
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
ORF_StufferAmino acid 2-83 of E. coli be知街ta-galactosidaseCan be used as 了友a negative ORF 藍子control.Designed by VectorBuilder View
姓名描述Application NotesColorStructureMaximum Excitation (nm)Maximum Emission 拍中(nm)Brightness (% of EGFP)References序列
EGFPEnhanced green fluorescent pro學紙tein; codon optimized based on 到體a variant of wil線間d type GFP from the jelly匠美fish Aequorea victo吧說riaCommonly used green fluor腦章escent protein; ranke請請d high in brightness, photostabilit南但y and pH stability amon個要g all fluoresce訊拿nt proteins.GreenMonomer (may form weak dimer如錢)484507100Nucleic Acids Res. 24:4場兒592 (1996) View
NLS-EGFPEGFP with nuclear l員議ocalization signal on both en長頻dsNuclear localizatio要校n.GreenMonomer (may form weak dimer)484507100Engineered by Vecto民城rBuilder View
sfGFPSuperfolder green fluorescent道南 protein from Aequorea victo機看ria; GFP variant S30R, Y39N, N105T, Y1內來45F, I171V and A206VFolds well when fused with友訊 a variety of other polypeptides子朋; fast folding, h這答ighly stable.GreenMonomer (may form we長熱ak dimer)485510160Nat Biotechnol. 24:79 (2006) View
EmGFPEmerald green fluoresc身妹ent protein; variant of EGF舞月P generated by mutagenesis Enhanced photostability and brigh森為tness compared to its predecess老年or EGFP.GreenMonomer (may form weak d房地imer)487509116Methods Cell Biol. 58:19 (1微身999) View
TurboGFPAlso known as maxGFP; gree計那n fluorescent protein from maxil聽船lopodaFast maturation; ranked high in b就新rightness, photostability and pH s市離tability among all flu民件orescent proteins.GreenDimer482502112Mol Biol Evol. 21輛坐:841 (2004) View
hrGFPHumanized recombinant green fluoresce為醫nt protein derived from R子月enilla reniformisLow cytotoxicity.GreenMonomer500506100J Biol Chem. 254:781 (1979) View
d2EGFPDestabilized EGFP商短 due to addition of PEST sequ他兒ence from mouse Odc1 geneFast turnover (fluorescence half l下國ife is 2 hours).GreenMonomer488507100J Biol Chem. 273:34970 (1998) View
ZsGreen1Bright green fluorescent知師 protein derived from a男子 Zoanthus sp. reef coralHigh solubility; bright emission; rap光她id chromophore m視們aturation.GreenTetramer493505250Nat Biotechnol. 17:照化969 (1999); J Histochem Cytochem.又間 55:931 (2007) View
EGFP(S65T)Enhanced green fluorescent protein wit機她h S65T mutationHigher expression in pla老河nt than GFPGreenMonomer (may form weak dimer民窗)484507100Curr Biol. 6:325 (1996) View
mNeonGreenYellow-green fluorescent pr員水otein derived from a t內個etrameric fluorescent protein f技學rom the cephaloch上書ordate Branchiostoma lanceolatu站門mBrightest monomeric gree紙請n or yellow fluorescent protein低湖; superior photostability; go畫筆od acid tolerance; fast maturat醫窗ion; excellent fusion tag for traditi著都onal imaging as well as stocha銀知stic single-molecule su也藍per resolution imaging; 多他can be used for FRET.Green or YellowMonomer506517276Nat Methods. 10:407 (2013) View
VenusVariant of yellow國時 fluorescent pro低習tein (YFP) generated by mutagenesi門科s; YFP is itself a vari服金ant of EGFP generated by mutagene工影sisFast maturation and high toleranc習來e to acidosis and Cl- compared to身工 its predecesso現銀r YFP.YellowMonomer (may form 可喝weak dimer)515528156Nat biotechnol. 20:87 (2002) View
EYFPEnhanced yellow fluorescent p我兒rotein, GFP variant S65G/V68L看白S72A/T203YExcitaton and e匠愛mission are sensit拍湖ive to pH; can be pH吧微 indicator in cyto得她sol and nucleus.YellowMonomer (may form weak dimer)513527150Science. 273: 1392 (1996); Structure. 6:1267 (1998) View
YPetDerived by combi草房ning mutations from Venus and YFP煙報3; all these variants trace their 也還origins to EGFPReduced pH sensitivity but slower foldi謝年ng rate compared to its predecessor Ve兒黃nus; can be used in conjunction with 美公CyPet for FRET applications.厭工YellowMonomer (may form weak dimer術間)517530238Nat Biotechnol. 2錢制3:355 (2005) View
CeruleanImproved ECFPWith improved signal-to-noise ratio; 2.這坐5-fold brighter than ECFP; 白議can be used for FRET.CyanMonomer (may form weak dimer)43347579Nat Biotechnol. 22:445 (2004) View
CyPetVariant of cyan fluorescent protein朋線 (CFP) generated by mu朋土tagenesis; CFP is itself 腦件a variant of EGFP ge行志nerated by mutagenesisImproved protein folding rat也學e compared to i姐站ts predecessor CFP; can be used in con內購junction with Yp行金et for FRET app哥身lications.CyanMonomer (may form 長火weak dimer)43547753Nat Biotechnol. 23:355 (2005) View
AmCyanCyan fluorescent protein var裡術iant derived from Anem費遠onia majano with N34S and K68M muta校飛tionsBrighter than ECFP.CyanTetramer45848931Nat Biotechnol. 17:969 (志靜1999) View
EBFPBlue variant of EGFP 水站generated by muta視窗genesisLow fluorescence and low pho遠少tostability.BlueMonomer (may form weak d但錢imer)38344527Biochem. 46:5904 (2007) View
TagBFPAlso known as mTagBFP; b事西lue variant of TagRFP generat刀理ed by mutagenesisRank high in br愛鐵ightness, photostability and pH stab門他ility among blu鄉話e fluorescent proteins.BlueMonomer (may form wea微小k dimer)40245799Chem Biol. 15:1116 (2008) View
TagBFP2Also known as mTagBFP2; improve在我d variant of TagBFP generated by I174內書A mutationHigher stability and brightness;的還 rapid chromoph什是ore formation.BlueMonomer (may form weak dimer)399454121PLoS One. 6: e28674 (2011麗匠) Ver 1 Ver 2 Ver 3
NLS-TagBFP2TagBFP2 with nuclear localization s木銀ignals on both endsNuclear localization.BlueMonomer (may form weak dimer)時村399454121Engineered by VectorBuilder View
dTomatoDimeric variant of the Discosoma sp白懂. red fluorescent protein (DsRed) gen錯要erated by mutagenes下我isFast maturation but slig小著htly lower brig文城htness compared to its prede行科cessor DsRed.OrangeDimer554581142Nat Biotechnol. 22:1567 (2004) View
tdTomatoTandem dTomato generated by t到服he fusion of two copies dTomat書章o.Exceptionally bright red fluorescen女農t protein; low aggregati離科on and low acid sensi低白tivity.OrangeMonomer (nonaggregating tand書匠em dimer)554581283Nat Biotechnol. 22:1567 (2004) View
NLS-tdTomatotdTomato with nuc還年lear localization 農紅signals on both endsNuclear localization.OrangeMonomer (nonaggregating tandem di懂白mer)554581283Engineered by VectorBuilder View
DsRed_Express2Fast maturing variant of the Discosoma得答 sp. red fluorescent protein件西 (DsRed) generated by m風南utagenesisHigh solubility, fast maturation, redu聽人ced green emission and reduced cyt關喝otoxicity compared to its predec愛物essor DsRed.OrangeTetramer55459172Nat Biotechnol. 20:83 (2002) View
TurboRFPDerived from the sea 開司anemone Entacmaea算人 quadricolorFast maturation; ra謝習nked high in brightness and pH sta窗友bility among red fluorescent proteins.業電OrangeDimer553574187Nat Methods. 4:555 (2007) View
mRFP1Monomeric red fluorescent pr錯劇otein 1; variant of Ds時自Red generated by mutagenesisFast maturation but lower brightne家謝ss compared to its predecess店學or DsRed.RedMonomer58460737Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 校他99:7877 (2002) View
mCherryVariant of mRFP1 generated by m和生utagenesisCommonly used red fluore好理scent protein; fast maturation compa現妹red to its predecessor, 個這mRFP1.RedMonomer58761047Nat Biotechnol. 22:1567 通會(2004) Ver 1 Ver 2
NLS-mCherrymCherry with nuclear localization s用他ignals on both endsNuclear localization.但匠RedMonomer58761047Engineered by VectorBu頻吧ilder View
mApplePhotostable monomeric derivat現山ive of DsRedBrighter than mCherry; c草雪onstant photosta月來bility.RedMonomer568592109Nat Methods. 5:545 (2008) View
mKate2Katushka2 far-red fluo外那rescent proteinFast maturation; high 影到pH-stability and ph湖城otostability; low cytotoxic身為ity; a superior fluorescent tag f愛錯or imaging in living術長 tissues.RedMonomer58863374Biochem J. 418: 567 (2009) View
EGFP+IVSEGFP inserted with 3 synth她計etic intronsInsertion of additional intr男舊on sequences res在雨ults in increased金那 gene expression in C. elegans.GreenMonomer (may form藍習 weak dimer)484507100Curr Biol. 18:1476 (2008) View
EGFP/H2BEGFP fused to histone H2BAllows to be locali離在zed efficiently to chromatin an照河d facilitates detection.紙和GreenMonomer (may form wea兵都k dimer)484507100Curr Biol. 18:1476習去 (2008) View
mCherry+IVSmCherry inserted下對 with 3 synthetic intronsInsertion of additional intr錢內on sequences results in incr森間eased gene expression in C. elegan他照s.RedMonomer58761047Curr Biol. 18:1子電476 (2008) View
mCherry/H2BmCherry fused to 能業histone H2BAllows to be loc器明alized efficiently to chromati通愛n and facilitates detectio習訊n.RedMonomer58761047Curr Biol. 18:14年志76 (2008) View
miRFP670nanoNear-infrared fluorescent protein ev業工olved from cyanobacteriochro外線me photoreceptor NpR3784Small protein exhibited hi生去gh binding efficiency of endogenous bi數弟liverdin chromophore; h務鐵ighly stable to denaturation and個北 degradation and can be used as an int費下ernal protein tag; can be對光 used for FRET.Red645670/Nat Commun. 10:2南畫79 (2019) View
姓名描述Selection DrugUsageApplication NotesReferences序列
NeoNeomycin resistance geneGeneticin (G418)Positive select們這ionAllows cells to be resistant to g為自eneticin (G418).Proc Natl Acad Sci U S開畫 A. 81:6466 (1984) View
PuroPuromycin resistance我業 genePuromycinPositive selectionAllows cells to be resistant t司影o puromycin.Gene. 62:121 (1988) View
HygroHygromycin resistan站知ce geneHygromycin BPositive selectionAllows cells to be resistant to hyg又那romycin B.Gene. 56:117 (1987) Ver 1 Ver 2 Ver 3
BsdBlasticidin resistanc老冷e geneBlasticidinPositive selectionAllows cells to be resistant 開看to blasticidin.Biochim Biophys 新算Acta. 1219:653 (1994) Ver 1 Ver 2
BleoBleomycin resista腦房nce geneBleomycin, phleomyci校話n or Zeocin(TM)Positive selectionAllows cells to 畫兵be resistant to bleomycin, ph姐嗎leomycin or Zeo如紙cin(TM).Somat Cell Mol Genet. 14購上:243 (1988) View
BarPhosphinothricin acetyltr土從ansferase geneGlufosinate (phosphinothric商員in)Positive selectionAllows plant to be resistant to phosp水金hinothricin.Plant Mol Biol.山的 21:871 (1993) View
Neo/KanaNeomycin phosphotransferase II gene匠中G418 or KanamycinPositive selectionAllows plant to be 大件resistant to G418 or Kanamycin.Methods Mol Biol. 44:201 (1995) View
HygroHygromycin resistance geneHygromycin BPositive selectionAllows plant to be resistant to Hyg從工romycin B.Biotechnol Lett. 29:1793 街科(2007) View
注意 : 
  • Some components have di藍自fferent versions t南好hat differ sligh有黑tly in sequence but are functional山關ly equivalent. VectorBui房可lder may use different versions d現去epending on context.
姓名描述InducerApplication NotesReferences序列
FKBP/Casp8FK506-binding protein 12 (with F36V 煙文mutation) fused with human caspase-8個河 protein deleted for 1-房他215 AA and linked to the N-myri喝微stoylation signal from Src kinas舊年eDimerization drug, 熱厭e.g. AP20187Promotes rapid caspase-8 mediated apop房吃totic cell death upon AP2什是0187 induced dimerization of F拍從KBP-12.J Biol Chem. 285: 16632 (2010) View
iCasp9FK506-binding protein 12 (w相唱ith F36V mutation) fused w錯可ith human caspa這做se-9 protein deleted f站能or 1-134 AA and li鄉慢nked to a HA tagDimerization drug, e.g. AP20187Promotes rapid caspase-9 mediat分睡ed apoptotic cell death upon AP2睡著0187 induced dimeriz懂那ation of FKBP-12.Blood. 105:4247 (2低刀005); N Engl J Med. 365低相:1673 (2011); Mol Ther. 26:12外風66 (2018) View
deltaTKTruncated thymidine kinase 東窗that converts gancic一章lovir (GCV) into a報影 toxic metabolite that inhibits DNA syn數機thesisGanciclovir (GCV)Allows cells to be killed by ganc看區iclovir (GCV); can 但新be used in embryo光鄉nic stem cells to genera聽坐te knockout mice 歌城without causing sterilit做鄉y in mice.Genesis. 28:31 (2000) View
CodAE.coli cytosine deaminase that catalyz土討es 5-fluorocytos很從ine into toxic 5-fluorour地還acil5-fluorocytosin通哥e (5FC)Allows cells to be killed by 5-fluor劇線ocytosine (5FC)Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 89:33 (19還金92) View
DTADiphtheria toxin A-Induces cell apo喝報ptosis by inhibiti水個ng EF-2 synthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A火要. 87:9918 (1990) View
DTRSimian diphtheria t樹水oxin receptorDiphtheria toxin 筆房(DT)Cells expressing DTR are sen門什sitive to diphtheria toxin (DT); DTR ca相路n be used for conditional and targ化少eted cell ablation.Cell. 69:1051 (1992遠時) View
peel-1C. elegans peel-1 gene -Ectopic expression of匠錢 peel-1 at later life stages of 黃海C. elegans causes cell d話街eath and lethality.PLoS Biol. 9:e1001115 (村短2011); Nat Methods. 9:117 (2012男下) View
姓名描述熒光Selection DrugApplication NotesReferences序列
EGFP/NeoEGFP fused with NeoGreenGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visualized by green 我化fluorescence and re麗懂sistant to geneticin (G418).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
EGFP/PuroEGFP fused with PuroGreenPuromycinAllows cells to be visuali木做zed by green fluorescence and resistan暗商t to puromycin.Engineered by VectorBu木黑ilder View
EGFP/HygroEGFP fused with HygroGreenHygromycin BAllows cells to be visualized 空市by green fluorescence and resistan到窗t to hygromycin B.Engineered by VectorBuilde吧風r View
EGFP/BsdEGFP fused with BsdGreenBlasticidinAllows cells to be visuali文動zed by green fluoresce化費nce and resistant答笑 to blasticidin.Engineered by VectorBuilder民火 Ver 1 Ver 2
EGFP/BleoEGFP fused with BleoGreenBleomycin, phle道慢omycin or Zeocin(TM)Allows cells to be visualiz嗎大ed by green fluorescence and廠些 resistant to Bleomycin, phleomyc照說in or Zeocin(TM).Engineered by Vec技視torBuilder View
mCherry/NeomCherry fused with NeoRedGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visuali理關zed by red fluorescence a月國nd resistant to geneticin (G418子學).Engineered by VectorBuil南黑der Ver 1 Ver 2
mCherry/PuromCherry fused with PuroRedPuromycinAllows cells to be visualized by red 訊醫fluorescence and resistant to purom拿如ycin.Engineered by VectorBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
mCherry/HygromCherry fused with Hy現身groRedHygromycin BAllows cells to b放哥e visualized by red fl雪冷uorescence and resistant to h村秒ygromycin B.Engineered by VectorBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
mCherry/BsdmCherry fused with 學車BsdRedBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualized by red f吃技luorescence and resistant to blas件關ticidin.Engineered by Vect業玩orBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
mCherry/BleomCherry fused with B冷生leoRedBleomycin, phleomycin or Zeoc媽道in(TM)Allows cells to業秒 be visualized by green flu花訊orescence and res外工istant to Bleomycin, phleomycin or樂光 Zeocin(TM).Engineered by Vect志舊orBuilder View
TagBFP2/NeoTagBFP2 fused with NeoBlueGeneticin (G418要看)Allows cells to來服 be visualized by blue f懂化luorescence and resistant to genetici章場n (G418).Engineered by VectorBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
TagBFP2/PuroTagBFP2 fused with PuroBluePuromycinAllows cells to be visualized從微 by blue fluorescence制票 and resistant to purom錯視ycin.Engineered by Ve友和ctorBuilder View
TagBFP2/HygroTagBFP2 fused with HygroBlueHygromycin BAllows cells to be vis地窗ualized by blue f火會luorescence and resi男器stant to hygromycin B.Engineered by Vect短拿orBuilder View
TagBFP2/BsdTagBFP2 fused with B事拍sdBlueBlasticidinAllows cells to be visuali明男zed by blue fluorescence and resist草鄉ant to blasticidin.Engineered by VectorBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
TagBFP2/BleoTagBFP2 fused with BleoBlueBleomycin, phleom金短ycin or Zeocin(TM)Allows cells to be visualized飛廠 by green fluorescence and resistant 請西to Bleomycin, phleomycin冷上 or Zeocin(TM).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
EGFP:T2A:NeoEGFP and Neo linked by紅如 T2AGreenGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visualized的河 by green fluor讀飛escence and resistan科鐘t to geneticin (G草醫418).Engineered by VectorBuil個低der View
EGFP:T2A:PuroEGFP and Puro li土有nked by T2AGreenPuromycinAllows cells to b動花e visualized by gre月做en fluorescence and resistant to purom畫西ycin.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
EGFP:T2A:HygroEGFP and Hygro li雜校nked by T2AGreenHygromycin BAllows cells to be visual市海ized by green fluorescen還朋ce and resistant to hygromyci笑我n B.Engineered by Vect南靜orBuilder View
EGFP:T2A:BsdEGFP and Bsd linked by T2AGreenBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualized by green遠作 fluorescence and resista裡一nt to blasticidin中市.Engineered by VectorBuilder懂件 View
EGFP:T2A:BleoEGFP and Bleo link事術ed by T2AGreenBleomycin, phleomycin or Zeocin(T門分M)Allows cells to be visu月國alized by green 間民fluorescence and resista影技nt to Bleomycin, ph人森leomycin or Zeocin(TM).Engineered by VectorBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
mCherry:T2A:NeomCherry and Neo linked by相雨 T2ARedGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visualized by 到資red fluorescence and resistant to gene日那ticin (G418).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
mCherry:T2A:PuromCherry and Puro linke長南d by T2ARedPuromycinAllows cells to be visualized by red黑什 fluorescence and r腦書esistant to puromycin.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
mCherry:T2A:HygromCherry and Hygro li體水nked by T2ARedHygromycin BAllows cells to be visualized by red空資 fluorescence and 金裡resistant to hygromycin B.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
mCherry:T2A:BsdmCherry and Bsd linked by T2ARedBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualized by red機電 fluorescence and resistant to著事 blasticidin.Engineered by VectorBuil說暗der View
mCherry:T2A:BleomCherry and Bleo linked by 我外T2ARedBleomycin, phleom理時ycin or Zeocin(TM)Allows cells to be visualized by gre事地en fluorescence and resistant to通工 Bleomycin, phleomycin or Zeocin(知吧TM).Engineered by Vector空林Builder Ver 1 Ver 2
EGFP:P2A:NeoEGFP and Neo linked by P2AGreenGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visualize科就d by green fluorescence and re書著sistant to geneticin (G418).Engineered by VectorBui電一lder View
EGFP:P2A:PuroEGFP and Puro linked by P2AGreenPuromycinAllows cells to be visualized by 書在green fluorescence and resist看玩ant to puromyci制算n.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
EGFP:P2A:HygroEGFP and Hygro linked by P2AGreenHygromycin BAllows cells to be v高匠isualized by green fl湖玩uorescence and resistant習站 to hygromycin B.Engineered by Vecto動呢rBuilder View
EGFP:P2A:BsdEGFP and Bsd linked by P2AGreenBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualized by green地光 fluorescence and resistant to blastic土空idin.Engineered by VectorBu近員ilder View
EGFP:P2A:BleoEGFP and Bleo li很睡nked by P2AGreenBleomycin, phleomycin or Zeo哥內cin(TM)Allows cells to be visualized by gre民線en fluorescence a厭輛nd resistant to Bleomycin, phl對站eomycin or Zeocin長街(TM).Engineered by VectorB農都uilder View
mCherry:P2A:NeomCherry and Neo linked by P2AmCherryGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be筆刀 visualized by mCherry fluorescenc好市e and resistant to geneticin (G418).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
mCherry:P2A:Puro農不mCherry and Pur問黑o linked by P2AmCherryPuromycinAllows cells to be visualized b分子y mCherry fluorescence and resistan生開t to puromycin.Engineered by VectorBuilde電又r View
mCherry:P2A:HygromCherry and Hygro linked by我紅 P2AmCherryHygromycin BAllows cells to be visu分玩alized by mCherry fluorescence and res謝做istant to hygro小謝mycin B.Engineered by Vector影小Builder View
mCherry:P2A:BsdmCherry and Bsd linked by P2AmCherryBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualized外到 by mCherry fluorescen那分ce and resistant to b鄉山lasticidin.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
mCherry:P2A:BleomCherry and Bleo linked by 愛又P2ARedBleomycin, phleomycin or Zeocin(TM)Allows cells to be visualized by gr兒師een fluorescence and resi湖西stant to Bleomycin, phleomycin 吧熱or Zeocin(TM).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
TagBFP2:T2A:NeoTagBFP2 and Neo linked by T2ABlueGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visualized by blue年門 fluorescence and resistant to gen影大eticin (G418).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
TagBFP2:T2A:PuroTagBFP2 and Puro linked by T2ABluePuromycinAllows cells to be v員懂isualized by blue fluorescence and re志土sistant to puromycin.Engineered by Vector都行Builder Ver 1 Ver 2
TagBFP2:T2A:HygroTagBFP2 and Hygro linked by放和 T2ABlueHygromycin BAllows cells to be visualized by blu月靜e fluorescence and resistant to 舊國hygromycin B.Engineered by V海信ectorBuilder Ver 1 Ver 2
TagBFP2:T2A:BsdTagBFP2 and Bsd link可湖ed by T2ABlueBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualized熱長 by blue fluorescence 你城and resistant to blast紙鐵icidin.Engineered by VectorBuilder站我 View
TagBFP2:T2A:BleoTagBFP2 and Bleo 女也linked by T2ABlueBleomycin, phleomycin o拍呢r Zeocin(TM)Allows cells to be visualized by gree國木n fluorescence and resista姐道nt to Bleomycin, 人有phleomycin or Zeocin(TM我錢).Engineered by VectorBui我會lder Ver 1 Ver 2
TagBFP2:P2A:NeoTagBFP2 and Neo linked by P2ABlueGeneticin (G418)兒冷Allows cells to b煙裡e visualized by b坐爸lue fluorescence a吃山nd resistant to genetici話頻n (G418).Engineered by VectorBuil山火der View
TagBFP2:P2A:PuroTagBFP2 and Puro link視又ed by P2ABluePuromycinAllows cells to be visualized by bl你畫ue fluorescence and resistan做河t to puromycin.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
TagBFP2:P2A:HygroTagBFP2 and Hygro linked by P2ABlueHygromycin BAllows cells to b時銀e visualized by blue fluore看白scence and resistant to hygr為開omycin B.Engineered by VectorBui微理lder View
TagBFP2:P2A:BsdTagBFP2 and Bsd link暗這ed by P2ABlueBlasticidinAllows cells to be visualize去熱d by blue fluorescence a就愛nd resistant to blasticidin.Engineered by VectorBuilder View
TagBFP2:P2A:BleoTagBFP2 and Bleo li關低nked by P2ABlueBleomycin, phleomycin or Zeocin(TM)Allows cells to be visuali銀時zed by green fluoresce些白nce and resistant to Bl為錢eomycin, phleomycin or Zeoci媽有n(TM).Engineered by VectorBuilder View
TagBFP2/NeoTagBFP2 fused with NeoBlueGeneticin (G418)Allows cells to be visualized by雜西 blue fluorescence and 媽那resistant to geneticin (G418).Engineered by VectorBuilder
TagBFP2:T2A:PuroTagBFP2 and Puro 風樹linked by T2ABluePuromycinAllows cells to be visualiz吃算ed by blue fluoresce坐媽nce and resistan煙不t to puromycin.Engineered by VectorBuilde匠司r
TagBFP2:T2A:HygroTagBFP2 and Hygro link兵筆ed by T2ABlueHygromycin BAllows cells to be vi公放sualized by blue fluorescence and 門數resistant to hygromycin B.Engineered by Vecto劇笑rBuilder
TagBFP2/BsdTagBFP2 fused with Bs紙喝dBlueBlasticidinAllows cells to be vis近窗ualized by blue fluor我月escence and resistant to blasticidi視什n.Engineered by VectorBuilder
姓名描述Application NotesMaximum Emission (nm)References序列
LuciferaseFirefly luciferase Most commonly used lucifera鄉上se.560Anal Biochem. 175:5 (1988) View
Luc2Humanized firefl物舞y luciferaseCodon optimized to reduce章上 cryptic transcription factor bind都吧ing sites.560Promega Notes. 89:7 (2005) View
MetLucMetridia luciferaseSecreted luciferase that歌房 allows detection in cell culture medi黃見um without lysing cells.480J Biol Chem. 279音去:3212 (2004) View
RlucRenilla luciferaseCan be used as internal嗎懂 control in dual lucif業農erase assay whe頻體n paired with firefly lucifer些海ase.480Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 88:4438內他 (1991) View
NlucNano LuciferaseSmall and super b樂通right; can be used in du女街al luciferase assay when paired 土姐with firefly luciferas媽錯e.460ACS Chem Biol. 7:184友弟8 (2012) View
AequorinCalcium-activated photo美山protein isolated from the h錯木ydromedusan Aequorea victoriaOxidizes coelenterazin金用e (a luciferin molecule) into coelen短說teramide in the presence我唱 of Ca2+, emitting blue light窗機 in the process.465Proc Natl Acad Sci 近外U S A. 82:3154 (1985) View
hRlucHumanized renilla lucifer林師aseCan be used as internal c但問ontrol in dual luci輛笑ferase assay when paired with fire年廠fly luciferase.480Biochemistry. 16:85 (1977); J Biomed Opt. 10:41210 (20黃藍05) View
hRluc/PuroHumanized renilla luciferase車議 fused with puromycin resistance著些 geneCan be used as int電在ernal control in dual 美海luciferase assay when 家人paired with firefly luciferase and all長些ows cells to be resistant to pur海費omycin.480Engineered by Vec刀嗎torBuilder View
注意 : 
  • Luc2, Rluc and Nluc are trad能討emarks of Promega.
姓名描述Application NotesSubstrateColorReferences序列
LacZE. coli beta-galactosidaseHigh sensitivity.X-gal or ONPGBlue (X-gal); yellow (O電志NPG)Microbiol Rev. 49:398 (1985)男外 Ver 1 Ver 2
SEAPHuman secreted embryonic快厭 alkaline phosphataseSecreted protein that allows detec她村tion in cell culture medium without和照 lysing cells.NBT/BCIPPurple-blueGene. 66:1 (1988)喝店 View
GUSPlusA synthetic gusA gene based on t大月he sequence from船我 Staphylococcus sp.舞工, with a catalase i化著ntron inserted into服影 the coding seq答了uence to prevent視刀 expression in bacterial cellsA reporter to investigate gene transfer路吃 from Agrobacteri相刀um to plants; produces a GUS pro吃子tein detectable in recipient pl她玩ant.X-GlucBlueNature. 433:629 (2005) View
注意 : 
  • Some components have differe門黑nt versions that d計電iffer slightly in sequence but 水訊are functionally eq煙放uivalent. VectorBuilder may use dif友村ferent versions depending on context.
  • GUSPlus contains an intron s議房o that its leng跳林th is not multiple of 3.
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
pHluorin2Enhanced, ratiometric, pH-sen答醫sitive green florescent proteinHas a bimodal excitation我問 spectrum with peaks at 3我我95 and 475 nm and an emissio理門n maximum at 509 nm; upon acidifi東都cation, it has a dose-depe煙到ndent decrease in the excitation at 3東相95 nm with a corresponding increase 低學in the excitation at 475 nm; it has a r技麗eversible excita城城tion ratio change between pH 5.資慢4~8.4.Nature. 394:192 (1998計車); Adv Biosci Biotechnol. 2:132 (2友地011); Front Plant Sci. 4:523 (2013) View
Superecliptic-pHl他校uorinRed-shifted ecliptic pHluorin that遠熱 is excited strongly by blue light什照 at neutral pH but mi湖什nimal fluorescence at acidic 計書pHDisplays a reversible 道綠excitation ratio change between pH 6.5~音科8.0.Biophys J. 79:2199 (2000); Front Plant Sci. 4:5現好23 (2013) View
mt-mKeimaMonomeric dual-excitation 廠離Keima protein derived地匠 from stony coral M離空ontipora by numerous cycles of sem我謝i-random mutagenesis; fus下生ed with a tandem 吧關repeat of mitochondria-target土老ing sequences from 志報COX VIIILocalizes to th喝時e mitochondrial matrix for the detec小子tion of mitophag歌弟y using reporter colo區吧r change. The excitation 年金wavelength of the 算吃mKeima fluorescent p的錢rotein is determined by the pH of算制 the environment,西白 with an excitation wavelength ce暗高ntered at 440 nm at n答藍eutral pH and an excitation o讀村f 586 nm at an acidic pH. The emiss畫人ion wavelength of Keima is identi些山cal at either pH and peaks m車唱aximally at 620 nm輛她. Chem Biol.18:1042 聽我(2011); Nat Protoc.12:1576 (2她器017) View
姓名描述Application NotesTarget SitesReferences序列
GAL4Gal4 can bind to the galactose upstr科黑eam activating sequence快妹 (UAS) to activate downstre機中am genes expression師遠Gal4 can bind to the promoters which be見家ar the galactose upstream activatin東民g sequence (UAS員拿), then activate downs媽腦tream genes expression.UASDevelopment. 118:401 (199黃地3) View
Gal4/VP16Yeast transcription activ河黃ator protein Gal4 DNA binding do校風main fused to VP16 transactivat花術ion domainGal4 can bind to UAS銀章 to activate downstr個她eam gene transcription; 南城this fusion protein of Gal4 a爸去nd VP16 can strongly activate gene ex林站pression in zebrafish東匠.UASDev Biol. 233:329 (2001) View
VP16VP16 transcriptional acti姐我vator domain encoded by HSVActivates gene expression, commonly use開著d with other DNA binding proteins.Cell. 149:1447 (2012) View
VP64Tetrameric repeat區熱 of the minimal activ雪醫ation domain of VP16Strongly activates gene 件答expression, commonly used with other D自讀NA binding protein可唱s.Proc Natl Acad 劇亮Sci U S A. 95: 14628 (1998); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.劇冷 97: 1495 (2000) View
scFv(GCN4)-sfGFP-GB1-VP6東地4Anti-GCN4 single chain variable 件分fragment (scFv) antibody f姐對used to superfolder-GFP (sfGFP拿廠) with a GB1 solubility ta日關g and VP64 transcriptional activat拿靜or domainEncodes a fusion protein consisting身技 of GCN4 antibody飛家, sfGFP and VP64; t腦跳ightly binds to個街 GCN4 peptide arrays (SunTag).服兵SunTagCell. 159: 635 (2014) View
KRABKrüppel-associated box 中間domain from human gene ZNF10Inhibits gene exp睡門ression, commonly used with oth銀校er DNA binding 看醫proteins.Proc Natl Acad Sci明暗 U S A. 91:4509 (19關村94); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S 信金A. 97: 1495 (200不弟0) View
MS2/P65/HSF1Fusion protein of MS2 bacteriophage coa科我t protein, NF-kappaB t師厭rans-activating subunit p理歌65 and human heat-shoc坐站k factor 1 activation 外少domainThrough MS2 binding to gRNA tetr南跳aloop and stem-loop 2, p65 and HSF1 are時子 recruited to gRNA ta我低rget site and activate transcrip拿算tion.EMBO J. 12:595 (1993); PLoS Biol. 7:e73 (2009); Redox Biol. 2:535 (2014制做) Ver 1 Ver 2
CymRCymR repressorCan bind to cumate operator (C報看uO) sequences i森制n the absence of cumate and blocks tr微森ascription. When cuma上店te is added, CymR preferent木兵ially binds to it to al愛熱low transcription to proceed.CuOBMC Biotechnol. 6民請:43(2006) View
CymR_NLSCymR repressor with nuclear localizatio物少n signal on both endsCan bind to cuma湖吃te operator (CuO) sequenc還制es in the absence of cumate an我呢d blocks trascription. When cum樂知ate is added, CymR preferential銀微ly binds to it to allow transcr業兒iption to procee近道d.CuOBMC Biotechnol. 6:43(2006); Engineered by VectorBuil又林der View
LacI:T2A:NeoLac repressor an家的d neomycin resistance gene lin信件ked by T2AAllows cells to e好船xpress LacI protein and be resist海吃ant to neomycin. In the absence of IPTG長照, LacI binds to lac operator (LacO) 他少to repress transcription of downstr跳醫eam genes or small 和弟RNAs. In the presence of IPTG, LacI空務 undergoes a conformational change and街腦 is no longer able to bind to L河秒acO, thus allowing downstream錯學 genes or small車藍 RNAs to be transcribed.LacOEngineered by Ve一從ctorBuilder View
LacI:T2A:PuroLac repressor and puromycin re山文sistance gene linked 老間by T2AAllows cells to express LacI protein a秒業nd be resistant to puromycin. In t是這he absence of IPTG, LacI binds t煙員o lac operator (LacO) to r照自epress transcription of d山厭ownstream genes or small RNAs. In the放時 presence of IPTG, LacI undergoes 友我a conformational資飛 change and is no longer able to 美男bind to LacO, thus allowing d路如ownstream genes or s長照mall RNAs to be transcribed.LacOEngineered by VectorBuil資為der View
LacI:T2A:HygroLac repressor and hygromycin resistan吧火ce gene linked by T2AAllows cells to ex的紅press LacI protein and be r拿器esistant to hygromycin. In the absenc分亮e of IPTG, LacI binds to 得男lac operator (LacO) to 中飛repress transcription of down員空stream genes or small RNAs. In t鄉暗he presence of IPTG, LacI undergoes a 冷和conformational change and is no l弟亮onger able to bind to LacO, thus a我站llowing downstream genes章數 or small RNAs to be transcribed.LacOEngineered by VectorBuilder View
LacI:T2A:BsdLac repressor an兵事d blasticidin resista拿人nce gene linked by T2AAllows cells to express LacI protein 會習and be resistant to blasticidin. I北車n the absence of IPTG體腦, LacI binds to lac operator (LacO) 信體to repress transcription of downstream 很劇genes or small RNAs. In the presence用麗 of IPTG, LacI undergoes a 照放conformational cha什錢nge and is no longe服報r able to bind to LacO, thus湖懂 allowing downstream genes or sma拍行ll RNAs to be transcribed.LacOEngineered by Vecto樹爸rBuilder View
姓名描述Application Notes錢事References序列
hM3D(Gq)A modified form o舞火f human Gq-coup是唱led M3 muscarinic receptor, belon睡高ging to a class of chemogeneti行兵c receptors called designer rece裡開ptors exclusively 紅音activated by de地女signer drugs (DREADD)Allows engagement 體事of the Gq signaling pathway in the pres紙他ence of the synthetic 做費ligand clozapin樂業e-N-oxide (CNO), leading to in可志tracellular calcium ion re房鐘lease and enhance都嗎d neuronal excitation.Proc Natl Acad Sc學師i U S A. 104:5163 習場(2007) View
hM4D(Gi)A modified form of human Gi不輛-coupled M4 musca森街rinic receptor, belongin但朋g to a class of哥服 chemogenetic rece身離ptors called designer receptors exclus自遠ively activated by des她報igner drugs (DREADD)Allows engagement of the Gi si愛喝gnaling pathway in 些空the presence of the synthetic ligand雜術 clozapine-N-oxide (CN冷我O), leading to po信章tassium ion influx and decr近個eased neuronal firing rate音靜s.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104:51離車63 (2007) View
姓名描述Application NotesTarget SitesReferences序列
tTATetracycline transactivatorIt binds to TRE promoter小能 to activate gene transcription on著師ly in the absence of tetracyclin拿現e or its analogs (e.g. doxycycline).TREProc Natl Acad Sci U S A.的秒 89:5547 (1992) View
tTA2Tetracycline transactivator (2nd gen厭哥eration)It binds to TRE pro文山moter to activate higher-level gene藍弟 transcription in the absen低街ce of tetracycline or its 什放analogs (e.g. doxycycline) 音票compared to its predec計章essor, tTA.TREProc Natl Acad Sci U 時制S A. 97:7963 (2000) View
rtTAReverse tetracycline responsive 人窗transcriptional 城輛activator M2 (2nd generation)她相It binds to TRE promoter to activate g站唱ene transcription only in 拿線the presence of tetracycline o亮拍r its analogs (e.g. doxycycline). It h冷時as higher sensitivity to坐謝 the inducing drug 個低and lower leaky activity in the坐風 absence of the drug刀請 compared to its pre行章decessor, rtTA.TREScience. 268:1766 (1995); Proc Natl Acad Sci U 鄉村S A. 97:7963 (2000) View
tTSTetracycline transcriptional s工答ilencerIt binds to TRE promoter to active了離ly suppress gene transcription only坐她 in the absence of tetrac喝大ycline or its anal技刀ogs (e.g. doxycycline)如紅.TREJ Gene Med. 1:4 (199睡業9) View
tTS/rtTAtTS and rtTA_M2 l數煙inked by T2AIn the absence of tetracycl城請ine or its analogs 雨還(e.g. doxycycline), tTS 坐就binds to TRE promoter t看下o actively suppress gene transcripti件相on whereas rtTA_M2 is unable to時醫 bind to TRE promoter. 答們In the presence of the inducing dr章習ug, tTS dissociates from女購 TRE promoter whereas rtTA_M2 binds t放姐o TRE promoter to activate內動 gene transcription. Compared to us刀風ing rtTA_M2 alone, which do吧了es not provide act村森ive repression, t都到his system has 女呢lower leaky expression in 他理the absence of the inducing drug.TREEngineered by VectorB廠黑uilder based on Semin Cell Dev Biol.相歌 13:121 (2002) View
Tet3G3rd generation tet 報懂regulatory protein師中It binds to TRE3G promoter to acti如笑vate gene transcription 路鄉in the presence of tetracycline or its 影技analogs (e.g. doxycl水生ine).TRE3GGene Ther. 13:1382 (2006) View
姓名描述Application NotesTarget SitesReferences序列
CreCyclization recombi車煙nase with SV40 nuclear loca線用lization signalMost commonly used site-specific 金區recombinaseLoxP and its var影笑iants (e.g. LoxN, Lox2272購問, Lox511, Lox66, Lox71)Nucleic Acids Re近的s. 32:6086 (2004); Nat Methods. 10:1028 (2013) Ver 1 Ver 2
InCreCre with SV40 T-antigen金還 intron inserted i來能n the ORFPrevents recombinas空著e expression in E. coli whi大理le maintaining funct離湖ion in mammalian cells.LoxP and its variants (e.g. L去商oxN, Lox2272, Lox511, Lox66, Lox71)Engineered by Ve很市ctorBuilder View
FlpoMouse codon-optimized ve工她rsion of Flpe recombinase 綠慢with SV40 nuclear lo舊又calization signalHigher efficiency com友老pared to its predece自飛ssor, Flpe, in mammalian cells.FRT and its variants (e.g. FRT3, 船腦FRT5)PLoS One. 2:e162 (2007會這); Genesis. 48:512 (2010)作通 View
InFlpoFlpo with SV40 T-南謝antigen intron inserted in 如她the ORFPrevents recombinase expression in E. 生事coli while maintaining functi內多on in mammalian cells.能房FRT and its variant低微s (e.g. FRT3, F空用RT5)Engineered by VectorBuilder View
DreDre RecombinaseA highly efficient site子我-specific recombinas事信e similar to Cre, but recog厭看nizing different target s計空ites. Rox and its varian哥輛ts (e.g. Rox4R, Ro放房x6R, Rox2N )Nucleic Acids Res. 32:6086 (2004)靜話 View
InDreDre with SV40 T錯歌-antigen intron inserted in the ORFPrevents recombinase expression in E他熱.coli while maintaining照務 function in mammalian cells.Rox and its varian要務ts (e.g. Rox4R, Rox6R,術雪 Rox2N )Engineered by VectorBuild明玩er View
PBaseNative piggyBac transposase 明著from Trichoplusia niRecognizes the two T拿化Rs on the piggyBac tra煙站nsposon and inserts the微話 flanked region in光又cluding the two TRs i鐵朋nto host chromosomal sites that conta懂器in the TTAA sequence through a precise 冷妹cut-and-paste mechanism.PiggyBac inverted terminal re哥跳peat (ITR)Virology. 172:156 (1989); Cell. 122:473 (筆票2005); Nat Genet. 39:922 有亮(2007) View
hyPBaseHyperactive vers刀中ion of piggyBac transposase (P作雜Base) created by mutag務報enesisHigher efficiency compared to its prede不音cessor, PBase, in mammalian 能好cells.PiggyBac invertet terminal repeat (IT村子R)Proc Natl Acad Sci U在習 S A. 108:1531 (2011) View
hyPBase (R372A/K375A/D450都議N)Excision competent/integration defect師西ive piggyBac transposase w刀計ith R372A, K375A and D450N 到理mutationsAllows piggyBac transposon excision wit事道hout potentially harmful reintegration著坐.PiggyBac inverted terminal repeat (個山ITR)Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110:E快快2279 (2013); J Biol Chem. 292: 6148 (2017) View
Tol2Transposase encoded fr見你om Tol2 transposo哥區n, a member of hAT transposab河街le element family found in med歌文aka fish genomeCatalyzes the transposi線志tion of a non-autono司音mous Tol2 construct很商 (a construct containing a de照河letion in the transposase coding r我光egion but retaining the Tol2 e長資nds.)Tol2 invertet terminal repeat (I暗外TR)PLoS Genet. 2:e169 (2006); Gene. 425:64 (200慢頻8); Methods Mol Biol. 5愛業61:41 (2009) View
SB100XHyperactive variant of Sleep謝林ing Beauty transposaseApproximately 100-fold higher 學大efficiency compa日生red to the firs信懂t-generation Slee樂快ping Beauty transposase.Enables robust理風, stable gene tr學妹ansfer in vertebrates.Inverted/direct repe樂河ats (IR/DR) of Sleeping Be黑如auty transposonNat Genet. 41:753 (2009) View
Mos1Drosophila Mos1 transpos照地ase inserted with an synth學知etic intronRecognizes the two TRs o兵友n the Mos1 transposon and inserts th站事e flanked region including th煙章e two TRs into host chromosom在理al sites that contain the TA sequen現習ce through a pr下樹ecise cut-and-pas刀化te mechanism.Inverted/direct repeats (IR/DR)書購 of Mos1 transposonTrends Genet. 15:326南知 (1999); Nat Methods. 9:117 (2012) View
姓名描述Application NotesTarget SitesReferences序列
CreERT2Cyclization recombinas匠放e fused with ERT2Functions in th數黑e presence of tamo子匠xifenLoxP and its var要用iants (e.g. LoxN, L體關ox2272, Lox511, L校議ox66, Lox71)Proc Natl Acad Sc市女i U S A. 104:1027 (2007知短) View
DD-CreDestabilized cycli些弟zation recombinaseFunctions in the presence民動 of trimethoprimLoxP and its variants (e.g. LoxN,綠那 Lox2272, Lox511, Lox66鐘知, Lox71)Nat Methods. 10:1085 (2013) View
姓名描述Application NotesPAM SequenceReferences序列
zCas9Zebrafish codon-opt她時imized version of S. pyogenes C報男as9 with SV40 large 銀山T-antigen nuclear localizati場笑on signals (nls) at both 黃技its amino and carboxyl ter日時miniGenerates double-strand DNA br海在eaks.NGG (preferred); NAG (less舊技 preferred)Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110: 13904 (201友白3) View
hCas9Human codon-optimized CRISPR ass現鄉ociated protein 9 from Stre話關ptococcus pyogen玩習es (with 3xFLAG tag and nuclea妹志r localization signal), als兵雪o known as SpCas9Generates double-strand DN舞可A breaks.NGG (preferred); NAG (less她影 preferred)Science. 339:819 (2013) View
Cas9(D10A)Human codon-optimized CRISP我作R associated protein 9 wi時化th D10A mutation, HA tag 化腦and nuclear localization s廠話ignalNickase; generates 5' overhan師妹g; can induce NHEJ with pa個去ired offset gRNAs;化費 reduced off-targe靜和t effect.NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferred)Cell. 154: 1380 (2013)上又 View
dCas9Catalytically inactive Cas9, a v你綠ariant of Cas9 線下bearing both D10A a數照nd H840A mutationsCatalytically inactive but can 什秒be recruited by gRNAs to tar子畫get sites; can be公家 fused to other prot腦地eins to direct them to specif黃友ic genomic locations (e.家飛g. dCas9 fused with transcriptiona也水l activators or represso問生rs can lead to 議知activation or repressio司下n of target genes).NGG (preferred); 在農NAG (less preferre關議d)Nat Biotechnol. 32: 347 (201物信4) View
dCas9/VP64dCas9 fused with 服的a VP64 acidic transactivation domain答讀Used for RNA-guided transcri是輛ptional activationNGG (preferred); NAG (less preferred)Proc Natl Acad Sci U S銀業 A. 97:1495 (2000); Nat Methods. 10:973 (2013) View
dCas9/VPRdCas9 fused with a tripart樂山ite VP64-p65-Rta (VPR) transactivat議理ion domainUsed for RNA-guided 內鐵transcriptional activation.NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferred)Nat Methods. 12:326 (2015) View
dCas9/KRABdCas9 fused with a KR習我AB transcriptional s器能ilencing domainUsed for RNA-guided t美訊ranscriptional repressionNGG (preferred); NAG (less preferre近爸d)Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97:1理人495 (2000); Cell. 159:647 (2014) View
dCas9/KRAB/MeCP2dCas9 fused with a carboxy termin土理al bipartite repressor domain,站照 KRAB-MeCP2Efficiently suppresses gene transcript相書ion by physically blocking RNA polyme弟跳rase passage by dCas9 and furth女數er transcriptional inhibition by the KR個說AB-MeCP2 repressor domain.NGG (preferred); NAG (less pref老黑erred)Cell. 88:471 (1997); Nat Methods. 15:611 (2018) View
dCas9-10xGCN4_v4dCas9 with SV40 large T-antig白放en nuclear localization signa西那ls (nls) at both its amino and carboxy店電l termini, fused to an optimi鄉秒zed GCN4 antibody-pe數男ptide pair (containing v4 version 影商of the GCN4 peptide array with 10 copie影雜s of the peptide b些又inding site, also know as SunTag10x事訊_v4)Modulates transcription of endogenou事通s genes by recruitment of紙少 multiple copies of regulatory市照 effector domains to g長要enomic sites of interest tar你音geted by dCas9 prot友事ein via binding of scFv a為舞ntibody to a GCN4 repeating peptide ar醫如ray termed SunTag. NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferred腦區)Cell. 159: 635 (2014) View
SpCas9-HF1High-fidelity variant o上爸f SpCas9Designed to reduce non服你-specific DNA contacts; fewer off-t話醫arget cuts.NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferre睡都d)Nature. 529:490 (2016) View
eSpCas9Enhanced specificity SpCas9 variantLow off-target effects and 船刀robust on-target cleav吃習age.NGG (preferred); NAG (less prefer些但red)Science. 351:84 (2016) View
BE3rAPOBEC–XTEN–Cas9_D飛醫10A–UGI (rat cytidine deam空店inase enzyme fused wit得老h Cas9_D10A and uracil DNA g友舞lycosylase inhibitor v在分ia an XTEN linker)Converts cytosine (C) to uracil (U) 山哥between the 4th and 8th bases of 問城the sgRNA binding site, t月這argeting the nonbindin票志g strand. The modifie窗木d base can be permanently con視我verted to thymine 中農(T) following DNA 去業replication or repair.NGG (preferred); NAG (less pr樹書eferred)Nature. 533:420 (2016); Nat Methods. 14:710 (2017) View
Cas12aAlso known as C分購pf1; single RNA-guided endonuc說文lease of a class 2 CRISP紙去R-Cas system from Acida區外minococcus, human codon-optimi件著zed, and linked to an HA tag得章 and nuclear localization signalCleaves DNA via a staggered DNA do服很uble strand break. Able to process its 姐紙own CRISPR RNA (crRNA), which c來員an simplify multiplexed genome editin市少g.TTTNCell. 163:759 (2015);Nat Biotechnol. 35:31 (2017) View
Cas9/mSAhCas9 fused with monomeric streptavidi弟姐nUsed for efficient generation of 雨花targeted large insertions吧間 using biotinylated re金費pair templates.NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferred行議)Biotechnol Bioeng. 110:57 (2013); Nat Biotechnol. 36:632 (2018)件街 View
SaCas9Staphylococcus a城工ureus CRISPR associ為購ated protein 9 with HA t海煙ag and nuclear loc雜銀alization signalShorter sequenc的吃e; especially useful in vector見船 systems that have limited cargo sp我路ace (e.g. AAV vectors).NNGRR; NNGRRT(preferred)Nature. 520:186 (2015) View
hCas9:T2A:NeohCas9 and neomycin resistance gene l見厭inked by T2AAllows cells to expr師為ess hCas9 protein and be resist訊吃ant to neomycin.NGG (preferred); NAG (less prefer刀窗red)Engineered by VectorBuilder View
hCas9:T2A:PurohCas9 and puromy和討cin resistance gene linked by T2AAllows cells to exp城愛ress hCas9 protein and be resista腦大nt to puromycin.NGG (preferred); NAG (le吧問ss preferred)Engineered by Vecto木雜rBuilder View
hCas9:T2A:HygrohCas9 and hygromycin resistance g議書ene linked by T2AAllows cells to日車 express hCas9 的視protein and be resistant to hygromyci都鐘n B.NGG (preferred); NAG (less 鐵大preferred)Engineered by Vector微男Builder View
hCas9:T2A:BsdhCas9 and blasticidin resistance g場報ene linked by T2AAllows cells to express hCas9 pr請飛otein and be resistant to blast費刀icidin.NGG (preferred); NAG (less pre廠物ferred)Engineered by VectorBuilder View
hCas9:P2A:EGFPhCas9 and EGFP linked by P2AAllows cells to express hCas可綠9 protein and be visualized by green f身輛luorescence.NGG (preferred); NAG (less pr藍歌eferred)Engineered by VectorBuil弟公der View
hCas9:P2A:mCherr請問yhCas9 and mCherry linked b嗎問y P2AAllows cells to ex冷電press hCas9 protein and家討 be visualized by red fluorescen鄉服ce.NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferr媽下ed)Engineered by VectorBuilder View
DmCas9Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)現東 codon-optimized CR門區ISPR associated protein 9 with nucl光通ear localization s有風ignalGenerates double-s子時trand DNA breaks.NGG (preferred); NAG (less preferre高機d)Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:E2967 (體有2014) View
CjCas9A small Cas9 orthologue derived from Ca姐黑mpylobacter jeju兒銀ni with a carboxy terminal 看說nuclear localization sig都空nal and HA tagShorter sequenc理山e; especially usefu冷日l in vector systems that 一工have limited cargo 化雪space (e.g. AAV vectors).NNNNR(A/G)Y(C/T)AC; NNNNAC我村AC (most preferred)Nat Commun. 8:14500 (2017) View
CeCas9S. pyogenes Cas9 codon-optimized fo東用r C. elegans, containing mul站土tiple synthetic introns, a carbo店妹xy terminal nuclear localization筆匠 signal, and an HA t舊街agGenerates double-strand DNA 議妹breaks.NGG (preferred); N朋小AG (less preferred)Nat Methods. 10到子:1028 (2013) View
姓名描述Application Note見睡sReferences序列
SV40-TSimian virus 40 large很麗 T antigen Capable of induc鄉著ing mlignant transformation of a varie雪個ty of cell types; can森哥 be used to immortal公歌ize primary cells.J Virol. 64:3350 (1990) View
hHRASHomo sapiens Ras pr問做oto-oncogene. Belongs to the R放她as family of small GTPa老路ses, whose members are腦嗎 related to the transforming ge制下nes of mammalian sarc樂多oma retrovirusesMutations and overexp兵場ression of this gene can induce tran到自sformation of a variet快人y of cell types.Nature. 304:596 (1983); Genes Dev.15:50 (2001); Oncogene. 21:4577 (2002錯知) View
hTERTHomo sapiens telomerase reverse tr低年anscriptase gene. Plays 都她an improtant role in cellular se很海nescence, and d拿小eregulation of telomerase ex嗎生pression in somatic cells ma習山y be involved in 了秒oncogenesisCapable of inducing transformation of討見 a variety of cells, and筆湖 can be used to immorta音行lize primary human cells.Genes Dev.15:50 (2001); Cancer Res. 61:3556 (20商明01); Oncogene. 21:4577 (2002); PLoS Pathog.9:e1003284 (2013)動如 View
Ad5E1AHuman adenovirus type 5 北朋E1A protein geneCapable of inducing cellular tra姐看nsformation. Can be used通在 to immortalize various primary cells.訊很Hum Gene Ther.11:2105 (200數爸0); J Virol. 91:e01782 (2016) View
HPV16E6Human papillomavirus type 1笑白6 transforming p間少rotein E6 geneCapable of inducing ce吃讀llular transformation. Can b民吧e used to immor暗外talize various primary cells.頻們EMBO J.8:3905 (1989); Mol Cell J Virol. 65:4860 (1991); Biol. 24:2144 (2004) View
HPV16E7Human papillomavirus type 16為算 transforming prote習麗in E7 geneCapable of induci東個ng cellular transformation紅子. Can be used to immo有員rtalize various primary務器 cells.J. Gen. Virol. 70:1261 (1989); EMBO J.8:3905 (1989); J Virol.81:12689 (2007) View
hTP53(V143A)Homo sapiens tu睡還mor suppressor p53 gene with a V143A m綠黃utationCan be used to induce maligant tran文筆sformation of a variety of cells.看廠Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96:84低厭38 (1999) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
ChR2Human codon-opt會雜imized channelrho從藍dopsin-2 from Chlamydomo中我nas reinhardtii, a blue light-gated歌又, cation-selective transmembrane cha村子nnel protein. It ra頻動pidly undergoes co來科nformational change upon a吧弟bsorbing photons to op音答en channel permeable to cations (Na+, K購站+, H+, Ca2+, etc.)Can activate excita術到ble cells (such as neurons, 坐關muscle cells, pancreatic cells, a數什nd immune cells) by indu了化cting depolarization of the cell mem遠知brane upon blue light s道房timulation; rapid ON-分北rate and modera飛熱te channel closing rate; max化鄉imum excitation is 470 nm.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100:1394機森0 (2003); Nature. 446:633 (2007); Exp Physiol.96:19 (2011) View
ChR2/mCherryChR2 fused with如黃 mCherry by GCGGCCGCCmCherry can mark cellular localiz西鐘ation of ChR2; maximum excitation 業個of ChR2 is 470 nm; ma關子ximum excitation a門玩nd emission of mCher醫妹ry are 587 nm and 610 nm, r子體espectively.Nature. 446:633 (2007) View
ChR2/EYFPChR2 fused with EYFP by GCGGCCGCCEYFP can mark cellular 綠現localization of ChR2; maxi鐵山mum excitation of ChR2 is 4風讀70 nm; maximum ex女鐵citation and emission of EYFP上還 are 513 nm and 527 nm, respe請綠ctively.Nature. 446:633 (2007) View
ChR2(H134R)A gain-of-function mutant (H134R) of 日男human codon-optimize呢是d channelrhodopsin-2 from Chlamyd都還omonas reinhardtiiCompared to ChR2文話, it has increased l從司ight sensitivity, slower channel closin生拿g rate, enhanced statio家煙nary phtocurrent and modest reduct都車ion in desensitis玩紅ation, but it is l山民ess temporally 黑了precise; maximum excitation is 分報470 nm.Curr Biol. 15:2279 (2005); Exp Physiol. 96:1愛視9 (2011) View
ChR2(H134R)/mCherryChR2(H134R) fused with mCherry b嗎金y GCGGCCGCCmCherry can mark cellular loc姐學alization of ChR2_H134R; maximum exci照喝tation of ChR2_H134R is 470 nm;靜體 maximum excitation and 雜做emission of mCherry are 587 nm a市內nd 610 nm, respe妹影ctively.Nature. 446:633 (樹答2007) View
ChR2(H134R)/EYFPChR2(H134R) fused with EYFP by G風跳CGGCCGCCEYFP can mark cellular localiz熱很ation of ChR2_H1子飛34R; maximum excitation of ChR2_H134動對R is 470 nm; maximum excitat刀雪ion and emission of EYF國慢P are 513 nm and 雜土527 nm, respectively.Nature. 446:633 (2007) View
eNpHR2.0/EYFPEnhanced Halorhodopsin from N草慢atronomonas pharaonis (NpHR) which間小 is fused with EYFP. NpHR is a fast 劇身light-activated electrogenic Cl- pump.視子 There is an nAChR-derived signa筆視l peptide tagged to the N-terminal of 話綠NpHR, and a Kir2.1-derived ER 笑機export signal peptide tagged 技場to the C-terminal of EYFP to facilitate厭從 cell surface expres謝如sion of NpHRLight activation of Np頻風HR leads to cell hyperpolarization a關媽nd inhibition of fir業姐ing action pote鄉也ntials; increased peak photocurrent co費司mpared to origin亮和al NpHR; no aggreg裡朋ation; low cellular toxi爸影city; maximum excitation is 580 nm; max通了imum excitation and emission of EY門土FP are 513 nm and 527 nm, resp票報ectively.Nature. 446:633 冷的(2007); Brain Cell Biol. 36:129 年日(2008) View
eNpHR3.0/EYFPThird generation of Halorh紅一odopsin from Natronomonas pharao在市nis (NpHR) which is fused w鐘兒ith EYFP. NpHR is a fast從拍 light-activated electrogenic Cl地男- pump. There is an nAChR-derived sign農看al peptide tagged to the森光 N-terminal of EYFP房還, and a Kir2.1-derived ER export 校票signal peptide tag關用ged to the C-te日風rminal of EYFP to facilitate c們輛ell surface expression of 雨票NpHRLight activation 人要of NpHR leads to cell hyperpolariz醫醫ation and inhibitio務員n of firing action potent做個ials; increased peak photocur個花rent compared to origi刀身nal NpHR; no aggregation; low cellular的錯 toxicity; maximum exci為花tation is 580 nm; maxim秒近um excitation an時吃d emission of EYFP are 513 時信nm and 527 nm, respectivel跳視y.Front Behav Neur看藍osci. 9: 286. (鄉照2015) View
eNpHR3.0/mCherryThird generation of Halorhodopsin f子村rom Natronomonas pha街章raonis (NpHR) whic麗愛h is fused with mCherry. NpHR is a厭錢 fast light-activated ele看男ctrogenic Cl- pump弟訊. There is an nAChR-derived signal pep靜快tide tagged to the那時 N-terminal of mCherr短還y, and a Kir2.1-derived弟畫 ER export signal pept從空ide tagged to th會開e C-terminal of mC音土herry to facilitate cell 下可surface expression of NpHR妹小Light activation of NpHR lead開做s to cell hyperpo電術larization and inhibition of firing a人能ction potentials; increased pea會妹k photocurrent compared to o北放riginal NpHR; no aggre哥火gation; low cellular t南西oxicity; maximum excitation is 580 時窗nm; maximum excitation and emission 坐喝of mCherry are 587 nm and 610 nm, res男去pectively.Unpublished, provided by Karl D兵雪eisseroth through the UNC vecto現海r core View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
GCaMP6sVariant of green fluorescent 厭農calcium indicator 請從GCaMP6 with slow ki志筆netics, ultrasensitive sensor of f為在ree calciumRise time: 100-150 ms, Kd = 144 nM; 老自Most sensitiveNature. 499:295 街制(2013); Cell Calcium. 58:638 (來亮2015) View
GCaMP6mVariant of green 湖技fluorescent calcium indicator GCaMP6 w窗光ith medium kinetics, ultr老錢asensitive sensor of fre暗章e calciumRise time: 74-100 ms, Kd = 167 nMNature. 499:295 (20但草13); Cell Calcium. 58:6公生38 (2015) View
GCaMP6fVariant of green fluorescent calcium in媽新dicator GCaMP6 with fast kinetics, u懂亮ltrasensitive sensor of free calcium務文Rise time: 50-75 ms, Kd = 375 nM; Fast問遠estNature. 499:295 (2呢錢013); Cell Calcium. 58:638 (2015) View
jGCaMP7sVariant of the green fluores就相cent protein-based calci近地um indicator GCaMP7 with slo綠也w kinetics; ultrasensitive senso議了r of free calciumHalf-rise time: 70±2 ms, Kd = 68 nM; Mo習我st sensitiveNat Methods. 16:649 (2019) View
jGCaMP7fVariant of the green fluorescent pr習吧otein-based calcium indicator GCaMP7 w飛舊ith fast kinetics; ultrasens們化itive sensor of free calciumHalf-rise time: 75±1 ms, Kd = 174 中制nM; FastestNat Methods. 16:649 (2019大報) View
jGCaMP7bVariant of the green fl機友uorescent protein-ba音明sed calcium indica謝文tor GCaMP7 with bri為坐ghter baseline fluorescence; ultr城海asensitive sensor of fr金微ee calciumHalf-rise time:市中 80±1 ms, Kd = 82 nM; BrightestNat Methods. 16:649 (201唱員9) View
jGCaMP7cVariant of the green f外聽luorescent protein-based醫高 calcium indicator用公 GCaMP7 which offers high contrast 他男with low baseline fluor微美escence; ultrasensitive sen工跳sor of free calci錢長umHalf-rise time: 85±3 ms, Kd = 29弟小8 nM; High contrastNat Methods. 16:649 (2懂和019) View
jGCaMP8sVariant of the gre看城en fluorescent protein-based calcium 北靜indicator GCaMP8 with the high業快est sensitivity, sui弟拍table for in vivo ima秒子gingHalf-rise time: 10.2±0東雪.9 ms, Kd = 46±1 nM; Fast rise, slo朋輛w decay, most sensitive.Nature. 615:884 輛熱(2023) View
jGCaMP8mVariant of the green f什秒luorescent protein-based calcium i視數ndicator GCaMP8 with medium sens水看itivity and kinetics, suitab一計le for in vivo imagingHalf-rise time: 7.4±0.6 ms, Kd = 10讀上8±3 nM; Fast rise, me藍計dium decay, moderate s門路ensitivity.Nature. 615:884 (習民2023) View
jGCaMP8fVariant of the green fl亮內uorescent protein-based calcium in舊司dicator GCaMP8 with the fastest kine市件tics and lower sensitivity, suitable f謝討or in vivo imagingHalf-rise time: 6.6±1 ms, Kd = 3睡資34±18 nM; Fast ris南河e, fast decay.Nature. 615:884 (2023) View
姓名描述Auxotrophic ComplementationApplication NotesReferences序列
URA3Orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase黑來 from the yeast Saccharomy玩北ces cerevisiaeUracil and uridineAllows yeast lacking en明暗dogenous URA3 g藍家ene to survive without urac暗在il and uridine.Mol Gen Genet. 197:345 (1984章有); Genetics. 122:19 (1989) View
TRP1Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomer暗玩ase TRP1 from the yeast Sacchar裡視omyces cerevisiaeTryptophanAllows yeast lac女黃king endogenous TRP1 gene to survive wi去視thout tryptophan.Genetics. 122:19 (19學西89) View
HIS3Imidazoleglycerol-報妹phosphate dehydratase from the yeast 低車Saccharomyces cerevisia農放eHistidineAllows yeast lacking 相西endogenous HIS3 gene to survive開件 without histidine.Genetics. 122:19 (1989) View
LEU23-isopropylmalate dehydrogena知體se from the yeast拍相 Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLeucineAllows yeast lacking endogenous LEU2舊高 gene to survive without leu師快cine.Genetics. 122:19 (1989) View
姓名描述Application NotesReferences序列
hMYCHomo sapiens c-myc proto-oncogene線銀. Belongs to myelocytomatosis (M快木yc) family of transcri子麗ption factors. Play綠船s a role in cell cyc兒請le procession, apotosis and cellu舊了lar transformationMutations, overexpre書計ssion, rearrangement and translocat開金ion of this gene can induce transform村務ation or immortaliza呢動tion of a variety of ce年河ll types.Nature. 306:194 (198月作3); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S 工暗A. 97:11198 (2000); Cancer Res. 65:21民從79 (2005); Mol Cancer Res. 5:1181 (2007); J Virol.81:12689 (2007市現) View
hOct4Homo sapiens Oct湖冷-4 gene. Encodes工遠 a transcription factor鄉能 containing a POU homeodoma拿謝in that plays a key role in emb開算ryonic development and stem ce得麗ll pluripotency. Aberrant expres間理sion in adult tissues is asso生愛ciated with tumorigenesis.Required for the maintenance 民哥of stem cell pro又們perties and malignant電樂 progression in various cancers. Can be路購 used to reprogram a v愛但ariety of cell types.Cell Research. 12:321 (2002); Science. 318:19請月17 (2007); J Stem Cells Regen Med. 6:149 (20機內10); DNA Cell Biol. 36:1000 (2017) View
hSOX2Homo sapiens transcript了員ion factor SOX-2 gen冷輛e. Belongs to the S師報RY-related HMG-box (說長SOX) family of transcription fa光對ctors, which is involved in t理哥he regulation of embryonic developme湖唱nt and in the determina裡低tion of cell fateRequired for the ma志事intenance of stem cell propert電得ies and malignant p匠腦rogression in variou些校s cancers. Can be used to reprogra說為m a variety of cell types.Science. 318:1917 (20中些07); J Stem Cells Regen Med. 6:149 (吧動2010); DNA Cell Biol. 36:1000 (2017)都相 View
mMycMus musculus my現街c proto-oncogene. Belongs秒飛 to myelocytomatosis (Myc) family用視 of transcription 如新factors. Plays a role in cell近如 cycle procession, apotosis and ce能老llular transform會水ationMutations, overex快男pression, rearra木還ngement and translocation of this 討司gene can induce transforma唱線tion or immortaliza報醫tion of a variety of cell types.Cell. 39:339 (1984); Nature. 320:760 (1986); Mol Cell Biol. 7:3899 (1987); Cell. 126:663 (2006); Nature. 451:141 (2008) View
mPou5f1Mus musculus Oct-4 gen影文e. Encodes a transc短件ription factor containing a PO有著U homeodomain that plays a key role in農司 embryonic development and stem cell pl水知uripotency.Required for the maintenance of stem c務視ell properties. Can be use請金d to reprogram a variety of c都新ell types.Cell. 126:663 (2006); Nature. 448:318 (2007); Nature. 451:141 (2008) View
mSox2Mus musculus transcrip呢謝tion factor SOX-跳友2 gene. Belongs to the SRY-r媽低elated HMG-box (白鐵SOX) family of transcription妹老 factors, which is involved in the關藍 regulation of embryo章河nic development 街林and in the determination 白姐of cell fateRequired for the 來暗maintenance of stem cell properties. C放子an be used to reprogram a variet動電y of cell types.Cell. 126:663 (2006); Nature. 448:318 (2007); Nature. 451:141 (2008) View
hNanogHomo sapiens nanog homeobox 就匠gene. Encodes a DNA-binding homeobo好河x-family transcription fac河理tor involved in embryonic st務房em (ES) cell proliferation, re金他newal, and pluripotency.Required for the maint拍外enance of stem ce著你ll properties and malignant 兒喝progression in various cancers. Can bl吧城ock ES cell differ微分entiation, autorepress its 月北own expression in differentiating ce視爸lls, and can be used to re書電program a variety of cell ty笑問pes.Science. 318:1917 (2007); J Stem Cells Regen M醫視ed. 6:149 (2010); Mol Cell Biochem. 351:109 通南(2011); DNA Cell Biol. 36對章:1000 (2017) View
mNanogMus musculus nanog homeobox ge她海ne. Encodes a DNA-binding homeobo和街x-family transcription factor invo草你lved in embryonic stem (ES) cell pro友日liferation, renewal, and plu東線ripotency.Required for the mainten花機ance of stem cell properties. Can bl樂女ock ES cell differentiation, auto數現repress its own expression in 朋國differentiating cells煙什, and can be used to reprog影坐ram a variety of cell types.Cell. 113:631 (2003); Nature. 448:318 (2007) View
hKLF4Homo sapiens Kruppel-li商鄉ke factor 4 (Klf4) gene. Belong生低s to the relatively large family of SP見的1-like transcrip能視tion factors and i但吃s involved in the 林區regulation of proliferation,一線 differentiatio花他n, apoptosis and somatic c樂跳ell reprogramming.Required for the main微事tenance of stem cell properties錢用. It can prevents ES cell d校我ifferentiation a草書nd maintains ES cell self-renew公地al and pluripotency.計資 Can be used to reprogra現站m a variety of cell types山鐵. Can function as e要時ither an oncogene or a家刀 tumor suppressor de工了pending on differing cel森可lular contexts and cancer types.兒從J Biol Chem. 28商和5:9180 (2010); Nat Commun. 9:1261 (2018) View
mKlf4Mouse Kruppel-like factor要秒 (Klf4) gene. Belongs to the r票相elatively large 內多family of SP1-like transcription fac章女tors and is involved i好相n the regulation of prolife是電ration, differentia國鐵tion, apoptosis and soma外們tic cell reprogramming.Required for the 時房maintenance of stem cel慢村l properties. It can prevents ES ce坐技ll differentiation and maintains ES ce煙雪ll self-renewal and p關離luripotency. Can be used to答麗 reprogram a variety of cell type可生s. Can function as either an o土謝ncogene or a tumor s林可uppressor depending on請新 differing cellu的暗lar contexts and cancer types.J Biol Chem. 285:9180 (短問2010); Gene. 611: 27 (2017); Nat Commun. 9:1261 (2018) View
hLIN28AHuman lin-28 hom視章olog A gene. Enco來問des a LIN-28 family RNA-飛門binding protein that acts as a posttr男你anscriptional reg靜友ulator of genes involved in development他媽, self-renewal of embryonic s木低tem cells and metabol學秒ism. Overexpressed in hum河為an embryonic stem cells, primary h玩服uman tumors and human ca從制ncer cell lines.It is dispensable 弟腦for maintaining pluripotenc技信y. Regulate the self-renewal of ste舞市m cells. Can be u外弟sed to promote efficient reprogra空中mming of a variety of 靜畫cell types. Enhances tissue repair i雨車n some adult tissues by reprogramm謝輛ing cellular bioenergetics. Pro店爸motes the expression of some m綠湖etabolic enzymes. Can regula麗請te glucose homeostasis in mamm民舞als and promote resistance 高東to high fat diet-induced會就 obesity and type 2 diabetes.Cell. 155: 778 (我亮2013); Cell Stem Cell. 19:66 (2016) View
mLin28Mouse lin-28 homolog A gene. En知城codes a LIN-28 family RNA-b市計inding protein that acts as a posttran讀放scriptional regulat校火or of genes involved in develo林話pment, self-renewal of emb影雨ryonic stem cells and metabolism. 放都Highly expressed in mouse embryonic 內森stem cells and during 懂有early embryogenesis.It is dispensable的書 for maintaining pluripotency. Can b藍亮e used to promote efficient reprogra們男mming of a variety厭林 of cell types. Regulate the 場制self-renewal of stem木城 cells. Overexpression門嗎 in mice can caus電林e gigantism and a delay in puberty ons議算et. Enhances tissue repair in some 離嗎adult tissues by rep木冷rogramming cellular bioenerget河車ics. Can promotes the expression of 睡雨some metabolic e家些nzymes. Can regulate glucose homeostas愛唱is in mammals and pro問到mote resistance to high fat diet-in為刀duced obesity and type 2裡冷 diabetes.Cell. 155: 778 (2013); Cell Stem Cell. 19:66 (2016) View
hESRRBHuman estrogen-relate章城d-receptor β gene. Encodes a member of村金 the nuclear orphan receptor family tha草現t is involved in 生信early development, pluripotency and 鄉都reprogramming.Activates Oct4 tran弟快scription and sustains self-rene的去wal and pluripo說靜tency in embryonic stem cells. Can 窗愛be used to reprogram a variety of c喝船ell types.J Biol Chem. 283:35825 (劇房2008); FEBS Lett. 592:雜體852 (2018); J Cell Physiol. 233:1601 (2018)化道 View
mEsrrbMouse estrogen-related-r河錢eceptor β gene. Encodes a member of業謝 the nuclear orphan 樂多receptor family 看算that is involved 湖北in early developme內雪nt, pluripotency and r個線eprogramming.Activates Oct4 trans雨訊cription and sustains self-renewal他錢 and pluripotency in embryoni喝鐵c stem cells. Can be used村討 to reprogram a variety of ce微日ll types.J Biol Chem. 283:35825 (2008); FEBS Lett. 592:852 志暗(2018); J Cell Physiol. 233:1601 (2018) View
mOSKMA combination of four 行相reprogramming factor genes (裡城mouse Oct3/4, Sox2, Kl報木f4 and c‐Myc) linked by件視 three 2A “self-cleaving” peptides. 服做Involved in repro工笑gramming, or generation 歌煙of induced pluripotent stem (iPS花輛) cells. Their expressio朋開n commonly increase商火s in metastatic cancers. Required for the maintenan高黑ce of stem cell pr熱嗎operties. It can prevents ES cell動報 differentiation and maintains ES cell 了光self-renewal and我頻 pluripotency. Can be used to reprogram市志 both embryonic and adult somatic cel光器ls.Stem Cells Int. 2016去了:9451492 (2016); Biochim Biophys Act議算a Mol Cell Res. 18了分64:1359 (2017) View
hOSKMA combination of f匠樂our reprogramming factor gen制術es (human Oct4, Sox2, Klf風理4 and c‐Myc) linked by three 2A “self-靜他cleaving” peptides. Involved in reprog拍微ramming, or genera南船tion of induced信樂 pluripotent stem (iPS林廠) cells. Their expression commonly in理紅creases in metastatic cancers.Required for the maintenance of ste愛廠m cell properties. I著地t can prevents ES cell differentiati黃拍on and maintains ES cel紅員l self-renewal and pluripotency. Can 如都be used to reprogram both embr放樹yonic and adult soma家紙tic cells.Stem Cells Int. 2低兒016:9451492 (20兵兒16); Stem Cells Int. 2019: 1393791 (能科2019) View