

  • Two years ago, 土雜when another CRO was struggling通外 to provide the requested clones t作亮hat I ordered, I月會 reached out to Vector Builder to tr藍火y to make them for me. Very 兒見difficult clones to 吧見make due to many repeats of amino ac白什ids. They got the clon友睡es done for me 可廠with no issues and very quickly. I秒愛 have been using Vector Buil音就der since then. Along 家做with this, working with Alejandro 兵樂Izurieta (California Territo請快ry Manager) has been great. He 很銀is knowledgeable, and professio熱微nal promptly answers my reques公師t and is courteous. I rely on him to學體 get the service that I need fro生學m Vector Builder done. He is just wond哥山erful!

    Irena Levin

    Takeda (California), USA

  • 與雲舟生物的合作相當棒!mRNA作爲當今的熱門疫苗技術,大量被(水內bèi)用于多種(zhǒng)傳西要染性和非傳染性疾病的預防和治療。雲舟生物的Daniel Men器子g研發(fā)團隊爲我快速搭建了樹輛一個IVT mRNA CRO平台,通過(guò)與他們的緊密合作我們科少共同開(kāi)發(fā)了針對(du樹校ì)HIV和流感的mRNA疫苗。他們的科學(xué)專業性與問題信和解決能(néng)力讓我印象深刻。雲舟生物再一次向(xiàn間廠g)我證明他們是值得信賴的合作夥伴。

    Dr. Caijun Sun


  • Before using VectorBuilder, produci對信ng lentiviral overe從也xpression vecto報如rs for our in vitro models was 快些a recurring and t車術ime-consuming enterpris高多e. We faced frequent challenges i吃海n every experimental step, which m好女ade it difficult to村有 plan the actual experiments. Setti長姐ng up the process with Vect紅開orBuilder was very efficient, thanks對來 to their great expertise and suppor得熱t. Once we started using 河靜VectorBuilder's services, we noticed a 林黑substantial inc裡物rease in productivity as通的 well as a more un來見iform and predictable transd紙月uction pattern of our target cel暗做ls.

    We went on to use Ve答好ctorBuilder for a 地麗large-scale CRISPR sc友和reen with a custom library 答去spanning over 1,600 gen校用es. With the provided virus, we wer校紅e able to easily ma書弟intain cell representatio歌公n and we derived a numbe銀廠r of interesting hit g歌秒enes, which we are道人 excited to follow up on慢黑. A big thank you to請都 the entire VectorBuilder 討音Team!

    Dominic Schmid

    University of Basel



  • Lis R et al.

    Nature. 545: 439 (2017)

    Conversion of adult 道暗endothelium to immunocompetent haem街學atopoietic stem cells.

  • Thomas CA et al.

    Cell Stem Cell. 21: 319 (2017)

    Modeling of TREX1-Dependent Autoi光空mmune Disease using Human Stem Cells Hi說習ghlights L1 Accumulation子坐 as a Source of Neuroinflammation.

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