

  • VectorBuilder is an intuitive tool to少業 help your need in deve女她loping vectors at an affordable 什都price. I was in need of a CRISP男西R Lentiviral syste議愛m with a Puro selectio個她n due to working 物那with delicate cells th說歌at cannot handle FACS sortin海河g pressures. With their online interfac司多e, it was easy to construct the vec男討tor I wanted and re術能ceived the vector in a timely 草志manner! It was simple to produce virus 海道and test it in our cell cultur南拿e and had good knockdown clones. 器自I definitely wil通刀l be ordering more vectors from西問 Cyagen to finish up my t樂長hesis!

    Christophe Langouet-Astrie

    University of Colorado, Denver

  • I have been consistently usin化這g VectorBuilder店愛 over the last couple years and have b兵哥een extremely satisfied with機房 the vectors delivere遠腦d to me. These include standar匠多d over-expression vect個說ors, and Cas9 vectors on piggybac錯制 backbone. All of the vectors I have p要微urchased so far 河好have passed my QC and pro微煙vided reproducible func錢制tional data.

    Daksh Thaper

    Vancouver Prostate Centre, Can拿放ada

  • I have been successf嗎老ully cloning for商一 3+ years, but the last time we tr兒窗ied generating KO ce照子ll lines with CRISPR/Cas讀服9 vectors, we w雜花ere not successful. This was upse地物tting, especiall音請y since I invested a lot of tim從街e in these efforts. Then, 購志by chance, I attende哥不d one of VectorBuilder's seminars. D木什ue to their reasonable pri店還ces and the fact I土答 could focus my time on other work,學小 we decided to giv廠樂e their lentiviral (分嗎dual gRNA) Cas9 plasmid a try. The tu光城rnaround time was re信熱asonable, their cus日能tomer service was excellent數著 and they actually gave feedback abou子玩t the status of 慢術my cloning projects. Thei離下r website is also easy to use. But most可空 importantly: using the習廠ir Cas9 dual gRNA vector, I was able to successfully gene章相rate KO cell lines! 

    I recommend VectorBuilder t她鐘o CRISPRCas9 us可睡ers without any hesitation. 

    Anna Salamero Boix

    Georg-Speyer-Haus Frankfur鐵近t, Germany

  • We applied CRISPR cas9 nickase in ou吃遠r study. VectorBuilder he我飛lped us design the g司唱RNAs and construct數錯 plasmids with double gRNAs and double農車 selection markers (EGFP/puromycin). 木人The gRNA specifici遠上ty is quite good, better than av舞鐘ailable online design tools. We got t自年he knockout cell lines關間 in the first run of electroporation wi匠你th no off-target event分鐵s. I would recommend Vect媽放orBuilder to CRISPR cas9黑謝 users.

    Jie Qin

    University Clinic Cologne, Germa黃生ny

  • VectorBuilder is an int裡個uitive tool for deve放光loping vectors at affordable錢會 prices. I was i明物n need of a CRISPR lent吃路iviral system with a 新見Puro selection cassette du匠金e to working with delicate cell朋草s that cannot handle FACS sor和市ting pressures. With市市 their online interface下近, it was easy to construct the vector 不笑I wanted and received the vector in a河讀 timely manner! It was simple to好身 produce virus and test it in什制 our cell culture and generat制高ed clonal cells with good gene月黃 knockdown. I d我化efinitely will be ordering more vect技議ors from VectorBuilder to finish up近在 my thesis!VectorBuilder 術章is an intuitive tool fo紅鐵r developing vectors at affor山筆dable prices. I was in 少票need of a CRISPR lentiviral system 好錯with a Puro selection照章 cassette due to working with delicate做黃 cells that cannot handle FAC理土S sorting pressures. With their他筆 online interface, it was easy to cons又聽truct the vector長員 I wanted and received the vector 體日in a timely manner! It為姐 was simple to produce virus and 愛靜test it in our cell culture and gen土話erated clonal cells w小木ith good gene knockdown. I definit了科ely will be orde但靜ring more vectors from V讀關ectorBuilder to finish up my thesi技熱s!

    Christophe Langouet-Astrie

    University of Colorado計跳, USA

  • I recently met one of t這拍he VectorBuilder product sp不風ecialist during AAI-2019 行做meeting at San D河體iego Convention Center. Her n森友ame is Dr. Swati Roy, and 一們she provided me excellent infor做訊mation regarding their pro上女ducts and vector designs. And 秒離then, we recently pu錢是rchased CRISPR Cas9 dua業白l gRNA vector. Now, we a大也re ordering few 鐵看more plasmid vectors. As per my exp近黑eriences, VectorBuilder custom司友er services are excellent 下通and user-friendly. The動們 VectorBuilder product prices are 子鐵reasonable.I recen刀見tly met one of the VectorBuilder produc弟朋t specialist during 新和AAI-2019 meeting at San Diego C化老onvention Center. Her 些那name is Dr. Swati Roy, and she provided熱都 me excellent information regarding t都市heir products and vector 費站designs. And then, we r雪跳ecently purchased CRIS窗冷PR Cas9 dual gRNA vector. Now, we a裡銀re ordering few more plasmid vec習坐tors. As per my experience這去s, VectorBuilder cu老年stomer services are excellent and user-白快friendly. The VectorBuilder訊中 product prices are reasonable.

    Shahanshah Khan

    UT Southwestern Medical C見的enter, USA

  • Before using VectorBuilder, producing 黑遠lentiviral overexpression vec姐畫tors for our in vi從文tro models was a re兒一curring and time-consuming看不 enterprise. We faced frequ男市ent challenges in every e湖文xperimental step, which made it diffi頻兒cult to plan the actual ex兒做periments. Setting up民冷 the process with 訊火VectorBuilder was very efficient, than光那ks to their great expertise and suppo低日rt. Once we started using Vector子見Builder's services, 兒煙we noticed a substantial i紙嗎ncrease in produ討懂ctivity as well 舞訊as a more uniform and predictable tra鐘跳nsduction pattern of 議房our target cells.

    We went on to use VectorBuilder for a熱間 large-scale CR見朋ISPR screen with a custom li懂能brary spanning over 1,600 gen可廠es. With the provided virus, we 黃了were able to easily maintain cel空間l representatio個年n and we derived a 線很number of intere村美sting hit genes黑相, which we are excited to follo喝冷w up on. A big 音文thank you to the entire Vect飛南orBuilder Team!們計

    Dominic Schmid

    University of Basel



  • Lis R et al.

    Nature. 545: 439 (2017)

    Conversion of adult end術技othelium to immunocompetent h議制aematopoietic stem ce話小lls.

  • Thomas CA et al.

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    Modeling of TREX1-Dependent Autoimmun那音e Disease using Human村電 Stem Cells Highlights L化裡1 Accumulation as a Sou煙高rce of Neuroinflamm白微ation.

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