo河玩terRetinaRPEHum Mol Genet. 18:128 (2009) View
Grm6A 200-bp enhancer of mGluR6 (mous林草e metabotropic glutamat金筆e receptor 6) fused坐坐 to a basal SV40 promoter (0.4 kb劇日)RetinaON-bipolar cellsJ Neurosci. 28:2空坐008 View
Grm6(short)A 200-bp enhancer of mGlu樂朋R6 (mouse glutamate metabotropic rec門地eptor 6) fused to a 500-bp mGl她可uR6 promoter (0.7 kb)RetinaON-bipolar cellsGene Ther. 23:680 (2016紅內); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119:e21舊音17038119 (2022)綠在 View
Grm6(long)Intron 4, 3, and a 200-bp e資聽nhancer of mGluR6 (mouse glutamate 購風metabotropic receptor 6) fused to明業 a 500-bp mGluR6 promo不民ter (2.2 kb)RetinaON-bipolar cellsGene Ther. 23:680 (2016); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A歌兵. 119:e2117038119 (嗎吧2022) View
PrnpMouse prion protein p線鐵romoterBrain, hippocampus, cerebellum, reti秒不naVarious CNS neu懂術ronsEur J Neurosci. 14:1777 (2001) View
CnpMouse 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-現熱phosphodiesterase promoterNervous systems, testis and thy這看musOligodendrocytes and Schwann 算厭cellsJ Neurosci Res. 53:393 (199靜場8); J Neurosci. 19:759 (1999) View
K14Human keratin 14 promoterEpidermisKeratinocytesGene. 153:297 (1995) View
K19Mouse keratin 19 promoter員物EpidermisKeratinocytesJ Biol Chem. 275:28230 (2000劇長); Genesis. 46:318 (2008) View
BK5Bovine keratin 靜件5 promoterEpidermisKeratinocytesDifferentiation. 58:朋人53 (1994); Oncogene. 19:4243 (2000) View
mTyrMouse tyrosinase promoter and 事秒enhancerEpidermisMelanocytes and 友看melanoma cellsDevelopment. 120:2103 書月(1994); Gene Ther. 1:307 (1994); Int J Mol Sci. 17: 2149 (2016)你關 View
cTnTChicken cardiac troponin T promoterHeartCardiomyocytesAm J Physiol Cell Physiol. 286:C畫習556 (2004); Gene Ther. 18: 熱姐43 (2011); Circ Res. 115:3畫村54 (2014) View
αMHC(long)Mouse α-cardiac my商用osin heavy chain promot身筆er (5.4 kb)HeartCardiomyocytesJ Biol Chem. 266:246拍視13 (1991) View
αMHC(short)Mouse α-cardiac myosin heavy cha內子in promoter (2.8 kb)HeartCardiomyocytesJ Biol Chem. 26藍民6:24613 (1991) View
MyogMouse myogenin prom近喝oterMuscleMyoblastsGenes Dev. 7:1277 (1993) View
ACTA1Human skeletal muscle actin α1 pro慢用moterMuscleMyocytesJ Biol Chem. 268:放麗719 (1993) View
MHCK7Composed of enhancer/promoter regions o她物f murine muscle creatine kinase (MCK)訊他 and enhancer reg也哥ion of α-myosin heavy-chain ge朋計nesMouse skeletal and heart musclesDifferentiated postmitotic striated mu我錯scle cellsMol Ther. 15:320 (2007); Sci Transl Med. 9(418) (2厭村017) View
CK8eMuscle-specific creatine kinase 信大promoter with deletion of poorly c唱讀onserved regionsMouse skeletal and heart muscleDifferentiated postm術秒itotic striated muscle c樂裡ellsMol Ther. 19: 1331 (201明些1); Acta Naturae. 13: 47匠河 (2021) View
SPc5-12Synthetic promoter c5-12 cont的體aining a combination of muscle spec上跳ific transcription factor binding sites謝科 SRE, MEF-1, MEF-2 and TEF-1Mouse skeletal, hear自姐t, and smooth muscleDifferentiated postmitotic striated 對會muscle cellsNat Biotechnol. 17:241 (1999); Acta Naturae. 13:刀文 47 (2021) View
SM22aMouse transgelin (a.k.a. Sm22a) prom腦國oterAdult smooth muscleVascular smooth 低月muscle cellsJ Cell Biol. 132:849 (1996) View
EnSM22aThe chimeric vascular smooth muscle-sp下如ecific enhancer/promoter 廠歌(The rabbit myosi男嗎n heavy-chain enhancer inse了身rted upstream of a truncated mouse SM22厭影a promoter)Adult smooth muscleVascular smooth muscle cellsJ Pharmacol Exp Ther. 329: 775線訊 (2009) View
Runx2Mouse runt related transc了男ription factor 2 pr業麗omoterBoneEarly osteoblastsBiochim Biophys Acta.開秒 1731:95 (2005) View
OCHuman osteocalcin promoter報訊Bone and cartilageOsteoblasts, osteocytes 刀少and hypertrophic鐵城 chondrocytesMol Endocrinol. 11:1695麗書 (1997) View
Col1a1Rat collagen type I α1 promoterBone, tooth and tendonOsteoblasts and fibroblastsJ Bone Miner Res. 9:285 體窗(1994) View
Col2a1Mouse collagen type II α1 promot場機erCartilageChondrocytesGenesis. 45:44 喝要(2007) View
aP2Rat adipocyte P2可志 promoterFatAdipocytesJ Biol Chem. 268:22243 (1993) View
AdipoqMouse adiponectin promoterFatAdipocytesEndocrinology. 151:2933很西 (2010) View
Tie1Mouse tyrosine k分下inase with immunoglob笑錢ulin-like and EGF-like d還樹omains 1 promoterBlood vesselEndothelial cellsJ Cell Sci. 115:207不微5 (2002) View
Cd144Mouse cadherin 5 (a.k.a. VE-Cadherin) 東遠promoterBlood vesselsVascular endothelial cellsDev Dyn. 235:759 (2006)行湖 View
CD68(short)Human CD68 promoter, short, recommen資他ded for in vitro us北信eBloodMonocytes and macrophagesGene Ther. 19:1041 (2012)空議 View
CD68(long)Human CD68 promoter, long窗筆, recommended for in vi玩好vo useBloodMonocytes and macrophagesJ Immunol. 168:3402(2002); Blood. 124:e33 (2什又014) View
CD11bHuman integrin subunit alpha M p畫林romoterBone marrowMature myeloid cell lines (neutrophils,近下 monocytes and macrophages)Blood. 79:865 (1樂大992); Blood. 85:319 (1995) View
AfpMouse α-fetoprotein en飛什hancer II fused with human beta glo拍船bin promoterLiverHepatocytesScience. 235:53 (1987); Mol Cell Biol. 15:4947 (1995) View
AlbMouse albumin promoterLiverMature hepatocytesGenes Dev. 1:268 (1987) View
TBGHuman thyroxine-binding gl謝吃obulin promoterLiverHepatocytesGene. 506:289 (2012) View
TBG+intronHuman alpha-1-mic你報roglobulin/bikunin enhance快高r and thyroxine-binding globuli門些n hybrid promoter fus公讀ed to a chimeric intron (SD s醫腦ite from a human β-數白globin intron and SA site from an immun房白oglobulin heavy chain vari錢他able region intron)LiverHepatocytesJ Biol Chem. 267:20765 (1992); Nat Chem Biol. 17:326 (2021) View
MMTVMouse mammary tumor virus long term公做inal repeat (LTR腦票)Mammary glandDuctal cells of t如鄉he salivary gland, mammary epi近著thelial cellsNucleic Acids Re拍也s. 25:4323 (1997) View
WapMouse whey acidi影科c protein promo見黃terMammary glandAlveolar epithelial cells of mamma能腦ry tissueNucleic Acids Res. 25:4323 (中放1997) View
HIPHuman insulin promoterPancreasβ cellsCell. 52:773 (1998); Proc Natl Acad Sci U 高件S A. 100: 6688 (2003) View
Pdx1Mouse pancreatic and duod大村enal homeobox 1 promoterEmbryonic developing pancrea黑街s and adult pancreatic i坐飛sletsPancreatic progenitor cells and pancre開說atic β cellsDevelopment. 129:2447 (2002) View
Ins2Rat insulin 2 p中從romoterPancreasPancreatic β cellsNature. 315:115 (1985);Nature. 429:41 (2004) View
Hcn4Mouse hyperpolarizati坐坐on-activated cyclic nucleotide-gate快視d K+ 4 promoterEmbryonic heartCardiomyocytesBiochem Biophys Res Commun. 353:67 (200她訊7) View
NPHS2Human podocin prom懂照oterKidneyPodocytesGenesis. 35:39 (2003) View
SPBHuman surfactant protein B也去 promoterLungAT II cells (alveolar type II epi綠什thelial cells) and資光 Clara cells (bronchiolar epithelia和銀l cells)J Biol Chem. 270:24852 (1995); Gene Ther. 14:1461 秒煙(2007) View
CD144Human cadherin 5 (a.k.a. VE-C亮還adherin) promoterLung, heart, ovary, spleen and kidney 場道glomeruliVascular endothelial cellsOncogene. 24:2992 (2005) View
TERTHuman telomerase reverse t吃又ranscriptase promoterTumorImmortalized and cancer c窗制ellsCancer Res. 59:551 (1999); Cancer Res. 60:5359 (2000河志) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
TRETetracycline-responsive element promo為地ter (2nd generation)Regulated by a class of t物小ranscription factors (e.g. tTA, rtTA an書人d tTS) whose activities are depen亮中dent on tetracycline 看器or its analogs (e.g. doxycycline)哥對.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 89:5547 (19南事92); Science. 268:1766 (1995); J Gene Med. 1:4 (1999) View
TRE3GTetracycline-responsive 高那element promoter 相聽(3rd generation)Bound by transactivator Tet3G in th明分e presence of tetracycline 會黑or its analogs (e.g. doxycycline).Gene Ther. 13:1382 (2006) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
GAL1Saccharomyces cerevisiae ga從人lactokinase promoterRepressed in the presence of gluc火答ose; induced in the presence o黑影f galactose.Mol Cell Biol. 不長4:1440 (1984); Nucleic Acids Res. 22:5物錯767 (1994) View
MET17Saccharomyces cerevi還市siae O-acetyl homo區有serine-O-acetyl serine sulfhyd紅事rylase promoter; aka MET2線照5 and MET15Repressed in the pr高身esence of methionine.Mol Gen Genet. 200老笑:407 (1985); Biotechnol Prog. 21:617 (2不自005) View
CUP1Saccharomyces cerevisiae 玩黑metallothionein promoterInduced in the presence of coppe亮黃r.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 81:來玩3332 (1984); Yeast. 16:651 (光對2000) View
AOX1Methanol-induced alcohol oxidase 外不1 promoter from Pichia pastorisMaximally induced during growth on火多 methanol and full靜鐵y repressed during growt一作h on glucose or glycerol.Nucleic Acids Res. 15:3859 (198說月7); J Ind Microbiol Biotech區呢nol. 42:1175 (2015兒讀) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
sCMVSimian cytomegalovirus immediate家票 early enhancer/promoterStrong promoter; Can function in Xenop謝低us, zebrafish, mouse and 照師human.Gene Expr Patterns. 9:54 (文學2009); Biotechnol Lett. 33:1319 (2011)業南 View
bactin2Zebrafish cytoskeleta議醫l beta-actin promoterStrong promoter.Dev Biol. 192:289 (1997) View
UbiZebrafish ubiquitin (ubi) promoterUbiquitous and constitutive pro文資moter.Development. 138:169 (2011) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
CaMV35S(short)Cauliflower mos看站aic virus 35S promote吧廠r (short)Strong constitutive p化雜romoter, drives店電 high-level gene expr看美ession in dicot plants but筆器 is less effective in monocots們子.Nature. 313:810 (1985) View
CaMV35S(long)Cauliflower mosaic virus得到 35S promoter (long市熱)Strong promoter計吃.Biotechnol Lett吧就. 29:1793 (2007) View
CaMV35S(enhanced)A chimeric promoter with the doubled C姐藍aMV 35S enhancer elementStrong promoter.Plant Mol Biol. 國校21:415 (1993); Biotechnol Lett. 29:17店自93 (2007) View
NosAgrobacterium nopaline 輛子synthase promoterWeaker promoter compared to 湖藍CaMV 35S promoter.Nucleic Acids Res. 12:7831 (1984); Plant Cell. 2:225 (1990) View
ZmUbiMaize ubiquitin promoterStrong constitutive promoter, drive和對s high-level gene expressio友購n in monocots.BMC Plant Biol. 14: 327 (2014) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
TEF1Saccharomyces cerevisiae transl時費ation elongation factor EF-1 a匠站lpha promoterStrong promoter.EMBO J. 3:3311 現這(1984); Yeast. 27:955 (2010) View
GPDSaccharomyces cerevisiae glyceral匠著dehyde-3-phosphate dehydroge資美nase promoterStrong promoter.Gene. 32:263 (1984可美) View
ADH1(short)Saccharomyces c志草erevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase 村睡promoterWeak promoter (stronger than ADH1(m睡黑edium) and ADH1(long)).FEMS Microbiol Lett. 121:22腦道9 (1994) View
ADH1(medium)Saccharomyces cerevis票票iae alcohol dehydrog知明enase promoterWeak promoter (st業刀ronger than ADH1(long)).FEMS Microbiol Lett. 121:22知媽9 (1994) View
ADH1(long)Saccharomyces cerevi自低siae alcohol dehydrogena懂著se promoterWeak promoter.FEMS Microbiol Lett. 12睡姐1:229 (1994) View
GAPGlyceraldehydes-3-p黃做hosphate dehydrogenas國工e promoter from Pichia 廠慢pastorisStrong constitutive promoter.Gene. 186:37 (1997); J Ind Microbiol Biotech書土nol. 42:1175 (2015)玩日 View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
actin5CThe distal promoter of花新 cytoskeletal actin 5C gene o來員f Drosophila melanogast公個er, controling s玩低ynthesis of actin in a 音文tissue- and developmental 訊公stage-specific m開友annerStrong promoter Mol Cell Biol. 10:上友6172 (1990); Nucleic Acids Res. 19:5037業光 (1991) View
PolyubiquitinPromoter of pol舞事yubiqutin gene of 做計Drosophila melano路亮gasterStrong promoterMol Cell Biol. 8:4727 (1雜答988); Methods Mol Biol. 62:385年睡 (1997) View
a1tubulinPromoter of α1-tubulin gene of 紙相Drosophila melanogasterMedium-strength p錢司romoterNucleic Acids Res. 19:山木5037 (1991) View
果蠅Pol III啓動子
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
U6-1U6 small nuclear RNA gen科可e promoter U6-1 of Droso慢輛phila melanogasterPol III promoter; drives in畫知termediate expression level of畫煙 small RNAs.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 331:1163 (2家愛005); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:E2967 (20通務14) View
U6-2U6 small nuclea看城r RNA gene promote友草r U6-2 of Drosophila melanogaste刀吃rPol III promoter; drives務們 lowest expression土見 level of small RNAs.Biochem Biophys Res Commu線學n. 331:1163 (2005)行在; Proc Natl Acad 又匠Sci U S A. 111:E2967 (2月店014) View
U6-3U6 small nuclear RNA gene promoter U6-3妹吃 of Drosophila melanogasterPol III promoter; drive藍員s strongest expression level of small 分習RNAs.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 3票腦31:1163 (2005); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S車房 A. 111:E2967 (2014)白物 View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
eft-3C. elegans translation elonga爸要tion factor 1-α pr錢見omoterStrong promoter;是能 drives high levels of gene expression坐遠 in somatic cells.Genes Dev. 14: 2173 (2000) View
pie-1C. elegans pharynx and intestine嗎少 in excess protein 1 pr花紙omoter lacking rep紙新etitive sequencesStrong promoter; drives high level船場s of gene expre還習ssion in all germ cells街視 from the late L1 stage to the adu票到lt stage.Curr Biol. 18:1476 (2008) View
CeU6C. elegans R07E5.16 U6不司 snRNA promoterPol III promoter; drives expressi電風on of small RNAs.Nat Methods. 10: 1火鄉028 (2013); Genetics. 199: 959 (2015) View
姓名描述Tissue SpecificityCell Type Specific森頻ityReferences序列
spe-11C. elegans spermatocyte prot遠妹ein spe-11 promoter/SpermCurr Biol. 18:1476 (2008)區和 View
myo-2C. elegans myosin-2 pr亮刀omoter/Pharyngeal muscle cellsGenetics. 135:38子動5 (1993); Nat Genet. 40:1375 (2008) View
myo-3C. elegans myosin-3 promoter呢還/Body muscle cellsGenetics. 135:385 (1993); Nat Genet. 40:1375靜水 (2008) View
rab-3C. elegans ras-r男志elated protein Rab-3 prom鄉分oterNervous systemPan-neuronalProc Natl Acad Sci U S作低 A. 113: E1074 (2016) View